Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh72 - Love Guru


Ji Xingchen nodded. The words Jingze in the barrage were too conspicuous, and even if he didn’t mention it, Brother Feng had clearly seen them. mD2YF3

Ran Feng’s face remained stern. “Your livestream viewers and his fans are arguing?”

“We just played a game, and we lost in the end.”

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After saying that, Ji Xingchen remembered the unpleasant history between Brother Feng and this person.

Seeing Brother Feng now irritated by the argument between their fans, Ji Xingchen quickly explained, “Sorry, I was messaging you at the time, and didn’t realize he was the fourth person. I only recognized his voice when he spoke.” QxzATd

Although Ji Xingchen left out the details of the argument while explaining to Ran Feng, anyone would feel upset being put in such a situation, having his livestream disrupted by someone else’s fans, and endured the unwarranted negativity.

So, despite his efforts to speak calmly, Ji Xingchen’s downcast mood betrayed him.

Ran Feng understood that Ji Xingchen wouldn’t intentionally provoke this person. Seeing him so self-blaming while trying to hide his frustration, Ran Feng’s cold demeanor softened.

He gently reassured Ji Xingchen, “Why are you apologizing? I’m angry because he bothered you. As for playing games with him, I know you wouldn’t willingly team up with him.”


He then raised his hand and gently ruffled Ji Xingchen’s hair. “No. Who would their take the initiative to invite their boyfriend’s rival just to upset themselves?”

Ji Xingchen, who was initially a bit dejected, looked up at Ran Feng. His attention was successfully diverted by the word “boyfriend.”

Just as they were talking, Jingze actively logged into his account and sent a Magic Meteor Shower gift in Ji Xingchen’s livestream.

After sending the gift, he typed a message in the chat. ilkbdJ

[zzzz]: Everyone, don’t overinterpret this.

With that one phrase, he completely wiped out the implied criticism towards Ji Xingchen.

After sending the gift and the message, seeing no reaction from Ji Xingchen, Jingze continued to speak in the team chat, and half-jokingly asked Ji Xingchen, “Star, why aren’t you saying anything? Are you mad at me? I didn’t express myself clearly earlier, I didn’t mean anything by it. Don’t misunderstand, I’m here to apologize.”

This is Jingze’s usual tactic. First, he’d make a vague comment that everyone would think had a deeper meaning. Once his fans started getting riled up, he’d then lightly deny it, shifting the blame onto others, and play the victim. AqsI0e

The reason why the FengJing CP (Couple Pairing) between him and Ran Feng had become such a long-lasting regret for many fans was because his words and actions always allowed for the CP fans to indulge in their fantasies, always thinking there was something more between them.

Today, he used his usual tactic on Ji Xingchen. Even though he only needed to say the last sentence to apologize, he had to emphasize the first part, implying that Ji Xingchen’s silence was because he was angry at him.

Sure enough, after stirring up trouble, Jingze’s sudden apology made his fans, who had a persecution complex and were overprotective, feel that it wasn’t their “brother’s” fault. They thought Ji Xingchen was being petty and immediately started feeling sorry for him.

[Baby, it’s not your fault. Why apologize?] QGxELh

[This streamer is too petty. That comment wasn’t even that bad. Why keep the mic off and act like this?]

[Even if there was something before, my brother sent gifts and apologized. A grown man shouldn’t be so…]

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[Yeah, streamer, just say something.]

These entertainment fans, accustomed to blindly defending their idol, and now they started to turn the tables. RXBQCy

But competitive fans weren’t having it and directly pointed out the main issue.

[Is this how your idols talk and act? Slap you and then give you candy?]

[You started the drama, your fans did the cursing, and now you’re pretending to be a saint?]

[Whenever this guy speaks, it always sounds sarcastic. Even his apologies seem loaded with hidden meanings.] JdIB4M

[Isn’t he being sarcastic? This doesn’t feel like an apology; it feels like moral blackmail.]

[For God’s sake, you fans need to see the reality. He’s a big celebrity sending gifts and apologizing, and this small-time streamer should be groveling in gratitude?]

[Damn, no wonder it felt so off, turns out it’s like this.]

