Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh73 - Mainly About Criticizing Jingze

The incident where Jingze and Ran Feng arrived one after another at the livestream room of Ji Xingchen quickly spread across major gossip forums.

Not only the elder sisters from iFeng, but also many onlookers who were not afraid of trouble came to the livestream room to watch. iVYCme

So these people all witnessed firsthand how Ran Feng helped his old classmate Ji Xingchen find an opportunity to slap Jingze’s face.

In fact, Ran Feng didn’t say a word to Jingze throughout the whole process, nor did he diss him, but it was precisely his attitude of ignoring him and his double standards towards his old classmate that made Jingze’s fans explode with anger.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Especially those persistent fans of their scenery CP, were even more devastated.

Anyone who ships CP knows that despite CP fans usually clamoring that they love both main characters equally, they secretly have a preference for one. OaHLns

Scenery CP fans are especially prominent in this regard, all of them are deeply attached.

After all, after Ran Feng ruthlessly dismantled it with his own hand. If someone was a fan of Ran Feng, seeing Jingze, this blood-sucking insect, would be annoying, and no one could stand it.

Originally, when this group of CP fans heard that both Ran Feng and Jingze appeared in Ji Xingchen’s livestream room, they rushed over with the mentality of digging sugar out of ashes.

But unexpectedly, they didn’t get any sugar, instead, this CP was directly sent to the crematorium and burned to ashes.


Not only that, they were also forced to watch with their own eyes how the person sitting next to the table spread sugar, and how they let CP fans drown in the sugar heap, feeling overwhelmed by sweetness.

Ran Feng has a completely different attitude towards the CP with his classmate deskmate and the scenery CP towards Jingze. It was too obvious, especially in the three-person battlefield where Jingze was still present. Ran Feng’s contrast before and after was too obvious. Not only could Jingze not stand it, but the CP fans also completely lost it tonight.

After watching the livestream, many scenery CP fans went to Ji Xingchen’s Weibo to scold him, and even went to the CP forum to shout across the air, saying they want to unfollow Ran Feng.

Jingze’s fans were also frustrated tonight and took the opportunity to stir up trouble, venting their anger on Ji Xingchen, saying that his weird silence tonight was intentional to gain sympathy in front of Brother Feng, and to sow discord. Twni7B

In short, they only dare to handle the soft ones.

They didn’t dare to go under Ran Feng’s Weibo. Last time, because Jingze’s album did quite well, these people showed off and treated Ran Feng as an opponent, but they were taught a lesson by the elder sisters from iFeng.

So, being bullies who pick on the weak and fear the strong, they only dare to secretly bully Ji Xingchen, who has a relatively smaller fan base.

However, they didn’t expect that the elder sisters from iFeng are extremely protective of their darlings. mEfMN4

If Brother Feng openly protects the little streamer, they also follow suit to protect Ji Xingchen.

With new grudges and old hatred combined, even though they set the battlefield under Ji Xingchen’s Weibo full of comments, the elder sisters from iFeng and fans of the person sitting next to the table timely supported.

[The little streamer isn’t popular, yet acts like a white lotus, deliberately keeping silent to gain sympathy. The third party deserves a miserable end.]

[Ran Feng is truly an ultimate scumbag, scumbags paired with dogs last forever.] Nkw0p5

[Are you so obsessed with CP that you’ve lost your mind? Have you talked it over? The third party scumbag, where’s your mom? Just like your main characters, you have no sense of shame. I advise you not to make a fool of yourselves again. Do you think Brother Feng cares about you?]

[Who in the entertainment industry is as despicable as your family?]

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[Are you idiots? Ran Feng almost openly shows his disdain, yet you still go and throw yourselves at him. You’ll feel relieved only after getting slapped so hard your face swells.]

[You all said faces were slapped, so Ran Feng’s behavior tonight is indeed excessive…] v9OELf

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Excessive? Jingze was the first one to act shamelessly, just so you know.]

[How is Ran Feng being excessive? Jingze went to bully someone’s brother, set the tone to make his own fans criticize an ordinary streamer, and that’s not excessive? Tonight, if Brother Feng hadn’t come, you think it’s right for you to bully Ji Xingchen, huh?]

[Oh, we don’t mind if you scold us even more excessively.]

[Unfollowing you, used to like you so much.] 2ymPaw

[Hurry up and leave.]

[Who the hell wants you bunch of vampires? Do you really think Brother Feng depends on you?]

[Hurry up and unfollow, but don’t ever expect your daddy and his friends to save you again.]

[I’m going to set off fireworks to celebrate this.] luznbF

Pc atf fcafgajlcwfca lcverags, ubrrlq rqgfjvr delmxis. Qtfc Alcuhf’r ojcr wjvf j rmfcf, ktja kjrc’a lclaljiis j ylu vfji yfmjwf j teuf lrref.

