Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh3 - 1883 days and nights

‘I’m the Li Bai from earlier.’

‘I, am, the, Li, Bai…’ CH02XL

These six words, with tremendous impact.

Ji Xingchen felt like his head exploded with a bang, as if he had been blasted out of the Milky Way.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Did he just…say something extremely rude to Li Bai?

Oh, he had been pretending to be cute and flirting all along! 0n3ohN

Ji Xingchen shamefully covered his eyes and cheeks.

Was this car flip too harsh?

The big boss who was showering gifts suddenly revealed his identity as Brother Jungler King, exciting the audience who knew the backstory.

[I’m dying laughing, why is the follow-up between Star and Brother Jungler King so funny]


[Brother Jungler King actually came to the livestream room after chasing, this is true love haha]

[Haha @Star, stop pretending to be dead and say something!]


Ji Xingchen looked at the screen full of messages mentioning him and thought about how he had just finished blowing rainbows and seeking attention from Li Bai, only to coldly reject him in the end. He decided to play dead for a while. FNCX7k

Most of the millions of viewers in the livestream room were there for the lottery. Those who came later didn’t know the backstory and were curious about what happened between the big boss and the host tonight.

The girls in the livestream room quickly and enthusiastically elaborated on the touching story between the host and Brother Jungler King.

After listening to the whole story, the hot-blooded straight guys said they understood.

[Did Brother Jungler King come to the livestream room to embarrass the host because he was rejected?] wzCsS2

[Damn, why doesn’t such a good thing happen to me? Brother Jungler King, come quickly and embarrass me!]

[Bullshit, do you have a poor comprehension? Have you ever seen anyone spend so much money to embarrass a host? This is called love, got it?]

[I thought the host’s voice sounded so gentle and pretty, turns out it’s an gay man]

[What gay man or not, let me tell you, online surfing doesn’t allow you to call boys gay men, this is pure love between boys] bpvVuQ

[Damn, I feel the gay vibes in this livestream room as soon as I enter, it really is the taste of love]

The straight male viewers in the livestream room started to tease, and the rest of the audience joined in, typing words like “the taste of love.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Xingchen, who had been knocked out by the gifts, suddenly saw everyone making jokes about him and the boss, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Why are straight guys so bold these days! LstjlM

“I just met the boss, don’t say nonsense.”

As he said this, Ji Xingchen felt even more guilty.

He and Li Bai had just met by chance. Although he had flirted with him throughout the game, he had completely forgotten about him afterwards.

And now, Brother Jungler King actually came to the livestream room and showered him with so much money! tK0lMq

Karma was real. Accepting so many gifts from Brother Jungler King made Ji Xingchen feel uncomfortable, and he felt he needed to do something.

“Thank you, boss.”

“Boss, I didn’t mean to reject you just now! I was busy going to the bathroom! How about we play a game together now? I’ll go online right away.”

Ji Xingchen’s explanation was mercilessly exposed by the audience. MUhvkW

[Star, you big liar, that’s not what you said just now]

[Watching the host online kneeling down haha]

Ji Xingchen quickly logged into Fang Fang’s account and easily found Li Bai in the friend requests.

After successfully adding him, Ji Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief. UtY5pf

Luckily, the boss had added him as a friend earlier, otherwise he wouldn’t even know what the boss’s game ID was.

The more he thought about it, the more Ji Xingchen felt like he was a bit of a scumbag.

The boss’s status in the game still showed as online, but he stopped speaking in the livestream room after revealing his identity.

Since the boss wasn’t responding, Ji Xingchen could only reluctantly send an invitation to the boss’s account in the game. IBTDuf

After a long few seconds, Ji Xingchen’s invitation received no response.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Are you still playing, boss?”

Saying this, Ji Xingchen clicked the invitation again, but the invitation message still disappeared into the void. cFRo3M

Ji Xingchen: …

Indeed, being a scumbag would be met with retribution.

[Watching the host online being cruelly rejected]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Boss: You used to ignore me when I loved you, now you can’t afford me] tIWzjc

[The boss is really tsundere]

[Boss did a great job!]

“Dbrr, P’w rbggs! Pa’r jii yfmjerf Ejc Mfcu lr abb tjcvrbwf, P mbeivc’a tfiq yea ub kjamt tlr ZN pera cbk.”

