Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh64 - I love you, and I want to completely possess you

Ran Feng also likes him, and he also likes Ran Feng.

So, these five years of silently liking him wasn’t unrequited love, right? kIKnM

While he was waiting for Ran Feng, Ran Feng was also waiting for him…

With Ji Xingchen understanding this, his heart was pounding with excitement, rolling around on the bed.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He took out his phone, and looked at Ran Feng’s WeChat, his fingers typing rapidly.

“Brother Feng, do you like me too?” jbJn4q

Before clicking send, he deleted the sentence.

Would it seem too sudden if he sent it like this?

Ji Xingchen typed again.

“I like you, Brother Feng.”


But it seemed too direct, not poetic enough.

So, he deleted it.

“When we meet again,

I’m so happy to see the spring. laJI3M

Where is the laughter now?

Your heart knows.”

This impromptu poem wasn’t written well enough.

Deleted again. WYiyHq

“Brother Feng, I have something to tell you.”

Still deleted.

“Brother Feng, are you asleep?”

Deleted, deleted… WeaPSK

Ji Xingchen typed countless sentences back and forth, tossing and turning for two hours, but in the end, not a single word was sent.

After tossing himself until he was sleepless, Ji Xingchen saw that it was too late and finally put down his phone, feeling reluctant to disturb Ran Feng’s rest.

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Words of confession…

Wouldn’t it be more atmospheric and moving to say it to Ran Feng face-to-face? JIfeW4

After finally making a decision, Ji Xingchen prepared to pick a suitable time to confess to Ran Feng the next day.

Once the thought was in his mind, he dreamt about it all night when he went to bed.

But every time he said “I like you,” Ran Feng rejected him.

Ji Xingchen was so scared that his palms were sweating. Even though he knew it was just a dream, he couldn’t wake up. hrQlef

Until a ringing sound woke him up.

His mind had been in a state of tension all night, and Ji Xingchen felt very unwell.

He almost pressed the answer button involuntarily, so he didn’t even glance at who was calling him.

“Hello…” 5JH4eS

In a daze, he uttered a syllable hazily.

The other party seemed hesitant, then said, “Did I wake you up?”

With Ran Feng’s voice suddenly ringing in his ears, Ji Xingchen finally became somewhat awake.

He didn’t speak immediately. He quickly sat up, and rubbed his face to make himself look more normal, then cleared his throat. L47WXg

“No, no, I was just lying down, and didn’t get up yet.”

Ji Xingchen explained while he was checking the time and found it was already ten o’clock!!

He actually slept in so late??

No wonder Ran Feng sounded surprised just now. 4btYLs

“Why are you lying in bed so late today?”

Listening to Ran Feng’s chuckle, Ji Xingchen didn’t dare to say that it was because he dreamt about confessing and being rejected. He quickly got out of bed and went to open the door.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“The bed was too comfortable…”

After saying this, he realized how strange his reason was, so Ji Xingchen quickly changed the subject. 6ZjK5e

He heard noises on Ran Feng’s end, so he asked, “Do you have any activities today?”

“No activities, but we have a rehearsal.”

“You went to S City?”

“Yeah, just got off the plane, heading to the stadium now.” ALJtyF

Going to the stadium in S City, that meant going to rehearse for the concert.

“Are you still going home today?”

Ji Xingchen estimated the time it would take for Ran Feng to come back and the time needed for rehearsal, and he already knew the answer in his heart.

But he still asked out of habit. QPE 8L

The result was as he expected…

“I’ll come back after the concert.”

The concert was in three days, which meant he had to wait three more days to see Ran Feng.

Ji Xingchen pretended nothing had happened and casually instructed, “Okay, then take care of yourself these days and don’t overwork.” ydVL5s

After hanging up on Ran Feng’s call, he quickly crossed out the plan to confess today in his mind.

Ran Feng has been preparing for this concert for a long time, and now is the busiest stage. Confessing rashly doesn’t seem like a good time.

After calling Ran Feng, Ji Xingchen became completely awake. After getting up, he filled his stomach with a cup of yogurt and oats, then took out his phone to browse the Honor of kings forum.

In the forum, netizens often share a lot of informative posts and interesting new gameplay. Yesterday, he heard someone say that Lu Ban could push the enemy’s red buff in the bushes with three shots, making it hard for the jungle to find it, so he wanted to see if there were any guides written by experienced players on the forum. 0FyTDm

As soon as he opened the forum, he saw that the first post had already exceeded a thousand replies.

