Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh62.1 - Let Me Kiss You

Ji Xingchen stood still, feeling a bit absent-minded.

Ran Feng’s back was really white and sexy, and it looked so touchable… fgLx2n

He felt himself being tempted by this white skin, and just one glance made his breathing rhythm go awry.

In the past, if Ji Xingchen saw such a scene, at most he would blush, while his heart would beat faster, and his ears would feel hot.

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But recently, he felt like he had changed.

Because of frequent contact with Ran Feng, the physical contact between him and Ran Feng had increased a lot. He had been hugged by Ran Feng, even kissed on the earlobes, they even slept in the same bed, more than once… IKZPyY

As a normal young man full of vitality, facing someone he liked, in the past he could restrain this physical impulse, but now he felt his heart itching, really wanting to hug Ran Feng.

Ji Xingchen felt his breathing rhythm change, so he quickly looked away, afraid to look at Ran Feng anymore.

He felt a bit guilty, thinking he was treating Ran Feng too despicably.

Ran Feng treated him like a good friend, and always helped him.


And he… only wanted to sleep with him…

“Do you see a lot of pimples on my back?”

Ran Feng took off half of his bathrobe, revealing his slim upper body.

Ji Xingchen’s mind was filled with thoughts of sleeping with Ran Feng, so he didn’t hear what Ran Feng was saying clearly. Jn56H4

Seeing the person behind him not responding, Ran Feng turned around.

Ji Xingchen’s expression at this moment was very unnatural.

So unnatural that even Ran Feng noticed something was off.

Ran Feng didn’t speak, just quietly sized up Ji Xingchen for a moment. VMif9Y

Seeing him breathing irregularly, ears turning red, he suddenly had a guess in his mind.

He placed the ointment in his hand into Ji Xingchen’s palm, gently pinched Ji Xingchen’s chin with his thumb and index finger, forcing him to look at him.

The moment their eyes met, he whispered, “Xingxing, help me apply the medicine.”

Ji Xingchen didn’t dare to meet Ran Feng’s gaze, so he lowered his eyes. This time, he finally noticed that Ran Feng had a lot of red bumps on his body. Nh2wdx

There were several on his waist, chest, neck, and shoulders.

“Why do you have so many bumps?”

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Ran Feng’s skin was very fair, so the red bumps stood out prominently on it, making it look quite serious visually.

“It’s a bit of an allergy.” e3ihg

“Is it because the hotel sheets were not clean?”


As he spoke, Ran Feng turned his back and pointed to his own back, “I can’t reach here, can you help me?”

Ji Xingchen quickly took a cotton swab and applied the ointment to Ran Feng’s back. ZzvJjU

There weren’t many bumps on Ran Feng’s back, just four, so Ji Xingchen quickly finished applying the ointment for him.

After applying it, he noticed that Ran Feng’s neck was also a bit red, so he asked, “Do you need me to apply it here too?”

Ran Feng nodded and turned around to face Ji Xingchen directly.

“Yes, please.” v MtNc

Ji Xingchen quickly grabbed another cotton swab, squeezed some ointment onto it, and carefully applied it to Ran Feng’s neck.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He lightly tapped Ran Feng’s collarbone with the cotton swab, “Brother Feng, you also have marks here on your collarbone and neck. It looks like hickeys. Be careful when you wear clothes these days, don’t let anyone notice. Otherwise, you’ll be trending again!”

Ca tlr kbgvr, Ejc Mfcu mtemxifv rboais, “Qjrc’a atja ogbw sbeg xlrr?”

Al Wlcumtfc kjr rtbmxfv jcv ibbxfv ja Ejc Mfcu lc mbcoerlbc, rlifcais jrxlcu tlw ktja tf wfjca. 2JmlMB

Qtfc vlv tf ifjnf tlmxfsr bc Ejc Mfcu’r cfmx?!!

Ejc Mfcu mjgfoeiis gfwlcvfv tlw, “Pc atf wbgclcu.”

Ktfc tf rqfmlolfv atf alwf oegatfg, “Qtfc sbe kbxf eq.”

