Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh75 - Gift

Emotions surged within him, and Ji Xingchen no longer concealed his dual physical and psychological desire for Ran Feng.

An unspoken answer was about to emerge, but Ran Feng lifted his lips slightly and deliberately lowered his voice, whispering into his ear, “What are you preparing to give me?” vughck

The tone was ambiguous and seductive, the warmth of his breath lightly brushing against the sensitive skin of his ear, causing a tingling sensation.

The seductive allure made Ji Xingchen completely lose his composure.

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Regardless of how straightforward his words had been before, or how bold his actions, the blush on his cheeks and the slightly stiff spine now exposed his shyness and nervousness.

Two emotions intermingled on Ji Xingchen’s face, and after seeing this, Ran Feng found his expression incredibly adorable, unable to resist using his fingertips to lift his chin and gently pinch it. nuKbyG

The skin of his chin tingles from the pinch, and Ji Xingchen rubbed Ran Feng’s fingers before speaking again, “I’ve placed it on the bed. Do you… do you want to see it?”

He looked straight at Ran Feng, fluttering his eyelashes innocently. His eyes filled with profound affection, silently enticing and inviting.

Ran Feng’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, and a few seconds later, he uttered a single word.



The two quickly arrived at the edge of the huge, soft double bed. Ji Xingchen took off his slippers and climbed onto the bed, kneeling on the blanket.

Ran Feng stood by the bed, embracing his head and lowering his forehead to touch Ji Xingchen’s.

“Wait for me a moment, I’ll take a shower first, then I’ll unwrap the gift later.”

Ji Xingchen couldn’t resist Ran Feng’s hoarse voice and nodded in agreement. GPhti3

As he watched Ran Feng enter the bathroom, the spacious room suddenly fell silent.

Shortly after, the ambiguous sound of water came from the bathroom, and the thought of what might happen next made Ji Xingchen’s heart beat faster.

He lay back in his place, eagerly and nervously watching the door of the bathroom.

After Ran Feng lazily wrapped himself in a bathrobe and emerged from the door, the first thing he saw was Ji Xingchen staring at him intently. NoveE9

He leaned down and pecked Ji Xingchen’s cheek, unable to help but smile, “Looking at me like this makes me want to kiss you hard.”

Having just showered, Ran Feng carried a faint scent of shower gel on his body.

Ji Xingchen found the scent very pleasant and proactively took his hand, rubbing his flushed cheeks and dry lips against it.

From the palm to the back of the hand, his cheeks were visibly warmer, and it felt much more comfortable against the other’s warm skin. rYi Mf

The familiar scent of shower gel lingered around his nose, and Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but extend his tongue, and licked Ran Feng’s palm.

Ran Feng, who had been composed, suddenly became flustered.

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“Brother Feng.” Ji Xingchen looked up after teasing him. His beautiful eyes were filled with the image of the other, innocently and naively asking, “Do you want to see the gift?”

This sentence was more of a rhetorical question than an actual inquiry. oHLZiD

Because as soon as he finished the last word, he took the initiative to grab Ran Feng’s hand and reach under the pillow.

Ran Feng, following Ji Xingchen’s lead, retrieved a poetry collection from under the pillow.

He had seen a similar poetry collection before, the first time he and Ji Xingchen stayed together in a hotel after a concert.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The author’s name was signed as “Durex.” wd3OHg

Ejc Mfcu bqfcfv atf qbfags mbiifmalbc jcv oilqqfv vlgfmais ab atf flutat qjuf.

Yynlberis, Al Wlcumtfc tjv rffc atlr qjuf yfobgf yfmjerf tf tjv qijmfv j “ybbxwjgx” lcrlvf.

Ktf “ybbxwjgx” mbnfgfv atf abq ofk ilcfr bo atf qbfw, yea gfnfjifv atf ijra obeg ilcfr:

“Ktf frrfcmf bo tewjc qjlgr lr mifjg—
A spacious room, but they draw near,
In close embrace, their love sincere,
Mwah~” gVvYmr

Ran Feng picked up the “bookmark” and looked down at Ji Xingchen, his shallow gaze darkening suddenly.

“When did you prepare this?”

Ji Xingchen dared not look at him, avoiding eye contact.

“Just… during the days when you were away.” Tudcs0

Ran Feng smirked, chuckling softly, as he lightly rubbed Ji Xingchen’s nape with his fingertips, his voice bewitching, “During that time, were you missing me?”

Ran Feng’s actions and words made Ji Xingchen shiver from his nape to his spine, and his fair neck blushed accordingly.

Overflowing with the desire stirred up by the teasing, he felt embarrassed and buried his head into the pillow.

Ran Feng didn’t let him hide. His right hand immediately inserted into Ji Xingchen’s still damp hair, forcing him to turn and face him, “What were you thinking?” ose Rk

Ji Xingchen closed his eyes, not daring to tell Brother Feng how he had been thinking about him.

With no response from Ji Xingchen, Ran Feng simply flipped him over, holding his head, forcing him onto his back.

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After a moment of dizziness, Ji Xingchen found his hands pinned forcefully at his sides by Ran Feng, and his lips, which had been closed, were pried open.

Ran Feng’s agile tongue darted in, constantly enticing Ji Xingchen to respond. oOZ3Ul

Ji Xingchen, like a wave following the current, followed Ran Feng’s rhythm, continuously taking the initiative to deepen the kiss.

This soft and long kiss left Ji Xingchen completely limp on the bed.

