Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh71.1 - I Miss You

Ran Feng has been especially busy lately.

Since the anniversary celebration of Honor of kings, Ji Xingchen hasn’t seen him return home. Ha2BrG

Someone posted his November schedule on WeChat Moments, including magazines, advertisements, Double Eleven Gala, etc. His schedule was basically full every day.

Ji Xingchen can only video chat with him when he rests at night. These past few nights, he has been falling asleep listening to Ran Feng’s voice on video chat.

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Compared to the pain of being separated from his lover, Ji Xingchen is more concerned about Ran Feng’s hard work.

During their video chats at night, Ji Xingchen lies on his pillow, covering half of his face. IOkQ0D

“Brother Feng, how did you manage to find time to watch my live streams before?”

Ran Feng in the video had just finished showering, wearing a loosely draped black bathrobe, with his fair skin exposed to the air.

He lazily leaned against the headboard, while his lips curled up when he glanced at his phone, “Why are you suddenly asking this?”

Ji Xingchen buried his head slightly, his voice somewhat muffled, “I feel like you’re particularly busy…”


“Lift your head up, I can’t see your face.”

Hearing Ran Feng’s words, Ji Xingchen quickly turned to show his face.

After Ran Feng saw him adjusting his posture, he teased, “Can I interpret this as you complaining that I haven’t been with you during this time?”

Misunderstood, Ji Xingchen shook his head and hastily explained, “No… Brother Feng, that’s not what I meant. I just suddenly thought about how busy you were before, with so much work every day, and yet you still found time to watch my live streams. It must have taken up a lot of your rest time. Isn’t it very hard for you?” pQvOhV

Ran Feng furrowed his brows slightly, while a faint smile appeared on his lips. He adjusted his phone to look into Ji Xingchen’s eyes on the screen.

“I want to see you every day, hear your voice, and even pursue you… How could that be tough?”

“Brother Feng…”

Ji Xingchen didn’t know what to say at this moment, so he could only softly call Ran Feng’s name. 8Peuf6

Every word he just said felt like plucking at the strings of his heart, gently brushing past its tip.

Ji Xingchen felt like he missed Ran Feng even more.

On the WeChat camera, Ran Feng suddenly spoke again. His voice was low and sultry, with a hint of charm, “These past few days, whenever I wake up, I feel like something is missing.”

Ji Xingchen was curious, “What’s missing?” nOP49h


Ran Feng smiled, his eyes burning with passion, and ambiguously captivating.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I want to hug you.”

Ji Xingchen’s heart felt like it was about to burst from his chest, but his ears became especially sensitive, trying hard to catch every word Ran Feng said next. u12veU

“I want to wake up holding you and then kiss you awake.”

Ran Feng’s tone was flirtatious, speaking words of seduction.

“Xingxing, do you miss me?”

Through the phone screen, Ran Feng looked at Ji Xingchen. eYv0KI

However, it seemed like he didn’t really want Ji Xingchen’s answer to this question.

Because the next second, he spoke again.

“I miss you.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ji Xingchen pulled up the blanket, and quietly covered the half of his face that had already turned red from being exposed to the air. QTUpXW

Lf ibbxfv ja atf yfjealoei wbif bc Ejc Mfcu’r mbiijgybcf, bcis gfnfjilcu tlr fsfr.

“P vb abb…” Al Wlcumtfc ktlrqfgfv rboais.

“P’ii yf yjmx lc olnf vjsr. Qlii sbe kjla obg wf?”

Al Wlcumtfc byfvlfcais cbvvfv. 0PDHQi

“Qlii sbe kjla obg wf?”

Ejc Mfcu’r vffq nblmf fmtbfv lc Al Wlcumtfc’r fjgr, wjxlcu tlw offi ilxf atf yijcxfa kjr qgfrrlcu vbkc bc tlw, revvfcis offilcu j yla ygfjatifrr.

He quietly stuck out his tongue, licking his lips to make them moist, while cautiously but boldly looking at Ran Feng.

“I’m not used to sleeping alone.” D IosR

After hanging up the phone, Ji Xingchen’s face flushed with embarrassment.

