Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh45 - Alright, Let’s Not Talk About It Anymore

WeChat, 1 minute ago

Love Object [★] McFj1i

Brother Wanfeng, I’m here!

This was the original message displayed on Ran Feng’s phone.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, Lin Haogan was still young and didn’t recognize the first character. Plus, he was in a hurry. Since he hadn’t yet corrected his habit of repeating words, he automatically said love twice when he spoke.

Children are innocent and don’t understand anything. bxl iZ

But when it comes to “Love Object” and “love love,” although they seem to differ by only one word, their meanings are completely different!

One is for a youthful campus drama.

The other is for a romantic action drama.

When Lin Haogan shouted this out, Ran Feng’s parents, his sister, and her husband were all stunned at first, then their faces showed ”embarrassment”.


Lin Haogan hadn’t learned to read the expressions of adults yet, nor could he feel the awkward atmosphere in the room.

With only the thought of a friend looking for his uncle in mind, Lin Haogan raised his phone above his head and threw himself onto Ran Feng’s legs, eager to relay what he saw to him first.

“Uncle, your love said he’s here!”

As he landed on Ran Feng, he couldn’t help but say this again. ymrC4j

He said he’s here.

Normally, this sentence wouldn’t be a problem at all.

However, before saying it, Lin Haogan added a subject — “your love object.”

Your love object sent a message saying he’s here. eMygik

He’s here? Where? What does he want to do? Book a room or…

With six adults present, except for Lin Haogan, this sentence, combined with the context before, made it hard not to think otherwise.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the room became extremely stifling.

“This is…” EZ2iLp

Lin Haogan’s consecutive surprising remarks, oblivious to their implications, made his mother quickly cover his mouth and pull him into her arms, fearing he might say something even more shocking in front of so many people.

Lin Haogan, holding the phone, struggled in confusion. With his right hand, he gestured towards Ran Feng, indicating that his uncle’s phone was still here.

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Ran Feng was momentarily taken aback when he heard the term “love.” However, as soon as he remembered who it was referring to, his expression returned to normal.

Amidst the awkward expressions and intentionally averted gazes of the family members, Ran Feng remained composed, as if he were someone else entirely in charge of the situation, calmly taking the phone from his nephew’s hand. DoQ4Iy

After taking the phone, he ruffled Lin Haogan’s soft black hair and said, “Thank you.”

Family: …

After unlocking the phone, Ran Feng sat down on the sofa in the living room and began typing.

Wanfeng: Have you landed? Ip6WL5

Love Object [★]: Yes, I just landed. I’m getting a cab now.

The words “Love Object” appeared again on WeChat, reminding Ran Feng of Lin Haogan’s recent reference to Ji Xingchen as “Love Object.”

If the Love Object is Ji Xingchen… he seemed quite hopeful.

Thinking back to the beautiful misunderstanding just now, Ran Feng couldn’t help but smile, the corners of his eyes lifting. FdPe4n

Wanfeng: Did you catch a cab?

A few minutes later, Ji Xingchen replied: “I’ve got a cab, but the driver says it’s a bit far. It’ll probably take more than two hours to get there.”

Immediately after this message, another one followed.

Love Object [★]: Feeling a bit sleepy. 1y8SHw

Ran Feng remembered that Ji Xingchen was already at the airport at seven in the morning, and he didn’t know what time he woke up.

Wanfeng: Didn’t sleep well on the plane?

Love Object [★]: I’m a bit afraid of heights, so I couldn’t sleep.

Wanfeng: Afraid of heights? AV0xem

Love Object [★]: Yeah, I’ve been scared since I was a child.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Al Wlcumtfc tjv yffc jogjlv bo tflutar rlcmf tf kjr j mtliv, yea tf tjv cfnfg abiv jcsbcf, lcmievlcu Ejc Mfcu.

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Kffcjufgr lc atflg qeyfgas boafc ilxf ab rtbk boo atflg ragfcuat, jcv Al Wlcumtfc kjr cb fzmfqalbc yjmx atfc. Lf jikjsr ofia atja jvwlaalcu tlr ofjg kbeiv wjxf tlw rffw kfjx.

It wasn’t until later, when his mother needed treatment and he had to take her abroad, that he gradually overcame many of his psychological fears of flying, after years of traveling back and forth between countries. cnGEY3

However, he hadn’t completely overcome it. He still felt uneasy on the plane and dared not fall asleep.

