Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh28.2 - Are you suggesting that I come over to your place for meals?

Upon hearing this, Lan Xin’s eyes suddenly widened, and her expression changed from joy to horror in an instant.

“Oh no, I completely forgot!!!” She exclaimed, then grabbed her umbrella and rushed towards the door. “Of course, I have to go to summer classes! Ahhhh, I’m going to be late for class! Goodbye, brother.” dw4RJW

Lan Xin dashed to the door of the infusion room and then turned back.

She placed the umbrella by Ji Xingchen’s bedside. “Brother, you hold onto the umbrella. You have a cold, so don’t get caught in the rain.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Oh, and when my dad comes later, could you please tell him that I’ll take a taxi to school myself? Tell him not to worry!”

Without waiting for Ji Xingchen’s refusal, Lan Xin’s figure disappeared quickly. Em3tC7

Just a few minutes after Lan Xin left, her father, who had gone to get medicine for Ji Xingchen, returned.

“Young man, here’s your medicine.” He placed the medicine next to Ji Xingchen’s bed.

“Thank you, sir.” Ji Xingchen wanted to get up to thank him, but the man stopped him.

“Hey, where’s Xinxin?”


“She went to school.” Ji Xingchen relayed Lan Xin’s message to her father.

The simple middle-aged man smiled after listening, “Hey, this little girl, I was going to take her there myself.”

“By the way, take this medicine first, then get some rest after taking it.”

The man helped Ji Xingchen with the medicine and brought him a cup of hot water. oXku6P

“Young man, you’ll be fine going home alone after the infusion, right? I’m almost late for work, so I can’t stay to take care of you.”

Both Lan Xin and her father were delayed from their own schedules, one from school and the other from work, just to help this stranger.

Grateful for their kindness, Ji Xingchen couldn’t possibly justify causing them more inconvenience.

“No problem, I can go home by myself later. Thank you so much for your help today. I’m sorry for making you late for work.” N1KCFJ

The man smiled and awkwardly scratched the back of his head, “Hey, no worries, helping each other out in the neighborhood is natural. As long as you’re okay. Well… I should be off then.”

Watching the man leave, Ji Xingchen expressed his gratitude once again.

As the time approached 8 o’clock, medical staff began arriving for their shifts, making the area outside the infusion room much noisier than before.

Ji Xingchen lay on the bed, staring at the IV tube for a while, feeling his eyelids grow heavy, and before he knew it, he fell asleep. ZyrjO1

Perhaps due to Lan Xin mentioning Ran Feng earlier, he dreamed about him again.

Dream and memory intertwined, Ji Xingchen found himself back in senior year, during that high fever episode.

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During that fever, Ji Xingchen was delirious and kept sleeping during the IV drip.

In his daze, he heard his dad saying he needed to use the restroom, but when he opened his eyes, he found Ran Feng standing by his bed. QDISz9

“How did you know I was here?” Ji Xingchen was greatly surprised by Ran Feng’s appearance.

“When you messaged me this morning,” Ran Feng said, his gaze drifting over to Ji Xingchen’s hand, which was exposed to the cold air and had turned red from the infusion.

Ji Xingchen racked his brain trying to recall when he had messaged Ran Feng earlier.

Before he could remember, Ran Feng spoke again. kWhPVn

“Feeling cold?”

Following Ran Feng’s gaze, Ji Xingchen understood that he was asking if the infusion was making him cold.

He hadn’t felt much while he was asleep, but now, prompted by Ran Feng’s question, he suddenly felt a chill in his palms.

“Yeah, it’s freezing, feels like my hand’s going to freeze off,” he replied, attempting to adjust his hand slightly under the blanket. Kk6rNU

“Don’t move around, or the needle will get dislodged and your hand will swell,” Ran Feng interjected, stopping Ji Xingchen’s slight movement, then squatting down beside him.

Soon, Ji Xingchen felt warmth enveloping his icy fingertips.

Ran Feng gently held his fingertips, transferring the warmth from his palm to Ji Xingchen’s hand.

