Becoming a God in the Zerg World by Livestreaming BL NovelsCh12 - Boy’s Love’s Iron Fist: Heavy and Painful

Shi Cun Jin had only read a portion of the original work and in the newly refreshed 200,000-word text, there were few official background descriptions. Relying on his years of experience in reading and understanding, he half-guessed and half-surmised some of the hidden rules beneath the glossy surface.

The script drafted and polished before today’s broadcast had not depicted Carol being injured. zKqrew

Moreover, Shi Cun Jin subtly hinted at certain details, indicating that although Carol was soft-hearted, he was also a typical pleasure-seeking male.

Comparing the treatment of Carol with the treatment of the original male protagonist, who is the Son of Destiny in the entire book!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

As long as the male protects the council and the court remains under surveillance, they might think that the character of Carol Saint is too high in status and the protection is terrifying.

No one dares to let a Saint descend to the earth and walk in the guise of a sub-female. orbRvM

However, Carol Saint-Exupéry came down anyway.

Not only did he come down, but he also traversed over 70 stars. From the perspective of the males, all thoughts about the journey were described with the posture of looking down from a high position. In just a few thousand words, Carol Saint’s image was clear and distinct.

Though he was lost, he was also enjoying the world. Teachers loved him, friends loved him, across the vast galaxy, across thousands of stars, he moved freely, unhindered.

In the text, materially, nothing can defeat Carol Saint.


What had always trapped Carol Saint-Exupéry were his memories.

Shi Cun Jin even deliberately shattered the image of Litala Jones, transforming him from a fixed sub-female into a symbol of countless sub-females.

“Carol Saint-Exupéry” was a fictional character specially designed by Shi Cun Jin after observing and reading part of the original work. Normally, the audience should be very fond of such males, right?

He opened the live broadcast comment section and scrolled through the comments. dqYGgc

When the text described Carol wanting to kill Litala, there was a peak in real-time comments, with over 10,000 comments in just one second. This data was astonishing, but the comments were mostly similar, leaning towards criticism like “Look! This is the real face!” or “Hypocritical!”

Seeing this, Shi Cun Jin nodded instead.

His story was breaking the mold.

When something becomes popular, it will definitely attract different voices. VslMHi

The live comments twice before was mostly insults towards the streamer. Female viewers didn’t believe the streamer had a genuine story. The zerg race’s social hierarchy was clearly defined and strict; they followed social norms. One definitive conclusion was that Faith Wayne was playing tricks and making a fuss.

The few huge rewards coincided with the post-war victory celebration day. During this time, military officers with large sums of money were everywhere.

As long as Shi Cun Jin’s story was clear, logical, and had a unique perspective, these single and widowed females who had been fighting on the front lines of war for years didn’t mind some spending behavior.

Especially for those military officer-level females who applied for dates but didn’t get any male partners, they were more willing to spend money. After all, it was all about fantasizing and communicating with males. They couldn’t smell male hormones, so looking for fake stories for material wasn’t a bad idea. lq5GSf

Anything related to males was expensive, so spending money was the solution.

In order to harvest leeks, Shi Cun Jin could be said to be calculating step by step. He knew exactly where his strengths and weaknesses lay.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Naturally, the third live broadcast after the post-war victory day didn’t have the same natural high traffic. Shi Cun Jin had already mentally prepared for a decrease in viewership.

But it shouldn’t have plummeted straight to the broadcast room becoming a cemetery, right?? PyvxQs

Shi Cun Jin continued to scroll through the comments with some confusion. When he reached the part where Carol said he would hate Litala, the comments began to dive in a stepped manner, from tens of thousands per second to thousands per second. At this point, meaningless comments like […] began to flood the screen.

But even so, Shi Cun Jin was even more puzzled!

Because the audience with meaningful comments obviously had fallen into the story’s trap!

[Am I the only one feeling this? This male… doesn’t seem very male.] 7znLNU

[You’re not alone. This story is making me furious. Not at Lord Carol, but at his teachers and other females who protect him. Where have they all gone? Aren’t they supposed to follow closely? Why haven’t they noticed Lord Carol is heartbroken??]

[Do males even have the emotion of heartbreak?]

[This isn’t heartbreak; it’s deep pain… Notice how every line is filled with hate, but every word is longing.]

[Then why doesn’t he call back Litala? If I were Litala, I definitely wouldn’t refuse. I’d be more than willing to return to Lord Carol’s side, even as a servant!] UaAdj8

[It’s because he’s a Saint. I bet Lord Carol never said these words to his teachers or showed it! If he had shown even a bit of his lingering pain, the madmen at the Male Protection Court would have chopped off Litala Jones’s head!]