Eating Melons Frontline, 1 hour ago

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Come check out the performance records of the girlfriends of KPL jungle kings. Brothers, do you feel inferior after seeing them?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Images][Images][Images][Images] 8nk6pV

1i: Cr fzqfmafv bo atf kbwfc yftlcv atf pecuif xlcur, atfs’gf mjggslcu qgbofrrlbcji qijsfgr.

2i: Ktfrf qgfaas ijvlfr jgf cba bcis yfjealoei yea jirb rxliifv.

6i: Qtb jgf atfrf pecuif xlcur’ ulgioglfcvr? P vbc’a erejiis qjs jaafcalbc ab atfrf, la’r j yla regqglrlcu.

10i gfqis ab 6i: Ktfs jgf gfrqfmalnfis atf ulgioglfcvr bo Wlj Hljc, Lejse, Hlcumtfcu, jcv Zewe. Smu32

11l: What? My Mumu actually has a girlfriend??

12l original poster: He has been duo-queuing with this girl a lot recently.

15l: Wow, I’ve just stumbled upon some huge gossip.

When Ji Xingchen saw this, he had the same reaction as comment 11, Jiang Mu actually has a girlfriend??? lUskqg

He scrolled back up the page and returned to the screenshot posted by the original poster.

In the screenshot, a person named “Popular Custard Cat” had indeed been duoing with Jiang Mu these past few days, and the two even stayed up late together.

This girl plays support, and her win rate looks pretty good.

Jungle king duoing with a support sister in ranked matches makes it seem like they’re in a relationship. 3ZrBj

Ji Xingchen temporarily refrained from drawing conclusions and continued reading.

115lsa Non-Me: The first three are fine, but as for the fourth, Popular Custard Cat… seems like there’s something strange mixed in.

118lsa Sinking: Informed sources say that this is a small account of a certain teacher…

119l: Caught two professional players!!! kKDP9I

120l: Did Teacher Cheng Yu change his alt again??

121l: Hahaha, so it’s Teacher Cheng Yu.

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130l: Is this Teacher Cheng Yu? Although he often plays with Mumu, why include him?

200l: Are you trying to kill me with laughter, OP? ILP57V

The next few hundred comments were basically all laughing.

Ji Xingchen guessed that everyone would definitely go back to figure out who this “Popular Custard Cat” was, but he didn’t expect the direction of the post to be so funny.

Just thinking about Teacher Cheng Yu being mistaken for Jiang Mu’s girlfriend made Ji Xingchen laugh along with the post.

While he was laughing, Jiang Mu called him. NUYx8A

“I was just thinking, do you have clairvoyance?” Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but tease as soon as he answered the phone.

Since the World Championship, Jiang Mu had only called him once, saying he might be busy dealing with something recently. After that, they hadn’t been in touch.

But today, right after he saw a post making fun of him, Jiang Mu called directly?

Jiang Mu was obviously puzzled by Ji Xingchen’s teasing. “Clairvoyance? Bro, what are you talking about…” 6fkPU1

“Nothing.” Ji Xingchen laughed. “Have you finished dealing with your stuff?”

“Yeah, I was just about to tell you about it.”

He smiled. Ji Xingchen hadn’t planned to inquire about this matter, but since Jiang Mu brought it up, he was naturally happy to listen.

“Brother Xingxing… I’m in a relationship!” BfFilx

When Jiang Mu mentioned his relationship, his tone was quite excited, but for some reason, Ji Xingchen heard a hint of hesitation.

“Wow, you really are!” Ji Xingchen found this situation quite amusing.

He had just seen everyone misunderstand that Jiang Mu was dating Teacher Cheng Yu, and now Jiang Mu was voluntarily telling him he really was in a relationship!

“Why do you say that?” Ji Xingchen’s choice of words made Jiang Mu feel a bit strange. dWXLho

“Just before you called, I saw a post where everyone misunderstood that Teacher Cheng Yu was your girlfriend, saying you two were duoing every day.”

Ji Xingchen happily shared the content of the post he had seen with Jiang Mu, but he was met with awkward silence from the other end.

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“We are duoing every day… just… Brother Xingxing, if I bring my partner back, will you accept them?”

Ji Xingchen was full of question marks from Jiang Mu’s question. 3WoKqd

“Why wouldn’t I accept them??? I’m thrilled that you’re in a relationship! Finally, someone is willing to be with you.”

