Banished to Another WorldCh92 - The Cruel Yuan Zhan

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 Edited by: acutebird 


After the snowfall melted, the grassland was now covered in green, and plants grew quickly.


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Yuan Zhan walked with a wooden spear and patted the grass ahead with the other six people following behind him.


All of them had on straw shoes and animal hide battle armor. The animal hide was tied from the ankle all the way up to the bottom of the knee, so that it could effectively prevent poisonous insects from biting. Because of the twine and the help of human hands, the battle armor worn by Yuan Zhan and the others was much better-looking and more uniform than the ones that Yan Mo and several other big men had made blindly.


Yuan Zhan slowed down his walking speed and gradually lined up with Hu Hu behind him.



“Don’t look at me; listen to me.”


Hu Hu’s expression flickered as he followed the command, not turning his head or speaking. He hadn’t spoken, so he didn’t have to do anything different.


“The two big birds in the sky have been following us for two days; we need to find a way to get them down.”


Hu Hu instinctively wanted to look up at the sky.


“Don’t look!” Yuan Zhan scolded him lightly.


Hu Hu’s neck stiffened, and he tried to maintain the position of his eyes, looking forward. After a while, he regained his composure. He hesitated and asked in a low voice, “Sir, do you think those two birds will attack us?”


Hu Hu was born and raised in Jiu Feng’s territory. Apart from Jiu Feng, he had never seen any other large birds and didn’t know that unless they were large, ferocious birds, most birds would rarely actively attack adult humans.


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But Yuan Zhan knew this very well, and it was only because he knew it that it felt strange, so he began to secretly observe the two big birds. After a day and a half, it was very clear that those two birds were indeed tracking them.


“Regardless of whether they will attack us or not, letting them follow is a threat to us. It is a threat, and if we cannot avoid it, we must eliminate it.” Yuan Zhan whispered to Hu Hu.


Yuan Zhan and Hu Hu suddenly started arguing while talking.


Hu Hu waved his wooden spear and roared at Yuan Zhan.


Yuan Zhan knocked him down with a punch, then turned around and left.


The warriors behind them were stunned. They didn’t know how Hu Hu dared to argue and shout with the leader. When Hu Hu was knocked down, they naturally gathered around and reached out to pull him up, quickly asking him what was going on.


Hu Hu seemed to be complaining to his companions, pointing to Yuan Zhan, waving his hands, and excitedly saying something.


As tensions rose, the warriors looked at each other.


Then everyone spoke up one after another, as if comforting Hu Hu and agreeing with his words.


Two warriors left Hu Hu and quickly caught up with Yuan Zhan ahead, while three warriors fell behind and walked with Hu Hu. The group of seven seemed to split into two factions.


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Then sudden changes occurred during the midday break.


Hu Hu suddenly raised his wooden spear and stabbed at Yuan Zhan, who was bending over to drink water by the small river.


Yuan Zhan reacted quickly; he rolled and avoided his attack, immediately grabbing his wooden spear to confront him.


At the same time that Hu Hu started fighting, his companions also started using wooden spears to stab at the two warriors who had followed Yuan Zhan.


The two warriors were caught off guard; one was stabbed by a wooden spear and fell down while the other dodged.


“Kill! Kill them all!” Hu Hu shouted loudly.


Yuan Zhan was also shouting, “Kill the traitors!”

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The melee began.


He went up and hit Hu Hu’s head, then his body toppled over onto it.


“Li -! ” The large bird hovering high lowered its flying altitude.


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The two large birds approached the bodies of Yuan Zhan and the others, one in front and one behind, one up and one down.


In mid-air, the bodies of two large birds underwent changes and turned into two humans with huge wings on their backs. However, their wings didn’t have feathers but rather had bat-like membranes.


“Han Ke, what’s wrong with this group of barbarians? Why did they suddenly start killing each other?” asked the birdman flying above.


“Who knows? Maybe they are competing for food, women, or power.”


“The barbarian leading the team seemed to hold a relatively high position in that castle. I saw those barbarians bowing to him, and they looked afraid of him.”


“So maybe they’re trying to kill him?” Han Ke flew lower and lower, almost landing on the ground.


“Where is their destination? Lord Fei Li asked us to follow them, saying that they must have something very important to do to have come out. Since we didn’t find the princess in the sky, perhaps the princess was hidden by them somewhere? The castle and these barbarians’ armor must be related to the princess.”


