Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh16 - Bai Qi’s husband is super awesome!!!

If this sentence were said by any other Brother Jungler King, Ji Xingchen wouldn’t feel any burden at all. He might even add, “Brother, can I?” But today, the target was changed to Boss Wanfeng, and he felt inexplicably embarrassed after saying it.

After all, Boss Wanfeng has always been typing, whether in the livestream room, WeChat, or the game, never using voice. tpDeg0

After asking, the audience in the livestream room was all typing “Yoooooo~~~” Everyone’s eyes were glued to the screen, their ears perked up, wanting to see how Boss Wanfeng would respond to Ji Xingchen.

However, several seconds passed, and the boss did not reply.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The hero selection time quickly ended, and everyone entered the game.

Accompanied by the familiar system voice saying “Welcome to Honor Of Kings,” Ji Xingchen suddenly heard a strange man’s voice. 2azuOT



This voice didn’t belong to Ji Xingchen or Cheng Yu, nor did it belong to the other two teammates.

“Wanfeng, Brother Wanfeng??”


Ji Xingchen almost immediately looked at the position of the microphone in the top left corner, and sure enough, saw Boss Wanfeng with his mic on!

“It’s me.”

The man’s voice sounded again.

His voice was quite deep, sounding somewhat muffled through the headset, like a long-buried cello being slowly played in the depths of still waters. h2OTxZ

Ji Xingchen opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but was preempted by Cheng Yu.

“Oh my god, Brother Wanfeng, is that you talking?”

Cheng Yu’s tone was as excited as a screaming chicken.

“Yeah.” The man replied softly. 47eo2C

Cheng Yu: “Wow, your voice sounds so good, quickly say a few more words!!”

Ran Feng: “…”

Seeing the boss remain silent and even turn off the microphone in the top left corner, Cheng Yu quickly shut his mouth in understanding, “Forget it, forget it, I’ll shut up, Star, it’s your turn!!”

“Boss, your voice is indeed very nice…” Ji Xingchen, who was suddenly named, didn’t know what to say for a moment, so he followed Cheng Yu’s rainbow fart from earlier. PZElk8

“Why don’t you usually turn on the mic?”

That’s what he wanted to ask.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“I’ve caught a cold these past couple of days.” The man paused, “My throat hurts.”

“Caught a cold? Then maybe you shouldn’t talk and just type, I was just… joking.” Knowing that the boss caught a cold, Ji Xingchen felt guilty. zcQ0DW

Shouldn’t have joked about turning on the mic!!

“Brother Wanfeng, remember to drink more water and rest.”


After a brief reply, the other party turned off the voice, and the game instantly became quiet. WX7m8T

Meanwhile, in the livestream room —

[Is this the legendary overbearing CEO Su‘s seductive voice!! My ears are pregnant!!!]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Too charming!!! Boss Wanfeng’s voice, I can!!]

[Boss admit it, you’re the overbearing CEO himself!!!] 81uj9y

[Barrage viewers want to hear the voice? Boss: No! Star said he wants to hear it, Boss: Even with a sore throat, he must turn on the mic! Ahhhh Ah Wei died, Boss is going to spoil Star to the heavens, what kind of fairy-tale romance is this]

[Kowtowing kowtowing! StarFeng is real I’m saying I’m tired!!!!]

Coafg mifjglcu atf kjnf, Al Wlcumtfc uijcmfv ja atf Djl Hl bo Dbrr Qjcofcu lc atf ujwf, offilcu j yla vlragjmafv.

Llr wlcv kjr ralii gfmjiilcu atf batfg qjgas’r nblmf, jcv tlr fjgr ofia rilutais almxilrt jr lo ygertfv ys ofjatfgr. 1OkbQD

Dbrr Qjcofcu’r nblmf rtbeiv tjnf yffc ecojwliljg ab tlw…

But just now, he inexplicably felt somewhat familiar.

In his memory… Ran Feng’s tone of speaking seemed to be like this too.

Short and cool with each sentence, yet damn charming. xK4knZ

Boss Wanfeng’s voice was somewhat similar to his, but the tone was much deeper and mature, exuding a certain charm.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After turning off the voice, Ran Feng couldn’t help but cough a few times.

