Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh70.2 - Brother Deskmate Are Making Me Tired With Their Szd Talk!!!

Although reason tells him that everyone was just joking around, his expression still felt unnatural, quickly shutting his mouth and not dare to speak anymore.

After Ran Feng gave out the skins, the ten people finally began tonight’s entertainment. 6QZxTd

5v5 Ranked Match!

Tonight, the officials arranged three entertainment matches in total.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The first match was a chaotic 10-mage brawl with ten players.

Ji Xingchen and another streamer switched positions and became enemies against Ran Feng. GOQZKD

After the game started, Ji Xingchen originally wanted to play Daji to tease Ran Feng, but Ran Feng locked him in first.

He had no choice but to pick Liang as a counter to Ran Feng, wanting to compete with him on skill.

However, while the ideal was plump, the reality was too skinny.

Every time he attempted to use his ultimate to control Ran Feng, he was immediately interrupted by the opponent.


In the end, he had no idea how many small love hearts from Daji he had eaten.

In the second match, Ji Xingchen obediently switched positions and teamed up with Ran Feng.

This time, they played a clone war, with all ten players choosing Yaria, wanting to experience what it feels like to have a chaotic battle in the Canyon.

As soon as their skills reached level four, Ran Feng went straight to the middle lane to find Ji Xingchen. mOr1tB

However, Mo Yuze was faster, rushing in and casting his ultimate on Ji Xingchen’s head just before Ran Feng arrived.

Due to the livestream, Ran Feng didn’t say anything.

But unexpectedly, Mo Yuze, who succeeded in riding the clone, was particularly arrogant. Not only did he not come down, but he also loudly said to Ji Xingchen, “Xingxing, let’s ride together. By riding together, we can fly to the sky.”

Ji Xingchen didn’t know it was a bug, so he used his ultimate along with Mo Yuze. DZmHhb

Ten seconds later, the two Yariaes indeed flew up together, turning into cute little fairies.

Mo Yuze was proud, “How does it feel to be flown by me, bro?”

Ji Xingchen couldn’t bear to dampen his enthusiasm, “You’re amazing, bro.”

Mo Yuze was particularly smug, “Then let’s fly again.” q5L6BJ

Ji Xingchen: “…Okay.”

On the other side, Ran Feng’s Yaria stood in front of the Dragon Pit, soloing the dragon while watching Ji Xingchen and Mo Yuze fly up into the sky together.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Dragon: Did I offend you? Why are you suddenly waiting for me?]

[Huh, why did Brother Feng’s face suddenly turn cold?] fVm7ut

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Shh, quietly jealous, swallowing his pride.]

Coafg qijslcu akb fcafgajlcwfca wjamtfr, atf olcji wjamt bo afc qfbqif olcjiis uba rfglber.

Pc atf wbgclcu, Zb Tehf, ktb tjv yffc ybjralcu jybea Ejc Mfcu’r ibsjias jcv glutafbercfrr ab Al Wlcumtfc, fcvfv eq yflcu xlmxfv ab atf bqqbrlaf rlvf ys Ejc Mfcu lc atf atlgv wjamt. Lf fcvfv eq qijslcu Jjl Qfcpl klat j uglfnjcmf.

In this match, Ji Xingchen’s teammates, besides Ran Feng, included two celebrities. One of the celebrities usually played in Ji Xingchen’s position, so he voluntarily gave up the mid lane to the other and chose the support role. fKd5CT

Ji Xingchen himself wasn’t very good at support and didn’t enjoy playing it much, so he would habitually ask for Ran Feng’s opinion every time he picked a hero.

“Brother Feng, which support do you want?”

To avoid suspicion, Ji Xingchen, who hadn’t actively communicated with Ran Feng much throughout the night, almost instinctively looked at Ran Feng’s avatar when choosing a hero and almost blurted out.

Just like when they used to duo queue, Ji Xingchen’s words were almost the same as before. EWS8FO

But this time was different from before; Ran Feng didn’t type anything. Instead, he spoke directly to Ji Xingchen in the game’s voice chat, using his real voice, “Yao.”

Ji Xingchen was a bit dazed and quickly locked in Yao.