“That castle and their armor look alike, but they’re not like ours. Ai Di, let’s go down and take a look; maybe we can find something useful.” Han Ke’s foot landed on the ground.


“Han Ke!” Ai Di suddenly shouted.


As soon as Han Ke landed, he realized something was wrong. He didn’t see any fresh blood, nor did he smell the stench of blood.


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But just as he was about to fly up again, Yuan Zhan, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly turned over and waved his hand. The soil on the ground quickly wrapped around Han Ke’s feet and spread at an extremely terrifying speed from the bottom to the top of his body.


“Kill!” Yuan Zhan roared fiercely. With a wooden spear in his hand, simultaneously, a row of condensed, sharp earth arrows flew towards Ai Di.


And the A’Wu warriors, who were originally lying on the ground, either flipped over or jumped up, grabbed their wooden spears, and threw them towards Ai Di in mid-air.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


“Ol -!” Cl Gl mbeivc’a vbvuf, jcv rfnfgji fjgat jggbkr rajyyfv lcab tlr ybvs jcv klcur.


“Cl Gl! Eec jkjs! Lf’r pera j ifnfi obeg kjgglbg; ois eq!” Ljc Bf’r ybvs kjr mbwqifafis lwwbylif, jcv atf rbli tjv kgjqqfv jgbecv tlr cfmx.


Cl Gl mbeivc’a gfrmef tlr mbwqjclbc, jcv tf mbeiv bcis fcvegf atf qjlc jcv vfrqfgjafis gert abkjgvr atf rxs.


Yuan Zhan refused to let him escape, but after Ai Di transformed into a bird, he flew much faster and was more agile than when he was in human form. He continued to fly high into the air and soon escaped from Yuan Zhan’s attack range.


Yuan Zhan glared fiercely at the black dot in the air and threw the last earth arrow with force. Damn it! If one escaped, there would be constant trouble afterwards! Once again, he detested everything with wings!


“Oh my goodness!” Hu Hu shouted incoherently, “They became birds. No, birds have become humans! Oh my goodness! What is that? What are they? What are they?”


The last words were withheld after a cold glare from the leader.


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But the warriors of the A’Wu tribe were very uneasy. They originally revered the mountain god, the face bird, Jiu Feng. Jiu Feng had a face, but those two directly transformed from birds to humans.


Han Ke’s reaction was extremely fast. He knew an opportunity had come after taking a glance at the facial expressions of the A’Wu warriors. He immediately lowered his face and roared, “Foolish barbarian, I am a god! How dare you treat me like this! Do you want god to punish you for refusing to let me go?”


“You say you’re a god?” Yuan Zhan walked up to Han Ke.


Han Ke saw the other person’s face, and his pupils were slightly contracted. If he knew that this person was a warrior with both ability and physical fitness reaching level four, not just them, Lord Fei Li would have also acted more cautiously. Unfortunately, their eyesight wasn’t good enough to see the small mark on the other person’s face at such a distance.


At this moment, Han Ke had already spoken, so he could only persist, “Yes, I am god. How dare you disrespect god?”


“Oh,” Yuan Zhan lowered his eyes, then suddenly punched Han Ke in the face.


“Puff!” One of Han Ke’s teeth flew into the air, and blood gushed out of his nose like a spring of water. Mother God above, this was too unfair! They were just a group of scouts who could transform into birds. Wasn’t he, as a level four warrior, ashamed to bully a bird with little attack power? Ah ah!


Pointing to Han Ke, Yuan Zhan said to the A’Wu warrior, whose mouth was wide open, “If this is a god, then you are all gods too.”


The warrior of the A’wu tribe watched as the man who claimed to be a god was punched by their leader, the blow was so hard that his teeth flew out. His uneasiness suddenly disappeared. This weak god was just a bird! He couldn’t even throw a wind blade, yet he still dared to call himself a god. If he continued lying, he believed the mountain god, Lord Jiu Feng, would come out and destroy him.


Hu Hu grabbed Han Ke’s neck and poked his exposed wing with a wooden spear curiously. “If they’re not gods, what are they?”


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“Birdman.” Yuan Zhan grabbed Han Ke’s hair and bent down to look into his eyes. Then he asked, “Where are you from? What are you doing here? How many people are with you? Why were you following us?”


Han Ke’s self-esteem was hurt; he was actually caught by barbarians! The most shameful thing was that they got caught in the trap of these brainless barbarians!


