Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh26 - Don’t Bully Him

Ji Xingchen, playing Shouyue in the mid lane, stylishly secured victory in the last match of the first week.

As the game ended, the system closed the match channel and started tallying the points for all the streamer. CLU FK

Meanwhile, a voting page automatically popped up in Star’s live stream room.

System: Which position do you think Star’s performance on MeowMeow TV this week deserves? Please cast your valuable vote before 12:00 tomorrow noon!

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The voting page had five options: Best Top Lane, Best Jungle, Best Mid Lane, Best bottom Lane, and Best Support.

In order to boost audience engagement, the Honor Points competition introduced an MVP streamer selection for each position every week, following the example of the KPL professional league. iZApu9

Besides earning point rewards, the top five streamers each week would also receive a bonus of twenty thousand yuan.

However, unlike the KPL, where the MVP is determined by the total number of MVPs obtained by the streamer, here, the best position MVP is decided by votes from viewers watching the live streams.

The vote calculation is simple yet straightforward: each free gift on the live streaming platform counts as one vote, while paid gifts are converted to one vote per yuan.

With Ji Xingchen’s outstanding performance in the mid lane this week, his opponents even had to consider his mood when banning heroes. Consequently, when the five options appeared, the viewers in the live stream room immediately voted all their free and paid gifts for Best Mid Lane, hoping to secure him the MVP position there.


However, there were always some outliers among the audience. Seeing Ji Xingchen exceptional Bai Li Shouyue today, they wanted to stir things up and vote for him as Best Bottom Lane.

So, when Ji Xingchen returned to the livestream room, he saw the audience in the barrage discussing how they could help him secure the Best Bottom Lane position.

“Stop messing around, guys! Don’t vote for that, you’re making me embarrassed…”

Ji Xingchen won four games in a row today, feeling great, his tone of speech lighter than usual. 2DKCV

[Hahaha, Star has returned to the live stream room, brothers, let’s push harder, give our Baili Star some face!]

[Star, how can a guy say he feels embarrassed~~]

Ji Xingchen knew that the audience in the live stream room was mostly joking when voting for this position, but as a streamer, he was afraid that other streamers and viewers would think he was being too arrogant if he won, so he continued to dissuade them.

“Don’t, don’t, don’t be like this, brothers, let’s vote properly, don’t go overboard, whether it’s the best or not doesn’t matter.” kmZjzP

With Ji Xingchen’s dissuasion, the audience who thought it was fun to follow the trend finally stopped.

However, Ji Xingchen performance with “Shouyue” today was really unexpected. After the audience finished praising him, they were still excited and began asking in the barrage why he was so amazing today.

[Star, how did you come up with playing Shouyue today? Your second skill was too accurate!]

[To be honest, streamer, when you took out Shouyue from your pocket and played mid lane, it reminded me of the sassiness of Cheng Yu, just like back in the days.] O8dJm

Ji Xingchen immediately replied to this barrage: “To be honest, buddy, you’ve got a keen eye, my Shouyue was indeed taught by Cheng Yu himself.”

Originally, there weren’t many people who played Shouyue in the mid lane, so when Ji Xingchen suddenly pulled out this move today, many people automatically thought of Cheng Yu, who used to be just as amazing on the KPL stage.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Initially, it was just speculation, but who knew that Star himself would confirm it.

[????No wonder it felt so familiar!] iduP8o

[Hahaha, Star, you and Teacher Cheng Yu are indeed good sisters, always sharing good things together.]

[@Teacher Cheng Yu, come out and take the blame, you’ve corrupted our Star (not really)]

Seeing everyone in the barrage mentioning Cheng Yu, Star suddenly remembered something.

“I’ll be taking a day off tomorrow and won’t be livestreaming. Come back the day after tomorrow.” nAJPcM

For fans who rely on the stream for their daily entertainment, a streamer taking a day off feels like a sudden downpour on a clear day, and some immediately protested.

