Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh44 - Uncle, Your Love Love Sent You a Message

Early the next morning, the alarm clock woke up Ran Feng.

Instead of getting up immediately, Ran Feng habitually opened WeChat. cfTmlZ

As soon as he opened it, he saw a red number 1 in the Discover section of WeChat.

He clicked on Moments and immediately saw a new notification: Love Object [★] liked a post.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ran Feng lowered his eyes and smiled as his finger brushed over the little star he had placed next to Ji Xingchen’s name as his own nickname.

No wonder people in love like to give their partners some intimate nicknames or come up with a couple’s name together. QdpaHY

Seeing that exclusive nickname unintentionally can really improve one’s mood and add a lot of ambiguous little fun.

With this in mind, Ran Feng returned to the WeChat chat interface and sent a message to Ji Xingchen.

Wanfeng: Are you awake?

It’s now seven minutes past seven in the morning, and Ran Feng knows that according to Ji Xingchen’s biological clock, he must have definitely gotten up.


After sending the message, Ran Feng waited for a few minutes, but there was no reply from the other party.

Ran Feng didn’t rush, he got up, freshened up, and then went to the closet to change into a new set of clothes.

After finishing everything, he checked his phone again, but surprisingly, there was still no reply from Ji Xingchen.

Ran Feng guessed that Ji Xingchen might be busy, so he glanced again at the new nickname displayed in the upper left corner of the chat page. STygmw

Suddenly, he had an idea and changed his own WeChat name to [Mine].

Just after unilaterally declaring a couple’s nickname with Ji Xingchen, Ran Feng felt like he might have lost his mind.

How could he be so childish, doing something that not even middle schoolers would do sneakily?

He was about to change his name back when a message popped up on WeChat. SEuxD3

Love Object [★]: Awake, awake!

Love Object [★]: Just checked my messages while boarding.

The words “Love Object” suddenly appeared vividly on his phone screen.

Ran Feng squinted his eyes, feeling satisfied. UYPW1a

Love Object [★]: Brother Wanfeng, why did you change your name?

Ji Xingchen noticed the change in Boss Wanfeng’s name almost at first glance.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Because he hadn’t changed the nickname for his boss.

When he added his boss on WeChat before, it was too sudden, and since his boss had always used “Wanfeng” as his name, simple and straightforward, Ji Xingchen forgot about it. NO9s5c

Today, when he suddenly saw the word “Mine,” he was a bit uncomfortable at first.

Mine: It’s nothing, just a sudden whim.

Love Object [★]: (⊙ _ ⊙ )

The name “Mine” that Brother Feng came up with suddenly is a bit too quirky, almost like it’s forcing OCD. NRBspG

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Zlcf ktja?

Al Wlcumtfc ofia tlr YJG kjr jybea ab oijgf eq, tfrlajalcu ktfatfg ab lwwfvljafis mtjcuf atf clmxcjwf obg Dgbatfg Qjcofcu.

Lbkfnfg, pera jr tf kjr jybea ab vb la, tf cbalmfv atja atf batfg qjgas’r cjwf tjv gfaegcfv ab cbgwji. p1UQXG

Qjcofcu: Cgf sbe tfjvlcu bea rb fjgis?

Love Object [★]: Yes.

Love Object [★]: KPL mentioned they want to shoot a promotional poster for me. They want me to go over there today for a unified photo shoot.

The interval between the end of the Honor Points Tournament and the KPL finals is less than two weeks. R2fSPK

With just two weeks, they need to coordinate the personal profiles of three streamers, arrange the competition format, accommodations, promotional materials, post-production, and so on. Time is very tight, so the organizers of KPL are in a hurry and have booked a flight for him to go today to shoot the poster.

Ran Feng had recently shot a poster for endorsing Honor of kings, so he understood when Ji Xingchen mentioned it.

Wanfeng: Do you know how to pose for it?

Love Object [★]: Isn’t it just taking photos? 3yUQ4Z

Ran Feng chuckled.

Wanfeng: Of course not.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ran Feng had seen some photos taken by professional players and streamers during events.

Most of the posters they produced were tragic and rudimentary, with less than ideal results. QBHZS1

Of course, there are two reasons for this.

On the one hand, players and streamers are amateurs with very little experience in photography.

On the other hand, the photography teams assigned to take photos for the streamers are not as professional or patient as those in the entertainment industry.

All the images of the endorsers and brand ambassadors have to go through team approval. mMEt0Q

But it’s obvious that the streamers are unlikely to receive such treatment.

Ran Feng wasn’t sure if the photographer Ji Xingchen will encountered was reliable or not, but he didn’t want Ji Xingchen’s face to be mistreated for no reason. So, he switched to voice messages and shared some shooting tips with him.

Ji Xingchen noted them all down.

Love Object [★]: Brother Wanfeng, are you a model? You know so much! 3W9vHA

Wanfeng: No, I’m not.

Ji Xingchen was about to reply again, but seeing that the plane was about to take off, he decided to turn off his phone.

He wasn’t used to putting his phone on airplane mode; every time he boarded a plane, he just turned it off and took a nap.

Love Object [★]: Brother Wanfeng, the plane is about to take off. tgjUs9

Love Object [★]: Let’s talk later.

Wanfeng: Okay.

Wanfeng: Let me know when you land.

After finishing the chat with Ji Xingchen, Ran Feng asked his assistant to pick up the cake and model he had ordered. Dc0rMl

Today is his nephew’s sixth birthday, so Ran Feng cleared his schedule and prepared to go back home to celebrate with the little one.

Because it was a family gathering, Ran Feng didn’t let the driver take him; he drove alone for nearly two hours to get home.

