After Waking up Beside the VillainCh40 - Part 21

When Su Wenshu walked out of the prosecutor’s office, he immediately saw Feng Huan waiting at the bottom of the steps.

He quickly adjusted his subtle expressions, then stepped into the dim light of the streetlamp with a somewhat pale face, allowing Feng Huan to take his hand. “Ah Huan, do you think I did the right thing?” 5nGTI1

Feng Huan opened the door of the aircraft, supporting Su Wenshu by the waist as he helped him inside. A trace of heartache appeared on his stern face. “Wenshu, you did the right thing. The Ye family has already fallen, and the public opinion of the Federation can never be ignored. Someone like Ye Xian is not worthy of you staying in the Ye family.”

The aircraft took off smoothly.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The night scenery outside the window rapidly receded into a blur of dazzling lights.

Half-lit shadows brushed across Su Wenshu’s refined and gentle face. ZLkjlh

Leaning against the seat, his expression was obscure, and his low, hoarse voice carried pain and helplessness. “Ah Huan, after all… he is still my father.”

Feng Huan adjusted the aircraft’s autopilot route, his brows slightly furrowed. He could hardly resist the urge to reveal the truth about the child swap years ago to Su Wenshu, to let him know that Ye Xian’s kindness towards him was not out of any guilty fatherly love, but merely a guilty conscience.

His lips moved, but in the end, he didn’t utter a word.

He feared that Su Wenshu wouldn’t be able to accept this cruel truth.


In Feng Huan’s eyes, Su Wenshu was someone who appeared strong but was actually quite sensitive and fragile inside—an omega. Feng Huan didn’t want Su Wenshu to suffer any more external blows.


Feng Huan responded, “I’ll go to the front line with you the day after tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Ah Huan.” fpozHa

Su Wenshu shifted his body and gently rested his head on Feng Huan’s shoulder, hiding the slight smile of relief that had finally appeared at the corner of his mouth.

What Feng Huan didn’t know was that, at this moment, three read messages were quietly lying in Su Wenshu’s smart device.

The truth about the child swap, which Feng Huan had painstakingly concealed, was something Su Wenshu had already learned that afternoon.

The first of those anonymous messages contained the truth and evidence about Ye Xian’s desertion and the child swap during the defense battle years ago. F5g13h

Unlike the vague versions of the story circulating on the Star Network and the ambiguous handling of the child swap during the inquiry session, this message fully restored the truth of Ye Xian abandoning his wife and fleeing for his life.

Although the evidence was somewhat thin, after the inquiry session, Su Wenshu was quite certain that Ye Xian was indeed the deserter from back then.

With this premise confirmed, regardless of the details of the child swap, Ye Xian’s image as a loving father completely collapsed.

Su Wenshu didn’t know who sent him this message, but a brief trace revealed that these messages had all been transmitted through the Feng family’s internal network. With Feng Huan and Marshal Feng present, the Feng family should have no ill intentions towards him. Therefore, the purpose behind sending these messages was worth pondering. HPWhR

The other two messages were as follows: one concerned the internal division and reorganization of the Ye family, significantly reducing their power, and the split-off Ye family wanted to remove Ye Xian from the family registry.

The other message informed Su Wenshu that a group of people was investigating the deaths of the entire Su family before Su Wenshu arrived at the capital star.

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Child swap truth, Ye family division, Su family tragedy…

Su Wenshu read these three messages over and over for a long time, speculating that this was likely a signal from the Feng family—leave the Ye family and join the Feng family. rS vD6

By doing this, given Feng Huan’s unwavering devotion to him, he might enjoy better treatment.

Moreover, the reason Su Wenshu had resolutely returned to the Ye family in the first place was partly due to Ye Xian’s status and his care for him, and partly because the Ye family’s power was sufficient to support his ambitions.

But now, with Ye Xian’s hypocritical facade exposed and the Ye family in decline, it seemed there was no longer any reason for him to stay.

However, Su Wenshu was not willing to leave just like that. 8nQMd4

Therefore, his visit to the prosecutor’s office that evening was to exact some revenge on Ye Xian for his heartlessness back then.