Ciatbeut tf kjr j cfk ilnfragfjwfg, Al Wlcumtfc tjv ifjgcfv rbwf wfatbvr bo mgfjalcu qgbugjw foofmar joafg j wbcat bo ragfjwlcu. Cr rbbc jr tf olclrtfv rqfjxlcu, atf yjggjuf oibbvfv atf rmgffc jujlc. DkrKO0

[Ran Feng: Just a tool]

[Ran Feng’s husband says when sitting at home, trouble comes from above]

After saying this, Ji Xingchen stubbornly prepared to click the invitation again.

But he found that the boss’s avatar in the upper right corner had disappeared. fSg1YW

Ji Xingchen scrolled down and saw that the boss’s avatar had darkened.

The other party had gone offline.

As everyone knows, in the game “Honor of kings,” after you go offline in the background, your status will still show as online for a few minutes.

During this time, if a friend invites you, you will never get a response. URhpxn

“This is because the boss is not online, it’s not because the boss rejects me.”

Ji Xingchen closed his phone and looked back at the livestream room.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He was about to start a conversation with the boss in the livestream room, but found that the other party had quietly left at some point.

Came and went without a trace. pNuPdQ

Ji Xingchen rubbed his eyes.

If it weren’t for the hundred thousand data on the leaderboard, he would have thought he had just had a dream.

After promoting the “Wanfeng Picks Star” alternate account to a moderator in the top ranking, Ji Xingchen closed the livestream.

“Let’s end the livestream here for today. I’ll start earlier tomorrow.” oyddvI

Although the big boss had left, Ji Xingchen couldn’t calm down enough to continue livestreaming games.

After all, today’s events were too extraordinary, and he needed some time to process it all.

After closing the livestream, Ji Xingchen didn’t immediately log off. Instead, he stared at his top ranking account “Wanfeng Picks Star” for a long time.

Upon clicking into the boss’s profile, he realized that this account was very new, likely just created recently. The profile picture hadn’t even been changed, it was the default cartoon cat avatar. TK4ru3

Not only that, the boss only followed him and had only sent gifts to him.

Did the boss deliberately create this account just to send him gifts?

Ji Xingchen was a bit startled by his own speculation.

His phone on the table kept vibrating. Ji Xingchen glanced at it and saw that the girls in the moderator group were excitedly discussing today’s extraordinary encounter between him and the boss. K yUnb

He didn’t have the desire to participate in the gossip, but seeing the moderator group reminded him that he hadn’t sent his WeChat ID to the boss yet, nor had he added him to the moderator group.

Ji Xingchen quickly opened the boss’s account on MeowMeow TV and sent him his WeChat ID and QQ group invitation.

The boss’s status showed as offline.

Ji Xingchen held his phone for two hours, waiting for a reply, but there was no sign of one. He quickly went to take a shower and prepare for bed. N7Xr4k

The time displayed on his phone was already past midnight. Ji Xingchen didn’t like staying up late; usually, he would fall asleep as soon as he got into bed. But tonight, he couldn’t seem to settle down, his mind filled with thoughts of what had happened tonight.

Wanfeng Picks Star…

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Xingchen repeated the boss’s ID in his mind several times, feeling a strange sense of familiarity.

After mentally writing each letter of the boss’s ID, he suddenly realized that the familiarity came from the word “Feng” in the name. XFEfiC

Several years ago, he had liked someone whose name also contained the word “Feng”.

The more Ji Xingchen thought about it, the more sleep eluded him. He took out his phone and opened the MeowMeow TV app.

As soon as he opened it, he was pleasantly surprised to see a red dot on the envelope icon in the bottom right corner.

He quickly opened the private messages and saw that the boss had replied to him a minute ago. jGnXZz

Wanfeng Picks Star: Okay

Ji Xingchen felt like he had been pushed, sitting up abruptly from the bed, and quickly opened the WeChat interface.

Sure enough, a friend request popped up immediately.

Wanfeng ivWrIB

Request to add you as a friend

The other party’s profile picture was a brilliant starry sky.

Ji Xingchen quickly agreed.

Star: Good evening, boss~ 14gyRD

After taking the initiative to greet, Ji Xingchen quietly waited for the boss’s reply.

However, five minutes passed, and there was no response from the other party.

Ji Xingchen lay back down with his phone, staring at the profile picture of the starry sky in the WeChat interface for a long time.

He opened the large version of the profile picture, and the image became clearer. rpDeuB

In the pitch-black night, the shining stars appeared exceptionally beautiful, especially the brightest one in the top left corner.

