My School Prince Boyfriend Has A Big ProblemChapter 1

“I heard this stuff can also treat premature ejaculation?”

The girl sitting in front of him said this while shaking a small, matte-textured pill bottle in her hand. The pills inside clinked together noisily. Er0Txd

Lu Xi listened to the sound, unmoved. He glanced around and realized that he was in trouble.

This was an old classroom, filled with dust and cobwebs in the corners. It was clearly abandoned for many years. At this moment, he was sitting in his seat, wearing a girl’s school uniform, with a navy blue pleated skirt that couldn’t be any shorter.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

In front of him sat a silver-haired girl, the one who had spoken earlier. Besides her, there was also a chubby girl with blonde hair standing nearby.

It was Lu Xi’s first time wearing a skirt, and he felt insecure. He pressed his bare knees together and rubbed them against each other. Yfpvds

He thought back briefly, realizing that he had merely been tired from playing games and had dozed off on his computer desk. As a result, when he opened his eyes, he found himself sitting in this classroom. He was wearing a skirted uniform, and next to him were two delinquent-looking high school girls discussing the topic of “premature ejaculation.”

Thinking of this, Lu Xi slapped his cheek lightly, wondering whether he’s still dreaming.

“Really?” the chubby girl with blonde hair shouted at this moment. “This medicine not only fights depression, but also cures premature ejaculation?”

The silver-haired girl, head down and typing rapidly on her phone, said, “It’s scientifically backed. Let me read it to you.”


“This small white pill is called fluoxetine. It’s best known as an antidepressant, but clinical studies have shown that its ingredients can significantly inhibit the contraction of the vas deferens…”

Before she could finish reading, the girl made a “pfft” sound and burst out laughing.

The chubby girl paused for a moment, then suddenly reacted and laughed along, clearly showing that she was very good at reading the silver-haired girl’s expression.

The two girls laughed heartily, while Lu Xi remained expressionless. He stared at the desk in a daze, looking quite out of place. WS8ugQ

The silver-haired girl laughed so hard that she leaned back, but she still remembered Lu Xi and turned to him, saying, “Lu Xi, isn’t it funny? Liu Siyi is always taking this kind of medicine. No wonder she tears off the labels, she probably doesn’t want others to see.”

Hearing this, Lu Xi turned to her slowly, neither nodding nor shaking his head, just looking somewhat dazed.

Faced with this situation, he roughly guessed what had happened.

He had transmigated. G86D4k

It was in a teen angst literature titled “Siyi, Can We Take the Entrance Exam for Tsinghua University?” However, the title had nothing to do with the content at all.

Lu Xi was dragged to watch the movie adaptation of the original work and then roughly browsed through the original novel, so he had some understanding.

The female protagonist in the novel is named Liu Siyi. XvhMdj

Besides that, there’s also a very troublesome supporting female character in the book, who shares the same name “Lu Xi” with him. At that time, because of this coincidence, he was teased by the people who watched the movie together with him.

Lu Xi remembered that what he was experiencing at this time was exactly the beginning of the novel.

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The supporting character “Lu Xi,” in order to play a trick on the female lead Liu Siyi, conspired with her group of friends to steal her antidepressant medication, which ironically led to the first spark between the male and female leads.

After sorting out the cause and effect, Lu Xi recalled the setup of the female supporting character — she was hailed as the “No. 1 Campus Goddess” because of her beauty and was also a somewhat famous internet celebrity with 900,000 followers on a short video platform, quite glamorous indeed. JADdH8

As for what the supporting female character has done, it doesn’t seem to be so glamorous at all if you count them one by one—constantly meddling in the relationship between the male and female leads, stirring up trouble, spreading rumors, and trying to seduce the male lead. However, the result always backfires. Not only does she frequently get slapped in the face, but she also becomes a divine aid to the relationship between the male and female leads, pushing their feelings to heat up continuously.

But the current situation seems to be different from what is in the book.

Lu Xi lowered his head and looked down past the edge of the table. He could feel it, and was quite sure, that under the skirt was still a male body.

