Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh24.2 - 520 Albums

At the time when Ran Feng released his album, he was at his poorest. After buying equipment for his livestream and paying his rent, he really didn’t have a penny to spare.

So, he could only listen to the songs from the free music videos and didn’t buy the official album. 4tNyrb

Yesterday, MeowMeow TV finally deposited his salary for last month. Ji Xingchen, now “overnight rich,” finally had spare money to buy Ran Feng’s album.

He opened QQ Music’s yearly chart and immediately saw “Chasing Waves” ranked first.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

And under “Chasing Waves,” the name of the artist listed was Jingze.

Ji Xingchen’s heart skipped a beat when he saw this name. bog9GP

He remembered Jingze; there had been rumors with Ran Feng before.

Back then, he wasn’t very familiar with the entertainment industry. He only started following gossip news because Ran Feng became a star, and even then, he only paid attention to news about Ran Feng.

So when the rumors about Jingze and Ran Feng were circulating, he truly believed Ran Feng was dating him.

At that time, just turned eighteen, he was an ignorant teenager, so upset that he couldn’t even eat.


Although Ran Feng quickly came out to clarify and cut off ties with Jingze, Ji Xingchen didn’t find out immediately.

His mind was all on his sick mother in his anger, and it wasn’t until much later that he learned the truth from the fan circles.

Seeing this liar trying to leech off Ran Feng again and not wanting him to catch up, Ji Xingchen decisively entered “1000” in the purchase quantity.

Entering “1000” felt great, but when Ji Xingchen looked at the payment amount, his frugal habits kicked in, and he immediately retracted his hand and typed “666” instead. ox8Uk3

After reconsidering, Ji Xingchen felt it wasn’t right, so he deleted the number and entered “520” instead.

As he made the purchase, Ji Xingchen thought to himself: Buying 520 copies and then doing a giveaway in the livestream for his viewers shouldn’t be a waste, right?

Lately, his popularity had skyrocketed, attracting many new fans, and he was struggling to find ways to thank them all.

Now, by using Ran Feng’s digital album for a giveaway, not only was he supporting Ran Feng’s sales, but he was also giving back to his fans, allowing them to enjoy Ran Feng’s wonderful songs… J8WPXo

It was truly a win-win solution!

After thinking it over, Ji Xingchen finally paid generously.

When he went live that night, he immediately shared this good news with everyone.

“Brothers, tonight’s giveaway will be a big one!” F3xT R

Upon hearing it’s going to be big, viewers thought Ji Xingchen was going to do one of those exciting activities like the recent trend of betting and drawing five hundred.

[??? How big is this giveaway?]

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[Wow, Star, you’ve changed. You’re even learning to draw money like others now.]

[Rubbing hands together, waiting! Since you’ve won nine in a row, I hope you lose a few more times tonight.] ZFA yj

[What’s the prize for one loss?]

Ji Xingchen had an exceptionally smooth three days in the Honor points match. Except for three matches where his teammates were too weak, forcing him to carry four noobs and ultimately lose, he won all the other matches.

And his victories weren’t just ordinary; they were a remarkable nine-win streak, envy-inducing.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The new viewers thought he was going to use this streak as a hook to do a giveaway like other streamers, but they were left confused by the barrage of messages about drawing money. 5GcDgf

[Drawing money? What money? I’m so broke, I can’t afford to draw anything.]

Coafg rjslcu atlr, tf uijcmfv ja atf agfjregf lcnlajalbc mbvfr tf tjv ybeuta obg atf vlulaji jiyew jcv fzqijlcfv ab fnfgsbcf, “Qf’gf cba vgjklcu wbcfs abcluta; kf’gf vgjklcu jiyewr.”

Cwlvra atf mbcoerlbc lc atf mtja, Al Wlcumtfc agjcrobgwfv lcab j qgbwbalbcji wjmtlcf, lcagbvemlcu Ejc Mfcu’r jiyew ab fnfgsbcf.

“Ljnf sbe ilrafcfv ab Ejc Mfcu’r jiyew, ‘Jtjrlcu Qjnfr’? Prc’a atlr ues’r nblmf qjgalmeijgis jwjhlcu? Cmmbgvlcu ab rmlfcalolm gfrfjgmt, ubbv werlm mjc yglcu ubbv nlyfr ab qfbqif, rb tbk mjc P cba rtjgf remt j ubbv atlcu klat sbe uesr!! Kbcluta, ifa’r vgjk 519 vlulaji jiyewr bo ‘Jtjrlcu Qjnfr’. Pa’r j mtja-yjrfv vgjk, cb cffv ab rfcv uloar, pera vgbq j wfrrjuf, jcv sbe mjc ajxf tbwf atlr fzdelrlaf jiyew. Xfaalcu vgjkc wfjcr klcclcu!” mwFSeL

Ji Xingchen enthusiastically promoted, but the chat was already laughing hysterically.

