Borrowing a KissCh51 - A Clear Conscience

Liang Muqiu was held in Cen Nan’s lap, crying until he ran out of oxygen. His eyes, which were originally gentle and innocent now resembled those of a puppy.

Except for when Cen Nan broke up with him, he had never been so embarrassed in his life. After thinking about it, he was not reconciled and smacked Cen Nan. 6k1zB8

Cen Nan coaxed him in a low voice, raising his tear-stained face and kissing his eyes. “Baby.”

“I’m sorry, I won’t make you sad in the future.” Several apologies have already been spoken by Cen Nan today.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The apologies he expressed his entire life probably didn’t add up to how many he had said today. Back then, many people wanted him to bow his head and admit he was wrong, but they only received a cold and proud glance, not even a mild sentence.

He would only soften in front of Liang Muqiu. iVEWdG

If Liang Muqiu wanted to take this life, he would comply with his wish.

However, Liang Muqiu gently snorted in his arms and mumbled, “Don’t coax me, if you make me sad again, I’ll castrate you.”

Cen Nan couldn’t suppress his laugh, “How about changing the punishment? I’ll give you my life, I’m not joking.”

Liang Muqiu snorted again.


The two stayed embraced for a long time.

The scented candles in the bedroom weren’t lit but there was still a hint of bergamot lingering in the summer air.

Liang Muqiu was playing with the button that Cen Nan had just taken out. It was the one Cen Nan had stolen after their graduation ceremony. He planned to use it as a decoration for the bedroom in the future. After all, it was a button that had travelled across the ocean and had been hidden for ten years, becoming a testimony of love, so it was still of commemorative importance.

Meanwhile, Cen Nan kept harassing him, kissing his lips, ears, and the tip of his nose, which made Liang Muqiu angry from embarrassment. pt014m

“Enough is enough,” Liang Muqiu pushed him and scolded him. “Haven’t you had enough of being a hooligan? My mouth will swell if you kiss me again.”

Cen Nan could only regretfully stop the sexual advances.

But at that moment when he looked at Liang Muqiu, even he didn’t realise the type of love hidden in his eye. His usually cold eyes had melted like spring snow and turned into a torrential flood.

He smiled unconsciously, as if he had received a great blessing and become the luckiest man in the world. JezqrN

He rubbed Liang Muqiu’s forehead again as if suddenly losing his unruliness and fangs, turning into a large dog lying on his knees, docile and clingy.

“It still feels like a dream.” He murmured, “Have you really forgiven me?”

If it was a dream, he would rather sleep forever.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktfrf kbgvr rbecvfv j ilaaif wlrfgjyif. Oljcu Zedle bglulcjiis kjcafv ab qlcmt tlw ab rbyfg tlw yea joafg j wbwfca bo rlifcmf, atf kbgvr bo jvwbclrtwfca lc tlr wbeat kfgf raemx. intEo1

Lf qegrfv tlr ilqr jcv vfmlvfv cba ab jguef klat Jfc Rjc. Lf abemtfv tlr rabwjmt jcv jgmtfv abkjgvr Jfc Rjc, ybivis vfmijglcu, “P’w tecugs.”

Only then did Cen Nan remember that he had also made a reservation at a restaurant.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He originally intended to confess his love to Liang Muqiu and head to the restaurant, but seeing Liang Muqiu’s peach-like eyes and the shirt that had the button ripped off, he guessed that Liang Muqiu wouldn’t want to go out.

He said warmly, “Now we have two choices. One is the dinner reservation at Cirton. Although it’s past the appointed date, we can still eat there.” XJiq8C

Liang Muqiu shook his head and resolutely refused, “It’s embarrassing for me to go out like this.”

Cen Nan knew this but he quickly kissed Liang Muqiu again and said, “I think you look good like this.”

Liang Muqiu pushed his face away in disgust. “What about the second one?”

“The second is that your new boyfriend is a good cook and can make you a simple dinner.” w6mIdT

Cen Nan rejoiced at the fact that he had filled the refrigerator with some ingredients when he inspected the apartment a few days ago. Although there wasn’t much time to cook a big meal, it was still more than enough for a simple dinner.

He showed the ingredients in the refrigerator to Liang Muqiu and asked, “Pasta or curry rice?”


“Anything else?” mnr u8

Liang Muqiu was choosy as he pointed out, “Salt-baked chicken wings, beef ribs, and potato salad.”

Cen Nan obeyed his order and skillfully grabbed a black apron from behind the door. He picked up a kitchen knife and within a second, instantly transformed into a househusband. He also took the time to remind Liang Muqiu, “Stay away from the pot. Don’t let the oil splash onto you when you’re cooking.”

Liang Muqiu gave a perfunctory hum and admired the profile of Cen Nan cooking, feeling that his new boyfriend was so handsome.

He was in a slight trance. 60OMWt

In fact, Cen Nan wasn’t the only one who felt like he was dreaming, Liang Muqiu also felt a sense of emptiness, like his feet were floating from the ground. He thought that maybe when he woke up, all of this would disappear. Cen Nan hadn’t returned to China and he was still in Chicago while he would be laying in his bed. Everything was just a dream.