[No way, I just became your fan today, and you’re already ditching us tomorrow, sob sob.]

[You’ve only just started getting popular, how can you start ditching like other streamers?]

This barrage complained about Star, hinting at his newfound popularity and the potential for him to become aloof. 6BYhex

Ji Xingchen didn’t get angry at the comment but instead patiently explained, “Because Mumu is coming back, I want to spend the day with him.”

After hearing this reason, the previously complaining barrage suddenly changed its tone:

[Ahh Mumu, I’m in!! Wait, you actually know Mumu? Can you please do a phone livestream? Even if you don’t play games, just let me see you two.]

[The new fan upstairs must be daydreaming. Star, he never even shows his face, how could he livestream the whole time?] cFi5Q7

Jiang Mu’s plane is at 10:00 a.m.

At 9:30 a.m, Ji Xingchen arrived at the airport and waited eagerly for Jiang Mu.

However, Ji Xingchen waited for over an hour in the arrival hall, but Jiang Mu still hadn’t shown up. azPRYT

Unable to spot Jiang Mu, Ji Xingchen took out his phone to check the time.

To his surprise, Admin No. 1 had just sent him a few messages.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Admin No.1: Star, congratulations on winning first place in the Honor Points League this week!

Admin No.1: As a reward for being the first, MeowMeow TV will feature you on the homepage during the match time tomorrow for a day. 3mkdYL

Admin No.1: Also, your contract will expire in a little over three months. You can start considering the renewal issue now. The MeowMeow TV family always welcomes you. If you intend to renew, we can discuss the specific salary split and contract in detail.

The messages from Admin No.1, the first two were just setting the stage, and the last one was the main point.

The first Honor Points League was initially approached with a trial mentality by both the platform and the official of the King.

Unexpectedly, the audience responded very positively to this competition, and it became popular within the community in the first week. p93yBR

As a popular contestant in the first week, Ji Xingchen not only received more attention from viewers but also caught the attention of various platforms and guilds.

Since a few days ago, he has been receiving olive branches from many platforms and agencies, all wanting to discuss contract issues with him, hoping to sign him.

Ji Xingchen’s current contract is still with MeowMeow TV. As a streamer affiliated with his own platform, MeowMeow TV naturally doesn’t want to let him go, so Admin No.1 is sounding him out.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Jbcagjmar lc atf ilnf ragfjwlcu lcverags tjnf jikjsr yffc mbwqifz, jcv fnfgs ragfjwfg wera yf mjealber jcv mjgfoei ktfc ojmlcu mbcagjma lrrefr. ExsHm0

Al Wlcumtfc lr cba rbwfbcf ktb ijmxr ecvfgrajcvlcu bg fvemjalbc, rb tf cjaegjiis ecvfgrajcvr atfrf qglcmlqifr.

Lbkfnfg, klatbea olcvlcu j qgbofrrlbcji ktb mjc tfiq tlw cjnlujaf atlr, tf vbfrc’a kjca ab vlrmerr mbcagjma lrrefr klat jcsbcf obg atf alwf yflcu.

So he opened WeChat and told the Admin that he would like to discuss it with them after the match.

“Bro!” zI8o3T

Just as Ji Xingchen had sent the message to the Admin, his shoulder was gently tapped.

He looked up to see Jiang Mu, whom he hadn’t seen in a long time, standing before him.

As their eyes met, two adorable dimples appeared on Jiang Mu’s face.

Jiang Mu reached up to compare his height with Ji Xingchen’s forehead, furrowing his brow. “Bro, have you not been eating well? How come I’m taller than you now?” DgrkBy

“I’m twenty-three, of course, I’m not growing taller… unlike you, still so young.” Ji Xingchen scrutinized Jiang Mu from head to toe and added, “Is the food at your base exceptionally good… you look like you’ve gained weight!”

Jiang Mu wasn’t actually fat now, just had a normal, slightly thin physique.

