Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh57.2 - Brother Sweet Deskmate

After comforting Wu Rui, Ji Xingchen quickly opened Weibo. Bai Xue only captured the posts from the marketing accounts and didn’t capture the comments.

Because he was bombarded with thousands of comments from CP fans earlier, Ji Xingchen was worried that they might spread other things. LZY2Vb

He opened the hot search and found that the original 21st ranking #Ran Feng and Star high school classmates# had risen to 16th place. And under this hot search, there was a new one titled #Ran Feng Star’s earth-shattering deskmate relationship#.

He clicked into both hot searches and found that the first one had relatively normal comments, with everyone shocked that they were high school classmates, and some even discussing their grades based on that report card.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

But in the second hot search, although the overall comments were normal, there was a slightly larger proportion of CP fans, with three out of the top ten hot comments discussing what this CP between Ran Feng and Star should be called.

[How about StarFeng?] rwzJVb

[No, no, Star and his live streaming room’s top boss is called StarFeng. This StarFeng girl refuses to collide with CP names!]

[Then should we call it FengJi? As long as we enter the FengJi pit, we are the disciplinary committee!]

While reading the post, Ji Xingchen thought these fans were just fooling around privately and didn’t pay too much attention to them.

As a result, it’s now trending, and it seems like quite a few people have fallen into the CP pit between him and Brother Feng, so Ji Xingchen felt like this matter might have escalated a bit.


After all, compared to forums, Weibo has a larger audience, so the spread would be wider.

It’s okay for someone to expose the fact that he and Brother Feng are classmates, but if their relationship was widely promoted and exaggerated, it would definitely make Brother Feng, who dislikes being involved in rumors with anyone, uncomfortable.

Thinking of Jingze, who was permanently cut off by Brother Feng because of this CP, Ji Xingchen, looking at the soaring hot searches, suddenly started to worry.

He knew hot searches could be removed, but he had no way to contact them. In the end, he reluctantly prepared to call Ran Feng to inform him of the situation and hoped his team could figure out a solution. xd2PrS

Ji Xingchen opened his phone and dialed Ran Feng’s number. Just as he entered the last digit, he suddenly saw a notification from the Admin reminding him that he had just done an ineffective live stream, which didn’t count towards the duration.

Seeing the administrator’s reminder, he realized that he had been eating melon for almost an hour without saying anything in the live stream room. He quickly opened the video app on the homepage and found a suspense film to cast onto the computer.

“Let’s watch a movie for a while, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

As soon as Ji Xingchen spoke, the audience who had been waiting in the live stream room immediately became active again. 5fDcU

[Didn’t say a word for half an hour just now, haha, Star, did you sneak off to study?]

[Definitely went to study, haha!]

[I really want to know what Star’s expression is like now, turn on the camera!!!]

[Star, someone edited a video of you and Brother Feng, want a friendly link?] X l8Go

This audience member in the barrage was probably a self-answered guru. As soon as he asked the question, he immediately posted several links.

[Bilibili sharing link: Big Celebrity x Little Streamer, Love at First Sight]

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Xingchen didn’t have time to watch videos now. He turned off the sound of the live stream room and immediately dialed Ran Feng’s number.

The phone rang for a while before the other party answered, and there was some noise in the background. QFIL3a

Ji Xingchen suddenly remembered that Ran Feng was still attending an event, so he decided to hang up and call back later.

“Brother Feng, are you busy? Then I’ll call you back later.”

“No need, I’m not busy.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Cwlvra atf reggbecvlcu cblrf, Ejc Mfcu’r nblmf rbecvfv qjgalmeijgis mjiw, jcv Al Wlcumtfc, eqbc tfjglcu la, revvfcis vlvc’a offi rb qjclmxfv. DOjInM

“Dgbatfg Mfcu, vlv sbe rff atf agfcvlcu abqlm?”

Al Wlcumtfc atbeuta atf batfg qjgas kbeiv rjs cb, yea Ejc Mfcu gfqilfv, “P pera olclrtfv gfjvlcu la yfobgf sbe mjiifv.”

“Then… after reading it, did you feel angry?”

Ran Feng asked back, “Angry? Which one are you referring to?” spdj0g

“Both…” After some hesitation, Ji Xingchen added, “Especially the one about being deskmates.”

