Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh49 - I’m Not A Rabbit, Why Would I Run?

After getting off the plane, Ji Xingchen went straight to the hotel where he was staying.

Although he had already searched the star rating of this hotel before, seeing such a luxurious presidential suite with his own eyes, Ji Xingchen still felt it was excessively extravagant. hdeHrK

After all, such a big house, and only he was arranged to stay, it felt like a waste just thinking about it…

Regarding this unreasonable arrangement, Ji Xingchen could only explain it as: Brother Kuge is indeed not short of money!

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

After taking a tour around the spacious room, Ji Xingchen finally found the closet.

The closet was very large, but he only brought a small suitcase… CnDWM8

Ji Xingchen estimated that even if he brought ten more suitcases like this, hanging everything inside, the space in this closet would still be spacious enough.

He quickly sorted out his luggage, hanging the suit he would wear tomorrow.

After hanging it up, Ji Xingchen noticed that the suit had many creases because it had been folded inside the suitcase, and the shirt was also wrinkled.

So he quickly called the front desk, and soon a service staff came to help him take the clothes for ironing.


Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but sigh as he looked at the refreshed clothes. The exclusive service of the presidential suite was indeed different.

After tidying up his things, he took out the tie he had prepared to give to Brother Wanfeng and placed it on the bed separately.

With a busy schedule tomorrow, he was afraid of forgetting to give the gift.

After finishing these tasks, Ji Xingchen had just sat down on the bed to rest when he received a message from the person in charge. bZR4oU

The person in charge informed them in the group chat that after lunch, they should gather at the competition venue at 3 p.m. to briefly go through the procedures to avoid mistakes tomorrow night.

After confirming with the person Admin in the group chat, Ji Xingchen received a call from Cheng Yu.

“Have you arrived, Xingxing?”

“Yes, just finished organizing my luggage.” tsMTrm

“Okay, what floor are you staying on? I went to the streamer area just now but couldn’t find you.”

“The person in charge said there was no room available there, so I didn’t stay with them.”

“You’re staying at another hotel? Alright, send me your location.”

Ji Xingchen immediately sent his location to Cheng Yu. TBMCqi

A few minutes later, Cheng Yu sent him six dots on WeChat, followed by a “cool.”

Cheng Yu had participated in many World Championship finals and KPL finals, so he was much more familiar with the hotels and surroundings around the venue than Ji Xingchen.

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He had thought he was quite experienced and had seen it all, but seeing the hotel and floor Ji Xingchen had sent him still widened his horizon.

Was the treatment for the first place in this Honor Points Tournament so good? Staying in a hotel on par with celebrities? rWHioP

“Xingxing, come down. I can’t come up without a room key.”

Cheng Yu waited downstairs for a few minutes before finally seeing Ji Xingchen.

Before, when he was exchanging messages with 17-year-old, Ji Xingchen didn’t pay much attention because he hadn’t seen the room type.

Now, seeing the luxurious room with his own eyes and then realizing that Cheng Yu was staying in a double room, he naturally felt something was wrong. c9mtrN

“Am I the only one getting this treatment? Did they make a mistake?”

“It’s not necessarily. Didn’t the person in charge tell you there were no rooms available? Tomorrow’s final will attract tens of thousands of people, and the regular rooms in nearby hotels have long been booked.” After speculating to himself, Cheng Yu smiled at Ji Xingchen again. “Forget about it, just enjoy staying in such a nice hotel.”

With Cheng Yu’s explanation, Ji Xingchen felt like the reason did make sense, but upon closer consideration, he still felt something was off.

Was his luck a bit too good? 25HmCq

“My room is spacious, do you want to stay together?”

Not knowing that Ji Xingchen was staying in a super-sized presidential suite, Cheng Yu shook his head and kindly declined, “No, I grind my teeth at night, I’m afraid I’ll disturb your sleep, and also, Jiang Mu… If you know…”

Cheng Yu suddenly stopped talking.

“What’s up with Jiang Mu?” qfwmrp

Cheng Yu avoided eye contact, “It’s nothing, have you eaten?”

