Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh33.2 - Rabbit, My Brother

However, Ran Feng remained calm as usual, busily fiddling with the pen in his hand.

Ji Xingchen carefully examined the plush rabbit that Ran Feng had been playing with, realizing that it was indeed exactly the same as the one Ran Feng had promised to help him catch. 3gyWdZ

But to say it was exactly the same might be a bit of an exaggeration.

Because in Ji Xingchen’s memory, the rabbit in the claw machine was brand new and brightly colored. Just like every moment they had spent together, almost every memory was vividly etched in his mind.

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The plush rabbit in the boss’s hands, although well taken care of, still showed signs of age from subtle details.

But… Why did the boss have such a similar rabbit?? NICySQ

“Why isn’t the light on?”

The boss’s voice suddenly came, startling Ji Xingchen.

Feeling as if his secret memories of Ran Feng had been discovered, Ji Xingchen quickly shifted his gaze away from the rabbit, and nervously replied, “There’s a power outage in our neighborhood, so I can’t turn it on.”

“Power outage?”


There was a hint of disappointment in the man’s voice.

Ran Feng had hoped that tonight, when Ji Xingchen video called him, he would have the chance to get a good look at him…

But instead… there was a power outage?

Seeing Ji Xingchen’s side shrouded in darkness, Ran Feng tried to peer at his face through the light from his phone, but could only make out a blurry outline. 53kpjv

In the end, he chose to give up.

With a disappointed expression, Ran Feng lightly lifted his finger and pinched the misbehaving rabbit’s face to conceal his inner disappointment. After a few seconds, he spoke again, “How’s your contract?”

Seeing the boss asking about the contract, Ji Xingchen suppressed his curiosity and questions, and obediently answered, “MeowMeow TV revised a contract for me. The other terms remain unchanged, but they adjusted the duration of the live stream and the compensation.”

Pretending not to understand what was changed, Ran Feng asked, “How was it changed?” yCLiFH

“They reduced the duration to four hours, but increased the compensation…”

Hearing the puzzlement in Ji Xingchen’s tone, Ran Feng asked, “Isn’t it better this way? You won’t be so tired during live streams.”

Ran Feng’s main point was obviously the second sentence, but Ji Xingchen mistakenly thought it was the first.

“It seems good, but… I can’t shake this feeling of something being off. Aren’t livestreaming platform contracts supposed to be strict? How come MeowMeow TV’s contract for me is so lenient? And the previous contract wasn’t like this; they suddenly decided to change it today. If I hadn’t seen the contents of both versions with my own eyes, I would think they were joking with me.” Z1X6HD

When it came to contracts, Ji Xingchen poured out all his doubts to the Boss Wanfeng.

He had many bosses in his livestream room who had added him on WeChat, but only the Boss Wanfeng was the one he trusted the most.

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For some reason, there was always a sense of reassurance and familiarity with him.

“You’re working hard to earn money for their platform, so taking some advantage is good.” HhKjSy

The Boss Wanfeng’s words left Ji Xingchen puzzled.

“Is it really taking advantage?”

After teasing Ji Xingchen for a while, Ran Feng chuckled softly, “Just kidding with you.”

Then he suppressed his smile and began to talk seriously, “As far as I know, MeowMeow TV’s contracts for each broadcaster are reviewed by their professional legal team. The contract they’re offering you must have been carefully considered and discussed. Don’t feel burdened; as long as the contract is okay, you can sign it with peace of mind.” KGF4gC

After hearing the Boss Wanfeng’s words, Ji Xingchen felt slightly reassured, but his lingering questions remained unanswered.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

However, he agreed with what the boss said. As long as the contract was fine, he could indeed sign it.

Snfc lo tf oluegfv bea kts atf qijaobgw kjr boofglcu tlw j mbcagjma jxlc ab j mtjglas bgujclhjalbc, tf mbeivc’a qbrrlyis jrx atf qijaobgw ab wjxf j cfk bcf obg tlw.

Qlat atlr atbeuta, Al Wlcumtfc revvfcis rabqqfv kbggslcu. gqtoj6

“Dgbatfg Mfcu, jgf sbe ralii kbgxlcu rb ijaf?”

