Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh62.2 - Let Me Kiss You

After returning home, Ji Xingchen didn’t even have time to organize the things he bought. The first thing he did was to search for the rabbit in the house.

Since Ran Feng wasn’t home all day today, he must be the only one to take care of the rabbit. yWf3YN

However, despite feeling a huge sense of responsibility, Ji Xingchen searched the room back and forth, checking every possible place, but couldn’t find the rabbit.

Ji Xingchen glanced at the only two remaining rooms in the house.

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One was Ran Feng’s bedroom, and the other was Ran Feng’s studio for songwriting.

He couldn’t easily enter these two places, and they weren’t where a rabbit would be kept. nedKbQ

Unable to find the rabbit, Ji Xingchen decided to message Ran Feng.

Star: Brother Feng, where is your rabbit?

Star: I’ve looked everywhere and couldn’t find it.

Star: Does it need to eat something?


Star: Grass or pellets?

Ji Xingchen sent several messages to Ran Feng in a row, but there was no response.

Thinking Ran Feng must still be busy, he didn’t continue to message.

He put away the groceries in the fridge and did a quick cleaning of the house. eNwhVf

After finishing everything, it was almost noon, so Ji Xingchen went to the kitchen to make himself some food.

Although Ran Feng’s kitchen was fully equipped, Ji Xingchen noticed that everything was new and hardly used.

While cooking, Ji Xingchen worried that Ran Feng might rely on takeout when he was home.

Thinking about this, he suddenly felt very sorry for Brother Feng… pdM9fH

Ji Xingchen prepared a simple lunch for himself.

As he finished eating, it was exactly noon.

Ji Xingchen checked the time again and still couldn’t relax about the rabbit, so he sent another message to Ran Feng.

Star: Brother Feng, I still haven’t found the rabbit. It hasn’t eaten anything all morning. Could it be hungry? 0c6HPO

After Ji Xingchen sent the message, the other party quickly replied.

Feng: Have you eaten?

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Star: Yes, I have.

Feng: Then the rabbit isn’t hungry. ZOlm78

Star: ???

Unable to understand Ran Feng’s words and unable to find the rabbit, Ji Xingchen gave up and started his livestream directly.

Because he didn’t stream yesterday, he needed to make up for the lost time today.

As soon as he started the stream, the barrage began asking about the questions he didn’t answer yesterday. Lbti4E

[My little Star’s livestream is still so refreshing today~]

[So, may I ask little Star, who is this friend with such lavish equipment?]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The more persistent the barrage, the more evasive Ji Xingchen had to be. “Just a friend…”

Lbkfnfg, atf jevlfcmf lc atf ilnfragfjw gbbw kjrc’a fjrlis obbifv. DBOp w

[Is it the boss?]

[Is it Brother Feng?]

[Could it be that everyone was right before, and this is the rhythm of cohabitation with Boss Wanfeng???]

[Wow~ Exciting!] 9AYmQV

[Why can’t it be my Brother Feng? Do you think my brother isn’t rich enough?]

[Here, I suggest the shippers fight it out. Whoever wins, little Star belongs to them.]

[Let’s fight it out!!!]

[Why can’t it be both of them together? Three people together… Oh, what am I saying…] Ih89zl

[Are you talking about a threesome????]

“Po sbe xffq atlr eq, ws ilnfragfjw klii yf yjccfv.” Al Wlcumtfc, klat tlr fjgr jigfjvs gfv ogbw fwyjggjrrwfca, uijcmfv ja atf yjggjuf atja wfcalbcfv j atgffrbwf. “Rfza alwf, lo sbe rjs rbwfatlcu lcjqqgbqgljaf, P’ii yjc sbe.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Qlat atja rjlv, tf rajgafv j ujwf jujlc. “Pa’r yffc j ktlif rlcmf P abbx sbe uesr bc j gjcxfv ujwf. P’ii rtjgf j ilcx lc atf ugbeq mtja, oglfcvr klat atf gjcx bo Zjrafg Vajg mjc milmx la tfgf. Mlgra mbwf, olgra rfgnfv.”

After that, for the rest of the afternoon, Ji Xingchen diligently played games with his fans to rank up. tFCilz

He played with his fans until half past five in the afternoon. After delaying for a while, he went to the kitchen to cook. He cooked rice, then made a dish of yam ribs, and finally washed and cut the vegetables, but didn’t stir-fry them.

After arranging everything, Ji Xingchen sent another message to Ranyun asking when he would be back.

