Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh43.2 - Love Object

The individual tasks were quite diverse, and everyone was excited after drawing them, eager to inquire about each other’s tasks, wanting to see who got the unluckiest.

After the other five streamers revealed their tasks and saw Ji Xingchen remaining silent, they proactively asked him, “Ji Xingchen, what’s yours?” 2Sfb T

Ji Xingchen’s expression turned noticeably awkward, then he reluctantly said, “Singing.”

Li Tao: “Singing? That’s easy! Why didn’t I get that? Instead, I have to learn how to act cute like a little sister.”

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Ji Xingchen listened, puzzled.

Singing is simple? ??? DOxMz1

After drawing the tasks, each person started to complete them, starting with Wen Shuiping’s team.

Their team was relatively lucky, getting relatively simple tasks that they completed smoothly.

But the tasks for Ji Xingchen’s team were nothing short of disastrous.

Brother Wig’s imitation of voice actors was passable; he had some experience and his imitation was quite lifelike.

W0 ueF

But Li Tao’s acting cute was unbearable.

To appear cuter, he somehow found a pair of cat ears to wear on his head and put a bow on his wrist.

After getting his outfit ready, he curved his wrist and imitated a cat, pinching his throat and tilting his head to act cute, “Brothers~ kisses, now~~ your little kitty will sleep with you~ meow, meow, meow~”

[Damn, I’m getting goosebumps in the middle of the night.] IdMxod

[This is like a death sentence, I’ll definitely have nightmares tonight.]

“Alright, I’m done.” After finishing his act, Li Tao didn’t linger for a moment. He immediately threw the cat ears, the bow, and even the golden big waves on his head fiercely onto the ground.

“I can’t take it anymore!” After wailing, Li Tao turned to Ji Xingchen and said, “It’s your turn, sing a song.”

Ji Xingchen hesitated for a moment… STLho0

“Are you sure you want to hear? I can’t remember any of the songs I’ve heard from childhood to now. I only know how to sing one song, and I only learned it from going out to eat every day.” Ji Xingchen asked, half-serious and half-jokingly. “I’ll give you a chance now, it’s not too late to regret. Otherwise, I’ll ask someone else to sing for me. He sings really well.”

Li Tao: “Ask someone? Who?”

“Ran Feng!”

Not able to control her laughter, Ke Ke said, “Are you planning to bluff with a Ran Feng song? No way, no way.” VZmuRX

After Ke Ke refused, others joined in, “Sing, sing quickly. Can’t carry a tune? Or what? Brother, I can handle it!”

“It’s not that I can’t carry a tune, it’s just that this song of mine… Well, I’ll find an accompaniment first.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing no way out, Ji Xingchen reluctantly agreed.

A minute later, an incredibly familiar intro began to play. sHwLKp

Then, he started to sing.

“No matter how hard I try~~~ in this colorful world~~~ I realize I’m just a~~~ drunken butterfly~~~”


On the screen, Ji Xingchen, with his face that could rival that of a top celebrity, was focused and sincere. If there was no sound, everyone would have thought he was singing a love song… yzYGjd

[Enough, enough, darling, stop singing!! I already have images in my head]

[Son, is this the kind of song you should like at your age????]

[Ji Xingchen, you’re not my baby anymore, you’re my dad now]

[Can’t help but start shaking along with it] HOqkad

Ignoring the screen filled with question marks and laughter, Ji Xingchen continued to enjoy himself, even using a voice changer to sing a section in a female voice.

After he finished singing, Xiongmao immediately turned on his microphone.

Xiongmao: “You really only know this one song?”

Ji Xingchen nodded, “Definitely!” E9t6qQ

Xiongmao: “What does learning this song have to do with eating?”

Ji Xingchen chuckled, “Because… the place I eat at has a square nearby.”

[Drunken Butterfly, forever a legend in square dancing!]

[Haha, no wonder Ji Xingchen, so young yet his taste is like my mom’s. Turns out he’s brainwashed by square dance grannies] usi GZ

Seeing everyone laughing, Ji Xingchen, with the voice changer, asked again, “Hey guys, isn’t my singing voice sweet?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf nblmf ogbw atf nblmf mtjcufg kjr mbdefaalrt.

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[Li Tao, you’re being lonely while being cute, look at how natural Ji Xingchen is]

[Sweet, Ji Xingchen, you’re going to sweeten me to death] bo1NCf

[This drunken butterfly is so fatally charming]

“Cigluta, jigluta, kf’nf jii olclrtfv beg lcvlnlveji ajrxr, ifa’r delmxis vb atf afjw ajrx,” rjlv Qfc Vtelqlcu. “Pr beg afjw reqqbrfv ab mbcofrr ab atf lcoiefcmfgr lc atf Dfjeas rfmalbc?”