[Streamer, write it more fake, I won’t scold you. It’s too real, it’s uncomfortable to read.]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Litala Jones has too much impact on Lord Carol’s body and mind. If called back, and Lord Carol couldn’t hide it, Litala Jones’s only option would be “sudden death.”]

[Lord Carol appears wealthy and blessed in the star sea, but he’s too lonely. He has no one to share these matters with. Now I understand why this story exists.] IqtYol

[I don’t know whether to hate the Male Protection Council for raising Lord Carol this way, or hate Litala Jones for barging into his world at his best years.]

[Stupid streamer, can’t you just write fake stories??]

Cgfc’a atfs jigfjvs rajgalcu ab atlcx atja Jjgbi Vjlca lr j gfji wjif??

Vtl Jec Alc rmgbiifv vbkc oegatfg; atf mbwwfcar vklcvifv ecali atf ijra rfuwfca tf kgbaf, ktfgf j iba bo “…” jqqfjgfv. WuCFt4

Ljnlcu rqfca rbwf alwf gfjvlcu atf mbwwfcar, Vtl Jec Alc rmgbiifv ab atf ybaabw, ktfgf cfk mbwwfcar yfujc jqqfjglcu.

Coincidentally, it was an old acquaintance.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Standard User A567: You said this is a happy story, so Carol was cured by the doctor later, right?]

This comment led to a stream of new comments, gradually increasing every second, every minute. cakDWd

Shi Cun Jin ignored the suddenly harsher and more foul-mouthed comments, knowing they were from those who had their defenses broken. He jumped to a few long-text comments.

[Red Heart: Streamer, please tell me, is the male in this story still alive? Old or deceased, can you let us know?]

[Did Lord Carol get better later? His current state is completely unsuitable for staying in Cat’s Eye. Damn the Male Protection Court! They didn’t notice this? My God, my God! How could they let Lord Carol go to Otuwen alone??? Are they trying to kill Carol?!!!]

[Streamer, from a judge’s perspective, you can fake it without getting a summons from the Male Protection Court, which shows you know how to avoid risks, or the story you have is so ancient that it’s unverifiable. Let a fake story stay fake, don’t add real situations just for shock value. The Male Protection Court has been around for over 400 years, legislating new protective laws every year. They can do anything, only limited by what females can imagine. Don’t fabricate real abuse scenarios for the story, be careful they might legislate to arrest you.] BNES4z


Shi Cun Jin was amazed at this informative comment!

Could the Male Protection Court legislate to protect paper males???

Shi Cun Jin was baffled but profoundly shocked! zErGgD

But then, Shi Cun Jin felt assured.

This fictional story even attracted such a high-ranking female judge, indicating it could still resonate with females!

Fewer gifts and comments at a stage don’t mean his act was futile. The increasing live room numbers with sparse comments and gifts signaled a good sign; it meant the female audience was seriously engaged.

Everyone quiets down when they reach a crucial point in a book. Cix8hI

Outside the cabin window, darkness prevailed. The huge spaceship carrying their small aircraft moved steadily forward, the tranquil darkness inducing sleepiness.

Shi Cun Jin patted his face, trying to stay awake. He set a few alarms, intending to write a bit more, directly up to the beginning of Faith and Carol’s love story, then sleep until an hour before the next live broadcast.

One more live session, and they would arrive at Black Shield Wasp Star.

The system’s pixel man began to move: ati7J1


I have a beautiful house, separate from the villa and palace.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

It contains all the instruments of torture I’ve collected.

Each small blade is sharpened by myself. V dAne

I don’t know what makes me weak.

I’ve already forgotten your face, but every time I grip the knife, I remember you standing by the flower pond at Lu Palace.

You were wearing a military uniform, the two silver stars of a major general’s shoulder insignia gleaming in the sunlight. Your face was a blur; I can’t remember if you were smiling or nervous.

You were probably nervous. I smiled at you, and you lost your balance, walking forward a few steps in a daze, and then stepped into the flower pond, splashing water all over yourself. CWcilD

My eyesight is very good. I saw you dumbfoundedly looking over, then suddenly realizing and looking down at your uniform. When you lifted your head again, the expression on your face was so cute.

Frightened, trembling, desperate, and looking like a fool—how could such an ugly expression be squeezed out of such a handsome face?

In your eyes, trying not to cry while forcing a smile, it was as if a frantic butterfly was trapped within.

In the sunlight, the butterfly’s wings trembled, the glittering scales dazzling me. oWHzsA

That day, you wore wet pants to our date. We were both so stupid.

But now, I can’t remember your eyes anymore.

Were they blue?

Were they green? p2bPIJ

Or were they purple, gold?


Later on, I didn’t even know if I went to that house because I hated you, or because only while sharpening the blade could I barely recall your blurred image with the help of this bitter hatred.