Thinking back to Ran Feng’s expression just now, he tossed and turned in bed. He couldn’t sleep.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Tonight, there was a discomfort growing in his body, and he urgently needed a way to release it.

Closing his eyes, all Ji Xingchen could see was Ran Feng’s face. Unable to resist, he quietly rolled over to the side of the bed where Ran Feng usually slept. iXObU

At this moment, all he could hear in his head was Ran Feng’s voice, as if he were whispering in his ear.

‘I want to hug you…’

‘I miss you…’

Ji Xingchen rubbed his cheek against Ran Feng’s pillow and lightly traced his fingers over the softest, most delicate skin on his body… jd9WLX

The rough fabric brushed against his soft cheek, and Ji Xingchen squinted his eyes, resembling a helpless little rabbit waiting to be slaughtered.

The next morning, Ji Xingchen changed all the bed sheets and covers.

After cleaning the room, he opened WeChat before the livestream. Mo Yuze had sent him a QR code last night.

He scrolled through his chat history and found that Mo Yuze wanted to invite him to join their group for celebrities’ gaming. Net 4P

Ji Xingchen: ?

Ji Xingchen: Is it okay for me to join this group?

Over an hour later, Mo Yuze replied to him.

Brother Yuze: There’s nothing wrong with it. They all asked me to invite you. ibSFgI

Brother Yuze: Remember Gu Yuanyuan? She didn’t get to play with you in the KPL exhibition match and she kept harassing me to give her your WeChat.

Brother Yuze: Come on in, it’s fine. Several other streamers are in there too.

Brother Yuze: When you’re livestreaming, bring them along, it’ll boost your viewership.

Brother Yuze: Come on, come on, good brother, I’m begging you. zhqcwe

Ji Xingchen didn’t really want to ride on the fame of celebrities, but Mo Yuze kept insisting, in the end he gave in.

After scanning the QR code, Ji Xingchen entered a WeChat group called “Did You Rank Up Today.”

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The group was silent, with no one saying anything.

Ji Xingchen felt a bit awkward since he had never joined this type of group before, so he went to ask Mo Yuze again. nElm5U

Ji Xingchen: Should I say hello? Or is it okay like this? But it seems a bit impolite to enter the group and not say anything, right?

Brother Yuze: When you start streaming, just drop the link in the group.

Brother Yuze: Wait a moment.

Just as Mo Yuze finished speaking, Ji Xingchen saw the celebrity group start to become active. Po7nHS

Brother Yuze: @Little Yuanyuan, I brought Star in for you. Remember to treat me to dinner when you rank up.

Brother Yuze: [Sly]

Little Yuanyuan: [Welcome].jpg

Little Yuanyuan: @Star MDXzeu

Little Yuanyuan: @Brother Ink It’s all set, tonight is fine, as long as you don’t mind being photographed.

Stay Up Late, Get Up Early, Rub Panda: Is it Star the awesome mid-lane streamer?

Little Yuanyuan: Yes, that’s him!

XXN: The Brother Deskmate of brother Feng, right? uIYitQ

Brother Yuze: Yes!

Stay Up Late, Get Up Early, Rub Panda: Rare guest, rare guest.

XXN: Welcome, welcome, big bro, please carry me.

After XXN mentioned the relationship between Ji Xingchen and Ran Feng, the group suddenly became lively. Plus, Mo Yuze and Gu Yuanyuan kept complimenting him, praising his skills to the point where they compared him to professional players. IicdSJ

Many celebrities have taken the initiative to add him on WeChat, and even reserved parking spots for him. Planned to play ranked games together at night.

After joining the group, Ji Xingchen told Ran Feng about it.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ran Feng didn’t express approval or opposition, simply mentioning that these groups of people liked to play games in the early morning, so Ji Xingchen didn’t need to adjust his schedule to accommodate them.

But in the end, he emphasized that if Ji Xingchen felt uncomfortable with these people, he could leave the group. ZnqsYr

At first, Ji Xingchen did feel a bit uncomfortable because he wasn’t very familiar with these celebrities.

But fortunately, with Mo Yuze and Gu Yuanyuan’s support, many people played ranked games with him for a few days, and the relationships became less awkward.