[Hey, big celebrity, if you have time to send gifts, why not manage your rabid fans?] Y oKuz

The computer’s sound was on the speakers. After hearing Jingze’s words and seeing the barrage in the live chat, Ran Feng pretty much understood what’s going on.

Jingze specifically came to bully his little rabbit and deliberately vent his frustrations on him.

Ran Feng draped his arm over Ji Xingchen’s shoulder and pulled him into his embrace. “Did he mess with you?”

Leaning against Ran Feng’s chest, Ji Xingchen nodded slightly, acknowledging it. KQP2b

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“It wasn’t a big deal, so I didn’t think it was necessary.”

“I think it’s very necessary,” Ran Feng firmly but gently denied, looking down into Ji Xingchen’s eyes. “Did he upset you?”

Ran Feng’s last sentence wasn’t a question but a statement. xf346r

Facing his lover’s knowing gaze and listening to his gentle words, Ji Xingchen couldn’t hold back like he did in the live stream.

“I was a bit upset earlier, but I’m fine now.”

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After speaking, Ji Xingchen hesitated for a few seconds before finally voicing his doubt. “Brother Feng, does he… like you?”

Ran Feng didn’t deny it. WjJ5l0

“He confessed to me.”

This expected answer didn’t surprise Ji Xingchen too much.

He had sensed something.

No wonder people used to think the rumors about Jingze and Ran Feng’s CP were so genuine. No wonder Jingze would occasionally try to bring up Ran Feng even after their CP was broken up. No wonder he seemed to subtly show his dislike for Ji Xingchen today. 4dQrly

Recently, he and Ran Feng had been closely tied together, and Ran Feng turned a blind eye to their CP…

So, Jingze was probably jealous of meeting his love rival?

“There was a time when your CP rumors felt very real. I even thought…”

Ji Xingchen didn’t finish his sentence, but Ran Feng could guess what he meant. CoG1vI

The reason he had so decisively broken up the CP with Jingze and severed all ties with him was to prevent Ji Xingchen from overthinking.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea la rffwfv atja yjmx atfc, tf ralii fcvfv eq bnfgatlcxlcu jcv wlrecvfgrajcvlcu.

Ejc Mfcu ufcais abemtfv atf fjgglcu bc Al Wlcumtfc’r fjgibyf jcv xlrrfv tlr obgftfjv. “P’w rbggs, P vlvc’a tjcvif atlcur kfii yjmx atfc.”

Al Wlcumtfc mbeivc’a yijwf Ejc Mfcu. “Dgbatfg Mfcu, cb cffv ab jqbibulhf…” YaGbUd

Ran Feng continued, asking softly, “Were you jealous?”

Ji Xingchen felt a bit embarrassed by such a straightforward question about his jealousy.

However, he didn’t want to lie to Ran Feng and admitted frankly, “Yes, I was very sad back then.”

Sad wasn’t even the right word. tJl0UB

At the time, his mother’s illness weighed heavily on him, and this news dealt a fatal blow to him, who was already on the brink of collapse.

It was as if the only light sustaining him in his life was gone.

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Understanding this misunderstanding was one thing, but hearing Ji Xingchen personally admit it was another.

Even though Ji Xingchen spoke calmly without any complaints, Ran Feng couldn’t help but feel heartache. xOlptC

Ji Xingchen had never so openly expressed his longing and love for him over the past five years.

But he knew that their love for each other was equal.

Therefore, the sadness that Ji Xingchen said back then was undoubtedly much deeper than he described.

Ran Feng covered Ji Xingchen’s skin with his warm palm, intertwining their hands. IFO Xk

“I blocked him back then and never contacted him again.”

An unexpected statement. It’s seemed he’s making amends for the pain caused by the misunderstanding years ago. Even if it came late, Ran Feng wanted to clear things up for Ji Xingchen.

He didn’t want Ji Xingchen to feel insecure, not even about old matters.

“There’s always only been you in my heart, I never have anyone else.” bGTBmM

Ran Feng’s eyes were filled with a smile, but his tone was especially serious.

This sudden explanation and confession left Ji Xingchen feeling both satisfied and a bit shy.

He felt like his previous words were akin to whining and complaining to Brother Feng…

“I-I know… those words just now didn’t mean anything else…” t7uebf

Before Ji Xingchen could finish, Zhong Xingxian’s voice came through the computer again.