An intense kiss is the most effective aphrodisiac. When Ji Xingchen and Ran Feng parted, their pajamas had somehow been rolled up high.

At this moment, Ran Feng was about to strip off his pants. BsHm61

Ji Xingchen’s brain felt a bit starved of oxygen, but he still subconsciously wanted to stop Ran Feng’s actions.

Unfortunately, his movements were slow.

With no pajamas to cover them, the skin of his slender legs was completely exposed to the chilly air.

Along with his skin, his little secrets and thoughts were also exposed. LJta38

Ran Feng’s breath became visibly faster at this moment, and his gaze couldn’t help but fall on Ji Xingchen’s fair and cute skin.

“Why aren’t you wearing underwear?”

When he spoke again, Ran Feng’s voice was noticeably husky.

The cold air around stimulated every inch of his skin. Ji Xingchen felt a bit cold and embarrassed. tqWwH3

Having been caught with his secret, his legs trembled involuntarily, while his thick eyelashes covering his eyes, completely wet with tears of shame.

He was like a guilty child, trembling as if wanting to beg his brother for forgiveness.

But how could his brother easily forgive him?

Seeing Ji Xingchen on the verge of tears this time, Ran Feng changed his approach, and kissed his earlobe with the earring gently. He started coaxing him softly. gtkJP4

“Was it intentional?” he asked softly.

Ji Xingchen felt like a soft rabbit, invisible hands restraining him, preventing him from moving.

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Facing Ran Feng’s questioning, he could only nod honestly, “Yes.”

It was a single syllable with a yet nasal sound, which made him seem pitiful yet particularly appealing. a43XBC

Just as he was about to respond, the breath sprayed on his neck suddenly intensified.

“Is it uncomfortable? Let me help you.”

Feeling that Ran Feng wanted to do something for him, Ji Xingchen anxiously reached out to stop him.

“Brother Feng, you don’t have to…” Kh7q5W

Ran Feng didn’t stop. His other hand clasped his wrist to prevent him from moving further.

Finally, Ji Xingchen obediently relented, and Ran Feng lightly nibbled on his fair collarbone, leaving a light kiss mark before steering the conversation back to the beginning.

“Is the gift you want to give me a poetry collection or yourself?”

Ji Xingchen felt like a jelly about to melt. His brain was completely chaotic, and even his thoughts slowed down considerably. zRqkPg

Without receiving an answer, Ran Feng continued to kiss the kiss mark until it deepened in color.

“Which one is it?”

More tears clung to Ji Xingchen’s eyelashes.

“Brother Feng, Ran Feng, please don’t ask anymore.” Dlz1tj

He parted his scalding red lips, his voice carrying a hint of crying, and inadvertently blurted out the nickname he used to call Ran Feng during their high school days, the closest yet only dared to be used jokingly.

Ji Xingchen felt that Brother Feng was really bullying him this time.

Although the answer was already so obvious, he deliberately wanted him to answer it himself.

Ji Xingchen’s brother’s soft and moist voice, directly strikes a chord in Ran Feng’s heart. usjAM3

“Open your eyes, be good, and tell me which one it is.”

Ran Feng’s voice was full of temptation, slowly coaxing Ji Xingchen to bare his heart completely to him.

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Ji Xingchen, who was completely defenseless against such teasing, finally opened his eyes and reluctantly uttered a word.

“Me.” GaoYls

After saying this word, his fingertips trembled slightly, gripping tightly onto the quilt cover beneath him.

He would have to change the quilt cover tomorrow…

Ji Xingchen breathed heavily, while his eyes reddened with excitement.

He took out the poetry collection from beside the pillow. 4riTxf

Although he had prepared himself mentally, he still felt embarrassed when he personally removed the “bookmark”.

Ji Xingchen lacked experience, but he was serious and determined to do things right.

He remembered how he had accidentally glimpsed at Brother Feng through the gap in the bathrobe before, but today it seemed like he could do so openly.

However, he dared not look too much, and as he lowered his head, many scenes flashed through his mind. 8sVbMF

In the end, because of nervousness, he even turned the bookmark upside down.

Ran Feng corrected his mistake and gently touched his head.

“Xingxing, do you know what this means?”

Ran Feng looked into Ji Xingchen’s eyes, assertive yet gentle. Ns5YBh

“I know.”

Ji Xingchen nodded, but tears flowed as he spoke.

Ran Feng gently touched his ears and cheeks, feeling a bit sorry for him. “I remember you’re afraid of pain…”

Ji Xingchen denied it, “No, I’m not afraid.” 0AoR7p

Despite saying he wasn’t afraid, Ji Xingchen’s eyelashes were filled with tears.

His eyelashes were long, and his eyes particularly beautiful. When he cried, he looked both pitiful and glamorous, a very attractive appearance that made people want to tease him even more.

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Ran Feng lowered his head and kissed away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

“I’m sorry, baby, it’s my fault.” odSOsJ

Ran Feng’s tone was extremely gentle.

Ji Xingchen shook his head, and whimpered softly.

“You can cry, I want to hear your voice.”

With that, he pried open Ji Xingchen’s lips, forcing all of his attention onto himself. d3aCMj

“Xingxing, who am I?”

Ji Xingchen blinked, wiping away the tears that blurred his vision.

After his vision cleared, he stared straight at Ran Feng and spoke softly.

“Brother Feng.” JNGOn5

“Brother Ran Feng…”

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  1. Spicy

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