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But before, he was so skinny that he looked unhealthy.

Now with a bit more flesh on his face, he looked even more youthful and handsome. BkJzR2

Upon hearing Ji Xingchen’s words, Jiang Mu suddenly chuckled as if remembering something, then stepped aside, revealing the person standing behind him.

“Well, it’s thanks to Brother Yu often giving me special treatment.”

Just now, Ji Xingchen was busy replying to Admin No. 1’s message and hadn’t noticed the person behind Jiang Mu.

Initially, he had wanted to ask Jiang Mu how Cheng Yu could give him special treatment. eOlTNL

But now, he suddenly saw Cheng Yu standing behind Jiang Mu…

Cheng Yu was a KPL player, and Ji Xingchen had seen him play before, so he naturally recognized his face.

However, in person, Cheng Yu looked even more handsome and refined than he did on camera.

“Brother Yu??” 9vHmZy

Ji Xingchen was both surprised and delighted.

Cheng Yu nodded towards him, spreading his arms wide with an exaggerated gesture. “Xingxing, are you surprised or not? Shocked or expecting it??”

With that, he warmly embraced Ji Xingchen and gently patted his back.

Ji Xingchen returned the hug, laughing. “You’re quite the thrill.” DXnKdf

The two had been close online for a long time, so seeing each other in person made both of them very happy.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming, Brother Yu?”

“Well…” Cheng Yu smiled, glanced at Jiang Mu beside him, “Just suddenly felt like following Mumu to see the pandas.”

“See pandas?” Ji Xingchen was puzzled. “But didn’t you come to Quantum Light to play so many matches before?” OVIbpN

Cheng Yu sighed and nodded. “But despite playing so many matches, the boss never took me to see pandas once. Can you believe it?”

“I can’t believe it, I can’t believe it.” Ji Xingchen looked incredulous.

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Cheng Yu didn’t reply, just smiled mysteriously and winked at him.

Ji Xingchen: ??? S2XTnO

After seeing Ji Xingchen, Cheng Yu looked around. “So, where are we going now?”

Jiang Mu asked him back, “Didn’t you want to see pandas?”

Cheng Yu hastily nodded, “Oh, yes, let’s go see the giant pandas now.”

With that, he took the lead and walked ahead. XNhgbL

Meanwhile, Jiang Mu helped him with the luggage and followed closely behind.

Ji Xingchen watched the two in front of him, feeling nothing but confusion.

Since Jiang Mu and Cheng Yu came back late, when the three went to see the pandas together, the adorable panda cubs had already been taken back.

Cheng Yu, who missed seeing the panda cubs, felt a bit disappointed. While clamoring to come earlier next time, he greeted the other cute pandas. nmqtpN

Cheng Yu had a lively and outgoing personality, so he was chatty all the way.

After watching the pandas, the three hungry souls finally returned to the city and sat down at a famous local skewer restaurant. Cheng Yu poked at the condiments in his bowl, waiting for the skewers to cook, while smiling at Ji Xingchen’s face.

“You’re so good-looking, Xingxing, why don’t you ever turn on your camera? Jiang Mu used to praise you in front of me every day, saying you’re especially handsome. I didn’t believe it before.”

With that, he lightly tapped Jiang Mu’s side with his index finger. “Hey, didn’t you used to praise Brother Xingxing in my ear all the time about how good-looking he is? Why not today?” LQmp5i

Jiang Mu remained calm, pretending not to understand.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’ve seen Brother Xingxing’s face for so many years, I’m used to it. How could I say those things…”

Cheng Yu: ????

Ji Xingchen: … t2G9n

Looking at Jiang Mu, who was now quite different from before, Ji Xingchen shook his head and laughed. “Jiang Mu, you’ve changed! You’re no longer the cute and innocent little brother I used to know.”