Qlatlc pera j ofk tbegr, yjrlmjiis jii ojcr jcv ysrajcvfgr lc atf fcafgajlcwfca lcverags xcfk jybea abcluta’r lcmlvfca.

Snfgsbcf lc atf lcverags lr fzqfglfcmfv, rb atfs lwwfvljafis ecvfgrabbv ktja tjqqfcfv.

[So tonight, Jingze wanted to bully the little streamer but got slapped in the face by Ran Feng. Then Jingze’s fans, not satisfied, wanted to expose the streamer who has no fans online, but got beaten up by the elder sisters from iFeng?] BM7clN

[Hahaha, I inexplicably feel so pleased, seeing bullies getting their comeuppance.]

[Are these fans idiots?]

[They must be idiots. They’re all fans who were originally in CP relationships. Ran Feng even blacklisted their idol and never cooperated with him again. Normal people would have unfollowed long ago. How can they still endure this toxic relationship?]

[So, I don’t understand why his fans are so crazy. Jingze, too. Why does he keep bothering Ran Feng? It’s like they have some unresolved issues, which is absurd for a grown man.] gLWo1Z

There have been rumors about conflicts between Ran Feng and Jingze before, but Ran Feng used to avoid suspicion so well that Jingze never had a chance to stir up trouble. So the elder sisters from iFeng also adhered to the attitude of not giving a glance to any troublemakers, at least not openly confronting each other like this.

But tonight, the argument suddenly erupted between the two sides, and these grievances were brought to light.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

In the circle where CP relationships are broken, it’s not uncommon, but this level of relentlessness is indeed unique. Therefore, everyone is curious why Jingze and his fans have been fixated on Ran Feng for so many years.

[Damn, have they really been in a relationship?] RiPdu

[Talk to your mom, stop making rumors.]

[But I feel like Jingze is genuinely emotional. Even without dating, he must have liked him at some point.]

[Someone should give us some inside info. I heard that someone popular smashed their phone tonight.]

[Wow, was it Jingze??] lBzVcr

[Is it that intense? Jingze smashed his phone??? Is this because he likes Brother Feng???]

When the rumor about smashing the phone came out, everyone got even more excited because it’s one thing to speculate, but this action actually involves real feelings.

If it’s true, why would someone smash their phone?

If it was just being neglected, Ran Feng wouldn’t have kept his distance from Jingze for so many years. pq7ZzD

But looking at it from another angle, if it’s Jingze who couldn’t stand seeing Ran Feng being so nice to that streamer, is it jealousy?

So, is it really that Jingze and Ran Feng couldn’t forget about their breakup after talking it over, or did Jingze go crazy because an old classmate, the third party, got involved with Ran Feng?

There was a long discussion next, with everyone guessing which one it could be.

Until someone came out with more revelations. eCaOcj

[Since someone came out to accuse others of manipulating the situation, then I’ll reveal some old news as well. When someone had just started in the industry, their agent wasn’t reliable. On one occasion at a dinner, someone offended a certain producer, and F helped resolve the situation. But later, that producer still wanted to blacklist someone. So, someone went to F crying. Feeling sorry for him, F, being kind-hearted, helped clean up the mess with that producer. Someone had no job and was about to starve, so Feng kindly invited him to participate in activities together. As a result, someone became popular overnight by associating with F, not only ungrateful but also shameless, thinking F was interested in him and started promoting their relationship without consent. So some fans wondered why F didn’t even want to look at someone straight in the eye? Also, I advise someone, I’ve just hinted at these things for you. You know better than anyone how they actually went down. After all these years, do you think no one has come out to expose these things because you covered them up well? Let me tell you the truth, if it weren’t for F helping you out to save face, your secrets would have been exposed hundreds of times. I advise you to take care of yourself. The circle is so small, and many people know about those things from the past. I hope you don’t act like a jerk again, or I don’t mind revealing all the details from the beginning with my real name.]

Originally, it was just a quarrel within the fan circle, and everyone treated Jingze and his CP fans as a joke. But when this seemingly fantastic revelation came out, the onlookers were shocked.

[So why did Ran Feng and Jingze suddenly become the unsolved mystery of the entertainment industry… is it now solved?]

[Fvck, after reading this, it feels like Ran Feng really had the upper hand.] wZH14c

[I feel like there’s even bigger news that hasn’t been revealed yet.]

[I want to know the details…]

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[No matter what, Jingze is too ungrateful.]

[Is this fake? I can come up with a hundred of these stories in a day.] 8NbzPh

[But I remembered Jingze’s debut agent, Ji XX, was a notorious pimp. He was really unreliable… Could offending him be an unwritten rule? My god]

[So the conclusion is, Brother Feng never talked to him nor did anything wrong to him? Then why is he acting all melodramatic here all the time?]