[Damn scientific research, I knew that without even looking at the study.]

[Hahaha, Star, your IFeng identity is confirmed.]

[519 albums, truly massive.] doz5Sj

[Why did you buy 519 albums? Such a strange number.]

[Obviously because Star himself kept one!]

[Oh, 520]

[@Boss Wanfeng, someone’s trying to outdo you.] RrcV X

“Alright, alright, everyone get ready. I’m going to start now. Let’s see who the lucky ones are. But we can only draw 200 at a time, so let’s draw three times.”

After saying this, Ji Xingchen started the barrage draw, and soon the first batch of lucky viewers was drawn.

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“If you’re one of the winners, please send me a private message later. There are too many people, and I’m afraid I might forget.”

Just as Ji Xingchen finished speaking, several private messages popped up. He didn’t reply immediately for fear of sending the wrong code. Instead, he continued, “Let’s draw the second batch. Everyone, wash your hands and get ready quickly.” 085F2E

As Ji Xingchen finished speaking, he noticed a message in the barrage.

[Little Niuniu]: Wow, can’t believe it! Am I really a lucky fish? I won again!!!!!

The familiar tone, the familiar ID… Ji Xingchen recognized the person immediately.

“Niuniu? Is that you, Niuniu?” b9p1Qa

[Little Niuniu]: Yes, it’s me!!! Can’t believe you recognized me even though I changed my name!!

[Hahaha, silly Niuniu, your name is so obvious!]

[Wow, is it that goofy Dun again? Haven’t seen him in ages.]

[Wow, can’t believe it, Niuniu won again???] E4ophD

[Little Niuniu]: Don’t call me silly, my academic performance is actually quite good.

The more Niuniu tried to earnestly explain, the more comedic he appeared.

“Last time I messaged you, you didn’t reply. Why did you change your account?”

The account “Little Niuniu” didn’t have the VIP status and badge from his room, so Ji Xingchen immediately recognized it as a new account. 0VA3xQ

When his livestream was throttled before, Niuniu tried to help boost his popularity by sending two Magic Meteor Showers. Ji Xingchen had originally sent him a private message wanting to add him on WeChat, but the other person vanished as if into thin air and never came online again.

Now, he suddenly reappeared under a new alias.

[Little Niuniu]: Well, about that… It was the day you were throttled, so I asked my brother for help. But when he found out I was secretly watching the livestream, he confiscated my account and all my pocket money.

Initially, Ji Xingchen was puzzled why Niuniu had sought help from his brother. But when he mentioned the pocket money, Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but feel surprised. Though he had heard Niuniu’s voice before, he was still wary that Niuniu might be a more mature-sounding kid, so he was prepared to refund all the gift money. c0qGgX

“That Niuniu… Can I ask how old you are?”

[Little Niuniu]: Just turned 20.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“20, huh…” For some reason, knowing Niuniu’s age made Ji Xingchen feel inclined to refund him the money, especially after hearing that his brother confiscated his account for watching the livestream secretly.

Though he didn’t know Niuniu in real life, Ji Xingchen’s intuition told him that Niuniu was probably a well-behaved and spoiled child at home. eGU7A3

“If your brother doesn’t allow you to watch, why not focus on studying? Come watch my livestream during the holidays instead. I’m afraid of setting a bad example for you…”

[Little Niuniu]: Host, you’ve misunderstood.

[Little Niuniu]: My brother took away my account because he said my account embarrassed him since it was so poor. He told me to finish my homework obediently for three days, then he gave me a new account, saying there’s plenty of money in it for me to use.

After saying that, Niuniu generously sent Ji Xingchen five Magic Meteor Showers and added 666 666s. TpU4Xw

[Little Niuniu]: Wow, big brother wasn’t lying. There’s indeed a lot of money in here!

Ji Xingchen: ???? How come the plot is completely different from what I imagined!!!


[This plot twist… I really don’t understand the world of the wealthy] gvB9k

[Why is Niuniu always so funny whenever he appears]

[Little Niuniu]: Brother Star, I just won a prize, remember to send it to me later!