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Just as his car pulled into the villa’s garage, he was stopped by his aunt, who was with his nephew playing in the mud in the lawn.

Lin Haogan saw his uncle coming back and, ignoring the dirt on his hands, happily ran towards Ran Feng, wanting to hug him. X9h572

“Uncle!! Uncle!! Let me see what gifts you brought for me!”

Despite being young, Lin Haogan had his own sense of aesthetics.

He especially liked beautiful things, so he was particularly fond of Ran Feng.

Every time he saw Ran Feng, he would stick to him like a little shadow, constantly circling around him. phT7iE

Before the dirt on Lin Haogan’s hands could soil his clothes, Ran Feng quickly blocked him with the gift he brought.

“I brought something, here.”

The child’s attention was immediately diverted.

“Wow! An airplane model!” Lin Haogan’s eyes lit up with excitement as he reached out to hug the model. ViEvcW

“Why is it so heavy!” The box was large, and Lin Haogan couldn’t lift it at all.

Ran Feng handed the cake to his aunt behind him and walked beside Lin Haogan, carrying a box of models to help him bear the weight.

“You’ll see in a moment.”

As the two walked into the living room, Ran Feng saw that there was no one there and asked, “Where are your parents?” MgYdOJ

At this moment, Lin Haogan’s eyes were only on the model, and he didn’t pay attention to what Ran Feng was saying, so he didn’t respond.

Ran Feng stopped him from opening the box and asked again, “Where are your parents?”

Lin Haogan pointed upstairs with his little finger, “They’re chatting with grandpa upstairs.”

After saying that, he wanted to open the box of models. e97lfJ

“First, wash your hands.”

Ran Feng took his nephew’s hand and glanced at the study on the second floor, guessing that his sister and brother-in-law were probably discussing something with their father, so he didn’t go up to disturb them.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Lately, his father was preparing to hand over the family business to his sister, so there were many things that needed to be explained slowly.

After washing his hands, Lin Haogan dashed out without a moment’s hesitation. n8VctK

He immediately dove into opening the box.

However, when he finally opened his precious gift, he saw that it was filled with various first-grade exercise books. His mouth dropped open, and he almost burst into tears.

“Uncle, I don’t like you anymore!”

Seeing Lin Haogan’s pitiful look, Ran Feng suppressed a laugh and said, “Take a closer look.” 3dx2bz

Lin Haogan hesitated for a few seconds, pouted, blinked his eyes, seeming to contemplate whether he should believe it or not.

In the end, unable to resist the temptation of his favorite model, he removed the exercise books piled on top and saw his beloved airplane model.

Lin Haogan was happy again!

“Uncle, take a picture of me with your phone.” odhpCj

Although Lin Haogan was young, he had his own way of building models.

Before assembling them, he liked to pile all the parts together and take a picture.

After he finishes assembling all the models, he will also take another picture of the completed work.

Lastly, he will ask someone to edit these pictures into one. PUdz9y

According to him, doing so will double his sense of accomplishment.

Ran Feng knew about this habit of his, so he unlocked his phone and gave it to him.

Indeed, Lin Haogan not only wants to take photos, but he also wants to take them himself, and he takes quite a while.

Ran Feng stayed with Lin Haogan for a while before being called out by his mother. GWq4OA

His mother used to like writing poetry, but in recent years, she suddenly became obsessed with songwriting.

So every time Ran Feng came back, he couldn’t avoid being called over to appreciate her original songs.

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Although Ran Feng’s mother is nearly sixty years old and lacks systematic music theory knowledge, her songs are relatively well-written in terms of lyrics.

His mother didn’t really want to become a singer; she just wrote songs to pass the time and make herself happy, so her requirements weren’t high. S82IjR

After carefully listening to her songs, Ran Feng made some adjustments for her. The mother and son chatted as they returned to the living room.

“Recently, I watched a talent show. There was a kid in there, what was his name again? Anyway, he’s a reader.”

“Mom, he’s a rapper, not a reader,” Ran Zhao, Ran Feng’s sister, interjected.

Ran Zhao, her husband, and Ran Feng’s father had just walked out of the family elevator when they heard their mom say this. 2zDKVd

She corrected herself, “Reader is actually sarcastic.”

Realizing her mistake, their mom nodded, “Yes, it’s a rapper. This type of music is quite good, catchy, but a bit fast-paced.”

After she finished speaking, she turned to Ran Feng. “Son, do you also Rua when you sing like them?”

The monosyllabic word “rua” almost made Ran Feng burst out laughing. iCyj9O

“Depending on the style of the song, if it’s suitable, I might add some…” Ran Feng tried to explain to his mother as simply as possible.

Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly saw Lin Haogan rushing towards him with his phone held high.

As Lin Haogan ran quickly towards Ran Feng, he loudly informed his uncle,

“Uncle, uncle, your love…love…sent you a mes…sage!” k8hFaV

Translator's Note

“Discover” in WeChat is where users can find different features like Moments, Mini Programs, Official Accounts, and Games. It’s a hub for exploring new content and trends within the app.

Translator's Note

“Rua” is a slang term in Chinese internet culture, derived from English “rule.” It’s often used to describe someone who is cool, stylish, or impressive. In the context of singing, it could mean adding flair or style to one’s performance.

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  1. It’s so immersive when I’m reading this novel. Love the esport setting, characters, cheeky commenters and admin.. whao! Loads of dog food to keep me going.

    Thanks translator for dem chapters😘🤗

  2. Little guy, you are not makes it easy))

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  3. Little guy, you are not makes it easy))

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