Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh23.1 - Top of the Streamer Points Leaderboard

Mai Shiranui swiftly took down three of the four opponents on the other side.

Such sharp moves would be worth replaying repeatedly by the broadcasters even in professional KPL matches. zvYnLd

Although the intensity differs between streamer matches and professional games, Ji Xingchen’s triple kill just now definitely reached the level of a top player.

To witness such a spectacular scene in the first game of the Honor Points Tournament is truly fortunate. Ji Xingchen’s live chat room has already been flooded with countless praises.

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Not only were the viewers in his chat excited, but even the audiences in other streamer’s chat rooms were impressed by Mai Shiranui’s performance, causing a sensation.

[Who is this Mai Shiranui? So awesome!] V1TdJg

[After watching the stream, I feel like I’ve underestimated myself again!]

[Do any of you know this streamer? I’m gonna go follow them.]

[Guys, here’s the streamer, Star, from MeowMeow TV, specializing in mid lane.]

[Thanks, guys, I’m heading over.]


Acknowledgment among men in the gaming world is always straightforward.

After Ji Xingchen’s brilliant play, those who had looked down on him at the start immediately changed their tune, becoming his admirers, praising him endlessly.

Feng Liu: “Brother Mai Shiranui, that move just now… oh my god, it was so cool!!! That aerial move… it was simply divine, skillful, and extraordinary! If they were to select the best mid-lane streamer of the year, I’ll definitely vote for you!”

Feng Liu: “Hey, brother, is this your Mai Shiranui account in the Chinese server? It looks like the real deal, a hidden gem!” CJpZSx

Feng Liu: “Oh yeah, don’t forget to destroy the towers, guys. Hurry up, hurry up. Brother Mai Shiranui led us to victory this round, we can’t let him down after all his hard work. Wow, amazing, our 10 points are in the bag.”

Amidst Feng Liu’s enthusiastic commentary, the team destroyed the high ground and began attacking the crystal.

Just before the crystal exploded, Feng Liu, who had just revived, suddenly remembered something.

He shouted at Ji Xingchen at eight times speed, “Brother Mai Shiranui, remember to add me as a friend when you go out next time… Don’t forget to invite me when we team up next week!!!” vxCc1

As the game ended, the MVP animation unquestionably featured Mai Shiranui.

A few seconds later, the performance statistics for both sides popped up.

Ji Xingchen got MVP with a performance score of 15.2, the highest in the game!

After the settlement, Ji Xingchen quickly exited the game. Bmdaxb

But as soon as he came out, he noticed a red dot in the upper right corner indicating friend requests.

Upon opening it, he found nine friend requests all at once.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

These friend requests were all familiar to him. The audience noticed that, apart from the four teammates just now, the remaining five were actually the opponents from the other team!

Vfflcu atlr rmfcf, atf jevlfcmf mbeivc’a tfiq yea qgjlrf Al Wlcumtfc lc atf yjggjuf jujlc! 9Ce fd

Coafg jii, fnfgsbcf ecvfgrabbv atja lc atfrf ragfjwfg wjamtfr, atf qjgalmlqjcar jii tjv rbwf ifnfi bo ojwf.

Cii afc qijsfgr kfgf fzqfgar, fcmbecafglcu rxliifv qijsfgr kjr mbwwbc. Qtfatfg j ragfjwfg’r qfgobgwjcmf kjr lwqgfrrlnf bg ijmxierafg, batfgr mbeiv fjrlis afii.

So, just after finishing a game, even the opposing streamers were eager to add Ji Xingchen as a friend.

His strength didn’t need any further explanation! Ji Xingchen didn’t hesitate, seeing everyone extending friendly gestures towards him. Considering that they might team up in future matches, he quickly added all nine of them as friends. CvyKHF

Including Feng Liu, who had been sarcastic and insinuating towards him in the early stages but later transformed into a rainbow fart expert.

After finishing a game, Ji Xingchen didn’t immediately queue up again but returned to his livestream.

He was more cautious about playing these streamer matches than even peak matches, considering the involvement of point rankings. So, during the game, he focused all his energy on gaming, even blocking all the chat messages in his livestream.

Now that he had finally finished a game, he relaxed and reopened the chat to see the audience’s reactions. bl Fi3

When he looked back at the computer screen, he belatedly realized that the viewership of the livestream had quietly exceeded 800,000!

Inside the livestream, many strangers were continuously spamming the chat.

Ji Xingchen didn’t catch what they were saying; he only noticed the soaring popularity. Subconsciously, he asked, “Brother Wanfeng, did you send gifts again?”

Every time his livestream had such high viewership, it was because Wanfeng sent gifts to boost it. IYNg5K

But this time, after he asked, the audience uniformly replied that Wanfeng hadn’t sent any.

Ji Xingchen was a bit confused, so he scanned the chat messages again.

He found that besides confirming that Wanfeng hadn’t sent any gifts, the rest of the chat was praising him.

Indeed, there were no hints about any giveaways. Su DPw

Ji Xingchen was about to explain that he had misread, but then a gift notification popped up in the livestream.

System: [Wanfeng Picks Star] has sent 66 confession balloons to streamer Star from MeowMeow TV~ The most sincere love for the one you like the most, can you feel the deep affection? Heart emojis~~

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Confession balloons, as the name suggests, each worth 520 yuan, symbolize “I love you.”

Wanfeng Picks Star sent 66 confession balloons in the livestream, instantly triggering a combo announcement. gEXkep

Following that, the message of his gift was automatically highlighted by the system, and the livestream was filled with drifting pink hearts.

After sending the confession balloons, he followed up with two magic meteor showers.

