After Waking up Beside the VillainCh26 - Part 7

Ye Qing froze, thinking he had misheard: “You… what can’t…?”

A truly brave man dared to face the harsh realities of life and the shortcomings of his own body. swD4vV

Chu Yunsheng pondered for a moment, then calmly untied the belt of his bathrobe and explained: “What I mean is, my pheromones are too faint, which to some extent affects certain physiological functions. On our wedding day, I was driven by a certain toxin to perform. Under normal circumstances, even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t have any reaction.”

Ye Qing’s eyes widened.

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He looked down in disbelief, then quickly looked up, just about to say something, but his gaze was suddenly captivated by the sight before him, causing him to momentarily freeze.

Chu Yunsheng was leaning against the headboard. 1XJHFP

The silk bathrobe slid off his long, well-built body, revealing sharply defined collarbones and a smoothly contoured, muscular chest and abdomen.

As he slightly arched his waist, the abdominal muscles tightened abruptly, and the edge of his black underwear became faintly visible.

A fierce yet seductive aura emanated from him, incredibly powerful.

Ye Qing’s toes curled slightly as he slowly climbed up, hugging Chu Yunsheng’s neck, and softly said, “I’m sorry, Chu-ge.”


He paused, rubbing his bunny ears against Chu Yunsheng: “Chu-ge… was your life difficult before? I know many alphas and omegas compare whose pheromones are stronger and more attractive when they are young. Among alphas, the intensity of pheromones often determines their status and strength… Actually, not being able to do it doesn’t matter. Such things are just a diversion; emotional connection is more important…”

“It does matter.”

Chu Yunsheng interrupted Ye Qing.

His deep breaths caused his chest and lower abdomen to rise and fall, making the warm, flexible body covering him incredibly palpable. jC8mWQ

“If the current experiment succeeds, the impact of pheromones on the human body will undergo a substantial change. Humans can harness their strength and use it as an auxiliary aspect of intimacy, but it will no longer control bodily functions. If the experiment is successful and the dominant influence of pheromones on my sexual function disappears, I will be fine.”

Chu Yunsheng carefully explained to Ye Qing, not wanting him to misunderstand.

But it seemed Ye Qing still misunderstood.

Hearing this, Ye Qing looked at Chu Yunsheng for a while, mustering his courage and making a big decision, he said earnestly: “Chu-ge, please don’t hold back. Make sure to use me well. I can conduct the heat experiments three times a day from now on, and each time… I will definitely last longer and won’t finish so early…” Ura9ns

Chu Yunsheng held Ye Qing, casually turned off the light, and as he laid down, he said calmly: “No need to last too long, my tongue gets tired.”

Ye Qing: “…”

Can’t you sacrifice a bit for the sake of research? My butt is sore too!

Ye Qing coldly bit Chu Yunsheng’s ear. 2Fam9o

Although the exhausted Dr. Chu refused Ye Qing’s proposal to extend the duration, he didn’t oppose Ye Qing’s decision to increase the frequency.

With less than a month left until the mecha battle, many plot developments were about to unfold, and he couldn’t afford to delay any longer.

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The pace of the experiment accelerated.

Besides working on Ye Qing, Chu Yunsheng also continuously extracted genetic material from himself, testing most of the drugs on his own body and analyzing the formation and alteration of pheromones. G7PdjH

Due to long-term injections of simulated pheromone drugs, Ye Qing also had the glands that all omegas possess at the back of his neck.

Omega pheromones were primarily stored in these glands. Alphas, however, were more complex because their pheromones enhanced and modified their physical attributes to some extent, so alpha pheromones were distributed throughout their entire body.

If one had to pinpoint the most concentrated storage location for pheromones in an alpha, it would be the genitals.

For this reason, Chu Yunsheng had already subjected his private parts to countless harsh treatments. fB1tTH

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

There were days when Ye Qing, after finishing experiments, would lie on the bed resting, only to see Chu Yunsheng unzipping his pants and brandishing a scalpel, which terrified him.