“I advise you to let me go. I know you’re a level four warrior, but level four warriors are only at the bottom rank in our city.” It shouldn’t be a problem to exaggerate a bit, Han Ke thought.


He continued to threaten, “I am the Third Army Scout under the great King Harnochman, who came out to search for the princess at the king’s command. Barbarians, we have no hostility towards you; we just want to know the whereabouts of the princess. If you let me go, I will pretend that this never happened. If you harm me or kill me, the great King Harnochman will definitely retaliate against you and kill all of you! Our divine blood warriors can destroy your castle in an instant!”


“Bang!” Han Ke’s face was punched again, which stunned everyone and made him scream in agony. Tears, snot, and blood mixed together.


“Cut off one of his wings,” Yuan Zhan ordered Hu Hu.


Han Ke shouted, “No!”


Hu Hu looked towards Yuan Zhan. 


“Cut it down!”


“Yes!” Without hesitation, Hu Hu pulled out his stone axe and swung it towards Han Ke’s right wing.


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“No! No, no, no! You can’t do this. Ahhhh.”


“How many of you came?”


Han Ke’s head was covered in a cold sweat as he glared hatefully at the tall and majestic savage in front of him. “You, how dare you cut off my…”


“How many people? Where are they now?” Yuan Zhan’s eyes were cruel and cold, like an inhumane beast.


“Don’t expect me to…”


“Cut off his other wing!”




“No! Ah ah ah!”


“Here’s your arm.” Yuan Zhan waved, and the soil wrapped around Han Ke moved, revealing Han Ke’s left hand.


“I won’t say anything! I won’t say anything! If you have the guts, kill me! The great King Harnochman will avenge me! Our warriors will wash your villages and castles in blood! He’ll kill you all! Ah ah! “


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Yuan Zhan pulled down Han Ke’s left arm fiercely, with a cold expression on his face.


“dà ren?” Hu Hu looked at Yuan Zhan, trembling with fear.


“Return to the city!”


“But the priest said…”


“I said, go back to the city!”




Yuan Zhan’s team returned at the fastest speed on the same path, and the unlucky Han Ke was tightly bound to a wooden spear by all four of his limbs and was carried by the warriors as they ran.


Han Ke felt that he would bleed to death before these savages reached their destination. Mother goddess above, he hoped Ai Di would notify Lord Fei Li as soon as possible and bring him to save him!


Yan Mo saw the chaotic crowd and wanted to correct it, but he didn’t have the time for it at the moment. He could only take note of everything. He’d let Meng and Yuan Zhan train them fiercely afterwards.


He also understood that even soldiers who had been trained for three years would encounter various problems when facing real combat for the first time, let alone these primitive, wild warriors who were still in the period of enlightenment.


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He thought he could wait for these people to grow slowly, but the facts told him that as long as he lived in this world, he wouldn’t lack enemies. He could no longer wait for these people to grow slowly; he had to accelerate their growth.

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The inner city of over 12 square kilometers was equivalent to a nearly 1700-feet football pitch, and it took 15 kilometers to walk around the city wall. They only had over 60 people. If there was an enemy attack, with their current combat effectiveness and city defense awareness, they would be unable to defend this city.


Population! He really needed a greater population, and hiring mermaids and dwarves could only solve temporary difficulties, not long-term ones.


If a person’s ability and strength weren’t enough, they could rely on quantity to make up for it. But where was he going to get a large number of people who still had to listen to him?


Seeing the appearance of the priest, Da Ze was the first to run over and speak, “Your Excellency! The mermaid warrior sounded the enemy’s attack horn! Look, is that -?”


Meng also rushed over, and as soon as he saw the group of black insects, they looked extremely familiar.


Yan Mo also saw the group of man-eating bees that were about to fly to the river surface.


The mermaid needed to take action against the man-eating bees and send a message to the people above the walls to quickly dodge.


Meng glanced at Yan Mo. He smiled and shook his head.


Meng immediately leaned over to the city wall and shouted, telling the mermaid not to attack.


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The mermaid warriors didn’t understand; why didn’t these humans hide when they saw the man-eating bees? They not only stood on the city wall foolishly watching those man-eating bees approach but also asked them not to do anything.


Meng yelled repeatedly, “Don’t attack! That’s one of our own!”


Man-eating bees? One of them? The mermaid warriors looked suspiciously at the person on the city tower, and after seeing the priest also present, they looked at each other in confusion, and then, with a flick of their tails, they both sank into the water.


