Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh65 - Brother Feng, You’re A Great Kisser


Chapter 65: Brother Feng, You’re A Great Kisser

While Ji Xingchen’s mind was still filled with Ran Feng’s phrase “I love you” by Ran Feng. His lips were already pried open by the other’s tongue. u AVe6

This wasn’t a gentle kiss; it was passionate, filled with desire, dominant, and wild.

Ji Xingchen tilted his chin, feeling the other’s heavy breath and scorching heat.

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As the bright red lips hesitantly parted, Ran Feng’s agile tongue freely explored, dominating each sweet moment between Ji Xingchen’s lips and teeth, enticing him to intertwine.

The sudden kiss left Ji Xingchen’s mind blank, enveloped in intense desire, surrendering all his senses, body, and awareness. Feeling the heat on his neck, his breath began to quicken, and tears of passion glistened in his eyes. xMLlYA

Ji Xingchen struggled to catch his breath from the kiss, yet he didn’t want to let go easily.

This kiss had been his fantasy for many years. Every time he dared to steal a kiss from Ran Feng’s lips in his dreams, he never imagined it would come true one day.

The sweetness of the tongue made him realize clearly that this kiss was not a dream; it was initiated by Ran Feng, so passionately.

Ji Xingchen closed his eyes, completely sinking into the moment. Instinctively, he reached out with both hands, pulling Ran Feng closer.


Mimicking Ran Feng’s earlier movements, Ji Xingchen lifted his head.

(Horizontally from left to right, top to bottom)


Tongue entwining… 7IBFLV

Kiss deepening…

Ran Feng’s hold growing…

More intense…

Ji Xingchen’s moans getting louder… aiYzPt

The atmosphere thickened with tension…

His breath intertwined with Ran Feng’s…

This breathless sensation continues…

Like a burning desire… rmuWLe

Tangling in the air, and heating up…

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Veggbecvlcu atfw…

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Dfmbwlcu. jodhHN

C yla.


Ejc Mfcu’r olcufgalqr agjmfv Al Wlcumtfc’r rxlc cfjg tlr kjlra.

Cr atfs rilv jmgbrr tlr jyvbwfc, lcmt ys lcmt (P’w gfjiis cba kglalcu jcsatlcu ragjcuf), 2Kjvdt

Pa ofia ilxf j vgfjw, ifjnlcu tlw vffqis wbnfv ibcu joafg kjxlcu.

Ejc Mfcu’r kjgw qjiw jujlcra Al Wlcumtfc’r ibkfg yjmx,

The feeling was electric (is this not a harmonious word?).

At that moment, Ji Xingchen felt as if all his strength was drained (is this acceptable?). J6xYnh

He leaned powerlessly against Ran Feng’s body.

Just as Ji Xingchen thought he might collapse from the overwhelming sensation,

Those warm hands that had been igniting his skin suddenly tightened.

Grasping his waist firmly. q98zjV

Ran Feng’s strength pulled him back.

His back pressed against the dressing room door.

He felt his waist lifted by those powerful hands,

Their clothes and bodies pressing, HLpurZ

Tighter and tighter together.

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At this moment, Ji Xingchen felt like he was in the middle of a turbulent sea,

Holding onto Ran Feng as his lifeline. 2uyOgA

Yet, as his skin pressed against Ran Feng’s chest,

He couldn’t help but want to merge every inch of his being

Closer, ever closer.

Feeling Ran Feng’s body heat, djItHB

He was willing to drown in this scorching fire.

This kiss, was intense,

And prolonged, as if making up for all the missed kisses of the past five years.

Just before Ji Xingchen’s brain succumbed to the lack of oxygen, Ran Feng bit his lower lip. Finally letting go. While a thread of silver connecting them in the air. kdxSCA

Ji Xingchen’s lips were reddened and hot from Ran Feng’s kiss, shimmering with a faint sheen of moisture.

He breathed in the fresh air around him deeply, holding his rapidly beating chest, meeting Ran Feng’s gaze.