Qlat Tf Hlcu’r mbbqfgjalbc jcv Jte Tecrtfcu’r geatifrr rfio-fzqfglwfcajalbc, atf gfrfjgmt bc qtfgbwbcfr qgbugfrrfv gjqlvis.

Jte Tecrtfcu delmxis lvfcalolfv atf mbggfma vlgfmalbc jcv yfujc gfrfjgmtlcu qgfilwlcjgs qtfgbwbcf-raglqqlcu qliir.

Pa kjr jgbecv atlr alwf atja atf akb wfmtjr Qe Bf tjv gfdefrafv klat tlr qfgwlrrlbcr olcjiis jgglnfv. stDf5S

Jte Tecrtfcu tjv rfa eq j rwjii wfmtj agjlclcu ugbecv lc atf nliij’r ujgvfc, reoolmlfca ab jmmbwwbvjaf rajcvjgv mbwyja yfakffc akb mlnliljc wfmtjr.

In this interstellar world, mechas were the kings of ground combat and did not possess flight capabilities.

To propel such multi-ton, weapon-equipped giants into the sky would require extremely high engine and energy standards, which neither the Federation nor the Empire currently meet.

Nevertheless, the unparalleled combat power of mechas made them highly coveted, with many people longing to touch and pilot them. qUodni

Wu Ke had arranged for two modified civilian mechas from the military academy, specifically designed for training lower-grade students and amateur enthusiasts. The Federation strictly controlled real military mechas, making it impossible for them to be released. However, these civilian mechas were sufficient for training Ye Qing for the time being.

“It’s the second-generation Black Hawk!”

Chu Yunsheng was signing off on the mechas when he heard Ye Qing’s excited and delighted voice from behind.

“The second-generation Black Hawk is a well-balanced and easy-to-control mecha. It’s perfect to train for beginners.” 1Yfxei

After the handover was complete and the personnel from the military academy had left, Chu Yunsheng walked into the training ground and said calmly, “For the next month, until the military exercise competition begins, you can use it for training.”


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ye Qing’s eyes curved with joy as he lovingly tapped and stroked the black metal exterior of the mecha, agreeing without hesitation.

For Chu Yunsheng, this was also the first time he had truly seen a mecha up close. jDkm 3

He examined the second-generation Black Hawk from a professional perspective, inside and out, and found that this type of mecha was indeed somewhat roughly designed and manufactured. However, even so, it provided a glimpse into the level of physical and mechanical development in this world.

Chu Yunsheng developed a bit of interest in this steel beast, but now was not the time to indulge that interest.

After Ye Qing had his fill of admiration, he realized something and asked Chu Yunsheng, “By the way, Chu-ge, we have the mechas, but there’s no instructor? How are we supposed to train?”

Ye Qing’s beta status had not yet been revealed, so bringing in an instructor at this time was not appropriate. However, Chu Yunsheng was not skilled in teaching. But piloting a mecha wasn’t like acting in the previous world, which required meticulous and patient instruction. To quickly improve mecha skills, the only way was through actual combat. ORB LY

So, in response to Ye Qing’s question, Chu Yunsheng only answered with two words: “Get beaten.”

And this “getting beaten” was quite literal.

Chu Yunsheng would set aside a few hours each day to spar with Ye Qing in the training ground.

With the original body’s memories imprinted in his mind and his own exceptional learning ability, Chu Yunsheng quickly mastered the second-generation Black Hawk, making it perform impressively within a short time of sitting in the cockpit. 8PDftv

In contrast, under Chu Yunsheng’s guidance, Ye Qing struggled to move the mecha’s arms and legs, resembling a child just learning to walk against an adult equipped with weapons—completely outmatched.

However, Chu Yunsheng did not hold back.

His attacks were highly variable, sometimes fierce and sometimes cunning, often defeating Ye Qing’s mecha within a few moves, pinning it to the ground and thoroughly beating it.

Under such a significant disparity, most people would either mentally collapse and give up or at least experience doubt and self-questioning, leading to slackness and anxiety. xNW9Qa

But Ye Qing was different.

When he sat in the mecha, he was filled with fervor.