In that moment, Ji Xingchen forgot to breathe. T2wsg0

The fever, which had subsided, seemed to flare up again, causing Ji Xingchen’s cheeks to flush and his heart to race.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ccv atf meiqgla ktb tjv mjerfv tlr ofnfg atlr alwf kjr Ejc Mfcu.

Al Wlcumtfc vjgfv cba rqfjx, pera ujhfv ja tlr yfjealoei fsfr.

Dea Ejc Mfcu vlvc’a ibbx ja tlw, rffwlcu j yla jyrfca-wlcvfv, ibra lc atbeuta. 261HB8

Ejc Mfcu: “Valii offilcu mbiv?”

Al Wlcumtfc: “Jbiv…”

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Qlatbea atlcxlcu, Al Wlcumtfc yiegafv bea cbcrfcrf, fnfc atbeut tlr olcufgr kfgf jigfjvs kjgwfv ys Ejc Mfcu.

In Ran Feng’s slightly surprised gaze, Ji Xingchen suddenly realized what he had said and hurriedly explained. lRpIQs

“Not that, I meant the weather is really cold…”

At Ran Feng’s response, his eyes lifted slightly at the corners, silently smiling.


Just as Ran Feng began to speak, Ji Xingchen’s father returned to the hospital room. GqUo1P

Ji Xingchen immediately stood up.

The warmth that had covered Ji Xingchen’s hand back disappeared with his movement.

“Uncle Ji, hello.”

Ran Feng politely greeted Ji Xingchen’s father, then took off his own school jacket. LK3g1d

He gently draped the jacket over Ji Xingchen’s hand back and leaned in towards Ji Xingchen, speaking softly to him.

“I’ll bring your homework this afternoon.”

“Brother Feng…” OBzXd8

Ji Xingchen abruptly woke up from his nap, realizing there was a nurse beside him removing the needle.

“Your infusion is finished. Remember to rest well at home.”

“Okay, thank you.”

After a nap, Ji Xingchen felt much better, though still a bit nauseous, the dizziness had subsided. owrI29

He picked up the umbrella left by Lan Xin, bought some fruits at the fruit shop on the way, and then returned home.

Ji Xingchen arrived home at exactly 11:15.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

It was an awkward time; he had planned to rest a bit more before playing Honor Points, but now the time was tight.

So, he abandoned the idea of sleeping, leaned against the head of the bed, and took out his phone. WMbk8f

Ji Xingchen wasn’t in the best mental state at the moment; he wasn’t sure if he could perform well in the upcoming game, so he logged into the game to test his skills first.

After all, for a pro player, besides technique, mental state and touch were equally important in gaming.

Even professional players have times when they’re not in the best shape and their touch feels off. When encountering such moments, they either choose not to play at all or play a few more games to warm up.

Considering the points at stake, Ji Xingchen didn’t want to give up today’s match. So, he decided to make the most of the remaining forty-five minutes by playing some ranked matches to improve his touch. uxcP8Q

Unfortunately, he overestimated his physical condition.

As soon as he opened the game and saw the transition animation, his head began to spin again.

After struggling to suppress the discomfort, he reluctantly played a ranked match, but his performance was naturally poor.

Ji Xingchen knew that even if he forced himself to participate in the Honor Points match, he would only end up losing points. Gm2jF9

So, for the sake of points and to avoid letting his teammates down, Ji Xingchen reluctantly decided not to play today’s match.

He informed the moderators of his situation and posted a Weibo update. Finally, he opened his live stream room to notify his viewers.

Today marked the first match of the second week of the Honor Points match. With the introduction of the new format allowing streamers to duo queue, there was added excitement for the viewers.

With less than fifteen minutes until the match started at twelve o’clock, viewers had already gathered in various streamers’ rooms. RUvJls

As one of the most anticipated seed players among the viewers, even though Ji Xingchen wasn’t streaming today, with the match approaching, over ten thousand viewers were already waiting in his live stream room.

[Why hasn’t Star started streaming yet today? He usually starts at ten in the morning]

[Yeah, the match is about to start, and he hasn’t even started streaming]

[Could it be that he was exhausted from last night’s newlywed activities?] 7M1pv2

[Oh~~~ Boss, is that vigorous? Could it be the legendary seven times in one night?]