Ji Xingchen was indeed a bit hungry, so he didn’t pay much attention to the other’s odd behavior and immediately answered, “Not yet.”

After checking the time on his phone, he realized it was already past one o’clock.

He had to rehearse at three, so time was tight. trnXCG

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vb atf akb bo atfw delmxis ugjyyfv rbwf ojra obbv ab olii atflg rabwjmtr jcv tegglfv ab atf mbwqfalalbc nfcef.

Ktf mbwqfalalbc nfcef kjr teuf, yerailcu klat qfbqif mbwlcu jcv ublcu. Snfc klat rlucr qbrafv, la kjr ralii bnfgktfiwlcu.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Mbgaecjafis, Jtfcu Te kjr ojwliljg klat wjcs rajoo wfwyfgr, rb tf delmxis ygbeuta Al Wlcumtfc ab atf jgfj ktfgf atfs kfgf ujatfglcu.

As Cheng Yu was a popular guest and had other segments to participate in, he didn’t rehearse together with Ji Xingchen. NF3Eco

After agreeing to meet again after the rehearsal, Ji Xingchen then saw the second-ranked player, Jungler King, 17.

True to his name, 17 was indeed a kid of 17 years old.

His parents were worried about him participating alone in the performance tournament, so they accompanied him.

Listening to 17’s happy yet frustrated complaints about his parents always treating him like a child, Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but ruffle his hair. lyxQL3

“Treasure it, kid. It’s nice to have parents spoiling you.”

He wished his parents would treat him like a child too, but unfortunately, he didn’t have the chance…

Just as they were chatting for a bit, their director, responsible for them, came to explain the procedure.

First, the director had them check if their introductions were correct, and then explained the format of the competition. XdMAVz

They had two matches tomorrow in total.

The first match involved them teaming up with professional players and popular players chosen by the audience.

The second match will be seated in the waiting area, where the official spokespersons and ambassadors will choose teammates. Only those selected will be able to team up and participate.

“So, does that mean we might not get on stage for the second match?” 2X7kGl

Ji Xingchen nodded in agreement with 17, “That’s what it seems like.”

“Wow, then I better play well. I heard my goddess might also come. I hope she picks me.”

“Who’s your goddess?”

“Gu Yuanyuan.” xQaAPo

“Are you sure she’ll come? Isn’t it just a silhouette?”

“It’s been exposed online a long time ago. There are four ambassadors: Gu Yuanyuan, Zhou Jinghai, Mo Yuze, and Anyi!” 17 enthusiastically briefed Ji Xingchen, “But we don’t know who the spokesperson is yet. No one has exposed it so far, and the official hasn’t hinted at all. But judging from the lineup of ambassadors, the spokesperson is probably one of the hottest actors or idols.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

After listening to 17’s description, a name suddenly popped into Ji Xingchen’s mind.

The hottest actors or idols… A4QBxL

Isn’t that Brother Feng!

Ji Xingchen’s heart beat violently for a moment.

Although it was highly unlikely, what if Brother Feng really came?

Ji Xingchen suddenly felt a bit weak in the legs, and somehow, he felt like running… Mu7fO3

The singing from the adjacent stage brought him back to reality.

Ji Xingchen glanced at the singers and guest performers rehearsing on stage and realized that it was impossible for him to run away from the rehearsal venue.

The rehearsal process was complex, and with many people around, by the time Ji Xingchen finished, it was already past nine in the evening.

After rehearsal, Ji Xingchen just wanted to go back to the hotel and lie down to sleep. Y9Dz2o

However, because Cheng Yu had already booked a fancy dinner in advance, they went to a nearby restaurant first.

Initially, Ji Xingchen had planned to invite Jiang Mu to join them for dinner, but because the finals were tomorrow, their team management was strict. The coaching staff didn’t allow the starting players to dine out or wander around, fearing that any accidents might affect their performance.

After exchanging a few words, Ji Xingchen and Cheng Yu dined together.