“The deaths of the Su family… Father, you’ll have to bear the blame for this…”

The night wind was slightly cold as Su Wenshu stepped off the aircraft. He turned his head to glance in the direction of the slums, a fleeting, secretive, and ruthless smile appearing on his lips.

In the distant outer rim star systems. FNoEUO

The Fifth Base.

In the expanded camp, now several times larger, the sound of metal clashing was incessant, accompanied by piercing whistles and urgent counting.

Every training ground was fully occupied, patrol teams marched in unison, and bright red laser beams covered the base’s perimeter for several kilometers, creating an atmosphere of solemnity and rigor.

Inside a closed training room. Z iRUV

Ye Qing’s knees buckled, and he collapsed onto Chu Yunsheng, drenched in sweat and panting heavily.

Chu Yunsheng rested for a moment, then lifted him up and carried him to the side to apply medicine. “Your combat skills have improved significantly.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ye Qing leaned against the mat, smiled, and winced as he tugged at the wound on his lip. “Chu-ge, don’t hit the face. Look at this…”

“Cigluta.” tzPfLi

Jte Tecrtfcu uijcmfv ja la, atfc ibkfgfv tlr tfjv ab remx jkjs atf yibbv rffqlcu ogbw atf kbecv yfobgf jqqislcu blcawfca klat tlr tjcv.

Tf Hlcu kjr rjalrolfv, fcpbslcu Jte Tecrtfcu’r gjgf ufcaif mjgf joafg j yfjalcu, ktlif tf bqfcfv tlr rwjga vfnlmf ab mtfmx tlr wfrrjufr.

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“Ve Qfcrte ifoa atf Tf ojwlis jcv fcilrafv? Tf Wljc lr lc j mbwj?”

Ye Qing was stunned for a moment, unable to hide the surprise on his face. 9Qsj3d

Since leaving the capital star, he had not paid any attention to the Ye family’s affairs.

Initially, he was solely focused on earning military merits as quickly as possible to gain the power and ability to rescue Chu Yunsheng. Later, he just hoped that one day he could sleep without the sound of artillery fire.

“The Ye family no longer holds the value Su Wenshu desires. His departure was only a matter of time,” Chu Yunsheng said casually.

His messages merely added fuel to the fire, giving Su Wenshu the final push. In fact, even without the fabricated messages from the Feng family by Chu Yunsheng, Su Wenshu would have eventually left the Ye family and joined the Feng family. 0AsBQ8

Because like father, like son; Su Wenshu, being Ye Xian’s son, naturally possessed the same selfishness.

Moreover, if Chu Yunsheng’s guess was correct, the deaths of the Su family members were likely connected to Su Wenshu.

The original plot was quite vague on this point, but one thing was peculiar: even after Su Wenshu achieved great success and stood at the pinnacle of the Federation, he never sought to investigate the truth behind the deaths of his family.

Was it an accident, or was there really another culprit? n0G6Qd

After all, twenty years of upbringing should count for something, and Su Wenshu’s reaction was quite abnormal. Unless he knew the truth about the Su family’s deaths and understood that uncovering it would not benefit him, hence his avoidance of the topic. It was unlikely that Su Wenshu directly caused the deaths of the Su family, but he was definitely connected to it.

To cover up this connection, Su Wenshu would likely pin the blame on Ye Xian. And this would be the final straw that completely crushes Ye Xian.

In the following days…

Chu Yunsheng calculated the time it would take for Su Wenshu and Feng Huan to arrive at the outer rim star systems and sent out the final message. yj4JSb

After sending the message, Chu Yunsheng destroyed all the backup lines to the Star Network, completely erasing the anonymous identity from the network.

No matter who came to investigate, none of this would be traced back to him.

Meanwhile, Feng Huan, who had just arrived at the front line and was preparing to participate in training, received a strange message that evening.

The message contained no text, only an image—a medical examination report. AlcWfn

The patient was Su Wenshu, and the result indicated a three-week pregnancy.

Feng Huan was both shocked and delighted, yet somewhat skeptical.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He rushed out of the tent and directly dragged Su Wenshu to the medical room for an examination.