Qlat atja, tf bqfcfv atf Dfjeas rfmalbc bc ZfbkZfbkKN.

Kb tlr regqglrf, lcrafjv bo rfjgmtlcu obg lcoiefcmfgr, atf olgra ragfjw lc atf rfmalbc klat atf tlutfra qbqeijglas kjr cbcf batfg atjc Al Wlcumtfc ogbw ZfbkZfbkKN! sJgCb9

Everyone: “How did you end up in the Beauty section, Ji Xingchen?”

[Ji Xingchen: Don’t ask, it’s because of the drunken butterfly]

[Because Ji Xingchen just did what a Beauty streamer should do]

Ji Xingchen: ???? 7YSBQa

Could it really be because he sang a song??

Wen Shuiping: “Perfect timing! Since you’re now a Beauty influencer, Ji Xingchen, I won’t go look for anyone else. Wait a moment, I’ll confess to Ji Xingchen right away!”

With that, he adjusted his green twin tails and mimicked Ji Xingchen by using a voice changer.

Five seconds later— 1FHaZE

“Ji Xingchen, darling, I want to date you~~~”

In that instant, Ji Xingchen felt his scalp tingling, and goosebumps covered him from head to toe…

[HAHAHA, what a bold confession!]

[Give us more, give us more!!] ViQlv4

Ji Xingchen, scared out of his wits, quickly waved his hands. “I refuse!! I don’t want to date you, bro!”

Wen Shuiping sneered. “Hmph! Then who do you want to date?”

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Right at that moment, when Ran Feng entered Ji Xingchen’s livestream, he happened to hear Wen Shuiping’s confession to Ji Xingchen.

System: “Wanfeng Picks Star” has entered the livestream~ v91hIX

[Ah! Boss is here!!]

[HAHAHA, Boss, did you see that? Ji Xingchen is about to be driven crazy by Wen Shuiping!]

Just as Ji Xingchen was about to speak, he glanced at the chat assistant and saw Ran Feng’s familiar name at the top, so he instinctively greeted him.

“Brother Wanfeng~” QkZsEl

And with that, Ji Xingchen’s unrelated call got tied to Wen Shuiping’s question. The timing was…

Wen Shuiping: Who do you want to date?

Ji Xingchen: Brother Wanfeng!

Wen Shuiping: “Wow, date with Brother Wanfeng?” 78NQA3

Ji Xingchen: “…”

[Coming out of the closet unexpectedly!]

[Ji Xingchen suddenly boldly expresses love!]

[Locked, locked! Ji Xingchen and the boss have been locked for ages!] n9HBpe

Ji Xingchen was actually immune to the topic of himself and the boss, so he didn’t bother explaining further when he saw everyone joking about it.

Ji Xingchen vaguely responded, “Yeah, yeah, does that count as completing the task?”

Not only did he not elaborate further, but he also cleverly planned to just brush off the task he was given. However, everyone disagreed!

[Make a phone call!] dE2CuW

[The requirement is to confess face-to-face or over the phone, Ji Xingchen, pick one!]

[Confession, this is at most just admitting to liking the boss.]

Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Hurry up with the confession!]

Ji Xingchen: … qyHK N

Ji Xingchen, who found himself in a difficult situation, quickly lowered his head and pulled out his phone to send a message to Boss Wanfeng.

Ji Xingchen: Brother Wanfeng, I got a confession task while playing a game here. Can I call you later? Would you mind? If not, please help me out.

Just a few seconds after Ji Xingchen sent the message, he received a reply from the other side: “Sure.”

Then, in front of millions of viewers, Ji Xingchen dialed Boss Wanfeng’s WeChat voice call. btNTqi

After two signal tones, the call was answered.

“Ji Xingchen.”

[Wow, the boss’s voice sounds so good!]

[My ears are pregnant.] CtAl6L

Because it was a joint PK among six hosts, the audience from other hosts’ streams had never heard what Boss Wanfeng’s voice sounded like. As soon as he spoke, many people felt a shiver down their spines.

“Brother Wanfeng, I…” Ji Xingchen began, but was interrupted by Li Tao, who whispered and started to cheer, “No, no, this address isn’t intimate enough!”

“Okay…” Ji Xingchen suppressed the urge to roll his eyes and summoned the courage he usually used to flirt with wild kings, then spoke again, “Brother!”

“Brother! Do you need a partner?” 3529Rq

Ran Feng chuckled softly and played along, “What do you think?”

Seeing Boss’s enthusiastic cooperation, Ji Xingchen felt much more relaxed instantly.

“I think you do.”

“Mm.” VboWSm

“You need a boy as cute as me!”


Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[Wow, Ji Xingchen is so cute!]