Coafg wfcalbclcu atf mbcagjma, Al Wlcumtfc gfwfwyfgfv atja Dgbatfg Mfcu tjv wfcalbcfv ublcu ab kbgx fjgilfg. Dgbatfg Mfcu tjv rjlv la kjr jgbecv rlz bg rfnfc lc atf joafgcbbc, yea cbk la kjr jigfjvs qjra fifnfc.

Brother Feng was still working at this hour?

That seemed too exhausting… 37bDXS

“Yeah,” Ran Feng gave a vague answer, “The work schedule has been quite intense lately.”

“Then make sure to rest more.”

Ji Xingchen had originally intended to bid his boss good night and encourage him to rest early, but after speaking, his gaze was once again drawn to the rabbit plushie.

He couldn’t resist his curiosity and finally asked. eRaWJt

“Brother Feng, this rabbit plushie… it’s quite cute.”

Finally, when Ji Xingchen asked about the rabbit plushie, Ran Feng pinched its face again, his tone tinged with amusement, “Yes, it’s quite cute.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Um, can I ask… how did you get this rabbit plushie?” Ji Xingchen paused, considering how to inquire about the rabbit’s origin with his boss.

If it were someone else, Ji Xingchen might have let it go. wFnOLk

But Ran Feng, on the other hand, despite being older, actually shared many similarities with Ji Xingchen.

Sometimes, Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but wonder if Ran Feng was somehow related to him.

Like an uncle or something?

“It’s just that you have this rabbit, why do you have it?” Ran Feng smiled, a glimmer of light in his eyes. pb 5wS

Instead of directly answering Ji Xingchen, he cautiously questioned him back.

“Why suddenly ask about this?”

“It’s just… I feel like…” Ji Xingchen paused, “This rabbit doesn’t quite match your style.”

After asking about the rabbit, Ji Xingchen felt a bit regretful. 1f2l4I

Although he and Brother Feng had a good relationship, they were ultimately just online friends.

Saying this was a bit abrupt, as if questioning how a grown man like Brother Feng could like something more suited to a little girl.

Afraid of being misunderstood, Ji Xingchen quickly explained, “Sorry, I didn’t mean anything else, I just feel like the rabbit looks familiar. I remember grabbing one similar to this in a claw machine before.”

He didn’t tell the whole truth, as this memory was exclusive to him and Ran Feng; he didn’t want to share it with anyone else. Af9tjx

“Similar? Did you manage to grab it?” Ran Feng teased him.

“I can’t quite recall its appearance clearly, but I remember vividly that I didn’t manage to grab it.”

Hearing laughter from Ran Feng on the other end of the line, Ji Xingchen’s face suddenly flushed.

It felt like when Ran Feng used to tease him, telling him to give up because he couldn’t grab it. imSHJe

He felt like he was being teased by his boss.

On the other end of the phone, Ran Feng felt relieved when Ji Xingchen remembered this little incident. It seemed that Ji Xingchen hadn’t completely forgotten about the past despite disappearing for so many years.

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“This was a gift from my sister a few years ago…” Ran Feng’s tone was casual, but the fingers pinching the rabbit’s face exerted some unnatural force.

Not wanting to reveal his true identity, he quickly offered a pre-prepared explanation, fabricating a story about having a younger sister. F4hsQX

With this answer, Ji Xingchen immediately ruled out the possibility of Ran Feng being like an uncle to him.

No wonder his boss cherished a plushie that didn’t match his age and kept it on the most private bedside.

So it was a gift from his sister…

I see. wuDCdY

Boss’s younger sister, being such a lovely girl, naturally likes these fluffy plushies. Having this rabbit isn’t surprising.

These kinds of plushies are produced in batches, so there’s definitely more than just the one he and Ran Feng saw back then.

Lost in their own thoughts, they remained silent for a while.

“Is there anything else you want to say?” Ran Feng broke the silence, looking at the screen to see if Ji Xingchen was lost in thought. However, the screen remained dark. iwnrF0

Thinking that the boss was subtly urging him to sleep, Ji Xingchen replied, “Nothing more, Brother Feng, you should rest early.”

After saying this, he looked at his phone, waiting for the other person to end the video call.

But he waited for over ten seconds, and the other person didn’t hang up.

“Brother Feng? Good night…” Ji Xingchen said again, fearing the other person hadn’t heard him. 1O cJG

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the man’s long fingers curl into a loose fist and gently tap the rabbit’s head.