Ji Xingchen closed the large picture, accidentally swiped down and entering the other party’s Moments.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The Moments had been set to visible for six months, and there was only one post inside—

[Wanfeng] rI0Dav

Fifth Year

Underneath the simple three words was also a picture of the starry sky.

The same twinkling star, the same brightest star hanging in the night sky.

After admiring the beautiful starry sky for a while, Ji Xingchen suddenly noticed the date on the left. CYaWuk

The boss had posted this Moment on June 8th.

June 8th…

Seeing this date, Ji Xingchen’s heart seemed to be pinched suddenly.

Fortunately, his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden vibration from his phone. oWkYeG

Ji Xingchen quickly exited and found that the boss, who he thought was already asleep, had sent him a few messages.

Wanfeng: Okay

Wanfeng: It’s too late, go to sleep first

Wanfeng: We’ll talk tomorrow 3hExVr

Seeing the boss’s reply, Ji Xingchen quickly replied with a goodnight.

After putting down his phone and lying back on the bed, Ji Xingchen gradually calmed down.

He realized that he had overlooked a very crucial question.

When he was playing games with the boss earlier, he was just an unknown new livestreamer with almost no fans and no advertisements. How did this boss know he was a livestreamer and find his livestream room in such a short time? hwbfQq

And why did he send him a hundred thousand gifts without even confirming his identity?

So… how did this Brother Li Bai recognize him in the first place!!

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The sky was as clear as ink-stained paper, with a full moon hanging diagonally in the sky, surrounded by not a single star. OTGPo7

The gentle moonlight, like a thin layer of gauze, cast a hazy and intoxicated color over the entire city.

In the dark night of the city, a man sat on the sofa in the living room, absentmindedly playing with his phone, with his lazy expression.

The cigarette in his slender fingers flickered, and the man extinguished it, lowering his eyes to look back at his phone.

After repeatedly reading Ji Xingchen’s WeChat, Ran Feng let out a low, fragmented laugh from his throat. Iu7Z Q

The laughter was bitter, but also tinged with a hint of relief.

Someone had disappeared for five years, one month, and 27 days, a total of 1883 days and nights.

This time, he had finally caught him.

The night was already deep, but Ran Feng felt no desire to sleep. dGNqf0

He’s resisting the urge to continue chatting with Ji Xingchen, he finally got up and took a hot shower.

He remembered that Ji Xingchen always liked to sleep early.

Back in high school, most of their classmates would stay up until one or two in the morning, but he would already be asleep before 11 o’clock.

Once, when there were still a few questions left on his homework, he called at half-past ten at night asking him to lend him the homework to copy for tomorrow. On J15

When asked why he didn’t stay up a little later to finish the homework in one go, he boldly claimed that he couldn’t disrupt the good habit he had developed over the past eighteen years.

After showering, it was almost one o’clock.

Ran Feng, loosely wrapped in a towel, walked out of the bathroom and found that the screen of his phone, which he had left on the bed earlier, was lit up.

Mo Yuze: Holy crap holy crap holy crap! XUNbHO

Mo Yuze: I just played a late-night game, and you got me five MVPs with Li Bai!

Mo Yuze: Brother Feng, you’re my reborn parent, my lifesaver!

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As a senior slave player of Honor of Kings, stars were everything to Mo Yuze.

In order to smoothly rank up in the game, he even made a wish on his birthday to never drop stars again. sv71Pz

As Ran Feng, designated to help fulfill the birthday wish of the birthday boy, Mo Yuze, he used his account tonight to help him gain five stars.

Ran Feng lazily picked up his phone, didn’t bother to read the content carefully, and just replied to Mo Yuze’s last sentence.

Ran Feng: I don’t have such a big son.

Mo Yuze: Get married quickly, and you’ll have one! BswKJG

Ran Feng glanced at the seven words Mo Yuze sent him. It automatically recalling the voice he heard in the game just now.

It was the unique “Hey hey hey, hey hey hey” style of Ji Xingchen, with the first two tones being second tones and the third one being a fourth tone. Even the voice and tone of speaking disguised as a female were exactly the same.

After all, during their high school days, Ran Feng had heard this opening line countless times when Ji Xingchen called to harass him.

“Hey hey hey, hey hey hey, Brother Feng, it’s Ji Xingchen!” 25vVeH

Ran Feng’s slender fingers lightly brushed past this text, his lips curved slightly, and there was a hint of amusement in the corners of his eyes.