After all, skill is the ultimate pass. Ji Xingchen never failed to carry the team, regardless of their rank. Naturally, more and more people in the group started asking him to boost them.

The celebrities were also quite willing to give him exposure. Many of them directly went to his livestream to send gifts and told him to bring them along during his livestreams to increase his popularity. iJRwPn

Among these gift-givers, the one who enjoyed playing with Ji Xingchen the most was a person named XXN in the game group.

His real name was Zhong Xingxian, a popular idol in a group that had gained some attention recently. He’s well-known for his love of gaming.

However, in recent days, his group had a scandal involving one of its members, causing many of their business activities to be suspended. So, he stayed in Ji Xingchen’s livestream room every day, playing ranked games with him to rank up.

Tonight, they were originally supposed to duo queue, but two other smaller idols who were good friends with Zhong Xingxian wanted to join in, so Ji Xingchen opened a room for a five-player team again. BH9 hx

A five-player team requires a full roster, but they are currently short of one player.

Zhong Xingxian: “Should I ask in the group?”

Bu Huo: “No need, there’s a brother here who wants to play together. I’ll invite him.”

“Okay.” xawoXb

Ji Xingchen listened to their conversation absentmindedly.

His eyes downcast while staring at another phone, which was exchanging messages with Ran Feng.

Ji Xingchen: What time will you arrive tomorrow?

Ran Feng: 8 o’clock in the evening. TerOGH

Tomorrow night at 8 PM?

Which meant he had to wait another 24 hours before he could see Brother Feng…

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Xingchen silently calculated Ran Feng’s return time, and was unable to resist typing out another line.

Ji Xingchen: Can I come pick you up at the airport tomorrow? SY5n 1

Through the screen, Ji Xingchen bravely uttered the words that were difficult to say face-to-face.

He originally thought that after five years of separation, five days wouldn’t seem so long to him, because he had already grown accustomed to a lonely life.

But in reality, on the first day of separation, he began to miss him and began to feel everything was unfamiliar.

This feeling was like weeds growing in a damp corner, not feeling lonely when living in loneliness and shadow every day. jRu7fP

But suddenly one day, the sun shone a beam of light on him. Once he felt the warmth of the sun’s company, even the lonely weeds, accustomed to loneliness, would yearn for this warmth.

Ji Xingchen felt like he was one of these weeds, longing for Ran Feng’s warmth.

Just as he proposed to pick him up, Ran Feng guessed his intentions.

Ran Feng: Miss me? 3dlAT

Ji Xingchen: Yeah…

Ji Xingchen admitted openly, without any desire to hide.

Ran Feng: You being so proactive, I can’t help but want to kiss you right now.

Watching Ran Feng teasing him through text, Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but smile, feeling a bit sweet inside. 0IBuSf

Ji Xingchen: But you can’t kiss me today.

Anyway, with Ran Feng unable to come back through the screen, Ji Xingchen felt like he could flirt with him however he wanted.

His fingertips were about to type some more messages to send when Zhong Xingxian’s voice interrupted him.

“Xingxing, we’re full, we can start now.” F3dwuW

Ji Xingchen reluctantly glanced at Ran Feng’s response, realizing that he hadn’t sent a message yet.

“Oh, okay, okay.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He quickly put down his phone, didn’t bother to check who was in the room, and hurriedly started the game.

“Xingxing, what were you doing just now? I’ve been calling you for ages and you didn’t respond.” DqexXv

Feeling a bit guilty at being questioned, Ji Xingchen mumbled, “Just chatting with a friend for a while.”

Since no one knew who this friend was, no one continued to ask.

After about a minute of filming, his phone finally vibrated, and then they entered the banning phase.

During hero selection, everyone was quite active. Zhong Xingxian and the two smaller idols all turned on their microphones. VhPi1a

However, despite their activity, they were all very modest and accommodating, prioritizing letting the last person choose their position and hero.

“Brother Jing, you go first, do you usually play mid lane?”

The person who spoke next responded lightly, “Yeah, but I don’t mind playing anything.”


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  1. Oh, someone new?

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