Lu Xi pondered for a moment, suddenly understood, and exclaimed “damn” in his heart. k0rwMz

The “female supporting character” in the book should have originally been… a man, a cross-dresser who likes to pretend to be an innocent girl.

Even the original author might not have thought of this matter, otherwise it wouldn’t have never been mentioned in the book.

Just as Lu Xi was feeling a bit disoriented, a burst of music sounded in the campus, carried in through the window by the wind.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf rlinfg-tjlgfv ulgi ygertfv tfg tjlg yjmx jcv rjlv, “Ofa’r ub, iecmt ygfjx lr bnfg.” ygtaj

Qlat atja, rtf rabbv eq jcv qijmfv j qjqfg yju lc ogbca bo Oe Wl.

Oe Wl uijcmfv ja atf qjqfg yju jcv jrxfv, “Qtja’r atlr?”

“The jacket you lent me last time,” the silver-haired girl replied. “I originally wanted to return it before the National Day long holiday, but there was a red typhoon warning that day, and school was canceled. Then, we went straight into holiday, so I couldn’t see you. I can only return it today.”

Oe Wl gfrqbcvfv klat j cbcmtjijca “Yt.” sAiZI3

Pwwfvljafis joafg, j wfvlmlcf ybaaif kjr revvfcis rtbnfv lcab tlr tjcv.

Lu Xi looked up again. The silver-haired girl smiled at him and said, “We stole the medicine for you. Now it’s up to you to handle it. If you don’t want to get caught, I’d advise you to throw it far away. If you get covered in a fishy smell, don’t drag me down with you.”

…She’s quite perceptive.

The two of them left, and Lu Xi looked at the medicine bottle in his hand, lost in thought. poTZVH

The label on the bottle had been torn off. It seemed that the female lead, Liu Siyi, did not want anyone to know that she was suffering from depression.

Lu Xi knew this medicine, fluoxetine, very well—almost too well—because his brother had also suffered from depression before. For people with depression, once their medication is interrupted, it can very likely lead to a relapse and emotional breakdown.

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The original protagonist had stolen Liu Siyi’s medicine to spite her, which Lu Xi considered a really despicable thing to do.

After weighing the pros and cons, he decided to put the medicine back and pretend that nothing had happened. FDZPnU

Lu Xi knew that doing this would violate the plot, but if he had to follow the female supporting character’s storyline, he felt that choosing death might be an easier option.

Lu Xi opened the paper bag and took out a jacket. When he shook it open, he saw it was a red and white baseball jacket.

Just what he needed. ph6wsH

He tied the baseball jacket around his waist. Wearing a skirt still felt uncomfortable, so the more he could cover, the better.

When Lu Xi walked out of the classroom, he found that he was in an abandoned school building. The corridor was empty and deserted, with no one in sight. When the sunlight streamed in, even the dust particles looked golden.

Since the class bell had just rung, Lu Xi didn’t see any other students as he walked along the forested paths of the campus.

He remembered that the female supporting character was in the same class as the male and female leads, in Class 8 of Year 2. Following the signs, he easily found the U-shaped teaching building. jlD0Cz

As Lu Xi approached the teaching building, he suddenly heard the sound of a basketball bouncing on the ground, “bang,” “bang,” “bang,” one after another, followed by the indistinct laughter of several boys.

Hearing this, Lu Xi looked up and saw a few stone tables and benches ahead, where four boys were sitting and resting.

Evidently, the boys also noticed Lu Xi approaching, and they unconsciously stopped talking.

Among the four boys, three were sitting on the stone benches, but one boy was sitting on the table, making him particularly eye-catching. wV Qvd

Therefore, the first person Lu Xi noticed was the one sitting on the stone table.

That person casually rested a pair of athletic shoes on the bench, slightly hunching his back, but it was clear he was very tall. With neatly cropped short hair and striking features visible even from a distance, he was evidently a teenager in his late teens but already exuded a hint of manliness.

The boy seemed to be sizing up Lu Xi as well, his gaze following him while his hand absently dribbled the basketball.