“Brother Star? Are you still there? Do you want to play another game?”

Ji Xingchen had kept his mic off while talking to Ran Feng, so he hadn’t responded, and the other three idols were getting anxious.

Especially Bu Huo, who had brought Jingze into the game. He was particularly worried that things might get out of hand. 4l9Nc6

It seemed like Zhong Xingxian was asking about the game, but Ji Xingchen knew he was actually helping him save face.

Everyone else didn’t know he was talking to Ran Feng and assumed he was silently protesting out of anger. If he kept his mic off, the misunderstanding would only grow.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Moreover, Jingze had already apologized, and if Ji Xingchen didn’t follow up, it would seem ungrateful.

“Brother Feng, you go take a shower. I’ll handle this and then end the livestream.” FIeD4k

After saying that, he returned to his seat and quickly turned on the microphone.

Although Jingze had shown hostility towards him, Ji Xingchen didn’t want personal conflicts to affect the audience and make the atmosphere unpleasant.

“Sorry, guys, I really had to go to the bathroom just now. Couldn’t hold it any longer.” Ji Xingchen’s tone was light, without any hint of the previous tension.

Then he apologized to Jingze, “Sorry, Brother Jing, I was in such a hurry I forgot to tell you all…” qreX5b

Seeing Ji Xingchen trying to smooth things over, the viewers in the chat followed his lead, whether they believed his excuse or just wanted to move on.

[MeowMeow TV Pee King strikes again]

[Hahaha, I guessed he went to the bathroom. He’s done this before]

With Ji Xingchen’s shift in attitude, the viewers also relaxed and stopped arguing. However, Jingze’s fans now felt even more aggrieved. Fj7xEQ

[Talking about needing to pee, as if you couldn’t hold it for just one second?]

[Stayed silent for so long, but now that our brother apologized and sent gifts, you’re suddenly here??]

[Tsk, such an innocent little white lotus flower.]

[So basically, you’re saying we’re making trouble for nothing?] 73SG1D

[Oh wow, the bathroom excuse is really versatile, huh?]

[Hello? You came back from the bathroom, but no mod added my brother? Is this how your streamer treats guests?]

Jingze’s fans were notoriously persistent. Even after Ran Feng forcefully dismantled the CP, they were still able to find ways to latch on. Now, seeing that Ji Xingchen didn’t admit to being petty as they expected, they were even more displeased.

[Fvck, will this ever end? You’re really pushing it now.] gl5SDw

[Oh, so whatever your brother says is true, but anything Star says is false? Double standards much?]

Ji Xingchen apologized, yet Jingze’s fans remained aggressive. Jingze was still in the team room, saying nothing. His account was still in Ji Xingchen’s stream, obviously seeing the chat’s tone. But he acted blind, letting his fans attack Ji Xingchen with gifts.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing the relentless aggression, Ji Xingchen’s fans got furious. They couldn’t stand seeing their streamer treated this way and were ready to defend him.

But someone spoke up before they could. JR7k1L

Announcement: [fffff] sent 20 Confession Balloons to the streamer MeowMeow TV Xingxing~ The truest love sent to the one I like the most, did you feel the intense love? Love you~~

[Who is this fffff?]

[Missed some lessons? It’s Ran Feng!]

[Brother Feng!!!] 9xsQlu

[Wow, is that the same person who refused to be tied with Jingze? Exciting!]

[This surnamed Ran. You can just come in, why send 520 Confession Balloons?]

[Exactly, what’s he trying to do?]

[Tsk, this surnamed Ran guy’s got something.] gArlE9

Ran Feng’s sudden involvement made the situation delicate. Viewers could sense that Ran Feng was here to support Star.

Sure enough, their suspicions were confirmed when, just a few seconds after his gift announcement, Ran Feng’s prominent VIP account sent another message in the chat.

[Moderator][fffff]: You have time to play with others but not with me?

Whether Ran Feng was joking with Ji Xingchen or implying something deeper, the viewers loved it. LQUa8t

Ran Feng’s dislike for Jingze was so apparent that he didn’t even mention his name, simply referring to him as “others.” His bold move to wade into the conflict without considering Jingze’s feelings was a direct slap in the face.