He deliberately changed his tone and lowered his voice a lot during the mic opening just now, and now his throat was very uncomfortable. l9nhCP

Would Ji Xingchen notice anything unusual about this disguised voice?

He glanced at his phone and found that Ji Xingchen in the game was still playing normally, seemingly without any abnormalities.

Since Ran Feng turned off the voice, no one in the game had spoken again, each going to their respective lanes to clear waves.

But this silence was soon broken. 9b3GB2

Two messages popped up on the chat interface in the bottom left corner of the screen.

[All] [Dun]: Introduce, Wu Ze Tian, my wife

[All] [Wu Ze Tian]: Introduce, Dun, my husband

[All] [Old Janitor]: ?????? hkEVQt

[All] [Old Janitor]: Thank you for the thick aura of showing off!

The other side completely ignored Old Janitor and continued to show affectionate messages.

[All] [Dun]: Don’t bully my Meier little princess

[All] [Dun]: Otherwise, you’ll have a problem with me zB8KNA

The next sentence hit Old Janitor right in the chest.

[All] [Old Janitor]: Will we die if we don’t show affection?

[All] [Wu Ze Tian]: I have Brother Dun, do you?

[All] [Old Janitor]: No, but I’ll wreck your head j1 C4G

[All] [Wu Ze Tian]: @Dun, big brother, protect me

[All] [Old Janitor]: …

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[All] [Old Janitor]: Forget it, I’ll just go AFK at the fountain

After saying this, the brother indeed pressed the recall button and prepared to AFK. 28IFQf

After reading this conversation, Ji Xingchen and Cheng Yu couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

[Zhao Yun]: Brother, don’t AFK, let me deal with him!!

Old Janitor stopped recalling.

Then… quaks7

[All] [Zhao Yun]: @Bai Qi, big brother, protect me

Ji Xingchen casually typed Bai Qi’s name.

Then, Cheng Yu, with a playful spirit, also followed Ji Xingchen and typed:

[All] [Lu Ban No.7]: @Bai Qi, big brother, protect me LV1drl

[Old Janitor]: …I’d rather AFK

[Hahaha, Star Star, Dun is someone else’s husband, why are you mentioning the boss, oh my]

[Teacher Cheng Yu, quick, take it back!! They’re showing affection, what are you doing stirring up trouble!!]

Ji Xingchen and Cheng Yu actually responded to the “big brother protect me” sentence, but unexpectedly, the other side misunderstood. lDZQFp

[All] [Wu Ze Tian]: Bai Qi doesn’t even have a skin, can a poor guy have two wives??

[All] [Dun]: How come I’m not in line for having two wives in this good thing?

[All] [Wu Ze Tian]: It all depends on skills, right?

[All] [Dun]: ??? You mean my skills aren’t good enough? HTwOQr

[All] [Wu Ze Tian]: I mean, their relationship is really messed up

After being dissed by the opposing Wu Ze Tian as a poor guy, Ji Xingchen used his left hand to pull up the global scene and found that Wu Ze Tian’s skin was the Oracle of Nyx, while Dun’s was Infinite Cyclone.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

These two skins are relatively expensive skins in Honor Of King and cannot be directly purchased; they have to be obtained by drawing glory crystals with points. Generally, it costs a few thousand yuan to draw one glory crystal, and Wu Ze Tian, this hero, also needs to draw glory crystals to obtain. So, her whole outfit costs no less than three thousand.

[Oh, Dun, now more than five hundred thousand people in the live stream room know your skills aren’t good] uo7YnV

[Is having a skin impressive??? This Wu Ze Tian probably doesn’t know how rich Boss Wanfeng is]

[With the money Boss Wanfeng spent on gifts for Star, he could buy all the heroes and skins in Honor Of King]

[Be more precise, he could buy many more]

While the barrage viewers were sympathizing with Wanfeng and Ji Xingchen, Ran Feng suddenly typed in the game. jGLwWS

[All] [Bai Qi]: Lu Ban is useless

[All] [Lu Ban No.7]: ???????