As the three chatted, the pot boiled again, and all the skewers were cooked.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Xingchen immediately picked up the essence of the skewers—cilantro beef, spicy beef, and various beef skewers—and helped Cheng Yu peel them onto a plate. After taking care of Cheng Yu, he started helping Jiang Mu with the dishes.

“I forgot to ask you earlier, how did you and Brother Yu meet?” GXMAUt

Jiang Mu skillfully took the skewers from Ji Xingchen’s hand, then handed Cheng Yu the cauliflower he liked before answering Ji Xingchen, “Brother Yu and our boss are good buddies. Our boss invited him to be a special coach for our second team before. Brother Yu has rich experience in competitions, taught me a lot of things, so we weren’t afraid when we went on stage for our second team.”

After finishing, Jiang Mu added, “Brother Yu is also an alt account fanatic. He practiced a lot of alt accounts before, and he made me accompany him to rank up on each one, and then we just became strangely close like that…”

Hearing this, Ji Xingchen finally understood why Jiang Mu could recognize Cheng Yu as the one playing the alt account that night.

So Cheng Yu added Jiang Mu to all of his alt accounts… ls2zSA

Solving the previous mystery, Ji Xingchen, who also had many alt accounts, suddenly felt that something seemed off.

Cheng Yu, the social butterfly of KPL, knowing so many good friends, practicing alt accounts for ranking up—wasn’t it just a piece of cake to find a few pro players to play with?

Letting Jiang Mu handle all the alt accounts alone???

Ji Xingchen looked back and forth between Jiang Mu and Cheng Yu, but they were too engrossed in eating to notice his gaze. ju5FLh

After the three finished their meal, they strolled around the city together.

After being busy for so long, Ji Xingchen, who rarely had leisure time, walked on the street and finally felt a sense of long-lost ease.

It seemed like it had been years since he felt this relaxed and comfortable…

Ji Xingchen looked up at the blue sky, then glanced at the intersection ahead, suddenly noticing a poster of Ran Feng Luxury Goods Store and a human-shaped standee in front of it. yd9tQ2

Several girls were standing there, holding their phones and taking pictures with the Ran Feng sign.

Ji Xingchen stood still, feeling a slight tug in his heart.

A few minutes later, after the group of girls had left, he also stood next to the Ran Feng standee, reached out, and held “his” left hand.

He handed his phone to Jiang Mu. “Help me take a picture.” RyVFnO

Jiang Mu didn’t know that Ji Xingchen and Ran Feng were former classmates, but he knew that Ji Xingchen liked listening to his songs, so he always thought of him as a fan.

Seeing his enthusiasm for Ran Feng, Jiang Mu couldn’t help but tease, “I really don’t understand the psychology of you fans. You even want to take a picture with a fake person?”

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Cheng Yu laughed, “You just don’t understand, this is called loving the idol and everything associated with them!”

After Ji Xingchen and the Ran Feng standee finished taking pictures, Cheng Yu also took out his phone. bROTDu

“Let’s take a photo together too? It’s rare to meet, so let’s leave a memory.”

Then the three of them stood together in front of the Ran Feng poster and took a photo.

Later that evening, Cheng Yu posted a Weibo update with a photo.

Cheng Yu: Ahhh, I’m so excited! Today, I finally met my good brother @MeowMeow TV Star! VgzpFy

[Attached photo]

The photo was of the three of them in the afternoon, but Cheng Yu had blurred Ji Xingchen’s face to protect his privacy.

Cheng Yu was already a top-tier player among KPL professionals, with a large number of Weibo followers and a high level of attention.

As soon as he posted the Weibo, it immediately attracted a lot of attention. 4dksSM

[Ahhh, Cheng Yu, did you go to meet Star with Jiang Mu today? I never expected that?]

[You two brothers finally met, what a joyful occasion]

Initially, everyone was happy about the meeting of the three, but under Cheng Yu’s post, there were always internet trolls.

These people saw Cheng Yu not showing his full face, holding onto this streamer with a blurred face, and started to criticize. K80Rnz

[Cheng Yu and Jiang Mu showed their faces, but this Star doesn’t dare to, how ugly must he be?]