Ji Xingchen said this, and Jiang Mu’s attitude finally relaxed a lot. “That’s good, that’s good.”

“When are you bringing your partner back for me to meet?”

“In a little while, we’ll come back.” After saying this, Jiang Mu reiterated anxiously, “Bro, don’t be too surprised when the time comes.” OlEqGa

“The more you say, the more curious I get… who is it?”

“You know them. Let’s just meet in a few days…”

Ji Xingchen’s curiosity was piqued by Jiang Mu’s last sentence, and he wished he could immediately dig into who among the girls he knew was with Jiang Mu.

But the scope was too broad, and he couldn’t think of anyone, so he had to give up. QGXP9l

However, seeing Jiang Mu, who was younger than himself, in a relationship made Ji Xingchen secretly despise himself for not having successfully pursued brother Feng yet.

He quietly wrote a sentence mocking himself in his notebook.

# Ji Xingchen is not capable #

After finishing writing, he crossed out those five words and rewrote: GVb0eS

# Ji Xingchen will definitely make it #

When Ran Feng finishes his concert in three days, his confession will definitely succeed!!!

Ji Xingchen felt like time was passing by slowly as he was looking forward to confessing.

After enduring two days with livestreams, Ji Xingchen finally waited for the day when Ran Feng’s concert officially began. fxRldW

The concert started at seven in the evening, and at noon, Ji Xingchen boarded a plane to S City.

This was his first time going to see Ran Feng’s concert in person. Perhaps because he was filled with anticipation, this time Ji Xingchen felt much better when he boarded the plane, and he wasn’t as afraid as before.

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The ticket for this trip was booked by Ran Feng. Originally, Ran Feng was going to arrange for someone to pick him up, but because he had made an appointment with Lan Xin to wait for her at the airport, he refused.

After getting off the plane, Ji Xingchen sent a message to Brother Feng, informing him that he had arrived safely. xWsDQi

Considering how busy Ran Feng must be today, Ji Xingchen didn’t expect a reply from him.

But to his surprise, right after he sent the message, Ran Feng replied instantly.

Feng: Still at the airport?

Xingxing: Yeah, the little sister’s flight is delayed by twenty minutes. f1 MaO

Feng: Take care.

Xingxing: No big deal~

Seeing that Brother Feng had time to chat with him, Ji Xingchen asked again.

Xingxing: Brother Feng, aren’t you busy right now? Uhznku

Feng: Very busy.

Xingxing: Then how come you have time to reply on WeChat?

Feng: You’re different.

In the past, Ji Xingchen would have thought that Ran Feng was just teasing him or joking around. Baj50t

But ever since the day he realized that Ran Feng also liked him, whenever he looked at these messages, he felt a bit… sweet.

Ji Xingchen’s heart felt like it was filled with honey. Even before it got sweeter, he immediately received a selfie from Ran Feng.

The background of the photo looked like a dressing room, and Ran Feng’s hair was dyed silver. He was wearing a silver costume with sequins, and under the lights, it looked like jewels were shining.

Ji Xingchen’s heart was swayed by the image. MxYd0f

Ran Feng was very fair-skinned, and with this hair color, he looked both elegant and seductive.

Xingxing: Is this your opening look for tonight? So stunning!!

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Ji Xingchen couldn’t hide his excitement. After typing, he quietly clicked to open the picture again and again until his phone vibrated once more.

Feng: How stunning? 6pJiue

Seeing Ran Feng’s reply made Ji Xingchen realize his typo and quickly corrected himself.

Xingxing: I mean handsome!

Xingxing: Typo

Feng: Going to do makeup, let’s not chat for now. 9uS4mP

Xingxing: Okay, you’re busy.

Feng: After the concert, don’t wander around, come find me backstage.

Ji Xingchen nodded as he held his phone.

After waiting at the airport for almost half an hour, Ji Xingchen finally met Lan Xin smoothly. dDNBt1

As soon as they met, Lan Xin took out a bunch of stuff from her bag.

Hats, sunglasses, masks, stickers, support banners, glow sticks, light boards…

Ji Xingchen put on the hat, sunglasses, and mask, then curiously inspected Lan Xin’s bag.

“This bag doesn’t look that big, how can it fit so much?” LQMdAl

Lan Xin handed Ji Xingchen a specially made “I Love Brother Feng” light board and said, “Of course, a fangirl’s bag must be able to fit all the support materials.”