Su Wenshu’s eyes flickered with uncertainty as he tried to resist, but ultimately, he did not succeed. tr94h5

“You’re pregnant, Wenshu!”

Feng Huan couldn’t hide his joy as he hugged Su Wenshu tightly, completely oblivious to the shadow that briefly clouded Su Wenshu’s eyes.

“It’s only three weeks… from when we first fully marked each other…”

Feng Huan’s joy was immediately replaced by firm determination. “Your health has always been poor, and you just received the h617 injection. We don’t know if it will affect the baby. You shouldn’t stay on the battlefield. Return to the capital star immediately to rest and take care of the baby.” 6Jf0XL

Su Wenshu could no longer maintain his facade of gentle calmness.

He had worked so hard to get here, to have the opportunity to go to the battlefield and make a name for himself, and now Feng Huan wanted him to go back and rest for the pregnancy?

Su Wenshu felt that his dignity had been greatly insulted.

His expression immediately turned cold as he refused, “My physical condition has always been good, Ah Huan. I want to stay here; I can still fight. I hope you can respect me and see me as a warrior.” W7zRXi

Feng Huan frowned, “I don’t mean to disrespect you, Wenshu. I’m doing this for your own good! This war will last a long time. You can have the baby, recover, and then come back to fight. There’s still plenty of time. Don’t be stubborn…”

Su Wenshu interrupted him coldly, “Ah Huan, if you don’t want me to abort this child, then stop talking.”

It was like a bucket of cold water poured over his head.

Feng Huan’s heart instantly chilled. 8XBMLk

Before he could say anything else, Su Wenshu had already shaken off his hand and left the medical room.

Feng Huan looked down at his empty palm for a moment, his expression darkening.

The more Feng Huan had loved Su Wenshu for being an omega who dared to defy an alpha, the more he now hated his ambition and rebelliousness. A master could tolerate a pet’s whims but would not tolerate its contempt and betrayal.

Regardless of how Su Wenshu and Feng Huan struggled, the war between the Empire and the Federation continued mercilessly. idJGyR

War was far from being as simple and easy as imagined.

Its brutality was direct and ruthless.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Without the original plot’s golden finger and Feng Huan’s constant protection, Su Wenshu found his first battle in the outer rim star systems particularly strenuous.

The Imperial army was not a charity; they would not show mercy just because their opponent was an omega. yH51Se

Continuous, exhausting battles.

High-intensity training and sleepless raids.

Finally, in a small-scale skirmish, Su Wenshu was severely injured and suffered a miscarriage.

When Feng Huan arrived, he saw only a cockpit full of blood. His heart was filled with terror and self-reproach. SjddQr

He brought Su Wenshu back to the camp, continuously comforting him, “Wenshu, I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have been stubborn and given you the cold shoulder. I knew you were pregnant, yet I didn’t take good care of you… It’s all my fault…”

Su Wenshu’s tightly closed eyes slowly opened, and a look of hatred gradually appeared in his gaze as he quietly looked at Feng Huan.

The Feng family used their privileges to send Su Wenshu, who had been at the front line for less than a month, back to the capital star. Feng Huan returned with him, personally taking care of Su Wenshu and forbidding him from going out.

The elder generation of the Feng family, upon seeing Su Wenshu’s determination to go to the battlefield despite being pregnant, grew increasingly resentful and began to see through his poorly concealed ambition. FsbjWE

As a result, the main residence of the Feng family continuously sent people to persuade Feng Huan to choose another omega to bear children and continue the family line.

Feng Huan did not agree, but he kept this matter well hidden.

However, he did not expect that Su Wenshu would still find out about it.

And the first thing Su Wenshu did after recovering was to report the Feng family for illegally imprisoning and raising omegas. jJE39h

“Holy crap!”

“Breaking news! I knew following Su Wenshu would always lead to the juiciest gossip! This guy is a whirlwind of scandal!”

“The Feng family, as expected of the top of the three major aristocratic families, really has guts… The location Su Wenshu reported has already been investigated by the prosecutor’s office, and the reporters have taken high-definition photos! They are all omegas! Collected from a young age, kept in houses, well-fed like pigs, just to be given away, traded, or used for their own pleasure!”