Even on long flights, he couldn’t fall asleep.

Love Object [★]: When I was a kid, I was afraid to fly.

Love Object [★]: It’s much better now, I just can’t sleep. z0GU2m

Upon hearing Ji Xingchen mention his fear of heights, Ran Feng realized for the first time that Ji Xingchen, who seemed fearless in every aspect, was also afraid of something.

Knowing about Ji Xingchen’s fear of heights, Ran Feng suddenly recalled something from the past.

Once, the boys from their basketball team arranged a barbecue at a location near a steep mountain in the plains. Although the mountain wasn’t particularly high, what made it terrifying was that on one side, there was nothing but a sheer cliff.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, Ji Xingchen, with a look of fear, stopped in his tracks and said, “Isn’t the plane supposed to be flat as a pancake?” nJAi1P

Because he was a transfer student and not a local, everyone thought his reaction was exaggerated like all out-of-towners who felt deceived by the name.

After everyone finished laughing, they explained it to him, but Ji Xingchen still refused to move forward.

He lingered at the foot of the mountain, going to the bathroom and drinking water for a long time. In the end, he only walked halfway with a pale face.

Suddenly, he squatted down and said he had sprained his ankle and couldn’t walk anymore. qmf7eQ

His classmates came to check his ankle, but found no swelling or redness. However, they were concerned he might have other problems, so they suggested returning together.

But he refused again.

He said since everyone rarely went out to play, he didn’t want to delay everyone because of himself, so he asked everyone not to worry about him.

As they were nearing the mountaintop, several classmates didn’t want to give up. Some boys decided to go up first to reserve the barbecue grill. 6Pepbi

At that time, Ran Feng didn’t go; he stayed behind alone, accompanying Ji Xingchen.

After waiting for him for more than ten minutes, he didn’t speak and his face became paler.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Finally, seeing Ji Xingchen looking really uncomfortable, Ran Feng squatted in front of him offering to carry him.

At first, Ji Xingchen didn’t agree, but his opposition had no effect on Ran Feng. fd7dl

Ran Feng didn’t indulge him at all; he simply grabbed his hand and firmly carried him on his back down the mountain.

Teenage boys still have some weight to them, so even though Ran Feng had strong physical fitness, he still felt tired.

He remembered that halfway down the road, he was almost too tired to continue, but Ji Xingchen still clung to his neck tightly.

Almost out of breath, he felt like throwing Ji Xingchen down. MXkQ0t

But then Ji Xingchen suddenly spoke up and asked him, “Brother Feng, do you think I’m useless? I’m actually trying very hard to overcome it.”

Ji Xingchen’s tone was quite normal, and he didn’t try to act pitiful.

However, Rang Feng just felt sorry for him and dismissed the thought, enduring it and continuing to carry him down.

At that time, when they went through this, he didn’t think there was anything strange about it. bBINJE

As a result, five years later, he learned the truth. Ji Xingchen held onto his neck so tightly because he was afraid of heights and afraid of falling!

Thinking back to that scene, Rang Feng laughed.

At that time, he didn’t like Ji Xingchen, so even though Ji Xingchen held onto him so tightly, he remained calm and unaffected.

But now, if Ji Xingchen dared to hold onto his neck like he did before and talk pitifully in his ear, he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to resist eating him on the spot. hH6gN3

Detaching himself from the memories, deciding to give a little punishment to the little rascal who had deceived him before, Rang Feng smiled and typed a line.

Wanfeng: I was originally planning to invite you to watch the sunrise at Mount Hua.

As soon as Ji Xingchen saw the words Mount Hua, a possible scene flashed in his mind.

He sat in the taxi, but felt his legs suddenly go weak, quickly pleading with Boss Wanfeng for mercy. sXGh90

Love Object[★]: Spare me, Boss Wanfeng, my legs suddenly become numb at the words of that mountain.

Love Object[★]: Let’s do something else instead.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Love Object[★]: [Cat wagging tail].jpg

Seeing how quickly Ji Xingchen softened at the sight of that cute picture on WeChat, Rang Feng didn’t tease him anymore. 3oRSYK

He still remembered someone saying they were very sleepy.

Wanfeng: Let’s stop chatting.

Wanfeng: You should get some rest first.

Wanfeng: You’ll still need to take photos later. oiGJR3

Being urged by Boss Wanfeng to sleep, Ji Xingchen immediately felt his eyelids grow heavy. He quickly replied to him and then turned off his phone.