The viewers who loved drama started to spam the chat with the same phrase.

[You have time to play with others but not with me?]

[You have time to play with others but not with me?] QW pxB

[You have time to play with others but not with me?]

These competitive gaming fans weren’t like entertainment fans, they joked about everything and played with all kinds of memes.

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Seeing Ran Feng’s god-like entrance and bold moves, they began to cheer and joke around.

[Hear that, Star? Your hubby is jealous.] 6L9c8B

[Star, your husband is calling you to play with him.]

[Wifey, carry me – from your Jungler King Ran Feng’s love guide.]

After being educated on the matter, they knew that Jingze was the one whose CP with Ran Feng had been publicly dismantled by Ran Feng himself. They deliberately pushed the conversation into more ambiguous territory, intentionally provoking Jingze and his fans.

In the chat, Ran Feng continued to ask Ji Xingchen: Zvhy4d

[Moderator][fffff]: Will you carry me?

This message followed right after a viewer’s comment saying, [Wifey, carry me], making it even more suggestive.

Ji Xingchen hadn’t expected Brother Feng, who had claimed to be going for a shower, to log into his account and come to his aid…

He quickly turned around to look behind him and, sure enough, saw Ran Feng standing right there, watching him. CL9HGi

Ran Feng’s eyes curved into crescent moons as he silently mouthed a question to Ji Xingchen—

‘Will you carry me?’

But he added two more words after that.

‘Wifey.’ lD m36

He followed the chat’s comments, saying to Ji Xingchen, ‘Will you carry me, wifey?’

Ji Xingchen’s face suddenly turned red.

He dared not look at Ran Feng any longer and turned back to watch the barrage in the live broadcast room.

On the computer screen, viewers were like parrots, repeating Ran Feng’s words. U0KFt4

[Will you carry me?]

[Will you carry me?]

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[Will you carry me?]

Seeing everyone goading him, the scene of Brother Feng calling him “wifey” reappeared in Ji Xingchen’s mind. UypONV

Feeling a bit embarrassed, he muted his mic again and looked at Ran Feng with confusion.

Ran Feng, now standing beside him, was also watching him. “Aren’t you going to carry me? Why are you looking at me?”

“I just think it’s a bit strange…”

Ji Xingchen found it odd that they were in the same room but communicating through the chat. ImCBAx

But Ran Feng deliberately misinterpreted him, with a smile in his eyes, “I can’t let anyone bully my wifey.”

Ji Xingchen’s ears, which had escaped disaster earlier, now turned red as well.

“Brother Feng, stop teasing me.”

“I’m not joking. Will you carry your boyfriend?” PNHyKY

After Ran Feng finished speaking, he helped unmute Ji Xingchen’s mic, but his gaze remained on him.

Ji Xingchen’s heart pounded loudly.

Even though only the mic was on, he felt like a camera was on him.

“I will…” b87FC2

His voice was almost inaudible.

[Can’t hear you, please speak louder!]

[Can’t hear you, please speak louder!]

[Can’t hear you, please speak louder!] CaiR2H

Ji Xingchen’s already red face grew even hotter.

He quickly glanced at Ran Feng beside him and raised his voice, “Sure! You, you log in…”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

After a minute, Ran Feng logged in, and on Ji Xingchen’s side, the game displayed a request from the other side for an invitation.

In the team room, only the accounts of Jingze and Ji Xingchen were left. The three other idols had sensed something was off when Ran Feng appeared and each found excuses to leave the team. UQCzLT

Seeing Jingze still insisting on staying in the room and not quitting, Ji Xingchen left the room himself.

“I promised to duo with Brother Feng earlier, sorry about that.”

He didn’t even care if his words were appropriate anymore, his heart was already in turmoil from Ran Feng’s constant requests for an invitation.

The team room, which originally had five people, suddenly had only Jingze’s lone account. VdjP42

He had been watching Ji Xingchen’s livestream all along, so he saw everything Ran Feng did very clearly.

‘Have time to carry others, but not me.’

Each word felt like a steel needle poking at Jingze’s heart.