As Ji Xingchen spoke, he felt a bit anxious, thinking Ran Feng would mind.

But the other party chuckled softly, “Isn’t that the truth? Why would I be angry?”

“The… truth?” M2G3w9

Did Brother Feng not read the comments and the ambiguous description from that OP?

“Not just about being deskmates, but the fact that they’re discussing our CP.”

Ji Xingchen explained anxiously, then heard Ran Feng chuckle lightly again.

“Yeah, I saw that.” RcZ9G3

“Saw that????”

Ran Feng’s response completely stunned Ji Xingchen.

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Then he heard Ran Feng ask him, “So, you called just because of this trending topic? Are you very concerned about it?”

Ran Feng’s words snapped Ji Xingchen back to reality. ht1vfu

At this moment, whatever he was thinking, he just blurted it out, “Not that I mind, I’m just afraid you’d be upset. Didn’t you have a CP with a celebrity before? I heard you blocked him.”

“You’re different from him.”


Ji Xingchen thought about it and realized Ran Feng was right. He was indeed different from Jingze. fAEhCi

Jingze intentionally used Ran Feng for publicity, guiding fans into fantasies, while he was thrust into the trending topic without knowing anything, with different motives.

And he would never take advantage of Ran Feng.

However, although Ji Xingchen understood this, it’s still a trending search, he continued to ask, “Should we remove the trending topic then? Should I respond accordingly on Weibo?”

Afterward, he added, “Your fans are asking me about our relationship in the livestream. How should I answer them?” 4dFHdn

Compared to Ji Xingchen’s anxiety, Ran Feng was much calmer. He calmly replied with a hint of meaning, “Our relationship? Take your word for it.”

Ji Xingchen thought for a moment, “Then… just classmates?”

“Just classmates?”

Ji Xingchen quickly added, “Deskmates!” alA86z

From Ran Feng’s end, there was no discernible emotion. Ji Xingchen only heard him say, “Okay.”

The fans’ questions were resolved, but there was still a group of CP shippers incessantly speculating, which worried Ji Xingchen even more.

“What about those shipping us? Shouldn’t we clarify things and kill the CP?”

Ran Feng raised an eyebrow, “You know about killing CP?” hOq9dd

“Of course, you used to do it quite thoroughly.”

Ran Feng’s response was a low chuckle.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After a while, he said, “This time, we won’t kill it.”

“Why?” um 6xF

Ran Feng’s completely different attitude left Ji Xingchen both surprised and curious. Because this time, he was one of the main characters in the CP, he really wanted to know how Ran Feng viewed this CP.

But Ran Feng was evasive, “I said, you’re different.”

Ji Xingchen grew even more anxious, “How am I different?”

Ran Feng paused, then said seriously, “Because you’re Ji Xingchen, and no one else is.” ol0pA4

Ji Xingchen listened, feeling puzzled.

What did Ran Feng mean by that?

Was it because they were classmates and good friends before, as Ji Xingchen, he didn’t need to deny it?

Ji Xingchen pondered the meaning behind Ran Feng’s last sentence but didn’t say anything more. And neither did Ran Feng. u9X8l

On the phone, Ji Xingchen could only hear the background noise from Ran Feng’s end. After a while, he heard Ran Feng’s voice again through the receiver.

“CP fans say you’re the one who’s been spoiled in our house.”

With just that sentence, Ji Xingchen’s face turned red.

Talking about his and Ran Feng’s CP with the person he liked indeed felt a bit embarrassing. 6srmWP

Ji Xingchen wanted to hang up but couldn’t bring himself to, so he just vaguely responded with an “um.”

Then he heard Ran Feng say, “That means you’re my wife.”

The word “wife” made Ji Xingchen’s heart race.

He couldn’t tell if Ran Feng’s statement was a question or a statement, so he awkwardly replied, “Ah, I see…” HpxsjU

His livestream viewers talked about CP every day, so of course, he knew what it meant.

But on the phone, Ji Xingchen heard Ran Feng say, “You don’t know.”

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After hanging up with Ran Feng, Ji Xingchen checked the trending topics again and found that the discussion about them being classmates with Ran Feng had reached the top.

Because Ran Feng had just posted on Weibo and tagged him. wp67z5

Ran Feng: “@MeowMeowTV Star, long time no see, old classmate.”