However, with many people dining and the wait for the food being quite long, coupled with occasional encounters with commentators and broadcasters, by the time Ji Xingchen finished his meal, it was almost midnight. 5NST4c

The restaurant wasn’t far from the hotel where they were staying, so Cheng Yu and Ji Xingchen decided to walk back together after dinner.

As they approached the hotel where Ji Xingchen was staying, they noticed from afar that the hotel, which was deserted in the afternoon, was now crowded with people at midnight.

Most of these people were girls, holding various light boards and banners in their hands.

Ji Xingchen was at least lurking in the fan group of Ran Feng, so he knew right away that these were fangirls chasing after stars. WviPuS

He turned to Cheng Yu and asked, “Are the celebrities participating in this event also staying at this hotel?”

Ji Xingchen looked at the light boards held by these fans and saw the names of some stars who had rehearsed in the afternoon. The rest of them were the name tags of some of the four ambassadors that 17 had told him about.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Yeah, I found it strange when you were assigned here before. I heard that this side is all arranged for the celebrities.”

All celebrities staying here? rozSZT

“Then how did I manage to get in…”

Suddenly, a scream came from a distance, drowning out Ji Xingchen’s voice.

“It seems like a celebrity is coming ahead. You might have to find another way to get in. Is there another path here?”

After the scream, Cheng Yu reminded Ji Xingchen. 8forVp

“Yeah,” Ji Xingchen remembered there was another path.

Cheng Yu glanced at the time and realized it was already half past twelve. He said to Ji Xingchen, “You should go back that way. It’s quite late, and my roommate is still waiting for me. I won’t accompany you inside.”

After bidding farewell, Ji Xingchen avoided the heavily blocked main entrance and took another VIP passage of the hotel.

He was staying in the presidential suite, so he could use this side. Acw3sl

The VIP passage was obviously much better than the main entrance, with only a few scattered fans outside.

Ji Xingchen glanced at the light boards and saw that they depicted several fish.

Just as Ji Xingchen was guessing which star’s fans they were, he suddenly heard a scream.

“Ah, Brother Feng!!!” E3sefC

This shout woke up Ji Xingchen, who had been feeling quite tired.

He hardly hesitated and immediately strode forward, almost reflexively, just wanting to run.

Brother Feng was actually here? Was he the spokesperson??

Ji Xingchen didn’t even have time to think about this possibility before he was chased by a group of young ladies. YVC0lT

“Brother Feng, wait!”

“Brother Feng, Brother Feng!!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

At first, Ji Xingchen didn’t react, feeling like the repeated shouts of “Brother Feng” were echoing behind him the whole time.

It wasn’t until he was surrounded by the young ladies that he realized that this group of “Brother Feng sisters” had actually been calling out to him. Bw0H4S

Having experienced being mistaken for someone else at the airport due to his back view, Ji Xingchen was more prepared this time.

He quickly lifted his head confidently, revealing his face, and explained, “I’m not Ran Feng. You’ve mistaken me for someone else.”

The fans who had been blindly chasing after someone finally saw Ji Xingchen’s face clearly and felt embarrassed.

They quickly apologized to Ji Xingchen, “Sorry, little brother, we mistook you for someone else just now…” UNIouK

Ji Xingchen glanced at the light boards with “Feng” characters held by these fans, calming himself down, and asked, “It’s okay. Are you waiting here because Ran Feng is coming?”

After asking, Ji Xingchen stared at the light boards held by the young ladies, feeling extremely nervous.

He thought they would say yes, but instead, he heard them all say, “Not sure.”

“Not sure?” Ji Xingchen was surprised. F2OrtZ

Why were they squatting here if they weren’t sure?

“Well, we’re just here to try our luck. We don’t even know if Brother Feng is the spokesperson. There are eight hundred versions online now, and everyone is confused.”

“Yeah, anyway, we’re here to watch the game, so we just came to wait around.”

