Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh33.1 - Rabbit, My Brother

In the long night, after returning home and seeing the empty room, Ran Feng sat alone on the sofa and lit a cigarette.

Suddenly, he thought of Ji Xingchen. OaEL9I

It wasn’t longing, just a simple thought.

Ran Feng opened his phone, found the photos Ji Xingchen had sent him before from the album, and stared at his face for a long time.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

It wasn’t until the ash fell on his hand that Ran Feng snapped out of it.

He extinguished the cigarette that he hadn’t even smoked in the ashtray, took a shower, and then lay in bed, playing with the stuffed toy rabbit at the head of the bed. AaShzk

But the more he squeezed the rabbit’s ears, the more Ji Xingchen’s face wobbled in front of him.

Unable to sleep no matter how he tossed and turned, Ran Feng looked at the message Ji Xingchen had sent him a few hours ago and replied to him.

At this point, he guessed Ji Xingchen was already asleep.

But unexpectedly, the other party not only hadn’t slept, but also sent him a video directly.


Ran Feng’s eyes sank, and his throat suddenly felt dry.

After staring at the phone for more than ten seconds, he gently answered the call.

All he saw was darkness.

The figure of the person who haunted his dreams did not appear on the screen. eY384a

Ran Feng was silent for a few seconds, hearing no sound from the other side, so he spoke up.

“Star?” He softly called out the other’s name.

His voice traveled through the microphone to Ji Xingchen’s ears.

Suddenly hearing his boss’s voice and realizing that the video had already been answered by the boss, Ji Xingchen was startled and sat up directly from the bed. d64N7V

In his panic, he accidentally knocked the phone over and it fell under the pillow.

Now Ji Xingchen was completely wide awake, with no trace of sleepiness left.

He rubbed his eyes and silently complained about himself.

Why was he becoming more and more clumsy lately? JYftGs

Either he mistakenly sent the contract to Brother Wanfeng as fan fiction, or he accidentally switched voice calls to video calls?

If this continued, would he end up causing even more ridiculous incidents in the future?

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

After criticizing himself, Ji Xingchen wanted to grab his phone, but he couldn’t find it anywhere.

“Sorry, Brother Wanfeng, I was a bit drowsy just now… I pressed the wrong button. Could you please wait for me? Let me find my phone first, and then I’ll call you back.” Qjx725

Apologizing to Brother Wanfeng, Ji Xingchen quickly got out of bed to search for his phone.

Having just woken up, he unconsciously spoke with a slight nasal tone.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ji Xingchen’s voice was already pleasant to listen to, and with this slight nasal tone added, when transmitted through WeChat, it sounded clingy, like a kitten coquettishly begging for attention.

Ejc Mfcu’r tfjga, ktlmt tjv cba mbwqifafis mjiwfv vbkc, ofia jr lo la tjv yffc rmgjamtfv ys j xlaafc’r qjk. Llr vfilyfgjafis ibkfgfv nblmf yfmjwf fnfc terxlfg. 34kWyF

“Pa’r bxjs, atf nlvfb mjii lr olcf abb, cb cffv ab tjcu eq.”

Vfflcu atja tlr ybrr vlvc’a wlcv tlr obbilrt jmalbcr, Al Wlcumtfc ofia gfilfnfv.

After fumbling in the dark for a few seconds, he finally found the phone by the light it emitted.

Picking up the phone, Ji Xingchen held it up to his face. LN0 X7

As he looked at the screen illuminated by the phone’s light, his gaze was immediately drawn to the image of Boss Wanfeng.

At first, Ji Xingchen thought that when he rashly opened the video call, the screen on his phone would show the mysterious Boss Wanfeng’s face.

Instead, the screen on his phone at this moment displayed a fluffy rabbit plush toy.

To be precise, not just one, but a whole head of a rabbit. 2QFcdN

What he was seeing now was just a rabbit’s head!

The rabbit’s fur was white, with slightly longer fur on its face, looking soft and touchable.

The rabbit’s head was gently tilted to the left, its head slightly cocked, and its two cute rabbit ears slightly reddened.

At this moment, its bright red eyes were wide open, making eye contact with Ji Xingchen in front of the screen. rOMTVi

Although the rabbit in the video was a plush toy, at such a close distance, it actually looked a little bit like a real rabbit.

Seeing this cute scene, Ji Xingchen almost thought he had opened the wrong video…

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Just as he was about to tap the screen to confirm whether he had accidentally pressed something while searching for his phone due to his clumsiness, suddenly, a man’s hand appeared on the screen.

The hand was slender, fair, with distinct joints, displaying both elegance and strength. roGZQJ

The man didn’t speak, just gently lifted his palm and placed it on the rabbit’s head. He gently stroked the rabbit’s head, his movements soft and gentle, as if caressing the softest fur in the world…

However, the man’s tenderness only lasted for a moment.

Suddenly, he bent his fingers, lifted his hand, and pinched the rabbit’s ears, then began to playfully twitch them.

“Boss…” 4J juk

Before Ji Xingchen could finish uttering the word “boss,” he saw the screen on his phone move.

Then the distance of the phone was adjusted farther, and the scene on the screen immediately became much richer than before.

This time, the man’s sturdy and powerful arm was revealed again, and the rabbit, whose ears he had twitched, finally revealed its entire body, with a blue pillow placed under its bottom.

From these few simple scenes, Ji Xingchen learned that the rabbit was placed on a bed. cLfY0o

However, he didn’t have a habit of peeping into others’ privacy. After hastily scanning the surroundings, he returned his gaze to the rabbit.

Then Ji Xingchen’s whole body stiffened.