[I know these streamers who don’t show their faces, trust me, they are absolutely ugly beyond compare]

[That’s right, why has Star never shown his face? Afraid of scaring off fans with his ugliness?]

Cheng Yu sharing his joyful daily life with fans was supposed to be very happy, but who knew this happy Weibo post would attract internet trolls criticizing Ji Xingchen’s appearance. ENYyAU

As a loyal “looks dog,” he couldn’t resist passionately defending Ji Xingchen’s reputation.

He picked a person who criticized Ji Xingchen for not showing his face and replied to them.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Cheng Yu replied to the top internet troll: “Star is the most handsome among all the streamers I’ve seen in person. I’m putting a mosaic on him for your sake, so you don’t feel insecure when you see him [picking nose emoji].”

Cheng Yu’s clever response to the internet trolls immediately piqued everyone’s curiosity. 036pTP

So the direction of his Weibo comments was completely diverted, with everyone begging him to post a clear photo of Ji Xingchen’s face.

[Ahhh Cheng Yu, tell me how handsome Star really is!]

Cheng Yu replied to Idioms Encyclopedia: “Did you see who’s on the poster behind us? Star is as handsome as him [smirking emoji]. I’m not exaggerating.”

[Feng???] SdJAZR

[Wow, what kind of extraordinary handsome guy is this…]

Cheng Yu referred to Feng as a benchmark but still didn’t post the photo, leaving fans bursting with curiosity, desperately trying to find out more, wishing they could see Star in person.

Ran Feng had just returned to his hotel in City A after attending an event when he received a call from Mo Yuze. Hwgx1p

“Brother Feng, since you rarely come to our town for events, do you have time to hang out with us tonight and meet a fiery little fairy I’ll introduce you to?”

“Not interested.”

Ran Feng hung up on Mo Yuze directly and walked into the bathroom, taking off his shirt.

A few seconds later, Mo Yuze’s call came again. ekXroH

“It’s not like that, bro, don’t get me wrong. I just want to have a meal with you, no other colorful activities.”

Ran Feng obviously didn’t believe his nonsense. “Get to the point.”

“Oh, it’s like this. These days, every time I go home, my mom wants to introduce me to someone. I couldn’t stand it, so I escaped to the hotel to take refuge. It just so happens that we live in the same building. Since we’re so close, how about we have dinner together tonight and then you can teach me some games?”

After laying down so much groundwork, Mo Yuze finally got to the point with his last sentence. fbmFsd

Since the last time Ran Feng helped him reach five stars, they hadn’t played games together.

“You said you were practicing on your own account, right? I haven’t seen you online at all…”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ran Feng clearly didn’t want to answer any other questions. He simply said, “Send me the time and place. I’m going to take a shower first,” and hung up the phone.

At 7 p.m., Ran Feng and Mo Yuze had dinner together, during which Mo Yuze complained for an hour about how his mother was forcing him, a pure-hearted young man, to go on blind dates with various women… dhgQpo

“It’s still great being you, Brother Feng. Your family never bothers you with this stuff.”

Mo Yuze sipped his red wine, looking envious towards Ran Feng.

Ran Feng’s lips curled up slightly as he replied calmly, “I made it clear to my parents a long time ago.”

At the age of eighteen, he had come out to his family, telling them that his heart only had room for one person in his life. YenAsU

So either he wouldn’t marry at all, or he would spend his life with Ji Xingchen.

Mo Yuze had no idea about these stories. After complaining about his own misfortunes for a while, he suddenly took out his phone.

“Brother Feng, let’s play some games. I lost all the stars you helped me get last time…”

Ran Feng originally wanted to agree, but when he checked the time on his phone, he realized it was already 8 p.m. gqV9Kd

Earlier, Ji Xingchen had sent him a WeChat message, saying that he would go live again around 8 p.m. after meeting with Jiang Mu.