[Hahaha, Teacher Cheng Yu cruelly rejected by Boss Wanfeng]

[Lu Ban not Star, Star is!!] QV6txF

[Boss, are you marrying Star? I’ll go get the Civil Affairs Bureau for you right now]

Rejected mercilessly by the boss, Cheng Yu hid under the tower, crying, but didn’t expect that when he looked up, he found himself surrounded by the opponent’s jungle and marksman.

“Ahhhh big brother Bai Qi, help me!!”

Bai Qi had pushed down the top lane tower and was on his way to change lanes with his Lu Ban. H6b4kw

Seeing Bai Qi not far away coming to his aid, Cheng Yu found his savior in an instant, crying out for help.

However, the next second… he watched as Bai Qi abandoned him and hurriedly ran towards the mid lane…

Because Ji Xingchen was now also surrounded by the opposing Wu Ze Tian, Dun, and support.

[Bai Qi]: Hide under the tower for a moment 6AIyrz

[Bai Qi]: Come after mid lane is done

Realizing that he had been ruthlessly abandoned by Bai Qi, Cheng Yu cried bitterly, “Boss, come to play mahjong in mid lane while I’m freezing to death here!!!”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[Hahaha, teacher Cheng Yu is so desperate]

[In the boss’s eyes, there’s only Star, hahaha] XjHho8

Bai Qi came over from the top lane, immediately jumped into the crowd, used his ult, and directly mocked the three opponents, making them unable to move.

After his own jungle, Han Xin, dealt damage, Ji Xingchen immediately used his second skill to shield and deal damage. After taking two steps back to find a good position, he used his ult to shoot all fifty-five arrows at the opposing heroes.

Dun, who was in the front tanking the damage, was hit the hardest and directly perished.

Wu Ze Tian used her second skill to push Bai Qi away and quickly flashed into the tower to escape. Dressed in the beautiful Nyx Oracle skin, she looked extremely embarrassed at the moment. iocp L

Ji Xingchen didn’t want to let her go and continued to chase and auto-attack.

Han Xin initially followed the chase, but seeing that Wu Ze Tian had already entered the tower and couldn’t be hit, coupled with his own low health, he stopped.

But… Bai Qi didn’t.

[Boss, are you even willing to tank the tower just to get kills for Star???] fx 8nC

[True love is unmistakable]

Sure enough, as the barrage said, Bai Qi rushed directly into the tower, endured all the damage from the defense tower for Ji Xingchen, and created an opportunity for him to kill Wu Ze Tian under the tower.

When Bai Qi was killed by the defense tower, it triggered the in-game voice line between Bai Qi and Wu Ze Tian:

“I will be the invincible sword you wield.” oHRdfW

After the voice line ended, Wu Ze Tian was also killed by Ji Xingchen’s auto-attack.

Lying on the ground, she angrily typed at Bai Qi.

[All] [Wu Ze Tian]: Are you willing to exchange one life for another, Bai Qi? Do you hate me that much?

[All] [Wu Ze Tian]: Have you never seen a V8? You guys are just *** who envy me and my husband’s wealth, *****! 5vg1uO

Ji Xingchen estimated that this kind of player like Wu Ze Tian was probably hurt in the head by everyone praising her as rich normally. Even when she died, she still wanted to scold Boss Wanfeng. So, he calmly retorted.

[All] [Zhao Yun]: Your husband’s skills are far worse than my husband’s

Chrysanthemum Garden.

[All] [Zhao Yun]: Bai Qi’s husband is super awesome!!!

[All] [Bai Qi]: … kc5xjd

[All] [Dun]: Why mention that I have bad skills again (sob)

[All] [Wu Ze Tian]: ************

Translator's Note

“CEO Su” – typically refers to a fictional character archetype often found in Chinese romance novels, dramas, and other media. “CEO Su” embodies the image of a successful and wealthy chief executive officer, often portrayed as powerful, charismatic, and sometimes arrogant. This character archetype is commonly depicted in romantic storylines, where they may encounter and develop relationships with protagonists.

Translator's Note

“mahjong in mid lane” – is a funny way of saying that the teammate is busy doing something else while he (Cheng Yu) is in trouble and needs help.

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  1. Hahahhaha this kind of dog food is really fresh ah 🤣🤣 that ‘wealthy’ couple will never topple them 🤌🤌

    Thanks for the chapter!! 🫶🫶

  2. You can’t beat ATM gong

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