Ran Feng’s originally fair neck was slightly flushed, and his light eyes were also tinted with desire, adding a touch of allure.

When has Ji Xingchen ever seen Ran Feng like this? iPDUkc

Instantly captivated by the beauty, Ji Xingchen absentmindedly licked his lips and unconsciously said, “Brother Feng, you’re a great kisser.”

Saying this while almost suffocated by the kiss, Ji Xingchen simply wanted to praise Ran Feng’s kissing skills and superior technique.

But he didn’t realize that at this moment, his face was flushed, while his eyelashes were still glistening with tears, and staring at Ran Feng with such a wet look while saying these words, he was inadvertently seduced without knowing it.

This was inviting someone to commit a crime. EQTv7h

Ran Feng lightly lifted his chin with his fingers, half-closing his peach blossom eyes, “Are you saying this to me like this because you want another round?”

As Ran Feng spoke, his voice was husky, full of sexual implications.

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Ji Xingchen’s heart trembled again.

In his mind, he couldn’t help but recall the soul-stirring kiss just now and the burning sensation on his waist. Under the dual stimulation, Ji Xingchen felt like he had lost half his soul. q3ijPw

If he were to have another round with Ran Feng now, he feared he might just lose control completely and the gun will be triggered then just be executed on the spot

He quickly shook his head, and looked extremely innocent as he clarified to Ran Feng, “No no no, I don’t want to, Brother Feng, I… I can’t handle it.”

Inexperienced Ji Xingchen’s brain was still lacking oxygen at this moment, saying whatever came to his mind.

Hearing that he couldn’t handle it, Ran Feng couldn’t help but chuckle lightly. MwDmFH

“Just a kiss and you can’t handle it? That won’t do.” He raised an eyebrow, leaned close to Ji Xingchen’s ear, and whispered seductively, “How about we try again, see if you can really handle it.”

Ji Xingchen’s earlobe turned red from the warmth of his breath. He quickly raised his hands and pressed against Ran Feng’s chest.

“Please spare me, Brother Feng, stop teasing me, please.”

After receiving the kiss, every inch of his body was clamoring with excitement, longing to be further enveloped in Ran Feng’s scent. eb78Kr

But, it’s Brother Feng was the one he’s speaking with in such close quarters, and Ji Xingchen’s cheeks started to heat up.

He licked his lips, feeling a bit thirsty.

Ran Feng looked at Ji Xingchen’s pitiful plea and slightly retreated, creating some distance between them.

His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he slowly calmed his racing heartbeat. R6z4xY

But the person in front of him looked so innocent, like a red-eared rabbit, that Ran Feng couldn’t help but hold onto Ji Xingchen’s hand on his chest and continue to ask him, “It’s just like?”

As soon as Ran Feng finished speaking, the phrase “I love you” he had said earlier resurfaced in Ji Xingchen’s mind.

Of course, he understood that Ran Feng’s intense feelings for him couldn’t possibly be just “like.”

Realizing he had used the wrong words, Ji Xingchen quickly shook his head. DH6ZcB

If Ji Xingchen remained silent, Ran Feng’s eyes would stare straight at him, forcing him to look back.

“Xingxing, do you think I just like you?”

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Ji Xingchen’s face turned bright red, a bit afraid to meet Ran Feng’s eyes.

“No…” he whispered. Q1607D

Ran Feng seemed dissatisfied with this answer and continued to press.

“Then tell me, what is it?”

As Ran Feng spoke, his voice carried a low laughter, making Ji Xingchen feel like he was enchanted, both excited and shy.

Although Ran Feng had never made any inappropriate moves towards him, Ji Xingchen felt like he was being teased by Ran Feng… wB5f2A

The words of shame lingered on his lips, Ji Xingchen knew the answer, but he couldn’t bring himself to say it.

It’s love.

It’s wanting you to be with me…


Translator's Note

Notes for you before reading this chapter. This chapter has “authorial intrusion”. The author was commenting… So it’s a bit hard to understand. Anyway, I did my best to make sure that this will be easy for you to read… Good luck!

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  2. Aw, so romantic

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