…… vNVkwj

I can’t continue like this.

Half a year after returning to Cat’s Eye, the teachers started urging me to get engaged.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

I am a Saint. I have responsibilities and obligations.

Maybe things will get better after marriage. Hw6q0Q

The teachers vaguely knew I was very averse to military females, but they didn’t know the main reason. Over the past five years, I had traveled to too many places and met too many females.

This time, they didn’t find a military female for me.

I couldn’t tell anyway, as he wasn’t wearing a military uniform.

Maybe it was precisely because he wasn’t wearing a military uniform that I was very cold that day. yIMjUc

After the date, I called the teachers.

I said I was very satisfied with Mr. Filaven Xu.

I said, “Teacher, I will descend from the clouds for the last time.”

I said, “When I return, I will marry him directly.” a9ZNkf

In reality, I got his name wrong, but I found out only later.

The teachers were overjoyed to hear that I had skipped the engagement stage voluntarily.

He asked, “Carol, which habitable star are you planning to vacation on? We can prepare the most luxurious bachelor party for you!”

I said, “I want to go to Fiona Military Star, Otuwen Mecha Armored Advanced Military Academy, Third Campus.” 3okmTu

I said, “I want to study there for a year.”

The teacher was silent for a long time on the other end of the call. He asked, “Just to study?”

I said, “Yes, when I return, I will get married. If you’re not assured, you can have Filaven Xu come to my palace tonight.”

The teacher didn’t remain silent this time. He said, “We will clear all the relationships for you.” 05UvFm

That night, Filaven Xu knocked on my room door.

He was a typical high-ranking female.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

His face bore the habitual meekness and respect of all elites, his posture tall, his shoulders broad, his waist slim, and his legs long, his demeanor elegant and noble.

He knelt on the ground and crawled to my feet. Under my cold gaze, his handsome face lowered, kissing the back of my foot. 8cqBrR

Some of his hair fell on the back of my foot, tickling, but I didn’t, as I used to, laugh and nudge the female’s shoulder.

He was Filaven Xu, not Litala.

I didn’t see Litala’s shadow anymore.

I had expected this. sijqIe

Time is more merciless than all the knives of males.

Time cleared Litala from my memory.

I am a Saint; I will not refuse my duties.

…… oJILUq

The next day, I boarded the spaceship, crossed the star sea, descended from the clouds, and walked on the dirty ground.


I am getting married, Litala.

I can’t stand in the maze forever. sXe25c

Otuwen Third Campus is the last small path.

It trained you, and you came to my side.

Now, I will walk that path.

…… iZdcoJ

When I walk out, I won’t hate you anymore.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Shi Cun Jin didn’t look at the comment section anymore. The top of the live stream was continuously flashing with gift notifications, but he was really too tired, too weak.

After writing the last line, he set a ten-minute countdown in the live stream using the system character. When the time was up, the live stream would automatically black out. p Mo8z

The streamer himself cut off the zergs with a boy’s love sword and left first!

The live stream, originally dotted with “……” comments, suddenly saw a spike of 99999+ comments per second once the countdown to end appeared, crashing three platform live stream lines, and triggering a backend supervisor alert!

At 9:15 PM, anyone passing by Faith’s live stream would get slapped with question marks.

The rain of gifts was replaced by a rain of question marks and exclamation marks, filled with the most sincere audience emotions. 5JNgUI



[Streamer, come back!!!!!!!!]

[I’m directly complaining to the Male Protection Court about zerg abuse in fictitious stories!!!] EyC0Al

[I’ve gone mentally insane myself!!!]

[Supervisor?? Supervisor, come out!! Get the streamer back to finish writing!!!!!!]

[My God, so this was the real reason Lord Carol went to Otuwen??]

[I’m going to kill Litala!!!] oQcgwK

Advanced Chapters Available!

For chapters after 51, check under the BGZWLBLN tag in the shop.

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    “When I walk out, I won’t hate you anymore” SHUT THE HELL UP, THAT’S SO ANGSTY ABD DELICIOUS

    Thanks for the chapter as always, Kerry ❤️

    • I AGREE!! I did not expect the stories within the story to be so.. well written. Truly worthy of being a God of writing BL for the zergs 😂 I would be just as shameless as those in the livestream


        How Carol feels about Litala is so conflicting and how he realised he wasn’t actually special(Neither Litala or himself), it was just the Litala was a female and he was male AAAAAAAAH

  2. How cruel of them to leave us (fictional audience and readers) with this

    By them I mean the MC, the original author and of course the dearest translator

    Please come back right this second and give me more chapters


    (Chapters as good as always, please don’t actually overwork yourself, this is just the usual “I want more” rant😊)

  3. I share the same sentiment as everyone else. The novel inside the novel is really good.

    Thank you for the update.