The barrage was right. In Ran Feng’s mind, he was just someone, not even worthy of mentioning by name. eVGnM0

When Ran Feng dismantled their CP without hesitation before, he didn’t resist the idea of being paired with Ji Xingchen. Not only did he not resist, he actively distributed sugar to their CP, showing no signs of avoidance.

The previous couple outfits, couple earrings, today’s sending of confession balloons and actively duoing together…

Each one seemed like an announcement to the world that he and this classmate had an extraordinary relationship.

If this wasn’t love, then what was it? Ehx6QM

Jealousy burned like a raging fire, driving Jingze almost to lose his sanity.

He didn’t understand why he was like this. Clearly, Ran Feng had rejected him so clearly, yet he couldn’t help but want to pursue him.

Perhaps it was because when faced with the fate of being manipulated, he was rescued by this man, which stirred his heart. Or perhaps it was because he had illusions of having a chance after being protected by him.

In the past, he used to think it was because of his eagerness to hype their CP that made Brother Feng angry at him, so he had been looking for opportunities to reconcile with him. RMGeTw

But now he suddenly realized he had no chance at all.

The voices of Ran Feng and Ji Xingchen kept coming from the livestream.

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Jingze was surprised to hear Ran Feng, who was usually cold, speaking gently to the small streamer, and even occasionally taking the initiative to adjust him. This passionate side of Brother Feng was something he had never seen before.

Jingze continued to torture himself by staying in the livestream, watching Ran Feng and Ji Xingchen sweetly duoing together. GpNdPA

This time, Ran Feng chose Zhao Yun as jungler, while Ji Xingchen played Diao Chan.

At the beginning of the game, Ran Feng left the blue buff with low health and called Ji Xingchen to take it.

Ji Xingchen, with his humble mid-lane syndrome, didn’t dare to go take it.

“I don’t need it, Brother Feng, you take it and farm up first.” 2Jcse8

Ran Feng didn’t say anything. His Zhao Yun stood still next to the blue buff until the fight was over, then he teleported back to the base.

Strictly speaking, Ran Feng wasn’t completely motionless.

While teleporting back to base, he kept typing in the game, “Mage come take the blue.”

He typed it several times, clearly indicating that he will not give up until Ji Xingchen accepts the blue buff. uwRI6H

[Can Yan]: Does the brother Jungler King have to pamper his wife like this?

[Cao Cao]: Diao Chan, hurry up and go get the blue buff from your husband!

Ji Xingchen could only helplessly go to the blue buff and let Ran Feng take it for him.

In the livestream, Ran Feng was showing off to the audience. Qp7A4G

[How come Brother Feng is so skilled?]

[If I had even a third of this skill, would I still worry about not finding a partner for a duo?]

[Just now, brother Star was forced to jungle and had to let someone else take the blue buff, but now he’s forced to take one, tsk tsk]

[Shh, Brother Feng is creating opportunities for his wife] 8HSodm


Before, Jingze and his fans were quite arrogant, but now they felt more uncomfortable.

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Ran Feng was someone they couldn’t afford to provoke. Even though they knew he was just here to slap their faces, they could only grit their teeth and bear it.

With the absence of Jingze’s fans’ sarcastic comments in the barrage, the audience became even more uninhibited. zL97HB

Seeing Ran Feng and Ji Xingchen sharing blue buffs back and forth sweetly, and then witnessing Ran Feng giving Ji Xingchen a pentakill, the barrage went crazy.

After teasing them for a while, someone suddenly remembered the long-absent Wanfeng Picks Star.

[@Wanfeng Picks Star, boss, come on, your wife ran away with someone tonight]

Seeing someone mentioning Wanfeng Picks Star again, many viewers changed their barrage to green. RHxopv


[I like this new husband]

[“Out with the old, in with the new”]

[“Love Guru”] r0bMYC

[Did the boss see it? Learn from it]

[Brother Feng, can you lend your “Love Guru” to the boss to see?]

Ji Xingchen saw the barrage full of green, not understanding what was going on. Meanwhile, Ran Feng was typing in the game, responding to the audience.

[Feng]: Not lending bI7egJ

Jingze’s heart felt like it was being crushed and stomped on.

The phone in his hand flew through the air and shattered into pieces as he threw it to the ground.

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  1. Sugar factory

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