“We thought we were so lucky just now, but it turned out to be a mistake… sorry for mistaking you, little brother.” uV7yXT

“You’re so handsome, little brother. You really look like Brother Feng from the back. I was deceived by you…”

Ji Xingchen smiled at the fans without saying much, but he couldn’t shake off the uneasy feeling in his heart.

Back in his room, he immediately checked the fan group of Ran Feng.

The group had already accumulated over 99+ messages. EBCbQY

Ji Xingchen scrolled through the messages slowly, taking nearly half an hour to finally understand what had happened.

It all started when the official finally released the silhouette of the spokesperson for Honor of Kings tonight.

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As the most mysterious spokesperson, many fangirls were quick to dig up clues.

At first, many people speculated that it was Ran Feng, and the Feng sisters were even a little excited, ready to support their brother. 3GPFI0

Not long after, someone dug out a photo with the same pose as the silhouette, but it turned out to be another celebrity in the picture.

Then, someone else came out to refute, saying that Ran Feng’s official fan club had not made any announcements or organized any support, and so far, they hadn’t been able to find any flights from Ran Feng’s side to this area, so the possibility of Ran Feng being the spokesperson was very low.

Instead, it was the other two influencers who were found to be flying here tomorrow afternoon, and their photos in several magazines and the silhouette were somewhat similar, making their chances much higher than Ran Feng’s.

With everyone speculating on the internet without reaching a conclusion, no one dared to bet on who the spokesperson really was. vEyuXn

Those Feng sisters who were waiting at the VIP passage entrance were just hoping for some luck.

In the group chat, all the fans were comforting each other that it would be a surprise if it was true, and it was normal if it wasn’t.

But after reading the chat records in the group, Ji Xingchen couldn’t fall asleep.

Although it was a low probability event, what if Brother Feng really came tomorrow? 7I2Bvl

Ji Xingchen had never imagined that he might meet Brother Feng again in such a situation.

If he really sees him then, what will Brother Feng say? Will he blame him for leaving without saying goodbye? Or does he simply not recognize him anymore?

Ji Xingchen, with wet hair after showering, tossed and turned, his mind a mess.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated, and Wanfeng, the boss, sent him a message on WeChat. SC1n4O

Wanfeng: Are you asleep?

Star: Not yet.

Ji Xingchen replied almost instantly.

Wanfeng: Why are you still awake so late? biksYP

Star: Can’t sleep.

Wanfeng: What’s wrong?

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Ji Xingchen took a deep breath and briefly explained to his boss what happened tonight.

Star: My hotel was originally for those idols and actors. WCaDm4

Star: But downstairs is full of fans.

Star: It was hard to get in just now.

Star: I almost got mistaken for Ran Feng.

Star: I was chased by his fans for a while, and my body still hasn’t calmed down. yu6Ink

Ji Xingchen originally thought the boss would have some kind of comment on this matter, but after a while, the boss asked him—

Wanfeng: Being mistaken for Ran Feng, what do you think about it?

Ji Xingchen replied instinctively without much thought.

Star: I want to run… XvMbgY

Since the boss, Wanfeng, didn’t know about his relationship with Brother Feng, Ji Xingchen didn’t bother to hide it.

Wanfeng: ?

Ji Xingchen looked at the question mark from his boss, thinking of explaining, but the boss suddenly made a voice call.

“After finishing the performance tomorrow, wait for me backstage.” ux2X0w

Maybe it was because it was late at night, Ji Xingchen felt that Wanfeng’s voice sounded somewhat different from usual.

“Star, will you wait?” Seeing that Ji Xingchen didn’t answer, the boss asked again.

The boss’s voice sounded even gentler than usual.

But Ji Xingchen felt that this gentleness seemed to be mixed with other emotions. cNKeY

“I’ll wait.”

As soon as Ji Xingchen agreed, he heard a faint chuckle coming from the other end of the line.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“At that time, don’t you dare run.”

Ji Xingchen found it a bit inexplicable, but when he imagined the scene, he couldn’t help but laugh. xprVdb

“I’m not a rabbit, why would I run?”

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  1. You promise, bunny boyfriend!!! I watch you!!

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