After Waking up Beside the VillainCh42 - Ghost Marriage 2

From the rough red cloth prayer mat to the narrow wooden bed draped with gauze curtains.

The thin sweat soaked through the layers of red clothing, and the long, soft hair, black as ink, clung wetly and stickily to the jade-like shoulders and back, spreading out like a vivid ink painting. 8gNwKa

That pale, cold hand tensed and stiffened in Chu Yunsheng’s palm, the fingertips trembling and revealing a hint of lingering blush.

“Is it enough?”

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Chu Yunsheng pulled open the bed curtains and slightly raised himself.

Outside, a thin, dim morning light seeped in, mingling with a lingering mist, making the entire room feel as if it were filled with incense. It was hazy and dreamlike. mDU14u

Shen Yiqing’s richly featured face lazily rested on the pillow. He reached back with his hand, his slightly reddened eyes lifting a bit, casting an ambiguous gaze on Chu Yunsheng: “Still a virgin… then that should be barely enough. For the sake of this virginity, I can spare your life…”

“What are the conditions?”

Chu Yunsheng asked directly.

A lover of two lifetimes, even with a completely different personality, Chu Yunsheng could predict Shen Yiqing’s actions as easily as knowing when he was about to speak.


“Follow me.”

Shen Yiqing lazily lifted his eyes, raising one foot to lightly press on Chu Yunsheng’s strong chest: “When I’m hungry, you must feed me. When I’m tired, you must sleep with me… Once I’ve drained you, a living person, I’ll break the ghost marriage contract and set your soul free, allowing you to reincarnate…”

“How about it? It’s a good deal, isn’t it?”

The fair, slender leg gently swayed in front of him. 9N Udi

Chu Yunsheng listened to Shen Yiqing’s words absentmindedly, raising his hand to wrap around that leg. He then heard Shen Yiqing let out a low groan, as if scalded, and the leg immediately straightened. Shen Yiqing, following Chu Yunsheng’s force, climbed up and wrapped around him like a clinging water snake.


Shen Yiqing raised an eyebrow.

Chu Yunsheng’s eyes darkened slightly, and he immediately pressed him down: “If you don’t absorb and convert it properly, no matter how much you take, it won’t help your recovery.” a5udVD

Shen Yiqing’s icy fingers slowly encircled his throat.

The murderous intent was palpable.

Chu Yunsheng had anticipated this reaction from Shen Yiqing and showed no sign of surprise.

He calmly glanced at Shen Yiqing and, under the gaze of those enigmatic and beautiful eyes, continued: “I agree to your conditions. You can also transfer part of the restriction in your body to mine, but you must promise me one thing.” Mjdvg4

“Do not kill the innocent.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Shen Yiqing stared at Chu Yunsheng for a moment, then sneered: “As expected of a righteous Daoist. But you sure know a lot, Master Chu. Since you know about my injuries and situation, and your condition benefits me without harm, I can agree not to kill, as long as you can keep me in check…”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Lf yilcxfv, revvfcis ifjclcu mibrfg, jcv yla vbkc tjgv bc Jte Tecrtfcu’r ilqr, vgjklcu j ilcf bo yibbvs rkffacfrr.

Jte Tecrtfcu ilmxfv tlr ralculcu ibkfg ilq, atfc ugjyyfv atf yjmx bo Vtfc Tldlcu’r cfmx jcv xlrrfv tlw. qzCONM

Cr atflg ilqr jcv abcuefr fcaklcfv, jiwbra wfialcu lcab fjmt batfg, Jte Tecrtfcu wjcfenfgfv j mbbi, ojlca ragfjw bo fcfgus klatlc tlwrfio jcv obgmfoeiis vgfk la abkjgvr atf vfqatr bo Vtfc Tldlcu’r atgbja.

A blood-red rune, surrounded by black energy, surged out from Shen Yiqing’s body.

Chu Yunsheng closed his lips, biting off a large portion of the rune and swallowing it into his own body.

It was as if he had swallowed a mouthful of fire. The scorching rune, nearly burning his internal organs, settled in his lower abdomen, causing Chu Yunsheng to frown deeply and break out in a cold sweat from the pain. CNcLzq

But the pain quickly subsided.

In its place was a strange feeling, as if something was restricting and confining him.

It seemed that after the rune entered his body, the space in which he could exist had significantly shrunk.

As the restriction on Shen Yiqing dissipated, his form immediately dispersed, enveloped in a thick layer of white mist. PxCzyF

Chu Yunsheng watched for a while, seeing that Shen Yiqing’s eyes were tightly closed and there was no special reaction. He then lowered his eyes slightly, beginning to worry about the plot of this world.