[Is Boss Wanfeng really that energetic?]

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As soon as Ji Xingchen entered the live stream room, he saw everyone’s chat messages on the public screen.

The bold statements from the CP fans almost made Ji Xingchen drop his phone. dA8dXp

Boss with a “public dog waist” nickname???

How awkward would it be if the boss saw this…

Ji Xingchen was about to type a message on the public screen to inform everyone that he wouldn’t be competing or streaming today, but before he could finish typing, the barrage refreshed.

The latest barrage on his phone was from Boss Wanfeng. PgJ8ty

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Stars]: “Public dog waist?”

Ji Xingchen: ……..

The boss had seen it!

Seeing the boss entering the live stream room, the audience started spamming the chat again. mMThgK

Terrified of his live stream room getting banned for inappropriate content, Ji Xingchen immediately changed the name of the room to “Today I have a cold and can’t participate or stream. Taking a day off. Will stream when I’m better.”

Then he apologized in the chat and quickly closed the live stream room to avoid further trouble.

Not all the viewers in the live stream room were fans; there were definitely some haters as well.

Ji Xingchen knew that not competing today would definitely attract criticism, so after apologizing, he immediately shut down the live stream room to avoid seeing any more negativity. kchfEW

Just as he closed the MeowMeow TV app, his phone vibrated.

The screen immediately displayed the caller’s name, and Ji Xingchen glanced at it to find out that the person calling him was none other than Boss Wanfeng.

Ji Xingchen quickly answered the call.

“You have a cold?” S65Bnx

The man’s voice sounded in his ear, and Ji Xingchen was momentarily stunned.

It wasn’t the first time he had heard the boss’s voice, but every time he did, he would momentarily confuse it with Ran Feng’s voice.

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Even though their voices were completely different, he couldn’t help but be reminded of Ran Feng…

“Star?” Seeing no response after Ji Xingchen picked up the phone, Ran Feng suddenly felt a bit anxious. “Are you okay?” 7xSdDO

“Brother Wanfeng, I’m here.” Ji Xingchen quickly found an excuse to cover up his distraction. “I accidentally turned off the microphone.”

Ji Xingchen’s voice didn’t sound as lively as usual, but it also didn’t sound as weak as Ran Feng had imagined. From his tone, it seemed like he was doing okay, which eased Ran Feng’s worry a bit.

“Are you running a fever?”

“No, just feeling a bit dizzy.” Ji Xingchen didn’t want the boss to worry, so he downplayed his condition. bNeCK2

Ran Feng obviously didn’t believe Ji Xingchen’s words. If it was just a mild cold, he wouldn’t skip the competition altogether.

“You’re not telling me the truth.”

Realizing that his lie was mercilessly exposed by the boss, Ji Xingchen had no choice but to come clean. “Actually, the cold isn’t that serious, but maybe because I’ve been livestreaming for too long recently, my body couldn’t handle it.”

Ran Feng fell silent for a moment after hearing this. FSdMfs

“You livestream from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day, for such a long time. Your body definitely can’t handle it.”

“I was a newcomer before, and I had to livestream a lot to attract viewers in the early stage.” Ji Xingchen’s casual words struck a chord on Ran Feng.

In the entertainment industry, he had also been a newcomer and naturally understood how much effort newcomers had to put in behind the scenes to get ahead.

So, no matter how hard it was, Ran Feng never complained, nor did he ever mention it to anyone, thinking it was only natural. t8P04e

But now, when the same thing happened to Ji Xingchen, he began to feel sorry for him.

“If it’s really hard, then don’t livestream.”

Ji Xingchen laughed, thinking the boss was joking with him.

“But I rely on livestreaming for a living. If I don’t livestream, how will I make a living and buy my meals everyday?” k2eESm

“Eat mine.” Before Ji Xingchen could even finish his sentence, Ran Feng promptly responded with these three words.

“Huh???” Ji Xingchen was taken aback for a moment. “Brother Wanfeng, are you suggesting that I come over to your place for meals?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ran Feng responded with a low “Hmm” and asked him back, “What, are you coming to mooch then?”

