My School Prince Boyfriend Has A Big ProblemChapter 2

The scene was quite awkward for a while.

This time, Lu Xi easily pulled his wrist away. He glanced at it briefly and saw a row of light red finger marks on his white wrist, indicating that Ji Nian had used considerable force when grabbing him. O5m4hX

Lu Xi rotated his wrist joint and, seeing that the medicine bottle had already reached Ji Nian’s hand, considered his task complete and felt that he had done his duty. From now on, the romantic entanglements between Ji Nian and Liu Siyi would have nothing to do with him.

Before leaving, Lu Xi took one last look at Ji Nian, then half-drooped his eyes and shifted his gaze away, looking utterly disinterested. It was as if he hadn’t said anything or done anything just now, nor had he caused any significant impact, remaining as innocent as a passerby.

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Lu Xi turned and walked away.

Ji Nian pursed his lips, seemingly holding back a smile, and watched that slender figure step onto the stairs of the teaching building. The more he looked, the more problems he noticed, and his eyebrows raised higher and higher. QFGTRO

He saw that when Lu Xi walked, there was a slight hunch to his back. His pace wasn’t fast, even somewhat lazy with a swaying gait, but his long legs could cover the ground quickly, one step probably equaling two steps to that of an average girl. When climbing the stairs, he didn’t even mind the risk of his short skirt exposing too much, taking two steps at a time and going upstairs lightly.

Even after Lu Xi disappeared from sight, Ji Nian kept staring. No matter how he looked at it…

He felt that it wasn’t the way a normal girl would walk.

After all, as the “No. 1 Goddess on Campus,” she doesn’t seem to care about her image at all.


Only after Lu Xi left did the guy with the permed hair dare to take a deep breath, gasping like a fish that had just flopped back into water from the shore, almost suffocating.

“Ji Nian!”

The guy with the permed hair, named Peng Manman, twisted his neck towards Ji Nian with a “kacha” sound. His eyes were bright. He was always afraid that the world was not chaotic enough. Now, he looked like he had found out something incredible. He was so excited that he couldn’t help saying: “What were you doing with that internet celebrity on the day of the typhoon? Come clean! Did you steal the household registration book and get a hotel room?”

Hearing this, Ji Nian was slightly taken aback. He then withdrew his gaze from the distance and looked at Peng Manman, staring at his face for a few seconds… Ac5Cwg

Suddenly, he curved his eyes and smiled without saying a word.

Peng Manman’s heart skipped a beat.

He had to admit, the school prince had a crazy advantage in terms of looks. He was so handsome it was insane, and when he smiled, it was even more lethal. He was confident, cheerful, and naturally noble, yet still approachable. But Peng Manman wondered, why did that gaze contain a kind of pity and patience as if he were looking at an idiot? Was it an illusion…

“Damn, Peng Manman, you really dare to say anything. Good luck, brother.” This comment came from Ding Chang, the guy with the silver-rimmed glasses, who was always seen with a book in his hand because he was determined to get into Tsinghua or Peking University. 4 NFpd

Feeling that the topic was too explicit, Ding Chang wiped the spit off his exercise book and lowered his head, entering a state of complete focus, oblivious to the world around him.

Peng Manman stood up, leaning on the table to look at Ji Nian, and said anxiously, “Don’t just keep smiling. Is there really something going on between you and that internet celebrity?”

“Are you out of your mind?” Before Ji Nian could respond, the handsome guy sitting on the table turned around, reached out, and ruffled Peng Manman’s hair. “Don’t talk nonsense. Do you think Ji Nian is such a casual person?”

Peng Manman turned his head to look at Cheng Jue. He scratched his head innocently and asked with reasonable suspicion: “Then… how did Lu Xi know about Ji Nian’s premature ejaculation? She even brought medicine and personally delivered it.” 9nxHgd

Cheng Jue: “…”

Ding Chang looked up from the sea of questions: “…”

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Ji Nian stopped smiling and looked at the genuinely innocent Peng Manman. In a gentle voice, he said, “I’ll give you three seconds to rephrase that, or don’t blame me for using force.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ufcu Zjcwjc lwwfvljafis yjmxfv vbkc, atfjaglmjiis tjio-mbnfglcu tlr ojmf klat tlr riffnf jr tf rja vbkc, mijrqlcu tlr tjcvr lc j qifj obg wfgms. “Zs Obgv, P mjc’a yfja sbe, P mjc’a yfja sbe, qifjrf rqjgf wf.” KC9V0f

Pa kjr cb pbxf. Al Rljc kjr bc atf qgbnlcmlji ajfxkbcvb afjw jcv wluta fnfc pblc atf cjalbcji afjw lc atf oeaegf. Po tf gfjiis uba qtsrlmji, tf mbeiv ajxf vbkc atf ktbif ragffa ys tlwrfio.