There was still no reply.

Without waiting for a message, Ji Xingchen didn’t know whether Ran Feng would come back home for dinner in the evening. But he was worried that Ran Feng might be hungry when he returned home, so he decided to wait for him. Vz43PT

Later, Ji Xingchen started another livestream, playing four peak games. After playing and gaining some points, he still didn’t see Ran Feng coming back.

By the time Ji Xingchen checked the time, it was already 8 p.m., and he estimated that Ran Feng would probably be back soon, so he exited the peak games and started playing ranked games while waiting for him.

However, Ji Xingchen’s luck seemed to have run out during the peak games tonight. He played three ranked games in a row, but didn’t get any jungle teammates in any of them. So, Ji Xingchen had to shoulder the responsibility of carrying the team, playing jungle in each game.

Compared to playing mid-lane mages, Ji Xingchen’s jungle performance was not as outstanding; at most, it was considered average. Therefore, he lost the first two games consecutively. iXdzG9

Before the start of the third game, Ji Xingchen especially wanted to win, so he changed the name of his livestream room to “Jungle King Star, I Can.”

However, right from the beginning of the game, he was suppressed by the enemy jungle. While the enemy Nakoruru roamed freely in the sky as a birdman, while his Zhao Yun was beaten into a chicken on the ground, getting killed numerous times.

The skill level of Ji Xingchen’s teammates in this game was also average, so they quickly fell behind. They were just one tower away from entering the intense defending phase.

Although Ji Xingchen occasionally lost games while playing, being beaten so badly after setting a flag made the audience laugh in the barrage. 06uaNi

[Little Star, although your mid-lane is impressive, I can’t even praise your jungle with 180 layers of filters.]

[Little Star, give up the struggle, you’re not doing well in this game.]

“Are you saying I can’t do it as a man?” Ji Xingchen knew this game was hopeless, so he joked with the people on the barrage, “Don’t be so absolute in your words, what if I manage to do it?”

After boasting for a bit, he immediately played down his abilities, “Am I really that bad at jungle?” 6G9unR

[HAHAHAHA MeowMeow TV’s biggest noob of the day.]

[If you want to win this game, you’ll need a real jungle king to come and save the day.]

Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Give up, Little Star, you’re not a jungle king, you’re a jungle vegetable, hahaha.]

“You guys have ignited my competitive spirit. I have to play seriously now. Let’s make a bet. I know you all are hoping for a comeback from me against the odds. Come on, vote.” WtwSxc

Ji Xingchen immediately started another prediction.

Prediction: Can Jungle King Star make a comeback?

Yes vs No

“Brothers, I’m betting ten thousand beans on ‘Yes’, you decide for yourselves.” Ji Xingchen hinted wildly to the audience. 4MqZyr


[Brainlessly betting on defeat, getting rich quick.]

[Right side is full, villas by the sea.]

[Brothers, I bet a hundred thousand beans on ‘No’, you decide for yourselves.] Udo4gp

Ji Xingchen glanced at the prediction results and saw that ninety percent of people had voted ‘No’.

“No way? What about my true fans?? With just this little faith, it seems your love for me is all a lie!”

While joking with the barrage, Ji Xingchen was once again killed by the enemy, directly by Nakoruru this time, in an extremely miserable manner.

[Defeated in both reputation and reality.] 42OflS

[Clearly set up.]

[Love will fade, but beans will never betray.]

[To those who bet ‘Yes’, see you on the rooftop.]

Seeing his own corpse, Ji Xingchen chuckled, “Being a jungle king is really tough! My poor ten thousand beans.” HG0l8R

Just as Ji Xingchen finished speaking, he heard movement in the room. Since he wanted to hear Ran Feng’s return as soon as possible, he hadn’t closed the door.

He quickly turned his head to look behind him and sure enough, he saw Ran Feng standing at the door of his livestream room, smiling at him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing Ran Feng, Ji Xingchen immediately put on a smile.

He opened his mouth, about to speak to Ran Feng, but immediately realized that he was still livestreaming. He turned back and muted the microphone. ErJR4j

“When did you come back, Brother Feng?”

“Just now.”

“Have you eaten?”

“Not yet.” wAPWvp

“Perfect, just wait for me a moment, we can eat together after I finish this game.”

As Ji Xingchen said this, on the screen, Nakoruru was typing to mock his Zhao Yun, suggesting his teammates to report him for feeding after the game.