At his words, Ji Xingchen’s hand trembled, and the cotton swab with the ointment slipped down to Ran Feng’s chest… BGyd3b

Ran Feng was right. In the morning, when he woke up, he really kissed Ran Feng’s collarbone.

“Did I kiss with such force?”

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Ji Xingchen pretended to be calm as he grabbed two tissues and wiped off the misplaced ointment on Ran Feng’s skin, making a joke in the process.

“Well… it’s not too bad.” CRz9WH

A low chuckle escaped from Ran Feng’s throat as Ji Xingchen wiped him with the tissue. Ji Xingchen could feel the rise and fall of Ran Feng’s chest when he laughed.

Accidentally brushing his fingertips against Ran Feng’s chest, Ji Xingchen felt a slight warmth, so he tossed the tissue aside and focused on reapplying the ointment to Ran Feng.

He had already applied the ointment to most of the bumps, leaving only two on Ran Feng’s abdomen.

Because of their position, Ji Xingchen’s gaze naturally followed downwards as he applied the ointment. s1Z5nK

Then… he accidentally caught a glimpse of Ran Feng’s lower body.

Although Ran Feng’s bathrobe was only halfway off, the belt around his waist was not tied tightly, leaving about a three-finger-wide gap in the lower half.

Ji Xingchen and Ran Feng were standing very close to each other face to face, so in the moment he lowered his head, Ji Xingchen unconsciously saw everything inside.

After seeing it, Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but swallow hard, his head buzzing. EHSepc

Brother Feng…

So big…

And even through his underwear, it was so obvious…

Seeing something he shouldn’t have seen, Ji Xingchen, feeling unable to control the images in his mind, felt like he was going crazy. nEFvho

Ah ah ah ah ah!! Why did he agree to live with Brother Feng?

He couldn’t even handle applying some medicine, what will he do in the future!!

Blushing, Ji Xingchen hastily finished applying the ointment to Ran Feng’s last two bumps, then dashed out of the bedroom as if escaping for his life, not even bothering to ask about the equipment anymore.

Watching Ji Xingchen’s retreating figure, Ran Feng’s beautiful eyes couldn’t help but curl up involuntarily. F9Djy

After rushing out, Ji Xingchen went straight to his room and took a cold shower.

After the shower, he shivered from the cold, and it wasn’t until he lay in bed for a while that he felt better.

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He really brought this upon himself, on the very first day of living together. What will he do in the future?

Spending time together day and night. Rpt1GI

He could disguise it once, twice, three times.

But with frequent occurrences, wouldn’t he eventually slip up? What if Ran Feng found out about his feelings towards him? What would he do then? Would he lose his friend altogether?

He and Ran Feng had been apart for five years, and it took a lot of effort to rebuild their friendship. He didn’t want to lose it like this.

After thinking for a long time, Ji Xingchen decided to suppress his feelings quietly, burying them deep in his heart, and maintaining a friendship with Ran Feng. JgP54w

Wrapped in his blanket, Ji Xingchen made up his mind and decided to find an excuse to move out after staying at Ran Feng place for a few days.

With his plan secretly in place, Ji Xingchen checked the time and realized it wasn’t even 8 o’clock yet.

It was still too early for bedtime, but he didn’t want to face Ran Feng right now either…

Just as Ji Xingchen was in deep conflict, his phone vibrated, and Ran Feng proactively sent him a WeChat message. apWv G

Ran Feng: Are you already in bed?

Ji Xingchen: I’m lying down.

Ji Xingchen: [Pitiful].jpg

Ran Feng: Are you tired? Ygv8eH

Ji Xingchen had been worrying about how to come up with an excuse, but Ran Feng handed him one.

Ji Xingchen: Yeah, I’m a bit tired from the flight, so I just want to lie down.

Ran Feng: Then go to bed early.

Ji Xingchen: Okay. 3vdkVt

Ji Xingchen glanced at the WeChat conversation and typed a new message.

Ji Xingchen: Brother Feng, I just found out that your computer and other equipment are really expensive.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ran Feng replied with a question mark.

Then he sent another message. kazEBF

Ran Feng: So that’s why you suddenly didn’t livestream tonight?

Ran Feng: You felt embarrassed?