Ji Nian walked around the stone bench and placed the matte-textured medicine bottle onto Ding Chang’s open exercise book.

“This…” Ding Chang sat up straight, pushed his glasses up, and looked up at Ji Nian, puzzled.

“Take it back to the classroom after class and give it to Classmate Liu Siyi,” Ji Nian patted Ding Chang’s shoulder and smiled in a good mood, “Thank you for the trouble.” QMpEZ2

Ding Chang held the small medicine bottle, still confused. Cheng Jue, who was holding a basketball, asked curiously, “Hey? Ji Nian, where are you going?”

Ji Nian turned back, waved at them briskly, and smiled with narrowed eyes, “You guys go to the playground first, don’t wait for me. I’ll go back to the classroom to get something.”

Peng Manman gestured “OK” to Ji Nian, then pulled Cheng Jue’s wrist, saying, “Then let’s go first. Since Ji Nian never participates anyway, skipping class isn’t easy. We’ll go ahead and have some fun.”

Peng Manman and Cheng Jue were in the same class. This period happened to be their music class, and neither of them had any artistic talent, so they came to Ji Nian’s class to skip their own PE class. 6VnQzA

Cheng Jue was tall and had long legs. He got off the stone table and dribbled the basketball twice. He said, “Alright, let’s go. We’ll text Ji Nian later to bring drinks.”

Lu Xi found Class 8 of Year 2 without much effort. There were signs on the classroom doors, so he could easily locate it.

When he arrived at the classroom, he found it empty. Thinking about the group of people he just met downstairs, Lu Xi guessed that it must be PE class now. NrZE1

Since there was nobody around, Lu Xi casually walked into the classroom. Passing by the teacher’s desk, he noticed a seating chart posted in the corner, clearly indicating names and positions.

Lu Xi gestured at the seating chart for a moment, then looked at the several rows of seats below the platform. After confirming his seat, he walked around the platform towards the corner where the last group of desks was.

As he approached, he noticed that his desk wasn’t filled with books but instead scattered with curlers, scissors, contact lens cases, lipstick, compact powders…

“…” DhSnCY

It was more like a dressing table than a desk.

Lu Xi glanced around the desk, feeling no emotional fluctuations, and thought to himself calmly, it’s reasonable for an underachiever like me to remain an underachiever even after transmigration.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

If the original owner, “Lu Xi,” had books and exercise books piled on the desk, he might have felt lost. In fact, in the original world, Lu Xi was a complete academic failure, not even worthy of being called an underachiever. Compared to his genius brother Lu Nan, they were two extremes. So Lu Nan often teased him, saying, “You have a rectum connected to your brain, and you poop while studying.”

Lu Xi knew he wasn’t cut out for studying, so he played games out of helplessness. At the age of eighteen, he successfully entered a professional esports team and his future path was determined. Although there were some setbacks in esports, compared to the path of studying, it was like sailing with the wind. K92Xvf

Lu Xi pulled out the soft backpack from the desk. Now that he had become the original owner, these things now belonged to him.

He swept all the items on the desk that smelled of cosmetics into his backpack, intending to find a trash can outside to throw them away later.

A straight guy doesn’t need cosmetics.

Then, he found a phone adorned with pink glitter on the desk. fzVwD

Lu Xi stared at the phone and couldn’t help mentally criticizing the original owner’s taste.

After clearing out the desk, Lu Xi slung the backpack over his shoulder and walked out of the classroom while looking down at the phone.

Lu Xi opened Taobao on the phone. In the settings, he found the default shipping address and imported it into the map. He found that the address was an apartment building near the campus—not too far away.

It should be the original owner’s home. VJ2wlz

When he reached the end of the corridor, Lu Xi happened to look up and saw the restroom sign ahead. His eyes moved and he suddenly thought that until now, he hadn’t had time to see what the original owner looked like.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but be curious. How delicate must the original owner look to have fooled everyone at school?

He had heard that the original owner had 900,000 followers on a short video platform…

That was even more impressive, managing to deceive 900,000 people. 7juTRf

Lu Xi headed towards the men’s restroom, but just as he was about to step inside, he stopped.

Looking down at the pleated skirt that couldn’t be any more shorter, Lu Xi thought for a moment and then turned to head towards the women’s restroom instead.