The game screen was mirrored onto the computer’s large screen, so both Ji Xingchen and Ran Feng saw Nakoruru’s words through the computer at the same time.

Ran Feng walked over to the computer with a smile, glanced at the name of Ji Xingchen’s livestream room, “Jungle King Star, your jungle king reputation is about to be ruined.” b2hC07

Ji Xingchen chuckled, “Not only is it ruined, I’ve lost ten thousand beans, and I’m also at risk of being reported.”

Ran Feng chuckled at his remark, “Sounds a bit pitiful.”

With the atmosphere still light, Ji Xingchen met Ran Feng’s gaze and playfully blinked at him.

“How about helping me out, Brother Feng?” he said, pointing at the barrage, puffing his cheeks, “They all just said I can’t do it!” dIxHqp

Ji Xingchen didn’t realize it, but when he was talking to Ran Feng, his tone sounded a bit coquettish.

Meeting Ji Xingchen’s sparkling eyes, Ran Feng took his phone directly, “It seems a bit difficult to win.”

Ji Xingchen shook his head, pleading, “Brother Feng, I trust you!”

Just as he finished speaking, Zhao Yun in the game resurrected from the fountain. kEoiCj

Ran Feng didn’t say anything but responded to Ji Xingchen directly with action.

He controlled Zhao Yun, typed to his teammates, and said that he would come back to defend the base, then went to clear the bottom lane minions.

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At this moment, the enemy marksman and mage were fighting the dragon, while Nakoruru and the other two were showing themselves on the top lane.

Seeing all four teammates on the top lane clearing minions, Ran Feng went alone to the opposite side of the dragon pit, hiding in the bushes of his own red area. dXnPJd

When the dragon had just a sliver of health left, it was snatched with a skill.

The barrage in the livestream room exploded.


[????????] 9hyfSp

Just as the barrage filled with question marks, Zhao Yun unexpectedly killed the marksman.

[Is this what Ji Xingchen’s jungle play can achieve?]

[Did Ji Xingchen get possessed?]

From stealing the dragon, the rhythm reached a turning point. SFuo6w

The viewers in the livestream room noticed that the host’s jungle rhythm suddenly changed, both in terms of gameplay and details, as if someone else had taken over, and suddenly surged.

[WTF, why does it feel like Ji Xingchen suddenly changed?]

[Has he been replaced?]

[Is Ji Xingchen’s jungle play this strong???] hCVuZI

Seeing the barrage filled with “replaced,” Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but grin.

Five minutes later, Ran Feng not only helped Ji Xingchen turn around his losing streak but also secured victory for him in this game, successfully completing a comeback.

Amidst a barrage of rainbow-colored compliments in the chat, Ji Xingchen’s eyes curved with joy.

“We won this!!! Brother Feng, you’re awesome!!” GcWtfN

He reached out to take the phone from Ran Feng’s hand but found that he wouldn’t let go.

Perplexed, Ji Xingchen looked up, “Brother Feng?”

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Ran Feng stood up, met his gaze, and half-jokingly said, “No reward for me?”

Ji Xingchen nodded in understanding and enthusiastically agreed, “Of course, anything you want, I’ll give it to you.” NrUzxI

Seeing the happy Ji Xingchen in front of him, Ran Feng half-closed his eyes, and in his slightly flirtatious gaze, there was a hint of allure.

“You let me kiss you.”

Translator's Note

Nakoruru, with high mobility, dominated the match while Zhao Yun, struggle.

Translator's Note

“Setting a flag” means making a bold or confident prediction about success that often backfires. In this case, Ji Xingchen set a flag by naming his livestream “Jungle King Star, I Can,” but ended up performing poorly, leading to his audience teasing him.

Translator's Note

“180 layers of filters” means that even with a lot of positive bias or enhancement, something still doesn’t look good. In this context, it means Ji Xingchen’s jungle performance is very poor, despite trying hard to see it positively.

Translator's Note

“jungle vegetable” refers to a player who is very bad at the jungle role, failing to effectively kill monsters, gain buffs, and assist their team.

Translator's Note

“Right side is full, villas by the sea” is a humorous expression indicating that one side (option) is overwhelmingly favored or chosen by many people. It implies that so many people have chosen one option that it’s like all the villas by the sea have been taken, leaving no space available.

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  1. Just noticed reading this novel..goes well while I’m listening to slow jams…

    Someone should try it out👍💃🎶🎼🤗


  2. Hehehe

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