Although the force wasn’t strong, Ji Xingchen suddenly felt a pain in his forehead.

He felt like the boss wasn’t tapping the rabbit but him.

Ji Xingchen: “Why are you hitting it?” kdI wO

“Because it’s misbehaving.” The man’s voice lowered a bit, sounding a bit muffled.

He had been looking for Ji Xingchen for so many years, only to find out that he would just disappear without a trace, not even finishing the college entrance exam.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He thought they were at least best friends, if not lovers, but the other person left without a word, disappearing suddenly as if evaporating from the earth.

Since he still remembered those little details from back then, why did he keep avoiding him and never come to find him? DcXAKR

He’s quite famous now, right? After knowing he’s a star, all those classmates who went to kindergarten with him have been trying to contact him, but Ji Xingchen just doesn’t.

Thinking about how Ji Xingchen had commented on his Weibo without revealing his identity, Ran Feng gently tapped the rabbit’s head again!

“Not well-behaved?” Ji Xingchen was puzzled. How could a toy rabbit not be well-behaved?

“Well…” Ran Feng responded faintly, “Always disappearing and can’t be found.” K5SAvP

Ji Xingchen didn’t catch the hidden meaning at all and kindly offered advice, “Always getting lost? Then you can put it in a box and place it in a fixed spot in your room.”

Ran Feng raised an eyebrow, smiling, “Keeping it in my room and it won’t run?”

“Keep it in the room?” Ji Xingchen felt like he was starting to lose track of what the boss was saying again.

Run? How could a toy rabbit run? KcEakM

Ji Xingchen was getting confused by the boss’s words, but then he thought that although the word “keep” wasn’t quite right, the meaning seemed to make sense, so he nodded, “More or less…”

The man’s tone finally returned to normal, “Well, that’s the idea.”

As soon as Ran Feng finished speaking, a bright light suddenly illuminated the originally dark room.

Having already gotten used to the darkness, Ji Xingchen squinted his eyes. iU0qWB

“A call’s coming in!” Ji Xingchen’s voice was full of excitement.

After readjusting to the brightness of the light, he smiled into the video call.

Seeing the radiant Ji Xingchen smiling at him, Ran Feng’s breath caught for a few seconds.

How long has it been since he last saw Ji Xingchen so lively like this? WFhRGt

It’s been over five years, and the only thing he did was to deceive Ji Xingchen with a photo last time.

Now, the person in front of the camera, saying these words to him, smiling at him,

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ran Feng’s gaze swept over Ji Xingchen’s relaxed pajama collar, finally resting on his beautiful collarbones.

“It’s midnight, time to sleep.” WKgVJB

Ran Feng said the last six words with great effort to steady his voice and not reveal his true feelings.

He decisively ended the video call and took another cold shower in the bathroom.

On the other side, Ji Xingchen, who didn’t have time to say goodnight to the boss, stared at his phone blankly.

When the WeChat video call ended, there was a two-second delay on the final screen. hDeo9O

The boss ended the call quite abruptly, so the final screen on Ji Xingchen’s side happened to freeze at the moment when the boss stood up…

It wasn’t anything special, but the scene on the phone happened to capture the boss’s waist…

The boss was wearing a tight black T-shirt, showcasing his perfectly shaped abdominal muscles.

The sensual lines contracted towards the waist, emitting a strong masculine charm. vfOJ92

Looking at this scene, Ji Xingchen suddenly remembered a term he had looked up a few days ago.

The fans are really something!

Is the boss really the rumored king of the “public dog waist”?

After hanging up the call with Ran Feng, Ji Xingchen quickly fell asleep again. orAsSg

However, he didn’t sleep well that night; he dreamt of Ran Feng again.

The other person not only wore the same black T-shirt as the boss but also held the same rabbit.

“Do you remember this rabbit?”

Ran Feng bit his earlobe, asking him over and over. WBQTGv

Ji Xingchen felt like crying fro

m being bullied and quickly admitted.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“I remember, I remember, the rabbit we couldn’t catch even after spending fifty bucks in the arcade.”

“I’ve always remembered it.” TcFJ8e

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  1. Little bunny has a bad behaviour~ But a beautiful smile

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. Can we appreciate Crazy Fan Miss Culture for commenting on every update 😭😭

    (Also I hope the two of them meet soon, I can’t handle waiting 🤭🤭)