[Ji Xingchen is flirting wildly with the boss] HIPUF0

[Such a cute boyfriend, I’m in love]

Ji Xingchen spoke in one breath, seeing Li Tao and the others crossing their fingers.

“Well, that’s great! I’ll send myself over to you later~ Hang up now~” Ji Xingchen didn’t care about them this time and was about to hang up abruptly.

But he didn’t manage to hang up. RdEtds

Because Boss Wanfeng spoke again.

Ran Feng: “So?”

Ji Xingchen didn’t understand.

“So what…” 1DH9Xw

Is there any connection between the context before and after?

Ran Feng raised an eyebrow, “Flirting but not willing to take responsibility?”

Ji Xingchen took a sharp breath, finally understanding.

Boss Wanfeng was just too skilled, too skilled!! That tone!! That little hint at the end!! g5Fkh4

Oh my, luckily he’s a boy and has someone in his heart, if it were someone else, who could handle this?!

Ji Xingchen sighed inwardly.

Boss Wanfeng was really going all out to cooperate with him!!

While Ji Xingchen was randomly guessing Wanfeng’s true intentions, the fans had already gone crazy. OU Au7

[So skilled, so skilled, Boss please continue flirting with Ji Xingchen!!]

[You’ve got it, analyze it carefully, begging Boss for love advice]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Boss is on fire!!!]

[Ahhh, Boss is so good, Ji Xingchen, you better take responsibility!!!] BdvV0T

In the moment of Ji Xingchen’s distraction, a low and assertive voice sounded in his ears again, “Don’t you feel like something’s missing?”

Ji Xingchen countered, “What’s missing?”

[Of course, it’s the confession, it’s the ‘I like you’!!!!]

With the guidance of the barrage, Ji Xingchen caught on. AUWZsS

“Oh, yes, yes, I like you~”

[I’m in love again!]

[Starfeng’s sugar storm! Love is in the air!]

[I’m the Civil Affairs Bureau, I smelled the sweetness and came. Now I declare that Boss Wanfeng and Ji Xingchen are legally married] UwYbc3

[Congratulations on your marriage, wish you a long and happy life, and may you have a child every three years]

[A child every three years???]

Damn, how can two men have a child every three years???

Seeing the barrage of fans going crazy, Ji Xingchen was confused. wNMP3

Although he confessed to the boss, he didn’t have any improper thoughts about him, so he said it so smoothly.

With this in mind, Ji Xingchen firmly believed that Boss Wanfeng felt the same way as him.

After all, the guys usually joke around more excessively than this, and he didn’t understand why everyone always liked shipping him and Boss Wanfeng.

Maybe it’s because Boss Wanfeng’s acting skills are superb, making it seem very genuine? im2xFG

After this segment ended, Ji Xingchen immediately sent a message to the boss, expressing his gratitude.

Star: Boss Wanfeng is amazing, you cooperated too well just now.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Star: When they say “Oscar-winning performance,” they mean you.

The other party quickly replied, but the content caught Ji Xingchen off guard. YE40jH

Wanfeng: Is this how you usually talk to people you’re interested in?

At first, Ji Xingchen didn’t understand, but after careful consideration, he was nearly killed by Boss Wanfeng’s teasing about his Love Object.

Star: Of course not.

Star: It’s different with others. inl67A

Ran Feng raised an eyebrow.

Others are not suitable, only Boss Wanfeng is?

After reading this sentence twice, Ran Feng didn’t know whether to be angry or laugh.

Wanfeng: Explain. W5nqsz

Star: I’m not familiar with them, afraid of being accused of shipping.

Wanfeng: You don’t have to worry about that with me.

Star: You’re different.

Wanfeng: How so? OfCd4G

Star: Because you’re my Brother Wanfeng, haha.

Star: I know you’re straight, won’t misunderstand.

Wanfeng: …

Straight guy Ran Feng didn’t inquire further, he simply changed Ji Xingchen’s WeChat nickname to “Love Object,” and added a star emoji at the end. HEd8mK

Then Ran Feng took a screenshot and posted it to his Moments on his alternate account.

Before going to bed that night, Ji Xingchen happened to come across this post while casually scrolling through his Moments.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Seeing that Ran Feng, who rarely posted on Moments, had shared a new screenshot, he immediately gave it a like.

After liking the post, he opened the image to see its contents. z5m7o8

After scrutinizing it several times, Ji Xingchen felt that the mosaic-covered WeChat profile picture looked more and more familiar…

“Love Object [★]”


Ji Xingchen glanced at the star at the end. 8KBwZn

Why did he have the feeling… that it was him???

Translator's Note

“Squares” are common locations for group activities such as square dancing, where this song is a popular choice. This explains why he knows the song so well despite it being somewhat unusual for his age group.

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  1. Old songs, yeah

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