Because of the rabbit’s clothes…

It’s clothes!! 8iPQHB

At that moment, the man’s palm released the rabbit’s red ears, traced down its cheek, and landed on the rabbit’s clothes, tugging at the collar of the rabbit’s red turtleneck sweater.

In that instant, Ji Xingchen’s heart, like the rabbit, seemed to be pinched by the man’s fingers.

Then his heartbeat skipped a beat.

Because this rabbit had a connection with him. oOdnTx

Ji Xingchen vaguely remembered that it was Christmas Day.

This beloved holiday for students happened to fall on a Saturday when the school only had half a day off.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Such a good thing naturally had to be cherished, so after the morning mock exam on Saturday, Ji Xingchen ignored the forty-six invitations handed to him by admirers and directly dragged Ran Feng out for some fresh air.

At that time, there was a popular online game that Ji Xingchen had been longing to play. Taking advantage of the holiday, after lunch, he dragged Ran Feng to the internet cafe, and the two of them played games together all afternoon. UcCz2R

Ji Xingchen was so engrossed in the game that they didn’t leave the internet cafe until there was only an hour left before evening self-study.

As two people who had neglected their homework because of gaming, they ran all the way to copy assignments during this time.

As a result, when passing by a dollhouse, Ji Xingchen was pulled by Ran Feng, who held onto his backpack and wouldn’t let him go.

Ji Xingchen turned his head, puzzled, and looked at Ran Feng, who was standing still. T5zWyH

Ran Feng glanced at him, but didn’t speak.

However, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he gave Ji Xingchen a meaningful look, indicating him to look ahead.

Following Ran Feng’s gaze, Ji Xingchen finally dared to look at the dollhouse.

At the entrance of the dollhouse, on the claw machine placed in the left corner, there was a rabbit wearing the same sweater as him! 41SyBE

Ji Xingchen was shocked and immediately ran to the claw machine with great curiosity. He pressed his hands and face against the glass, carefully looking inside.

What he saw shocked Ji Xingchen.

Wow, the red sweater worn by this rabbit was not only the same color as the one he was currently wearing inside his school uniform jacket, but even the style was exactly the same.

Even the way the turtleneck sweater was folded down and the layers were arranged were so coincidentally identical to his. PdWKcV

Ji Xingchen never expected that his long-lost brother in this world would turn out to be a rabbit!

He felt a moment of joy in his heart and stared at this plush rabbit, which was wearing the same outfit as him, for a long time.

Then he became playful and quickly went into the dollhouse to exchange fifty dollars for claw machine coins, determined to catch this long-lost rabbit brother from the dollhouse and take him home to raise.

Ji Xingchen was very serious when he played. Before each attempt, he carefully aimed up, down, left, and right. d8oWZn

With such thorough preparation, every time he pressed the operation button, he believed he would definitely succeed.

But reality was extremely cruel.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He usually didn’t play claw machines much, and his skills were simply appalling.

So he fiercely operated the machine like a tiger, but in the end, he lost everything and didn’t even touch the rabbit’s fur. WmxhDI

Seeing the rabbit brother sitting still and smiling at him, Ji Xingchen felt mocked and his pride took a serious blow!

“I can’t even catch this? Is there something wrong with the machine?”

Ran Feng, who had been standing by his side the whole time, couldn’t help but hide his laughter when he saw Ji Xingchen struggling with a plush rabbit.

After hearing Ji Xingchen’s low complaint, Ran Feng ruffled his hair. L5rHyd

“Give up, you can’t catch it.”

Ji Xingchen, unwilling to give in, glared at the smiling rabbit brother. “No, I think I can try harder! Look, he’s been looking at me, waiting for me to take him home.”

With that, Ji Xingchen reached into his school uniform pocket, took out the fifty dollars he had previously changed, and prepared to exchange for more coins for another attempt.

Ran Feng reached out to stop him, gesturing with his wrist to indicate he should check the time. B1biHL

“Stop, it’s time for class.”

Ji Xingchen took out his phone and checked, only to realize that he had been so engrossed in playing the claw machine that there were less than ten minutes left before class!

The alley they were in was still far from the school, and they were already pressed for time. How could he have time to play the claw machine again!

Realizing how urgent the time was, Ji Xingchen hastily grabbed Ran Feng’s school uniform jacket and ran with him to school. CDVTFb

After running about a hundred meters, he suddenly remembered the face of the rabbit brother and turned back to look at the dollhouse.

Afraid that he might fall, Ran Feng grabbed his wrist through the uniform and ran with him.

“Watch the road.”

Ji Xingchen could only obediently turn his head back and focus on the road ahead. CafYpT

Stuck in the last second before class, the two finally returned to their seats under the ringing bell, braving the disapproving gaze of the English teacher as if nothing had happened.

Ji Xingchen was out of breath from the ten-minute sprint just now.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Once he settled into his seat, he leaned on the desk and took deep breaths to catch his breath.

The English teacher gave him a dissatisfied look and sternly instructed everyone to take out their English textbooks to start dictating the words assigned that morning. uQVo5N

Ji Xingchen had spent the whole day playing and couldn’t remember any words to recite.

With a pained expression, he rummaged through his bag while trying to recall the words’ meanings and searching for his notebook.

Then, out of nowhere, a piece of paper appeared in his drawer that didn’t belong to him.

He didn’t know when the note had been placed there, but Ji Xingchen found it oddly familiar, so he curiously opened it. tXGIQk

The next second, Ran Feng’s clear and powerful handwriting appeared before his eyes.

It was short, only seven words long—

“After the college entrance exam, I’ll help you catch it.”

After reading it, Ji Xingchen smiled and discreetly glanced at his desk mate. YgNvx0

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  1. Cute bunny boyfriend!!!!

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