“Ugh… I never thought the Feng family would dare to do such a thing. I used to admire Marshal Feng and Feng Huan so much!” fdx18p

“Marshal Feng and Feng Huan probably didn’t know about it, right?”

“Didn’t know? That’s hard to believe! Have you forgotten about the incident during the Academy Mecha Battle, when Wu Ke from the ‘Bandit Trio’ was attacked by an omega in heat? Wu Ke said he survived the attack because of Chu Yunsheng’s h617 because he fed it to the omega. Not long after, Su Wenshu reported Chu Yunsheng for illegal experiments… Guess where he found out about Chu Yunsheng’s h617?”

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“From examining that omega in heat? That omega was sent by the Feng family?”

“It’s terrifying when you think about it!” dNI9rc

“These aristocratic families are truly filthy…”

The chaotic Star Network was once again set ablaze.

The Feng family was caught off guard. When they tried to capture Su Wenshu, the prosecutor’s office had already led a raid on the omega breeding site, and various media outlets had provided comprehensive coverage.

The Feng family hated Su Wenshu to the core. NSd3Gf

Feng Huan never expected Su Wenshu to do such a thing. He finally realized that Su Wenshu was not the weak omega he could completely control, but rather a thorough troublemaker.

However, intense possessive love wasn’t something that could be easily retracted.

With a mix of love and hate, Feng Huan’s gaze towards Su Wenshu finally turned cold.

Taking advantage of a moment when Su Wenshu was relaxed, he drugged him into unconsciousness. Then, with ruthless precision, he broke Su Wenshu’s leg and fled the capital star with him overnight. RvrS8L

“Feng Huan, you madman!!”

Su Wenshu never expected Feng Huan to treat him this way. His eyes, filled with venomous hatred, could no longer hide his fury as he screamed in anger.

Feng Huan dragged him into the smuggling ship, giving a cold smile. “Aren’t you the same? I advise you to watch your words, Wenshu, or else I might just find out how effective this pill really is.”

As he spoke, Feng Huan pulled out a glass bottle from his pocket, one that Su Wenshu recognized all too well. RCAMhq

If Chu Yunsheng were here, he would immediately recognize that this glass bottle contained the very drug Su Wenshu had once intended to use to poison and drive Ye Qing insane.

Lying in the filthy cabin, Su Wenshu finally closed his mouth in fear.

In just one night.

The Feng family suffered a severe blow, Marshal Feng resigned in disgrace, and Feng Huan and Su Wenshu fled as fugitives. 9fhRdv

This series of events left everyone bewildered, never expecting such a development.

Ye Qing received the news just after coming off the battlefield, so shocked that his mecha nearly crashed to the ground.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, upon closer reflection, these events were not all that surprising.

To Ye Qing, Su Wenshu was always a thoroughly selfish madman, a complete egotist. No matter what he claimed, he only ever cared about his own interests. While there might have been love in his relationship with Feng Huan, the benefits were far more significant. udJC9g

And no matter how much Feng Huan admired Su Wenshu for being a unique omega, he ultimately wanted an omega who was exclusively his and submissive to him.

This was the inherent flaw in most alphas.

Once this omega no longer matched his expectations and slipped out of his control, the condescending affection would vanish entirely.

An accessory and an equal lover were not the same. 4Znduh

Feng Huan’s inherent domineering arrogance would never allow Su Wenshu to betray or escape him.

When two extremely selfish individuals with extreme personalities tore away the facade of their relationship, all that remained was mutual torment.

As for the Feng family and the Ye family, their fate could be summed up in one phrase: they brought it upon themselves.

Aristocratic families, in the twisted and distorted ABO society, how clean could they be? It was just that before, no one cared about cleanliness or fairness. YqId9b

It seemed that no one realized yet that since the existence of h617 was made public, although the time was short, it already had a significant impact on societal perceptions. It arrived alongside the war, and its influence has been far greater than imagined.

“Who would have thought…”

Ye Qing said.

The upheaval in the Ye family left him with indescribable feelings. cRkeyY

After all, he had lived there for twenty years, so Ye Qing’s feelings were somewhat complicated.

Having endured a swarm of fleas for several months, Chu Yunsheng finally saw a clear path ahead and relaxed.