“I won’t play, I have something else to do,” he said as he got up to leave.

Mo Yuze also stood up anxiously, “Hey, don’t go, Brother Feng. Are you afraid I can’t handle it because I’m too noob? It’s simple, I can find a streamer to duo with us. Do you know there’s a streamer who’s really good at playing mage recently? I’ll ask him to duo with me later, how about the three of us playing together?”

Mo Yuze, this internet addict, had always been a senior enthusiast of Honor of Kings, but unfortunately, his skill talent didn’t translate well into the game. jMBwCs

But he had an undying determination to rank up, so he had always asked Ran Feng to carry him.

However, despite being bad at the game, he had enough self-awareness to know that asking Ran Feng to carry him would only be a burden, so he was planning to find another skilled streamer to play with.

Seeing Mo Yuze’s humility, Ran Feng stopped in his tracks. “I’ll carry you tomorrow, I really have something to do tonight.”

Mo Yuze was overjoyed when he heard this, confirmed the time with Ran Feng, and then followed him back to the hotel. ZrlKbi

Back in their respective rooms, both of them took out their phones.

After logging into his MeowMeow TV account, Feng directly clicked on the only channel he followed.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

When he entered Ji Xingchen’s live stream room, Ji Xingchen had just started broadcasting.

Today, fans had seen Star’s face on Cheng Yu’s Weibo, and now they were full of curiosity about Star’s appearance. U1bRW0

[Star!! We all know you and Teacher Cheng Yu met up!! Quickly turn on your camera, let us feast our eyes]

[Teacher Cheng Yu said you’re super handsome, ahhh please turn on your camera]

[Star, let’s make a deal, just turn it on for a bit, even just for five seconds!]

[Sobs, why won’t you turn it on, Star…] sV190Z

“But I feel not turning on the camera to my mystery,” Ji Xingchen said jokingly to his fans, effortlessly steering the conversation away.

Seeing that Star still wasn’t willing to turn on the camera, the fans changed tactics.

[If you won’t turn on the camera, then let’s celebrate your first place with some cross-dressing fun?]

[I’m up for cross-dressing fun!!!!] Ntr9qw

[Wholehearted support! Since Star’s followers broke 100,000, it’s time for some fan service~]

“Cross-dressing fun???”

Ji Xingchen wasn’t scared off by the barrage about turning on the camera, but this suggestion did catch him off guard.

Although it seemed like many streamers offered this kind of fun to their fans, but… roXnJb

Just the thought of himself in a blonde wig and a cute dress…

The image was too terrifying to contemplate.

“No, no, spare me, guys, I’m scared of cross-dressing!”

Hearing Ji Xingchen’s bewildered plea, Ran Feng couldn’t help but smile faintly. wi D30

So he clicked on the input box at the bottom of the screen and quickly typed a few words.

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: Don’t bully him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Boss Wanfeng!!]

[Wow, boss, saying “don’t bully him” is so domineering! I can immediately imagine a 100,000-word romance novel!] WdjKaI

[Sobs, but if Star won’t turn on the camera or cross-dress, does he really not give us any fan service? QWQ]

Seeing the fans’ plaintive comments, Ran Feng opened the gift section and immediately sent ten Magic Meteor Showers to the live stream.

In an instant, the chatroom lit up with lottery messages, giving everyone ten chances to win.

A few seconds later, among the many quickly scrolling lottery messages, a golden glimmer of a rich fan’s message slowly slid down from the top of the chatroom: UMilGa

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: Hush money.

Translator's Note

“olive branch” is a symbol of peace and reconciliation, so in this context, it signifies that these platforms and agencies are reaching out to him in a friendly manner, likely offering opportunities and expressing a desire to collaborate or form a contract with him.

Translator's Note

“alt account” is a second account created by a player in a game, often used for different purposes like trying new strategies or playing anonymously.

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  1. ATM gege

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