From the thrilling scenes at the beginning, it wasn’t difficult to discern that this novel was set in a supernatural world.

The protagonist, named Tang Nan, was an orphan with neither a father nor a mother.

Since Tang Nan could see ghosts that ordinary people couldn’t from a young age, he was ostracized by the villagers. When he was about five or six years old, some mischievous children threw him into the back mountain, which was teeming with wild beasts. QfNTFU

Unable to find his way out, Tang Nan was attacked by wild animals but, by a twist of fate, he stumbled into an abandoned Taoist temple.

In the Taoist temple, there was an old Daoist priest who only appeared at night. The old priest saved Tang Nan, allowed him to stay in the temple, provided him with food and drink, and taught him to read and write. Astronomy, geography, classics, history, Taoist secret arts, and ancient and modern tales were all imparted to Tang Nan by the old priest without omission.

Thus, Tang Nan grew up under the care of the old priest.

However, this peaceful life changed suddenly on Tang Nan’s twentieth birthday—the old priest disappeared. Zdo8 T

Tang Nan searched the entire temple and finally discovered a very old book.

This book could be described as a notebook. The person who wrote it was the old Taoist priest, Daoist Dinglan. The old priest was not the mountain ghost Tang Nan had thought, but rather a lingering obsession of Daoist Dinglan after his death.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Daoist Dinglan was an imperial preceptor five hundred years ago, highly skilled in magic, and had spent his life subduing demons and monsters.

However, in his later years, he encountered the Ghost Emperor Shen Yiqing, was defeated and killed, and could only leave behind a lingering obsession to find a successor to continue the glory of the Taoist sect. IxS659

The reason Daoist Dinglan chose Tang Nan was because Tang Nan possessed an extremely rare yin constitution, seen only once in a hundred years.

People with this type of constitution, as long as they survived past the age of twenty, would awaken their abilities. They become immune to all evils, and no malevolent spirits or ghosts could cause them any substantial harm. However, they could feed on the yin energy and spiritual power of these entities to enhance their own spiritual power.

After reading Daoist Dinglan’s notebook, Tang Nan awakened his yin constitution according to Daoist Dinglan’s method and began practicing the Taoist arts described in the notebook.

He erected a cenotaph for Daoist Dinglan and swore that after descending the mountain, he would ensure Shen Yiqing’s soul would be utterly destroyed to avenge his master. asx2b0

And later, he indeed accomplished this.

After descending the mountain with his newly acquired skills, Tang Nan found himself out of place in this modernized society. However, this sense of alienation did not last long, as yin energy began to resurge. Countless ghosts and spirits grew stronger and started appearing in the lives of ordinary people, disrupting the world’s order.

Death hearses appearing in broad daylight, tourist attractions overrun with zombies, and green-skinned ghost infants tearing open pregnant women’s bellies in hospitals…

Tang Nan, who had only ever known how to catch ghosts since childhood, finally found a use for his skills. 8xlBdC

He continuously resolved various incidents, humiliated all sorts of fools, and devoured numerous ghosts and spirits, becoming increasingly powerful.

During this process of leveling up, he also encountered many confidantes, such as a feisty policewoman, a noble family’s daughter, a Taoist immortal maiden, and a yandere female ghost.

With the help of these confidantes, Tang Nan not only avoided being discovered by other Taoist sects for his ghost-devouring actions but also established his own sect, gaining supreme prestige.

In the end, at the novel’s climax, Tang Nan faced the ultimate boss, the Ghost Emperor Shen Yiqing, in an earth-shattering battle. z0jGla

The result of the battle—Shen Yiqing was annihilated, and Tang Nan, through this battle, found an opportunity for a breakthrough, directly shattering the void and ascending to immortality.

To avoid making the transition from supernatural to cultivation too abrupt, the author of the novel specifically used a few extra chapters to explain the reason for Tang Nan’s ascension to immortality.

The true opportunity for ascension actually lay with Shen Yiqing.

Shen Yiqing was a prodigy in cultivation a thousand years ago. After his unexpected fall, his obsession remained, and he turned to ghost cultivation. 2hIjlu

As a ghost cultivator, Shen Yiqing unified the underworld and was revered as the Ghost Emperor. He suppressed the surging yin energy and strictly restrained the fierce and evil ghosts in the underworld, preventing them from wreaking havoc in the human world.

In his daily cultivation, because he had no blood on his hands, Shen Yiqing accumulated a considerable amount of merit. The Heavenly Dao thus granted him an opportunity to undergo a tribulation and become a ghost immortal.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, just as Shen Yiqing was undergoing his tribulation, Daoist Dinglan appeared.