“This time, Ye Xian will likely be sent to a military prison for life. Feng Huan and Su Wenshu, possibly thinking they could no longer stay in the Federation, have already smuggled themselves into the Empire. The wanted notices will be issued soon.”

Chu Yunsheng, who had hidden his achievements and fame, said calmly, “Some things may seem unbreakable, but they are actually more fragile than paper. Moreover, these are extraordinary times. War makes everyone harsh and ruthless.” dUp0c4

If the matters of the Feng family and the Ye family had occurred at another time, they might have been swept under the rug due to various political maneuvers and balances of power.

But at that moment, it was simply impossible.

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Chu Yunsheng had refrained from taking action earlier, waiting for the cruel blade named war. He had endured and laid the groundwork for so long, waiting for that period to ignite them.

The Federation at that time could not tolerate any existence that disrupted internal stability. Therefore, many things did not even require Chu Yunsheng to act personally; countless forces came forward to help him accomplish it. W0rvA6

Using others to do one’s dirty work has always been a perfect strategy since ancient times.

No matter how chaotic the outside world became, the war continued.

These messy affairs were very distant from the outer rim star systems, as if they were happening in another dimension, and did not affect the tense war in the outer rim star systems at all.

The only notable change was that both received notifications to go to the front line to take over the small units of the Feng family and the Ye family. g5GNU

The person from the Feng family responsible for the handover looked visibly angry and couldn’t help but say, “Chu Yunsheng, Ye Qing, don’t you think you’re taking advantage of others’ misfortune?”

“Watch your words.”

Chu Yunsheng calmly handled the handover procedures and said coldly, “At most, we are… taking advantage of a dog’s misfortune.”

  6wy vQ

The author has something to say:
Chu Yunsheng: Do your two families even deserve to be called human?


The next chapter will conclude this world, and the new world will be [Ghost Marriage]. The reality part of the next chapter is very important, so I suggest not skipping it =3=


T/n: Last scene of this arc will be posted tomorrow. I… need a break. I’ve been pushing myself too hard these days, and I am down with a slight cold and a headache. Truthfully, I am motivated in working on this book coupled with your comments. I really appreciate all of it. Still, the next arc gave me a headache T_T I already have the advance chapters, but I still need to redo a few passages and proofread them before releasing/scheduling. Anyway… I will rest for a few days to gather more strength to brave through the storm once again.

Just a few reminders for you guys… the next arc is a bit… gorey. Expect a lot of TWs since I might forget to put it up :blobdizzy: You guys, I have read way too maany novels with violence, blood and graphic depictions that I became numb to it :blobdizzy: I have to apologize in advance 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻 With that, the chapter with the final scene of [True and False Omega] arc and the start of [Ghost Marriage] arc will be posted tomorrow!

Please support our venerable author in any way you can!


Translator's Note

In here, it is people who are highly irritating or troublesome to deal with

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  1. Please always prioritise your health over anything else. Take a break if you need it. We can wait, no problemo.

    Thank you for your hard work!

  2. I hope you can take a break until you recover fully, things like this could end up with long term consequences you know? Waiting for a chapter isn’t as important as waiting for your health to recover, and I hope you can take some time to relax! Thanks, as always, for the chapter!!💖

  3. Thank you so much for your hard work!

    Please take care of yourself, you deserve to get a break when you need it.

    Your health is important!

  4. Thank you for this chapter, also please take a rest, though i’m happy with the fast updates, health is important. It is 3pm and I’m giggling because of this chapter🤭🤭

  5. Please take care of your health! I think it’s even okay to slow down updates so you can prioritize your own well being; after all, a good rest improves the mental state.

    On the chapter: don’t call Feng and Ye families dogs, dogs, although i don’t like them, are still better than such trash. Also humans are also animals so don’t make animals look worse by comparing those things with them. A lot of Chinese stories do that and it makes me rather unhappy.

    Thank you for the chapter, and I hope that when translating the Ghost Marriage arc, you look at some funny videos or memes or such to lighten your mood. Being numb to something isn’t being used to it, and either way, it makes you feel bad. So treat yourself well and make yourself feel good. 💛