However, after taking just two steps, he suddenly turned around and boldly walked straight into the men’s restroom.

What’s the big deal? gO19J2

Lu Xi thought that if someone caught him, he would just say that he was a man. Anyway, he had no intention of living as a cross-dresser, people at school would find out sooner or later.

As for whether he’d be considered a pervert after revealing his true gender, Lu Xi didn’t care. He was indifferent by nature, a loner who didn’t care what others thought of him.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

There was a mirror above the sink in the men’s restroom, which was kept very clean. eJVpaM

Standing in front of the sink, Lu Xi was speechless.

The original owner’s face was “gorgeous” beyond his imagination—

Platinum blonde hair tied into a loose low ponytail, neatly styled bangs, large European-style double eyelids, a delicate nose, and fiery red lips. The heavy makeup almost completely obscured the original features, though the facial contours were faintly discernible as very refined.

Lu Xi examined himself from side to side. Perhaps unable to stand it any longer, he leaned closer to the mirror, tilted his face up slightly, half-closed his eyes, and peeled off the false eyelashes. ik6d51

Then came the double eyelid tape.

Possibly due to improper technique, it hurt a bit when he tore it off, causing Lu Xi to wince.

After tearing it off, he tossed it into the nearby trash can. Lu Xi rubbed one eye and looked into the mirror, pausing for a moment.

Unlike the previously enchanting European-style eyes, the mirror now reflected a pair of slightly cold eyes. They were narrow, with thin eyelids that habitually drooped slightly, looking tired and disinterested, yet carrying a different kind of youthful charm. u5QWds

Looking at these eyes, Lu Xi had a vague suspicion.

Lu Xi opened the backpack on the counter, rummaging through it until he found a small packet of makeup remover pads. He turned on the faucet, wet the pads, and started wiping his face.

The eyeliner was smeared almost completely, the eyeshadow was almost all over the place, and the lipstick was partly wiped and partly ingested. The pinkish face gradually revealed its rosy base color.

Lu Xi stood up straight in front of the mirror, turned off the faucet, and threw the completely dirty makeup remover pads into the trash can. 9ZqghW

This time, the mirror reflected a bare face. It looked world-weary, indifferent, and utterly dejected.

Lu Xi glanced at his reflection and paid no further attention to it.

This was his original face, so there was nothing to see.

Then, Lu Xi took the pair of scissors from his backpack. Turning his head to the side, he grabbed the ponytail at the back and with a “click” movement, with boldness and speed, he cut without hesitation. 5NWhuo

Lu Xi spent about ten minutes in the men’s restroom. When he emerged, his face was wet, looking like a completely different person. Apart from the messy and uneven hair ends, everything else seemed fine.

With his backpack slung over one shoulder, Lu Xi raised a hand to tidy his bangs. He turned and headed towards the stairs.

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Who would have thought that as soon he turned left out of the door, he slammed on the brakes and stopped moving forward.

He saw a very tall boy ahead leaning against the wall, smoking. jJXlhm

Lu Xi was a bit surprised. That boy was Ji Nian.

He hadn’t expected a good student to be openly smoking on campus.

At that moment, Ji Nian saw him too. He was obviously surprised and quickly stood up straight, first saying “Sorry” as he took the cigarette and hid it behind his back, waving a hand in front of him to disperse the smoke.

Then, as if suddenly realizing something, Ji Nian was stunned for a moment, looking at the person in front of him and then at the men’s restroom sign. z4su8a

“Lu Xi?” Ji Nian looked at the person standing in front of him.

Lu Xi met his gaze and, not knowing if it was an illusion, noticed something flashing in the other’s bright eyes, as if he was looking at someone he met for the first time.

“Yeah.” Lu Xi adjusted the strap of his backpack and responded indifferently.

Ji Nian’s eyes wandered over Lu Xi’s face, undisguised. He then took a step closer: “You…” PftHiJ

Lu Xi frowned slightly, feeling uneasy and took half a step back. Knowing what the other party was about to ask, he took the initiative to say, “Don’t ask why I came out of the men’s restroom. If you must know…”

Just as he was about to say “I’m a man,” Ji Nian suddenly smiled.

Mesmerized by his smile, Lu Xi was momentarily speechless.

Then, Ji Nian bent down slightly, bringing his face close to Lu Xi’s. 49dDQw

His gaze wandered over Lu Xi’s face again, and Ji Nian sincerely asked, “Do you usually wear makeup to hide your beauty?”

Lu Xi: “…Ah?”

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