She shook her head and added, “It’s still not enough. Brother Xingxing, let’s quickly go to the venue to get more merch. The drawings by Lady Feng from the Ifeng station are so cute!!!”

Having never been to a concert before, Ji Xingchen felt like a first-time visitor to an amusement park, being led by Lan Xin to queue for various merchandise at the venue.

Before, when fans talked about how high the attendance rate was at concerts and how many people showed up, it was just a bunch of numbers in Ji Xingchen’s mind. CLexVY

Today, coming to the venue in person and seeing the stadium surrounded by full posters, booths filled with merchandise, and extraordinarily long queues, he realized just how bustling the scene was.

Ifeng from all over the country gathered here, just to cheer for their idol together tonight.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After arriving at the venue, Ji Xingchen was quickly infected by the enthusiasm of the fans.

However, the vast majority of fans at the venue were girls. For male fans like Ji Xingchen, appearing in the crowd was particularly eye-catching, especially with his tall stature. Therefore, almost every step he took, he would be asked, “Wow, a male fan!” N7 Ble

The girl at a booth distributing supplies was especially cute. Seeing Ji Xingchen’s clean clothes, she helped him pin badges all over.

Shoulders, chest, waist, back—Ji Xingchen suddenly had cartoonimages of Ran Feng all over him.

When the opening was about to start, Ji Xingchen joined Lan Xin and her other girl friends, queuing together to have their tickets checked for entry.

Ran Feng and Mo Yuze had given Ji Xingchen a total of four tickets, but three were in section A, and one, from Mo Yuze, was in section B. syG7nJ

When dividing the tickets earlier, Ji Xingchen thought it might be more interesting for the three girls to be together, so he took the ticket for section B by himself.

After entering the venue, he separated from Lan Xin.

As soon as he entered section B, a girl at a booth handed him blue and white star-shaped support sticks, blue and white support banners, and blue and white booklets.

Under the lights, he opened the booklet and found thoughtful notes from fans, including a map and instructions on when to use the support sticks during which songs. tADN1b

Ji Xingchen, who was attending a concert for the first time, was touched by the thoughtfulness of the fans.

He carefully put everything away, and tested the support sticks to make sure they worked, then focused his gaze on the stage.

Since it wasn’t time yet, the stage was still empty, with nothing on it.

But five minutes later, the lights dimmed, and the fans’ screams echoed incessantly. uzWjh4

On the central screen, numbers suddenly appeared, and the screaming fans stopped shouting and began counting down together.



Eight h7defZ



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The fans’ voices were uniform, cutting through the pitch-black night.

Five d3n045




One vCr5Wj

As the countdown ended, the screen in the center of the stage suddenly lit up, displaying Ran Feng’s figure, walking gracefully towards the fans.

The accompaniment of “Chasing Waves” began, and Ran Feng was blocked by a water wall.

He paused, extended his slender fingers, and lightly touched the water barrier.

Then, splashes of water burst forth, and Ran Feng appeared on the stage in real life! ZTbmyc

The dazzling lights on the stage illuminated his silver-white sequined clothes, and Ji Xingchen’s heart pounded as fast as those splashes of water.

Ran Feng’s new look was visually stunning, and the surrounding fans had already begun screaming uncontrollably.

“Ah, brother, I love you!!!!”

“Ah, husband, you’re so handsome!!!” BL1OW4

Ji Xingchen didn’t dare to scream like the fans. Instead, he opened the “I Love Brother Feng” light board given to him by Lan Xin and waved it in the air for Ran Feng.

During the two-hour concert, Ji Xingchen’s hand was numb from waving the light board, but he still persisted in holding it up.

At the end of the concert, Ji Xingchen finally made eye contact with Ran Feng as he walked towards section B.

Ran Feng glanced at him, then carefully read the words on the light board he held. gXBHId

In front of thousands of people, he suddenly smiled.

The fans couldn’t resist this smile, and the entire venue was filled with their screams.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“For the last song, everyone please be quiet.”

Ran Feng made a “shh” gesture, and across the crowd, he made eye contact with Ji Xingchen again. 2tqcTQ

The stage instantly quieted down.

The fans waved their blue and white support sticks in the air.

Returning to the center of the stage, Ran Feng wore a simple white shirt and black trousers. Amidst a beautiful starry sky effect, he sat at the white piano.