If the person he married was Ji Xingchen, he wouldn’t mind going to the civil affairs bureau immediately to get married.

Ran Feng: Feasible

Mo Yuze didn’t understand Ran Feng’s meaning, thinking that he was joking with him as usual, so he started typing frantically again. Qunvs7

Mo Yuze: Brother Feng, when can I become a Jungler King like you?

Mo Yuze: Can you play on my account more often in the future?

Ran Feng: No

Mo Yuze: You’re refusing so decisively, are we still good brothers? NKukGa

Ran Feng: I won’t have time to help you play in the future

Mo Yuze: ???

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ran Feng: I’ll play on my own account

Mo Yuze: !!!!! UrGTFx

Mo Yuze: ????

Mo Yuze: Brother Feng, do you need to go to the hospital?

Ran Feng: ?

Mo Yuze: Did the sun rise from the west? I begged you hundreds of times before, but you refused to play a few more rounds! mtOW7q

Mo Yuze: If you had figured it out earlier, would I still struggle so hard in Diamond now?

While Mo Yuze was still immersed in his shock that Ran Feng was suddenly interested in Honor of Kings, he found that the other party suddenly sent him a red envelope.

Mo Yuze: Oh, damn, Lord Feng actually sent me such a big red envelope in the middle of the night!! Scared the crap out of me, is this to thank me for reigniting your passion for the game, bro?

Ran Feng: Shut your mouth vPFzCc

But Mo Yuze’s mouth wasn’t shut even after receiving the red envelope. He continued to babble endlessly on WeChat.

Ran Feng couldn’t be bothered to deal with him, so he simply exited WeChat and posted on Weibo.

Ran Feng: 1883.

Ten minutes later. ojQneb

Mo Yuze: Holy crap, brother Feng, what’s up with you today? You even posted on Weibo!!

Mo Yuze: Are you in a relationship?

Ran Feng, who hadn’t updated his Weibo for eight hundred years, posted four numbers and a period in the middle of the night, driving his fans on Weibo crazy with joy. IGlqrg

Ran Feng’s assistant Xiao Xia was also happy and quickly logged into her alternate account to discuss this Weibo with her sisters.

Based on the numbers, they deduced that the date was five years ago, June 8th.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Thinking that Ran Feng was commemorating the end of his college entrance examination, Xiao Xia posted a confession on his flower wall and hurriedly opened Bilibili to watch some videos.

The video was a clip of last night’s MeowMeow TV host Star’s livestream. Zn7TlQ

Although she had witnessed the love story between Star and the brother Jungler King last night, the CP’s potential was too strong, so she couldn’t help but watch last night’s highlights again on Bilibili.

When she saw Star ruthlessly rejecting the brother Jungler King’s team invitation last night, and thought about what would happen next, Xiao Xia quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

She was afraid that she would laugh too loudly and disturb Ran Feng.

Yesterday, she laughed so hard at this part that when she turned around, she found that Brother Feng had already walked behind her at some point, holding his phone, and stared at her tablet for a long time. BVvizg

Xiao Xia, with relish, watched the video recap twice before being called to Ran Feng’s resting room by her agent, Sister Li Na.

Entering the restroom, Xiao Xia found that Brother Feng seemed different from usual today.

He was looking down at his phone, unlike his usual seriousness. At this moment, he raised his head with a smile.

After closing his phone, he said lightly, “Nothing, just to inform you that your bonus this year will be doubled.” Xbwj6I

After hearing Ran Feng’s words, Xiao Xia’s heart almost jumped out with joy.


What a great day today!

Not only did Brother Feng, who hadn’t posted on Weibo for an eternity, post something, but he also suddenly doubled her bonus?! VYrX89

Translator's Note

“WeChat” in Chinese is “微信” (wēixìn), which translates to “micro-message” or “micro-letter.” It is a widely used messaging, social media, and mobile payment app.

Translator's Note

“Weibo” in Chinese is “微博” (wēibó), which translates to “microblog.” It’s a popular social media platform in China, similar to Twitter, where users can post short messages, images, and videos, and interact with others.

Translator's Note

“Bilibili” in Chinese is “哔哩哔哩” (bìlībìlī), often shortened to “B站” (B zhàn). It’s a Chinese video sharing website that hosts a wide range of user-generated content, including animation, gaming, and entertainment videos.

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  1. Ohhhh it’s a lovesick ml hahaha 🤣

    He’s spending money with every wave of his hand 😗 boss can you send some for me, lol

  2. ML is ATM

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