The boss’s casual “Hmm” carried a hint of indifference and casualness, making Ji Xingchen’s ears feel a bit hot. He felt that the boss’s last question contained a hint of seriousness, but at the same time, it felt like a joke between friends. T17q9y

Not knowing what the boss meant, Ji Xingchen didn’t immediately answer.

Seeing Ji Xingchen remaining silent without speaking, Ran Feng didn’t urge him or say anything.

After a few seconds, Ji Xingchen’s voice suddenly sounded with a hint of amusement.

“Never mind, never mind. I’m quite picky with food, afraid that I’ll trouble Brother Wanfeng. I’ll just focus on being a small streamer, earning money to support myself. At most, I’ll start shortening my livestreaming time from tomorrow to take better care of my health.” xc8vua

Seeing Ji Xingchen diverting the topic so effortlessly, Ran Feng didn’t press further.

Some things are better left unsaid. At a critical point where one can advance or retreat, it could be a serious test or just a joke between friends.

And most importantly, Ji Xingchen agreed to ease up on his livestreaming efforts.

Ran Feng chuckled, “That’s a good realization…” iBOmCn

As he finished speaking, another phone suddenly rang, and the caller ID showed Mo Yuze’s name.

With the ringing of the phone, there came a knock on the room door three times.

“Star, I’ve got something to attend to, so rest well.”

After hanging up Ji Xingchen’s call, Ran Feng didn’t answer the phone but got up to open the door. EQP1bY

It was Mo Yuze at the door.

Seeing Ran Feng open the door without answering the call, Mo Yuze, who was leaning against the door with his phone, was surprised. “Brother Wanfeng, why didn’t you answer my call?”

“You’re right at the door, is it necessary?”

“Hehe, fair point.” Mo Yuze pushed open Ran Feng’s door and walked straight into the living room, plopping himself down on the sofa. LzUxeF

“Brother Feng, let’s go eat Japanese food. I know you don’t have any plans today, so don’t find excuses to refuse me.”

Ran Feng glanced at him without saying a word, then turned to the coat closet to grab his jacket.

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Mo Yuze, unable to contain his excitement, approached Ran Feng from behind and took the initiative to speak, “Brother Feng, did you see the screenshots I sent you last night?”

At the mention of last night’s gaming achievements, Mo Yuze’s whole demeanor was filled with joy. eRUJa1

If one could express emotions with words, Mo Yuze’s face would definitely be saying, “I’m so awesome” in big bold letters.

Upon hearing Mo Yuze’s words, Ran Feng’s movements paused for a moment. Then, he turned to look at Mo Yuze, a faint smirk playing on his lips.

“I saw them.”

Mo Yuze clapped his hands happily and winked at Ran Feng, “You saw them but didn’t reply to me! Hey, what do you think, Brother Feng? Wasn’t my performance as Yaria impressive? After seeing it, don’t you feel tempted to duo queue with me?” X4iK w

As he spoke, Mo Yuze became even more excited, “I’m not boasting, but I’m really good at support now. I got five stars in a row last night, and every game, the jungle, marksman, and mage all wanted to team up with me, but I refused.”

Mo Yuze’s expression at that moment was brimming with pride.

Watching Mo Yuze boasting about how great he was at support in front of him, Ran Feng couldn’t help but think of last night’s “Yaria” who only knew how to ult and trample over him in the game.

Ran Feng looked at the enthusiastic Mo Yuze, raised an eyebrow, and smiled ambiguously. K4fI60

A few seconds later, Mo Yuze, who had been bragging, finally noticed Ran Feng’s expression and realized…

“Brother Feng… What’s with that look? Why do I feel like you’re looking at an idiot…”

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  1. Hi! Thanks for the update! It looks like Ran Feng’s name has been replaced by Ji Xingchen in the section where Ran Feng called him after he made his apology live stream which was a bit confusing.

    • Waa! Done! Thank u for noticing and saying it! I’ve been busy with the other novel I translating DSABML so I never have the time to double check it before posting! But thanks to u, I noticed it!

  2. If he’s not silly i don’t want him

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