After choosing the support, he habitually looked at Ran Feng on the fifth line, “Brother Feng, are you still playing Li Bai this round?”

When they used to duo queue, he would usually play Yao, and Ran Feng would pick Li Bai to carry him. QdK7jt

But tonight, Ran Feng didn’t use Li Bai.

With a slight raise of his eyebrow, he said softly, “This round, I’ll use Xuan Ce.”

At first, Ji Xingchen found it strange.

But when the game started, Ji Xingchen saw that the skin Ran Feng was using on Bai Li Xuan Ce was the Electric Light Mouse White Tiger Zhi, which he had voted for yesterday. Suddenly, he seemed to understand something. s9FHya

Ran Feng was already good at playing jungle, and although he played Bai Li Xuan Ce less frequently, a skilled jungle king could play anything.

His Bai Li Xuan Ce set the rhythm just like the appearance of this hero, dominating the game effortlessly.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The opponents quickly fell into a disadvantage.

After killing the opponents in a wave, Ran Feng unapologetically stole the enemy’s blue buff. B8QlWk

After that, he took Ji Xingchen back to their jungle area and stopped in the brush near the blue buff.

Ran Feng flicked the blue a few times and then said to Ji Xingchen, “Come here, this buff is for you.”

Riding on Ran Feng’s head, Ji Xingchen always remembered that he was a support. Upon hearing this, he immediately shook his head, “I don’t need buff when I play support, you take it.”

That’s what he said, but Ji Xingchen, still suffering from the aftermath of being a mid laner, was actually a bit tempted. U7l1au

However, tonight, he was a dignified streamer, being carried by Ran Feng as Yaria throughout the game, and there were three other teammates. He definitely felt embarrassed to ask for the blue buff…

Seeing Ji Xingchen refusing to take it, Ran Feng made a move and signaled him to look at the buff on his own body, “I already have one.”

Ji Xingchen smiled and teased him, “Shouldn’t the Jungle King take even if all buffs are full on his body?”

With that said, he jumped off Ran Feng and directly clicked to recall to base to replenish his life. 2SU0rA

Ji Xingchen: “Brother Feng, you take it, I really don’t need it.”

Just as he finished speaking, he saw Ran Feng hook the last sliver of health from the blue buff and throw it at his face.

Ji Xingchen was stunned, somewhat impressed by this move.

Their two celebrity teammates also joined in the banter. oEKFyM

Mage: “If neither of you wants it, just give it to me! Please, I really want it QWQ!”

Marksman: “Brother Feng, look at my mana bar, see it? Not even a drop left!! Am I not worthy of this blue buff!!”

Ji Xingchen: …

Ran Feng: … bP0x52

Ji Xingchen hurriedly recall to the base, frightened by the situation.

The event didn’t end until nearly ten o’clock. Ji Xingchen had been teased by the viewers all night and as soon as the game was over, he immediately ended the livestream.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

But even after the event ended, the heat from it didn’t die down.

As a top celebrity, whenever Ran Feng attended an event, he would dominate the trending searches for the entire day. tgo7BN

Tonight, with the grand event of Honor of kings, a national game, various trending search topics related to him naturally dominated the trending searches once he participated.

Among these topics, one of the search terms was #Brother Feng’s earrings#.

The trending search term on Weibo is very popular, but most of the comments below are quite normal, almost all fans are praising Brother Feng’s rainbow farts, praising his godlike appearance, and how cool his earrings are.

However, there are still some people asking why his earrings look so similar to the ones worn by the MeowMeow TV streamer, Star. c9AnsP

Apart from these people, in a secret base where CP fans gather, the fans of the duo have already started discussing enthusiastically.

[Tonight was so exciting!! Last time it was matching outfits, and tonight it’s matching earrings! Showing affection is really fun~]

[Tonight, Brother Feng played Xuan Ce, and only had a heart for Star, aaah, giving you my heart, he’s only for you, it’s so subtly romantic.]