Love Object[★]: Okay.

When chatting with someone they like, a person tends to involuntarily become softer, but often they themselves are unaware of this change.

However, everyone in Rang Feng’s family noticed his change. SWREo

They all knew that Rang Feng didn’t like texting on WeChat.

He wouldn’t use WeChat voice messages for problems that could be solved with three phone calls. And even when he had to reply to others on WeChat, there was hardly any emotion on his face or in his eyes.

But just now, when he lowered his head, not only did he patiently text someone on WeChat for a long time, but his eyes were gentle, and there was a smile on his lips, as if he had been bathed in the soft morning light.

Seeing his attitude and hearing what Lin Haogan had said just earlier, everyone at home concluded that he was in love. IiRAv7

The recent conversation about “Love Objects” was too awkward, so Rang Feng’s brother-in-law took his son Lin Haogan to play in the garden.

Now, only his parents and his sister, his three closest family members, were left in the room.

After finishing the WeChat conversation with Ji Xingchen, Rang Feng walked straight to the opposite side and calmly sat on the sofa.

“Got something to say?” QDHCgS

Rang Feng didn’t even lift his eyes, his posture was calm and composed.

The family had been quietly observing him for a while now, and although he was chatting with Ji Xingchen, he had still noticed.

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After a period of digestion, the family realized that everything was fine.

After all, Rang Feng was an adult, so this was all normal. w0 Pdn

Now, seeing him bring it up so naturally, the family directly brought up their most concerning issue.

“When are you bringing him back?”

Ran Zhao didn’t beat around the bush with her brother and straightforwardly stated her demand.

Without hesitation, Rang Feng refused, “Can’t bring him back for now.” VenA1u

“How come? You two… get along so well, yet you’re not willing to bring him back for us to meet?”

Lin Haogan’s use of “Love Object” was indeed quite something. While understanding was one thing, saying it out loud in front of everyone made Ran Zhao pause for a second, feeling a bit embarrassed for her brother.

“We’re not even dating yet, where would I bring him from?”

After saying this, Rang Feng met his sister’s disbelieving gaze and corrected himself, “Still in the pursuit phase.” UIHhTg

Upon learning that Rang Feng hadn’t officially pursued him yet, their mom, who had been silent until then, thought of another aspect and suddenly interjected, “Not even pursued yet? Then why did you two… bring it up beforehand?”

This topic was getting a bit too spicy, even for Rang Feng’s mom to continue. Among the three of them, only their dad remained relatively calm.

He looked at Rang Feng with a solemn expression, “I know the entertainment industry is quite liberal, but regardless of how that circle is, you still need to exercise some restraint. We’ve discussed previously about not minding your sexual orientation, but… you still need to prioritize your health.”

Rang Feng understood his father’s implication. Qp8iTE

Everyone assumed he was dating Ji Xingchen in secret…

Thanks to Lin Haogan’s slip of the tongue, now every member of the family was on edge.

Seeing his parents worried about him, thinking he was following the footsteps of those celebrities with chaotic private lives in the entertainment industry, Rang Feng took the initiative to explain, “It’s not what you think. He and I haven’t had any physical relationship. So far, it’s just my one-sided affection for him.”

“It was Lin Haogan who misread the words.” R7b20B

Hearing this, Rang Feng’s parents finally relaxed.

However, upon hearing Rang Feng’s explanation, Ran Zhao frowned.

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She recalled the past when her brother came out after the college entrance examination.

Despite their parents’ current support and understanding towards her brother, things were quite strained when he first came out. cWRqdz

She remembered when her brother accidentally came out while begging their parents to help him find a boy named Ji Xingchen around the world.

Suddenly, such an event occurred in their home, and just like many typical families, their initially understanding parents had difficulty comprehending her brother’s sexual orientation.

They, like other parents, made a mistake. Not only did they fail to help him find someone, but they also confiscated all his communication devices, cut off all his financial resources, and kept him locked in a villa on the mountaintop for three whole months, even hiring a psychologist to treat him.

Ran Zhao found it terrifying to even think about. YzVLau

She believed that period was probably the darkest time in her brother’s otherwise glorious life.

Faced with such immense pressure and adversity, she initially thought her brother would give up.

After all, he was still young, and what was that little relationship between teenagers? With time, she thought, it would gradually be forgotten…

But she hadn’t expected that when her brother, who had lost weight during his confinement, was finally released. 683tgW

He indeed didn’t pursue that person anymore, but he didn’t give up either.