As Lu Xi passed by the stone table, he heard someone whistle, followed by a whisper, “Hey! Ji Nian, that internet celebrity from your class just walked by. As classmates, at least say hello to each other, and maybe introduce us.” upzmb

Lu Xi suddenly stopped in his tracks and stood still.

It had just come to him that Ji Nian was the male lead—

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Good looks, excellent background, all-rounded in martial arts… a model student, wealthy family, well-liked by classmates, loved by teachers, a natural center of attention, and a synonym for all things bright.

It was precisely because of meeting someone as radiant as Ji Nian that the female lead, suffering from depression, was ultimately cured. IhRDob

It seemed that Ji Nian, the male lead, was among the group he had just passed by.

Thinking of this, Lu Xi was suddenly enlightened.

If he simply returned the medicine bottle to Liu Siyi, the male lead Ji Nian and the female lead Liu Siyi would lose the opportunity to have their first interactions.

In the original book, “Lu Xi” threw the medicine bottle into the bushes, and when the female lead was anxiously searching for it, she met the male lead. The male lead enthusiastically extended a helping hand and eventually helped her find the medicine. DGdKf

It was at that moment that the male and female leads noticed each other, which led to the subsequent development of the plot.

Lu Xi glanced at the white medicine bottle in his hand and hesitated.

If it weren’t for the male lead helping to find the medicine, the male and female leads might have missed each other and never sparked a romance in their lifetimes.

Although he was reluctant to get involved in the matters between the male and female leads, Lu Xi felt that they should at least have a chance to interact. xUB9Hn

An idea struck him, and he decided to just give the medicine bottle to Ji Nian.

Given Ji Nian’s helpful nature, he would probably look for the owner of the medicine. This way, he could return the medicine to Liu Siyi in person.

This way, not only could they get to know each other, but the medicine would also be returned to its owner. It’s killing two birds with one stone.

By the stone table, two boys were still whispering to each other— XDPWfv

“Hey, to be honest, this girl doesn’t quite look like she does in the videos. In the videos, she looks very innocent and sweet when she smiles, but just now, wow! That makeup is way too white, isn’t it? And she’s wearing at least three layers of false eyelashes.”

“Isn’t it all about filters when it comes to being an internet celebrity these days?”

“I heard she likes Ji Nian.”

“Who did you hear that from?” 8pebtq

“Come on, everyone in your class is saying it. They said she bought a baseball jacket just like Ji Nian’s. There was even one time when they both wore them to school on the same day. You should have seen how happy she looked. And remember that typhoon day? I heard she even asked Ji Nian to hang out.”

“Why don’t I remember this?”

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“Besides remembering to study, what else do you remember?”

“Get lost, you’re in my way while I’m trying to do my homework.” oBV1QL

“Just relax during PE class, why are you doing homework… Hey? Hey? That internet celebrity is coming our way. Sh*t, do you think she heard us?”

“You were speaking so loudly that only a blind man couldn’t hear you.”


Lu Xi glanced down at the baseball jacket tied around his waist. He hadn’t realized it was a matching couple’s outfit with Ji Nian’s. Qu3pa4

Walking to the stone table, Lu Xi glanced around.

One boy was wearing silver-rimmed glasses, with an exercise book spread out in front of him. The boy opposite him had permed hair and was guiltily looking around.

It seemed that these two were the ones who had been talking behind him just now.

Another boy was lying on the stone table, sleeping with a dark blue uniform jacket covering his head, completely motionless, as if he were dead. lhGP13

Lu Xi then looked at the tall boy sitting on the stone table playing with a basketball and straightforwardly asked, “Ji Nian?”

To his surprise, as soon as he spoke, the boy raised his eyebrows slightly, a faint smile appearing on his handsome face.

Behind the boy, the guy with glasses and the one with permed hair exchanged glances, then burst out laughing at the same time.