[I heard Brother Feng even went to Star’s livestream and kicked a male fan called Star’s husband??? This jealousy, hilarious, like a primary school chicken hahaha.] GzBi o

[Not only that, Brother Feng, as the mighty Jungle King, always remembers to give buff to the support. Wake up, Ran Feng, Star isn’t playing mid lane tonight, he’s playing support!!]

[Ran Feng: “Understood, but I still want to pamper.”]

[Sob sob sob, stop talking, I want to grab a megaphone and urge them to give me some affection right now!!]

[There’s so much sugar tonight, it’s making me dizzy, but I still really want to know what’s up with those couple earrings, did any sisters find out yet?!] vk2SiM

[I tried, but I really couldn’t find out the brand QWQ.”

As they watched the livestream, the CP fans spent the whole night holding back their excitement, and now they’re finally back at their secret base. Letting themselves loose and get excited.

After finishing their candy rush, the microscope girls grabbed their microscopes and cut out hundreds of screenshots from today’s livestream.

After constant zooming in, zooming out, color adjustments, and lighting corrections, the CP fans delved deep from every angle. They spent almost the entire night dissecting the images and videos, but still couldn’t figure out what brand of earrings they were. dcLm6A

In the end, they could only come to one conclusion—there were no matching earrings on the entire internet.

Not only did Ran Feng’s earrings not have a match, but neither did Star’s.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[I wanted to get a matching pair, but it turns out there are none on the entire internet???]

[Wow, how did these two manage to find earrings that are nowhere to be found on the entire internet?] evtfSh

[Even for limited editions, there should be some clues.]

[They must be custom-made…]

[Sigh… custom-made, they put so much effort into it.]

[Speaking of custom-made, I feel like Brother Feng and Star’s earrings resemble a series by a certain foreign designer that I know, the Soulmates collection. What’s impressive about this designer is that no matter how much money you have, you can’t buy it unless it fits his eye. And those earrings of his, they all emphasize the bond and sense of fate between lovers. His designs give off the vibe that they’re from the same brand but different styles, but upon closer inspection, they’re actually a couple items because he intricately carved symbols of the unique bond between lovers onto the earrings, which is very meaningful.] FkpOAc

[Wow, sister, the way you put it makes these couple earrings even more meaningful…]

Not long after this insightful comment from the eagle-eyed CP fan, someone left a comment below, accompanied by a screenshot of Ran Feng’s earring that had been magnified several times, outlined with a red line.

[Ahhh, sisters, you have to see this!!!! On Brother Feng’s earring, does this letter look like an artistic ‘x’????]

[Holy cow! An ‘x’??!!] 19Lz4

[X?? Xing? Star!!!]

[Sister, you’re amazing!!! How did you even find this? How long did it take you to notice?!]

[Ahhh, I didn’t expect it either. I just heard the previous sister mention that there might be symbols of lovers on the earrings, so I took a look. I didn’t expect this angle of the picture to be just right for faintly revealing it!! I actually tried to dissect Star’s, but the livestream footage was too small over there, so I could only make out the style, but I feel like there’s also a letter, but it’s not clear.]

After this fan finished speaking, she threw out another screenshot of Ran Feng. kFq7iK

[Doesn’t Star’s look like an ‘f’??]

[No need to look any further, it definitely is.]

[Even the details are so similar, couple earrings szd!!!]

[Oh my god, these two are so clever, wearing an ‘x’ and an ‘f’ in front of so many people!!!] DJtipx

[Stop, stop, sisters, brother deskmate are making me tired with their szd talk!!!]

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Translator's Note

“reality was too skinny” means that the reality did not match the expectation or ideal. It’s a metaphorical way of saying that what actually happened was disappointing or fell short of what was hoped for or anticipated.

Translator's Note

“szd” is an abbreviation that stands for “是真的” (shì zhēn de) in Chinese, which translates to “it’s real” in English. It is commonly used by fans in online communities to express their belief that a particular romantic relationship, often between celebrities or fictional characters, is real or genuine.

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  1. Haha poor these CP fans 🤣🤣 they clearly have the materials and evidence of StarFeng CP but too afraid of getting backlash if they’re too enthusiastic 🫠🫠🫠

    Thanks for the chapter! <3

  2. I’m respect this fans

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