[Brother Feng helped Jing Dog before, truly the most wrong decision ever]

[My heart aches for Brother Feng] Ljd5pF

Just when everyone was getting excited discussing and digging deeper into this gossip, the post was deleted clean.

The one paying to delete the post was none other than Jingze himself.

He thought that after so many years, no one would bring up this matter, thinking he had covered it up well and no one knew. But he overlooked the fact that it’s impossible to keep secrets in this gossip circle.

The reason why no one mentioned it was because Ran Feng had handled everything for him so well in the past, and no one dared to bring it up. klKHSA

Times have changed, he’s famous now, and he’s no longer the rookie with nothing from before. So, some things aren’t suitable to be gossiped about anymore.

The person who leaked the information seemed to know the truth, their threats were confident, and indeed, they had a lot of dirt on Jingze.

Because back then, he didn’t offend anyone, he was introduced to Producer Shen by his agent in the name of dinner entertainment. At that time, he was pinned down by that fat-headed man at the dinner table, and almost raped him. His clothes and pants were stripped off while his lips and knees were bleeding. It’s just one step away.

At that time, he even thought of committing suicide to end it all. dtFCbq

But just when he was at his most desperate, Ran Feng walked into the wrong room, like a savior, and directly beat the other guy up, saving him.

He was grateful, but after that day, the two of them didn’t really have much to do with each other.

So later, producer Shen quieted down for a while. But after knowing he had nothing to do with Ran Feng, he came back to trouble him again and messed up all of his work.

At first, he had no other choice, and he couldn’t afford rent or food, so with a try-and-see attitude, he bravely told Ran Feng about the incident. jfqdlR

Ran Feng told him not to be afraid, immediately rented a house for him, and has been protecting him ever since.

At that time, the other party helped him find work, brought him onto programs, taught him how to write songs, and even agreed to cameo in his first album’s music video because they couldn’t afford production costs…

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Producer Shen, also didn’t come to harass him, and the industry accepted him back.

Facing such an outstanding man every day, it’s hard not to be moved. kTsdtn

For Jingze, who had never felt warmth before, Ran Feng was like a warm sun shining on him in the darkness.

Ran Feng was just too good to him.

He thought he was special.

So even though he was rejected when he confessed his feelings to Brother Feng, he still didn’t want to give up. He didn’t want to admit that Brother Feng just felt sorry for him, and firmly believed that he was different from others, and that he could wait. jdN8a2

But after waiting for several years, he realized that he wasn’t special to Brother Feng.

For Brother Feng, the only one he was willing to treat specially was that classmate deskmate, the little streamer.

Those taboos he thought Brother Feng had, that things Brother Feng would never do, could unexpectedly also be exceptions for one person.

Jingze finally realized his wishful thinking, like an unpopular little ugly duckling. dLju g

The timing of deleting the gossip posts was just too coincidental. No one cared when the rhythm was led before, but as soon as someone threatened Jingze, all the posts disappeared immediately.

The more posts were deleted, the more conspicuous it became.

There’s no secret that can’t be uncovered in the world. Based on clues from Jingze’s agent and his blacklist, someone did dig up a period of silence when Jingze first debuted, apparently they were blacklisted by someone. Although no one found out who he offended or how, his previous work before fame did overlap a lot with Brother Feng, so at least the informant’s information was accurate.

As a result, Jingze’s reputation for ingratitude and self-pity spread, not only in the industry but also among fans. fnmG4y

Facing this reality, many of the brainwashed CP fans couldn’t accept it.

At first, even though they pretended to be tough, saying ‘I don’t believe it, I’ll always support Brother,’ in reality, they all knew the informant’s logic was correct.

Initially, the fans couldn’t help to save their face, so they quietly unfollowed him on Weibo, and changed their usernames, but the more they thought about it, the angrier they became, and now they started to counterattack.

CP fans can tolerate sugar coating and abuse, but they can’t tolerate if one side of the CP is a fraud, and pathetic. xtfIvd

In just one night, Jingze lost three hundred thousand active followers on Weibo.

The crazy CP fans have now turned back and started to tear Jingze, telling him not to harass Ran Feng anymore.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

As the saying goes, what goes around comes around. And the CP fans that Jingze nurtured ultimately chose not to stand by his side.

meXC K

Translator's Note

“three-person battlefield” refers to a situation involving three individuals who are in conflict or competition with each other. It’s like a metaphorical battleground where the three individuals are actively engaged in some form of confrontation or rivalry.

Translator's Note

Ji Xingchen, Xingxing, Star. Our soft ones.

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  1. It’s justice

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