[Little Niuniu]: Ah! I’m so lucky, I can always win prizes in your livestreams. You’re my lucky charm!

[Little Niuniu]: (*w) dsRiNS

Being called a lucky charm by Niuniu, Ji Xingchen was speechless. “Why do I feel like I’m the lucky one…”

Seeing the expectant expression with starry eyes in Niuniu’s last message, Ji Xingchen was afraid the kid would wait too long, so he immediately copied a code for the album and sent it to him.

After sending it, Ji Xingchen started another round of giveaways.

Just as he initiated the giveaway, someone in the chat mentioned him buying 520 albums. pY cUa

“Buying albums? What do you mean?”

[I just checked the Iron Fans chart on Feng’s album page. Is that person who bought 520 albums called Forever Little Star you, Host]

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[Hahahahaha, Star really bought 520 albums]

[520, I love you, Forever Little Star, who’s the Forever Little Star? Boss Wanfeng and Brother Feng are fighting, fighting!!!] 5dIWUi

[Moderators][Wanfeng Picks Star]: ????

System: Congratulations to Wanfeng Picks Star, Flower’s Little House, Pretending to Have an ID, and 200 other viewers for winning this round of rewards~

Ran Feng, who had just entered the livestream, only saw everyone shouting about Boss and Feng fighting and had no idea what was going on.

He only typed one message in the chat and suddenly saw the winning message pop up in the center of the screen. nROjkH

[Moderators][Wanfeng Picks Star]: What did I win?

[Boss, you’re actually asking what you won, seems like you don’t even know you’ve been… shedding tears for the boss]

[Hahahahahaha, Boss, you won the album that Star bought for Ran Feng]

[It’s the guy who greened you] xBOeXF


“Boss…” Ji Xingchen saw everyone teasing the boss and quickly sent him a message on WeChat to explain what the prize was all about.

A few minutes later, Ran Feng received a redemption code for a digital album that Ji Xingchen had sent him.

Curiously, he immediately went to QQ Music to redeem it. TbdW54

Then, the album cover popped up, incredibly familiar.

Looking at his own album on the phone, Ran Feng slowly smirked.

At that moment, his assistant happened to pass by Feng and accidentally caught a glimpse of his phone screen, immediately turning pale with shock.

Wow, Jingze influence is really too strong!!! He even forced Ran Feng to buy his own album! 20aJWG

The assistant patted his thin wallet and rubbed his nose.

Forget it, forget it, I won’t add chicken legs today, I’ll just buy two albums to support Brother Feng!

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

In the final day of the Honor Points Tournament, Ji Xingchen emerged as a dark horse with outstanding performance, consistently ranking first in points. iBJAv0

Ever since he dominated with Daji and Chang’e, winning nine consecutive victories, in the following days of the tournament, as long as he was in the lineup, the opponents would definitely ban Daji and Chang’e.

The Honor Points Tournament had only been going on for less than a week, and the opponents didn’t have a deep understanding of Ji Xingchen yet. Some were curious to watch his livestreams to learn more about him, but they found out that he only played either Daji or Angela, or occasionally Princess Frost…

So after watching his livestreams, many people mistakenly believed that he only knew how to play these two heroes, thinking that as long as they banned these two, the streamer Star wouldn’t be able to shine anymore.

But little did they know that without these two heroes, Star would pull out Liang and Yuhuan… v8aNRq

His Liang maneuvered through the crowd, stylishly used his passive, and his ultimate took out low-health enemies one after another, with an invincible record of 18-1-2.

And Yuhuan flashed under the tower, returning with full health. The seemingly soft Consort Yuhuan in his hands became a mobile fountain with devilish damage.

Watching as MeowMeow TV’s Star once again secured a triple victory, those streamers, in order to intercept his points, witnessed a bizarre scenario in the final match of the Honor Points Tournament that had never been seen before!

Ji Xingchen’s opponent allocated all four extremely valuable ban slots to the mid lane. OTLirF

These four lucky ones who were banned were: Daji, Chang’e, Liang, and Yuhuan…


Translator's Note

“Betting and drawing five hundred” is a livestreaming activity where viewers participate in betting games with a prize of five hundred currency units, guessing outcomes for rewards.

Translator's Note

I got confused Daji and Mai Shiranui so please if you noticed something wrong or swapping of these two name, remind me!

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1 comment

  1. I have no idea about this characters, so I can’t help, sorry

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