Ran Feng lowered his gaze, his slender fingers playing an unfamiliar melody on the keys. nPBpyZ

“At seventeen, you penned poems with innocence,
Since then, my favorite words always carry your essence.
In those confused years, I missed my chance to say,
Loving you became inevitable, in every way.
Is it love?
Thoughts of you make my heart so tender,
Unspoken heartbeats, time’s gentle mender.

Ran Feng’s voice was unusually gentle, and the fans held their breath, listening earnestly to this love song.

Everyone was immersed in this sweet, unrequited love, except for Ji Xingchen, whose heartbeat accelerated rapidly.

To the fans, it was just a simple love song. xzgjhX

But he knew, the poem written at seventeen was the one he wrote to Ran Feng on a postcard…

In that year, he thought it was just an unrequited love doomed to have no outcome.

“Gazing at the starry sky,
Hoping to find you where the fireflies lie.
Wishing to bury
Lonely memories in the summer breeze,
You stumble into my arms, blushing cheeks,
Leaning on my shoulder, breaths intertwining.
A light kiss, like vanilla ice cream,
Melting sweetly on my lips.”

Ran Feng looked up, smiling towards Ji Xingchen’s direction, with a tender sentiment in his eyes that couldn’t be dissipated. neYLU3

Ji Xingchen gazed back at him, feeling both sweet and bittersweet in his heart.

Fortunately, it wasn’t too late for everything.

Fortunately, the person he liked also liked him back.

“Dreaming of inviting you to a love undisturbed,
Longing to kiss you at dawn’s first light,
Under endless stars and moon, planting vows with you.” QOzj8k

As the song ended, the starry sky dispersed, leaving only darkness and a single star on the stage.

After the lights dimmed and then brightened again, Ran Feng was no longer on the stage. Fans reluctantly watched the stage, slowly walking away.

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Ji Xingchen turned off his light board and support stick, striding towards the backstage.

He understood, this song was Ran Feng’s confession to him. 6G8ZdO

Ran Feng sang everything he wanted to say to him.

Ji Xingchen felt he couldn’t wait any longer. He didn’t want to wait until tomorrow to confess when he returned home.

He wanted to tell brother Feng immediately that he liked him too, for six years, since the first time they met, he fell in love with him at first sight.

Ji Xingchen was somewhat excited, while walking somewhat hastily, and almost stumbling. avs0Wp

He ended up being stopped by the staff at the door.

Ji Xingchen looked at the backstage so close yet out of reach, feeling nervous and anxious.

“Brother Feng, I’m here, but the staff won’t let me in…”

A few minutes later, Ran Feng appeared in front of him, and personally brought him back to his dressing room. 21v9EQ

The moment the door closed, Ji Xingchen was pressed against the door by Ran Feng, and embraced in his arms.

Ji Xingchen’s chest heaved heavily as he looked up into Ran Feng’s eyes. “Brother Feng, I understood the song just now.”

Ran Feng squinted his eyes slightly, and asked him hoarsely, “Understood what?”

Ran Feng’s voice was deep and husky, a bit seductive, making Ji Xingchen’s limbs feel weak. He couldn’t even hold the light board steady and dropped it to the ground. Ye6Vgz

After taking a deep breath and calming his heartbeat, Ji Xingchen slowly said to Ran Feng, “I dreamed of confessing to you before, but you kept rejecting me.”

Speaking of this dream, Ji Xingchen felt a bit aggrieved.

“Although it was very discouraging, I always believed in the dream.”

Ji Xingchen lifted his chin, and subtly closed the distance between them. dezGBp

“Why?” Ran Feng raised an eyebrow, while his voice carried a hint of temptation.

Ji Xingchen’s heartbeat began to accelerate involuntarily again.

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He licked his lips, his bright eyes filled with determination. “Because I can feel that you also like me, right?”

Seeing Ran Feng not responding, Ji Xingchen, not knowing where his courage came from, pressed Ran Feng further, “Brother Feng, right?” aHbh01

Pressed by Ji Xingchen’s questioning, Ran Feng lifted Ji Xingchen’s chin, forcing him to look into his eyes.

“No.” He denied softly.

A hint of emotion and desire tinted his shallow eyes, and a warm breath entwined around their necks.

In Ji Xingchen’s astonished gaze, Ran Feng lowered his head and kissed his lips deeply. PJiw56

“I love you, and I want to completely possess you.”

Translator's Note

‘Duo-queuing’ means two players team up to play together in an online multiplayer game.

Translator's Note

this can also be translated into ‘chibi’, I guess…

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    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