He couldn’t help but reach out to poke Cen Nan and squeeze the muscles on his arm.

It was hot, and the muscles felt very strong.

The hands that were chopping slowed down and Cen Nan looked up at Liang Muqiu. “What’s wrong?” SCJvaK

Liang Muqiu shook his head without saying anything.

He stood idling in the kitchen and soon remembered another thing. He poked Cen Nan’s waist and began questioning him.

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“You haven’t told me yet why I saw Ruan Zhuxian downstairs in your apartment. Does she live there too?” Liang Muqiu was generous when he was twenty years old and very tolerant of the birds that flocked around Cen Nan. The person was now his anyway but he had changed his mind. Even if he knew that Cen Nan and Ruan Zhuxian were innocent, he still wanted to conjure vinegar out of thin air, “You’d better give an honest explanation.”

Cen Nan had simply forgotten about this matter. F 5YV6

“She should have gone to help me get my things,” Cen Nan admitted. “I moved to a small villa in the north to take care of my grandmother, but the apartment hadn’t been under my lease for even six months. When I couldn’t leave, she helped me go there once or twice.”

Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence that Liang Muqiu bumped into her.

Cen Nan looked at the carrot pieces on the chopping board and was filled with frustration. Sometimes, life is full of ups and downs. If he had met Liang Muqiu at that time, perhaps today would be a different situation.

But there is no ifs in life. PwfFcj

Liang Muqiu thought of another thing. When he heard Cen Nan talking about taking care of his grandma, he hesitated and asked, “Your grandma… Did she pass away from illness in the end?”

Cen Nan nodded.

“The cancer eventually worsened. During those years, her health was not very good and even surgery couldn’t save her,” he said. “So she was very calm when she left.”

Liang Muqiu was slightly relieved. It seems that his grandmother’s condition did not deteriorate because she found out about him and Cen Nan. pdTA7Y

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Cen Nan say, “But a month before she left, one night, she suddenly asked me if I had fallen in love with a boy.”

Liang Muqiu was stunned, his face turned a little pale. “Then what did you say?”

Cen Nan washed his hands with soap, wiped them dry, and turned to touch his head.

“Don’t be so afraid,” Cen Nan sighed and smiled helplessly, “I admitted it to her, and she felt a lot more relieved when she knew it was you.” haLsvJ

At the end of his life, his grandmother, who he thought was completely unable to accept homosexual love, scrutinized Liang Muqiu’s photo with her glasses on, and eventually smiled and said that she had seen this child. She said that he looked very pleasing back then.

Then his grandmother told him about her brother who had eloped, saying that he had actually passed away. In the sixteenth year after the elopement, he died in a foreign land, so she never mentioned it.

“But I always think that when he was with that person, he seemed very, very happy,” Grandma Cen muttered in a low voice. “He wasn’t comfortable at home, and when he married Miss Lin Wu, he was also depressed. Perhaps for him, those sixteen years were more meaningful than the first half of his life.”

Cen Nan gently hugged Liang Muqiu. pedHUq

After this long period, he was not as unfortunate as his uncle whom he had never met before. He still had a long time to spend with his lover.

He whispered, “Grandma told me that after coming abroad for a year or two, she realized that I had fallen in love with a boy. She just didn’t want to expose it, but in the end, she figured that it didn’t matter who I liked. I only needed to have a clear conscience and not care about what other people thought.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Her only regret is that she didn’t see you again, so please bear with me.”

Liang Muqiu was stunned. QdJYnz

He looked up at Cen Nan, who smiled at him with a relaxed expression. He didn’t seem like he was lying.

After such a long time, he no longer remembered much about his grandmother. He only remembered that she was a kind-hearted old woman.

He didn’t expect that it was the other elderly of the Cen family that provided clarity for Cen Nan.

He turned around and hugged Cen Nan with a lot of strength. 6Ytved

“I will,” he leaned against Cen Nan, swearing as he did when he confessed his love at the age of eighteen. “I promised that I would take good care of you and make you happy.”

When he separated from Cen Nan, he also had nothing.

Even if he chased him to the other side of the Pacific Ocean, he didn’t know what he could give Cen Nan.

But it’s different now. pVcWBZ

Not only did he hold a lot of devotion, but he also had a career and financial resources that he didn’t own at the age of twenty. Even if Cen Nan became destitute one day, he would still want him and take care of him for the rest of his life.

Cen Nan’s eyelashes blinked and gave a low “En”.

Of course, he knew that from now on, Liang Muqiu would give him happiness everyday.

Author’s note: i7Ql8S

Qiuqiu: I am the head of the family (serious face)

Translator’s note:

Me and my friend were lamenting over our love life and talking about how sentimental we are and then, I pulled out the chapter where Cen Nan revealed the button he took from Liang Muqiu and we were absolutely floored

When is it my turn to get a good man QAQ d 5srK

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  1. I think all the (unwillingly) single dogs can relate to you guys!

    Such a sweet chapter ❤️ I’m glad that Cen Nan’s grandma was able to overcome her prejudice and give both him and Liang Muqiu some closure