Seeing their reaction, Lu Xi thought for a moment, kept his composure, and naturally shifted his gaze to the person lying motionless on the stone table and said, “Ji Nian.” m5b8CR

“Ji Nian.” The handsome guy turned slightly, spinning the basketball in one hand and reaching out to pat the sleeping boy with the other, calling out, “Ji Nian, wake up, a girl is looking for you.”

Being referred to as “a girl”, Lu Xi felt weird.

The person under the jacket didn’t move, still lying on the table. Because of his hunched back, his spine was clearly visible through his white shirt. He was thin, but not frail.

“Ji Nian!” The guy with permed hair followed up with a hard pat on the person’s back. There was a dull “thud” sound, which was very cruel. KmZUGc

Finally, there was some movement under the uniform. He wriggled a bit and slowly poked his head out from the collar, his hair tousled, slightly disheveled.

Lu Xi couldn’t help but think of the mushrooms that popped up after the rain.

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Then the person lifted his face and lazily rested his chin on his arm.

Ji Nian rubbed his eyes and looked sleepily at the guy with permed hair opposite him. He smiled and said with a hoarse voice, “Looking for death?” Vrzbh7

“Who would dare?” The guy with permed hair raised his thumb and shook it in Lu Xi’s direction with a mischievous grin on his face.

Ji Nian noticed Lu Xi and casually ran his hand through his hair before sitting up and asking, “Lu Xi, what’s the matter?”

Lu Xi looked at that face and for a moment forgot the purpose of coming to him, thinking that men who could become male leads indeed have looks that are one in a million.

Ji Nian took off the uniform jacket from the table and put it on, looking like he’s had enough sleep. He smiled at Lu Xi, who was standing beside the table, and said, “Hi?” lnk70D

It snapped Lu Xi back to his senses.

Lu Xi took out the medicine bottle, leaned forward slightly, and placed it in front of Ji Nian without much expression, saying, “Keep this.”

Everyone watched Lu Xi’s actions with a confused look on their faces.

Ji Nian lowered his gaze to look at the matte-textured medicine bottle. He was still smiling, but his hand paused as he was turning up the collar of his jacket. oFqWbJ

“What’s this?” The guy with the permed hair asked curiously.

Just as the permed hair guy was about to reach for the bottle, Ji Nian moved faster. He picked up the bottle, shook it in front of him, and then looked at Lu Xi, asking, “What is this?”

Lu Xi was unwilling to explain too much. If he said it was fluoxetine, it would undoubtedly reveal that Liu Siyi had depression.

He stood up straight and was about to leave, saying, “Take it, it’s useful for you.” NvqHIu

For finding a wife.

Before Lu Xi could withdraw his hand, a hand suddenly reached across the table and grabbed his wrist with great force, pulling him back.

Lu Xi was slightly surprised and looked up at Ji Nian.

The grip on his wrist was somewhat rough, but looking at Ji Nian’s harmless face, it didn’t seem like he was someone who would use such force. hXGtJK

Lu Xi sensed a faint feeling of disharmony.

Perhaps realizing something, Ji Nian loosened his grip a bit and said, “So what exactly is this? Classmate Lu Xi, if you’re giving me illegal drugs, there could be trouble if I keep them.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Unexpectedly, Ji Nian is so troublesome. Unable to free himself, Lu Xi grew a bit impatient and insisted, “It’s not illegal.”

With that, he tried to pull his wrist back. WODc6q

Instead of letting go, Ji Nian tightened his grip and slowly stood up, leaning closer to Lu Xi. He smiled and said, “Then what kind of medicine is this? I’m really curious, why do you insist that I keep it?”

The other party kept asking. Lu Xi finally lost his patience and blurted out, “It’s medicine for treating premature ejaculation. Satisfied now?”

In an instant, the world fell silent. Around the stone table, everyone was frozen.

After a long while, the guy with the permed hair moved his half-open mouth, glancing between Ji Nian and Lu Xi. He managed to choke out a sound from his throat, “Oh… oh ho.” TynuGK

How exciting.

Translator's Note

Also referred to as the “Golden Week” in China, a week-long holiday which is usually on Oct. 1-7. This long holiday celebrates the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.

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