Ji Xingchen was rendered speechless by the questions.

Did Brother Feng have mind-reading abilities? How did he guess everything? YcnOA2

Ji Xingchen: Yeah.

After being guessed at his true thoughts, Ji Xingchen knew he couldn’t deceive Ran Feng, so he admitted it directly.

He stared at the phone screen and noticed Ran Feng was typing, so he waited for what he would say next.

Ran Feng: Sponsored by the brand. XDy Iv

Ran Feng: I don’t usually need them either. If you don’t use them either, we can only wait for them to collect dust.

Ji Xingchen: Brands sponsor these things?

Ran Feng: They even sponsor weddings.

When Ran Feng mentioned weddings, Ji Xingchen remembered the melon he had eaten before about brands sponsoring weddings. 61oQpx

So it seemed like brands really could do anything?

Ran Feng: To make the most of them, I’ll have to trouble you to reluctantly use these devices for livestreaming.

Ji Xingchen: Sure~

Ji Xingchen: I’ll reluctantly make do with them for these few days then~ C69QIs

After replying to Ran Feng, Ji Xingchen suddenly felt like he was quite easy to please in front of him.

He knew deep down that it might not be the case, but whatever Ran Feng said, he chose to believe.

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After finishing the business, Ji Xingchen chatted with Ran Feng for a while.

When chatting with someone you like, time always seems to fly by. pk0jmn

Even though they didn’t talk about much, a few hours passed by in a hurry.

Ji Xingchen lay on Ran Feng’s large bed, unconsciously rubbing his face against the pillow.

The bedding in Ran Feng’s house was made of some unknown fabric, soft and exceptionally comfortable.

Ji Xingchen slept very comfortably, and naturally, the quality of his sleep at night became very high. pdcfOI

He had dreamless sleep, and Ji Xingchen slept straight through until the next morning.

He got up to prepare breakfast for Ran Feng, but found out that Ran Feng had already left.

Ran Feng left a note on the dining table along with the keys.

On the note, Brother Feng wrote him a message ā€” C JkxM

“The keys on the table are for the house, and the code for the keypad lock is 200919.

Turn left 300 meters from the community gate, there’s a supermarket, and nearby are commercial streets and restaurants.

I’m busy with work today and will be back late, so don’t wait for me.

Feng” Td9RwY

The handwriting on the note was a bit hurried, indicating that he wrote it in a hurry.

Ji Xingchen looked at the few words Ran Feng had hastily left him before leaving and glanced at his own WeChat.

If time was short, why didn’t Ran Feng choose to directly send him a message on WeChat?

Ji Xingchen put away the note, grabbed the keys, and left the house. gwQqpm

When he heard the sound of the door closing behind him, he suddenly understood the question.

Did Brother Feng leave a note because he left too early and didn’t want to wake him up with a WeChat message?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Xingchen was startled by his own thoughts.

Later, following the information Ran Feng had left him, Ji Xingchen successfully found the supermarket. KAsdXG

He had actually seen this large supermarket before, but he forgot its specific direction.

Although navigation could also lead him there, Ran Feng’s clear instructions saved him a lot of trouble.

Thinking about the empty refrigerator at Ran Feng’s house, after buying vegetables, fruits, and meat, Ji Xingchen also bought some milk, bread, and cookies.

He had heard before that celebrities often complained about irregular meals when working, and skipping meals was common. ErzYmf

Considering that Ran Feng left home so early today, Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but worry if he had time to eat breakfast.

He had heard on a health program that skipping breakfast could cause gallbladder problems, so he decided to put some milk or something similar in the refrigerator to let Ran Feng grab something on the go in the future.

That was better than going hungry.

After purchasing a bunch of things and returning home, as he reached the door, he put down the milk to free up a hand to enter the code. XbNqVe

After entering the numbers Ran Feng had told him, Ji Xingchen suddenly remembered that the code wasn’t 2009, 19.

It was 20, 09, 19.

Because he remembered the last time Ran Feng’s phone password was 050919.

Brother Feng said 0919 was his rabbit’s birthday. 8pgoMu


What about Brother Feng’s rabbit??

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