He firmly believed that humans and ghosts were fundamentally different, and that regardless of their nature, all ghosts were abominations that the heavens could not tolerate. Therefore, he disrupted Shen Yiqing’s path to immortality. Taking advantage of Shen Yiqing’s severe injuries from the tribulation lightning, he placed a restriction on Shen Yiqing’s spiritual power, intending to seal him. fNEnCQ

Shen Yiqing’s lifelong pursuit was destroyed in an instant, turning him from a righteous ghost cultivator into a vengeful ghost filled with resentment.

He killed Daoist Dinglan, his hands stained with blood, and could no longer continue on the path to immortality.

Moreover, due to Daoist Dinglan’s sneak attack, he was severely injured and suffered a backlash. After killing Daoist Dinglan, he was completely exhausted and fell into a desolate area in the human world.

By a stroke of bad luck, he was found by the Zeng family, who had only a superficial understanding of Taoist arts. They took advantage of his weakened state and used the most malicious methods to imprison him as a vengeful ghost to guard their home. nb3D2q

When Shen Yiqing awoke again, he was filled with hatred, wishing to kill everyone in the world.

The Zeng family, realizing that they could not control this vengeful ghost, invited Chu Yunsheng from Feixue Mountain to exorcise it. However, in the original plot, Celestial Master Chu Yunsheng was an outright amateur.

Chu Yunsheng’s master was a highly respected Taoist master, but he died young, leaving the young Chu Yunsheng to support Feixue Mountain alone.

To avoid being devoured by other Taoist sects, Chu Yunsheng kept the mountain gates closed for many years. On the rare occasions he did take action, he relied on some talismans left by his master, barely managing to succeed. gNaRip

Moreover, to avoid being exposed, Chu Yunsheng was extremely good at putting on airs. He always dressed in an ethereal manner and maintained a cold and aloof demeanor towards everyone. He spoke very little and never easily revealed his spiritual power. With this act, combined with his naturally cool and otherworldly aura, no one suspected him for many years.

But unfortunately, this time he encountered the Ghost Emperor Shen Yiqing.

In the original plot, there was no bridal chamber or negotiation of terms. When Chu Yunsheng realized he couldn’t defeat Shen Yiqing and proposed a ghost marriage to mutually restrain each other, Shen Yiqing became furious and strangled Chu Yunsheng to death in the wedding hall.

Afterward, Shen Yiqing slaughtered the entire Zeng family and, leading the ghosts that had descended from the underworld, began attacking the human world. rmYuvW

In the final battle, Tang Nan killed Shen Yiqing. As Shen Yiqing’s soul was annihilated, Tang Nan seized the opportunity for immortality that Shen Yiqing had once possessed, forcibly shattering the void and successfully ascending.

It could be said that Shen Yiqing remained a somewhat pitiable major antagonist, while Chu Yunsheng continued to be an insignificant cannon fodder.

Of course, this was not the most terrifying part.

The most terrifying part was that Chu Yunsheng quickly realized that in such a supernatural world that defied science, his technology was no longer the primary productive force. Moreover, in terms of spiritual combat power, he was practically useless in this world. He couldn’t defeat Shen Yiqing, nor could he beat Tang Nan; at most, he could bully some minor ghosts on the roadside. 3vImNp

Given this, how could he change Shen Yiqing’s fate?

Chu Yunsheng’s face turned somewhat grim.

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He furrowed his brows slightly, deep in thought, when he suddenly heard a cautious yet fearful knock on the door from outside.

“Master Chu… are you still alive?” pxWAdk


The author has something to say: 

Chu Yunsheng: Making a materialistic person practice Taoism, you’re really putting me in a tough spot!


T/n: :blobastonished: Taoist… Daoist… Taoist…. Daoist…… they can be used interchangeably, but my brain isn’t enough to keep up with it :blobblush:

Why am I here? Just to suffer? Am kidding :blobsleepless: I love this novel :googlecat:

Translator's Note

I forgot to address this in the previous chapter. This is actually Celestial Master. But I will be using Master instead… or should I just use Celestial Master as it is? x_x

Translator's Note

When it isn’t in a dialogue, I will be using Celestial Master to properly address him (maybe).

Translator's Note

Why are we still here just to suffer

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  1. Ah yes, another ‘righteous’ cultivator who makes trouble by harming people from ‘dark side’ because they are a ‘righteous’ one.

    Good luck Sheng Sheng, you can do it lol

  2. I believe Chu Yunsheng can simply study runes and spells and become insanely powerful through that. Just treat it as technology…

    Thank you for the chapter~

  3. Now, did ZhenZhen pitted his crush on purpose or did he really not think supernatural things wouldn’t blow up ShengSheng’s “science or DEATH” mind? 🤔