Ran Feng’s extremely generous attitude made Ji Xingchen feel like he had over-thought things. He shouldn’t have been so timid.

So he immediately reposted this Weibo.

MeowMeowTV Star: Long time no see, brother deskmate//@Ran Feng: @MeowMeowTV Star, long time no see, old classmate jNQYeu

Ji Xingchen thought that by using a joking tone typical of straight guys, he could appear as easygoing as Ran Feng.

But little did he know that after he posted the Weibo and went back to his livestream, the barrage in the livestream changed to this style:

[Wow, brother deskmate, hehe]

[Deskmate Gege (brother), oh oh] MeGP3B

[Brother, what kind of brother? Blood brother or love brother?]

[Star Star, go for it, I agree to this marriage proposal]

[ Dare to gamble, from bicycle to motorcycle; dare to kiss, from brother to husband ]

[Is this the legendary campus to wedding dress? Ahhhhh!] dkn7pV

[Brother deskmate is really sweet~]

Ji Xingchen never expected that his joking “Brother deskmate” remark would lead the CP fans to imagine even more. He played three rounds of games, was teased countless times by everyone, and eventually felt too embarrassed, so he ended the stream directly.

Before going to bed, Ji Xingchen finally managed to forget about the “Brother deskmate” joke, only to receive a call from Ran Feng.

“What did you write when you reposted my Weibo today?” YwUHiC

Without thinking, Ji Xingchen blurted out, “Deskmate…”

“The full version.”

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“Brother deskmate…”

Ji Xingchen didn’t finish his sentence. After Ran Feng’s reminder, he suddenly remembered everything that was said in the livestream chat. mY6HvP

He suddenly felt embarrassed to say “Brother deskmate” in front of Ran Feng, so he closed his mouth.

After waiting for a while and seeing Ji Xingchen not speaking up, Ran Feng chuckled and coaxed him, “Just say it once, let me hear.”

How could Ji Xingchen agree?

“I’m done talking, I want to sleep.” O5QgYu

Seeing Ji Xingchen unwilling to comply, Ran Feng chuckled softly.

“Okay, you can say it in the future.”

Ji Xingchen: ?????

“In the future??” H90sW8

Translator's Note

“風紀” (fengji) translates to “Discipline.” The commenter is suggesting a name for the CP (couple pairing) between Ran Feng and Xingxing, humorously likening it to a disciplinary committee.

Translator's Note

“風紀坑” (fengji kēng) translates to “Discipline pit,” which refers to the fandom or community surrounding this particular CP.

Translator's Note

By joining this “Discipline pit,” fans humorously imply that they become part of the disciplinary committee.

Translator's Note

“self-answered guru” refers to someone who poses a question in a public forum or chatroom and then promptly provides an answer themselves. This behavior implies that the person is knowledgeable about the topic and is eager to share their insights or findings with others. It can sometimes be seen as a form of self-promotion or a way to showcase one’s expertise on a particular subject.

Translator's Note

“Dare to gamble, from bicycle to motorcycle; dare to kiss, from brother to husband” is a playful and metaphorical way to express the idea of taking risks for greater rewards. It suggests that by daring to take a chance (in a figurative or romantic sense), one could potentially move from a modest situation to a much better one. Specifically, it implies that if Ji Xingchen takes a risk, their relationship could evolve from just being close like brothers to a deeper romantic relationship, akin to a progression from riding a simple bicycle to riding a powerful motorcycle.

Translator's Note

“legendary campus to wedding dress” is a romantic and imaginative expression suggesting a journey from a school relationship to a lifelong partnership. It implies that the bond formed during school days (campus) could eventually lead to marriage (wedding dress).

Translator's Note

Ji Xingchen feels embarrassed calling his old deskmate “哥哥” (older brother) because, in Chinese tradition, addressing someone as “哥哥” suggests a level of closeness and affection that can be seen as intimate. This term is often used within family or very close relationships, implying a protective or caring bond. When Ji Xingchen uses it publicly, fans might interpret it romantically, leading to exaggerated reactions and teasing. The combination of these cultural implications and the public scrutiny makes him feel awkward and uncomfortable.

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  1. Gege, let’s eat him soon

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. one translation note is directly in the text (and then repeated under text again) – I think it’s probably missing “[tn]” part of the code on the beginning

    anyway thanks for the translation – it’s really nice to read 🙂