Never mind, they had fulfilled their duty. Since that magical priest didn’t want his people to avoid it, why bother?


The dwarves who ran up the city wall also saw the man-eating bees, and they seemed to have never seen them either, so they were only surprised and shouted, “These bees are so big!”


“That’s not a bee; that’s a local wasp! Bees are much smaller!” shouted the clever dwarf.


“Wow, the sting of this big earth wasp must hurt; everyone run!” The dwarves looked for a place to hide.


“Eh? Why are these humans standing still? Run quickly! The hornet stings are extremely painful! If you’re not careful, you might even die!” Derde shouted at Sha Lang and the others.


Sha Lang and the others couldn’t understand Derde’s words, but they all saw the dwarves’ avoidance. Including the Old Shaman, even if the A’wu people had never seen a man-eating bee, they had seen a wasp and naturally knew how painful a bee sting was. Seeing such a large group of bees flying closer and closer, they got scared.


Yan Mo gestured to Meng.


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Meng immediately ordered the warriors to lead the group into hiding in the corner towers and the city towers.


Dofie saw that the enemy was just a group of big bees, and her emotions were complicated. She didn’t know if it was a lot of disappointment or happiness.


The man-eating bees were getting closer and closer, and they had already flown to the river. Yan Mo received the message from the man-eating bees through a path he himself didn’t understand.


The swarm had been assigned by the queen bee to protect the queen, and they had surprisingly brought a new queen bee with them.


The man-eating bees also discovered Yan Mo through unknown means. They happily changed their formation in front of Yan Mo and danced in the language that only bees understood.


They were paying respects to the queen bee!


Yan Mo reached out his hand, as if talking to the bee colony.


The mermaid warriors, who secretly hid underwater to observe, noticed that the swarm of bees flew over the river without hesitation and flew directly up the city wall, so they looked from the river towards the city wall.


On the city wall, there was no one within a ten-meter radius around Yan Mo.

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Wu Chen was loyal; Ye Xing and Sa Yu wanted to pull him to hide, but he gestured for them to leave.


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Wu Chen didn’t enter the corner tower. He stood at the entrance of the corner tower, admiring Yan Mo. Master was so powerful that even such a large swarm of bees dared not attack him.


Many people were secretly observing the interaction between the priest and the bee colony. They watched as the big bees surrounded the priest, not only without any intention of attacking but also as if protecting the priest. As long as someone approached, dozens of big bees would leave the queue and move towards that person.


Meng lifted his hand. Mo told him that this meant surrendering and not wanting to fight. “Hey, guys, although we haven’t seen each other all winter, we’re partners and brothers. Remember me? Ah, please don’t get so close!”


The man-eating bees circled around him.


Yan Mo chuckled and reached out to recall the small group of man-eating bees, telling them not to threaten Meng and others anymore.


The man-eating bees immediately returned to their group.


The dwarf’s eyes widened as he saw this scene.


However, due to height and perspective issues, the mermaids couldn’t see anything happening on the city walls, but they didn’t hear screams, nor did they see anyone running around on the walls, let alone the man-eating bees attacking humans, which made them curious.


Yan Mo had no intention of continuing to be watched, so he waved and led a large group of man-eating bees down the city tower. He wanted to take the bees to find a place to rest.


Dofie was very disappointed, not just because the enemy wasn’t as good as she thought, but also because these enemies were so easily subdued by Yan Mo. She actually wanted to see Yan Mo suffer, and if the enemy could bring new changes to this city and elevate her status, she would be very happy. But perhaps these bees were originally raised by that priest? Did he also have the ability to control poisonous insects?


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Except for Sha Lang, the women of the A’Wu tribe were all scared. When they saw such a large group of bees, many of them were terrified and got goosebumps. For the first time, there was a phenomenon in the tribe where someone fled when they saw a priest.

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Dofie instinctively felt scared when she saw so many big bees, so she avoided Yan Mo from a distance.


Yan Mo walked with his bee colony towards his homestead, which had already been designated as a site by Yan Mo. It was located behind the conference hall, covering an area of over three acres, with a small, sparse forest inside, which happened to be a habitat for the man-eating bees.


Two men looked in surprise at Yan Mo, who was surrounded by bees and looked different from the ordinary barbarians.


Dofie’s eyes suddenly widened. Those two men in animal skin clothes, staring at the young priest in a daze, were they…? Mother goddess above! What were they doing?