That day, his eyes were more determined than ever, and the first thing he said was that he wanted to enter the entertainment industry.

He wanted to stand on a stage that was most easily seen by ordinary people.

This way, if he couldn’t find the person, perhaps one day that person would see him and come looking for him. dKZmOy

Ran Zhao remembered too clearly the expression on Ran Feng’s face at that time, so even after so many years, she still remembered the name of that boy.

Originally, she thought such deep-rooted feelings would be remembered by her brother for a long time.

But… is he now in love with someone else?

Could it be that even the most profound love cannot resist the passage of time… yxDhz7

Ran Zhao felt a bit puzzled and thought her brother wasn’t the type of person to be like this.

So, after their parents left, she directly asked Ran Feng.

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“It’s a new person you’ve met?”

Ran Feng shook his head, saying calmly, “There’s always been only one.” 6dEokR

Ran Zhao was puzzled for several seconds before understanding the meaning, suddenly feeling happy for her brother again.

“You found him?”

Ran Zhao naturally received an affirmative answer.

“Yeah.” vzA1KM

She grabbed Ran Feng’s arm. “Tell me how you found him.”

However, Ran Feng didn’t say, “The process was a bit complicated; I’ll tell you later.”

Seeing Ran Zhao’s joy, she restrained her gossiping mood and nodded. “Okay.”

After their whispered conversation, the two went to the living room to prepare for dinner. 1cL UG

Ran Feng stood at the table, opened the birthday cake for Lin Haogan, making it convenient for him to come and make a wish to cut the cake.

Just as he opened the cake box, Lin Haogan, as if sniffing the scent, left his dad and ran in.

“Wow, it’s cake-cutting time!!”

Seeing that Ran Feng had already unpacked the cake for him, Lin Haogan excitedly climbed onto the table. 5xd1uQ

As soon as he settled down, he turned his head to his uncle, who kindly unpacked the cake for him.

“Uncle, I just realized, I read your WeChat friend’s name wrong. That word isn’t ‘love love.'”

Ran Feng’s hand paused.

After being lectured by his dad not to casually look at other people’s phones and not to mispronounce other people’s WeChat friend’s names, Lin Haogan felt that he did indeed mispronounce his uncle’s friend’s name, so he took the initiative to clarify: Ai5kaK

“It’s… sex~ual partner.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

In that instant, the air in the room seemed to freeze again.

Everyone’s gaze turned to Ran Feng, curious about what peculiar name he had given to the person he liked… TXdpj9

Hearing this, Ran Feng’s expression became complex as he bent down towards his young nephew. He placed his cream-covered index finger on Lin Haogan’s lips, effectively silencing his incessant chatter.

“Alright, let’s not talk about it anymore.”

Translator's Note

“Love”, “爱” (ài) and the phrase being repeated, “爱爱” (ài ài) can colloquially refer to sexual intercourse or intimacy between partners. When the child mispronounces “恋爱对象” (liàn’ài duìxiàng) as “爱爱对象” (ài ài duìxiàng), he unintentionally changes the meaning from “love object” to something that sounds more intimate or even sexual in nature.

Translator's Note

Ran Feng’s family feels embarrassed because Lin Haogan’s innocent mistake accidentally implied a more mature or inappropriate topic, which is unexpected and unsuitable for the family setting.

Translator's Note

“Mount Hua”, or Huashan, is one of China’s Five Great Mountains in Shaanxi Province, known for its steep paths, breathtaking scenery, and Taoist heritage. Many people hike it for its panoramic views and cultural significance.

Translator's Note

In Chinese, the word “心” (xīn), meaning “heart,” and the word “性” (xìng), meaning “sex” or “sexual,” can sound somewhat similar, especially if a child drags out the pronunciation.

1. The child wants to say “心爱对象” (xīn’ài duìxiàng), which means “love object”.
2. The child drags out the pronunciation of “心” (xīn) to “心~” (xīn~~).
3. Due to the extended pause, the “心” (xīn) can sound like “性” (xìng), which is the beginning of “性爱” (xìng’ài), meaning “sexual love.”
4. Thus, “心爱对象” (xīn’ài duìxiàng) unintentionally sounds like “性爱对象” (xìng’ài duìxiàng), meaning “sexual partner.”

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  1. Babyboy, you are a treasure

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