As the audience in the livestream thanked the boss while participating in the giveaway, they also couldn’t help but mock themselves for being blinded by the flood of pink hearts in the livestream.

When the boss suddenly sent so many gifts, Ji Xingchen hurriedly explained, “Wanfeng, I wasn’t asking you for gifts just now… I just saw the viewership in the livestream suddenly go up and thought everyone was here for a giveaway.” T7JYQu

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: The gifts are to celebrate your victory.

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: Viewers came from other livestreams out of admiration.

The boss’s explanation answered both questions, but Ji Xingchen inexplicably sensed a hint of pride in his wording.

Was the boss proud of him? BOrGlt

“Viewers from… other livestreams?” Ji Xingchen didn’t dare to say the part about them coming out of admiration, fearing that people would accuse him of being narcissistic.

After all, he had been solely focused on winning in the game, unaware of how these esports enthusiasts in the chat were praising him.

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: Yes.

Seeing Ji Xingchen seeming somewhat incredulous, Ran Feng sent another message to explain everyone’s intentions. Hkt2oq

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: You have no idea how impressive you were just now.

Stunned by the boss’s straightforward praise, Ji Xingchen paused for a moment, then felt like he had heard a similar sentence somewhere before.

Because of the upcoming match, Ji Xingchen didn’t dwell on it and guessed it was probably the same viewers in his livestream who had praised him like this before.

[Is the streamer still here?] HpfSqh

[When will the next game start? Aren’t you playing anymore??]

Ji Xingchen, who had originally wanted to chat more with the boss, suddenly saw messages urging him to start the next game quickly. He prepared to close the chat and continue with the next match.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I’ll start soon, I’ll start soon. Brothers, be patient, I’ll start after I have a drink of water.”

Before Ji Xingchen closed the chat, he habitually glanced at the VIP seats in the livestream and noticed that Wanfeng, who had promised to log off after watching one game, was still there without logging off. G9rtM4

Ji Xingchen halted his action to close the chat, “Wanfeng, aren’t you supposed to be off work?”

[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: It’s still early.


[Moderator][Wanfeng Picks Star]: Let’s watch another game. Yi2HmU

[Hahahaha, Baby Star, what’s with the ‘huh’? Boss can’t bear to part with you!]

[Boss: For Star, I can endure a bit longer!]

[Streamer, sorry, even though I know you’re a straight guy, but the conversation you just had with the boss made me think otherwise…]

[I thought the same hahahaha] 5Cfkau

Seeing the audience joking about him and the boss, Ji Xingchen didn’t intervene with words. After all, in every livestream, both the streamer and the boss would be teased like this by the audience. Since the audience didn’t take it seriously, neither did he.

But just now, after hearing the audience’s comments, a memory suddenly flashed through Ji Xingchen’s mind, finally realizing where he had heard Wanfeng’s words before.

He had said those same words to Ran Feng.

He remembered it was an especially cold winter day. IVyWMG

At the neighboring school, a senior high school student from the third year, feeling overwhelmed by pressure after failing a test, tragically chose to jump off a building. Concerned that a similar situation might occur among their own senior students, the leaders of Zhongyi School made an exception during the winter school sports meet, allowing them to participate for two days. The reason given was to relax, relieve stress, and lighten their moods.

Ji Xingchen wasn’t particularly interested in the sports meet, but he eagerly awaited the last event before its conclusion.

This event was a basketball match between Class One and Class Two, known rivals.

In basketball, Class Two had been fierce competitors with Class One since the first year of high school. In previous matches, the scores between the two classes were always close, with both occasionally claiming first place. 7sj9zm

However, since entering the third year, the top players from both classes hadn’t had the chance to compete due to the heavy workload.

Finally, the school agreed to allow them to compete openly, and both sides immediately sent out their class elites, eager to win the final victory of their high school years.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ran Feng was particularly skilled in basketball and naturally was elected by the whole class to participate.

Originally, Ji Xingchen should have been on the list too, but unfortunately, he had just undergone surgery a few days ago, and the doctor advised him to rest at home for a week. h43sn1

On the day of the basketball match, it was only the fourth day of his postoperative recovery period, so he had to stay at home to recuperate and couldn’t even go to school.

When Ran Feng helped Ji Xingchen with his homework, he didn’t inform him about the upcoming match he was going to play. However, Ji Xingchen, with his connections, managed to find out the specific time of the match from his classmates.

So that afternoon, after wrapping himself in a down jacket, he secretly took a taxi to the school.

The road to the school was blocked for a while due to a car accident. When Ji Xingchen arrived at the school, the basketball court was surrounded by layers of female students, leaving no room to move. Qarcfq

Ji Xingchen had just undergone an appendicitis surgery, and his wound hadn’t fully healed, so he naturally didn’t dare to squeeze among the girls. But with the basketball court completely surrounded, he couldn’t see anything from outside. With the sole desire to watch Ran Feng, he had a sudden idea and chose to go to a nearby platform, five meters away, where there were fewer people.

In fact, given the bustling atmosphere of the basketball match that day, the platform was not where Ji Xingchen should have been. However, even if one managed to climb up, only someone tall enough could see the basketball court.

Moreover, the weather that day was unusually cold, and the platform happened to be in a windy spot, with a constant chill blowing into one’s neck.

Ji Xingchen felt numb with cold as soon as he stood up there. The few male classmates nearby also couldn’t bear the relentless cold wind, so they went downstairs to find a more crowded place. esEqaT

Now, with no other classmates around, Ji Xingchen took a few steps forward and stood where they had been. His view was noticeably better.

So there he stood alone on the platform, eagerly watching Ran Feng playing on the court.

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  1. Basketball on street in winter? Hell no

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