Although those two people had been paying attention to their whereabouts, their temperament and appearance were completely different from those of the A’Wu people. As long as the A’Wu people weren’t blind, they would definitely discover them.


Did they think this was Tianqian City or any other lower city? Just casually running in like this, it was really stupid!


Of course, Dofie knew they weren’t stupid; they were just arrogant. Everyone who came out of the city to the savage land was guilty of arrogance, just like she had been before.


After being shocked, Fei Li and Zei Xi wanted to blend in with the crowd, only to find that the people were all surprised and staring at them with wide eyes. The dwarves gathered around and looked at them up and down.


“Oh! Another redhead in sight! This one’s hair isn’t dark either.”


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“Oh my god, the smell on him is so bad. He must not have taken a shower for a long time.”


“Hey, look at their feet. Their feet are different from ours.”


“I have seen such feet before; let me think about it. I remember: It seemed like an old woman also had a pair of strange monkey-like soles.”


Fei Li and Zei Xi couldn’t understand the dwarves, but as they pointed at them, they knew they had caught the attention of the residents here.


“Lord?” Zei Xi stepped back, step by step.


“We’re leaving; their warriors are coming.”


Fei Li and Zei Xi turned around and started running.


As they ran, the dwarves and the A’Wu people shouted together, “Enemy! Seize them!”


“Li -!” A mournful bird cry came from the sky.


Fei Li and Zei Xi looked up at the same time, and their expressions changed greatly.


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The two of them rushed out of the North City Gate.


Da Ze still wanted to chase with his people, but Meng shouted from the city wall, “Don’t chase!” They just needed to stand on the city tower and see which direction they were running in. Pursuing now not only could lead to ambushes, but would also reduce the number of defenders.


The big bird in the sky rushed down from high altitude and disappeared into the small forest in the distance.


Meng held the corners of the city wall with both hands, staring at the forest where the big bird had disappeared, frowning fiercely.


“Changming, you assigned someone to guard the city gate, and, no matter what happened, they were not allowed to leave. Today, everyone, including you, was in a terrible situation! What if the enemy had really attacked?”


Mu Changming and Da Ze lowered their heads in shame.


Without comforting them, Meng looked directly at Mu Changming and said, “If there’s another incident like today where no one is guarding the city gate, I’ll beat him to death! You’ll also be punished!”




“Da Ze, the number of patrols will increase, and we’ll also need to patrol at night. Also, bring Dofie here.”




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Dofie avoided prying eyes and quietly slipped out of the north gate. She was very conflicted. She wanted to see the person her father sent to find her, but she also didn’t really want to.


When she first got to this land, she immediately wanted to go back. Then, after seeing Yan Mo’s actions, she gradually developed another idea.


If the priest could be the king of a group of natives, wouldn’t she have more control over their hearts with her special powers?


Rather than going back to be a sacrifice or being married by her father to a prince from a strange city, she would rather stay in this wilderness and develop her own power.


But the young priest deeply dealt a blow to her, and that almost extinguished her ambition to seize the Jiuyuan tribe.


If she continued to stay in the Jiuyuan tribe, she would be guarded for a long time. Not to mention achieving high positions, even that local woman, Sha Lang, was more prestigious than her!


She wanted to leave and start over elsewhere, but the danger outside also made her hesitate.


If the Third Army scouts hadn’t arrived, she would probably have continued to wait for the opportunity, but they had come.


Dofie wasn’t sure she could necessarily convince the Third Army’s Fei Li to do her bidding, but she wanted to try.

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Sha Lang lowered her body, crawling through the low grass like a swift and resilient mother wolf, staring closely at the old woman ahead.


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With their red hair and big monkey-like feet, that woman must know who those two escaped men were.


Sha Lang thought that if Dofie left with her tribesmen like this, she wouldn’t bring her back.


But if she had any other thoughts, she would definitely kill her!


Yuan Zhan was running wildly, almost disregarding his physical strength.


Hu Hu and the others could no longer keep up with him.


He didn’t understand what the damned birdman had said about the Tianqian city and the king; he only understood one thing: A powerful enemy had appeared! And now they were very likely to be near the Jiuyuan tribe!


The Jiuyuan tribe lacked capable warriors, and the weak combat abilities of Mo and Wu Chen didn’t count. The sharp beaks and claws of those birdmen could kill everyone.


Mo, you don’t have to do anything! You just have to hold on until I come back!


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