He was like a flame struggling to rise from the ashes, determined to burn brightly with all his might. When knocked down, he would get back up; when he failed, he would try again.

He rearranged his schedule, breaking the habit of sleeping in, and started getting up before dawn with Chu Yunsheng for physical and combat training. luiCkG

Afterward, he would assist Chu Yunsheng with experiments. During breaks, he collected a large number of mecha combat training videos and classic battle footage. Chu Yunsheng also retrieved many teacher-student combat videos and online teaching materials from the Federal Military Academy’s internal network, providing all of them to Ye Qing.

After the experiments, Chu Yunsheng and Ye Qing would enter the training ground to practice combat maneuvers and enhance their proficiency, continuing their daily sparring until late at night.

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Since the previous world, Chu Yunsheng had always had great confidence in his lover’s learning and comprehension abilities, as if it was something innate.

Moreover, aside from his natural talent, his lover was also extremely diligent and resilient, able to endure hardship and monotony. TsqP3C

When a genius was willing to devote one hundred percent of their passion and effort to something, success was only a matter of time.

Chu Yunsheng watched as Ye Qing progressed from initially struggling with basic mecha movements to, in the final week, enduring two full hours under his relentless attacks, causing level-three alarm damage to his own second-generation Black Hawk.

His growth could truly be called genius.

“Boom—!” nwWzJ1

Chu Yunsheng maneuvered the mechanical arm, executing a swift and ruthless chokehold, grabbing the mecha that attacked from the side and slamming it to the ground.

The special metal floor of the training ground instantly dented.

The two identical second-generation mechas stood in close proximity, their stances tense and confrontational.

Chu Yunsheng looked at the screen, where the defeated mecha’s metallic eyes flashed red twice. The cockpit door opened, and a sweat-drenched Ye Qing climbed out, removing his helmet and playfully making a provocative gesture at Chu Yunsheng. ZN4uSh

Chu Yunsheng jumped out of his cockpit, and as he removed his helmet, a few fine beads of sweat flicked from his jet-black hair, giving his sharp features an even more formidable and intense look.

“Does it hurt?”

Chu Yunsheng stepped onto the mecha, half-kneeling, and looked down at Ye Qing.

That last impact must have been quite jarring for Ye Qing inside the cockpit. 61tj3B

In recent days, they had gone through several boxes of medicinal wine and nutritional supplements at home.

Ye Qing panted lightly, shook his head, and placed his hand on Chu Yunsheng’s knee, smiling softly: “It doesn’t hurt… but I still want a kiss. Will you give me one, Chu-ge?”

The sunset cast a radiant glow, filling the sky with red hues.

The young man’s eyes seemed to hold endless twilight and the splendor of the setting sun, beautiful and focused. UFn08X

Chu Yunsheng felt a warmth in his chest, leaned down, and wrapped his arms around Ye Qing’s waist, lifting him out. He lowered his head and said, “Take it yourself.”

Before he finished speaking, Ye Qing had already leaned in for the kiss.

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Their lips and tongues intertwined deeply, tasting faintly of sweet iron rust.

Chu Yunsheng applied a bit more pressure, his palm sliding over Ye Qing’s sweat-dampened collarbone, then moving to the back of Ye Qing’s neck, pressing down until his breathing became rapid. The young man’s supple, slender body was pressed against the black metal of the mecha, like a black swan caught in a net, stretching out his neck and wings. h RNrZ

The intense kiss gradually synchronized with their heartbeats.

A few minutes later, Chu Yunsheng released Ye Qing and carried him towards the bedroom.

Ye Qing’s moist lips brushed against the side of Chu Yunsheng’s ear: “Teacher Chu, how many points would you give me?”

“Ninety-nine.” NufX3w

Chu Yunsheng said, “For being disrespectful to the teacher, I deduct one point.”

Being disrespectful to Teacher Chu was thrilling for a moment, and Ye Qing decided that continuous disrespect would be continuously thrilling.

Time flew by.

The day after tomorrow was the start of the military exercise competition. MfEN4J

The next day, Chu Yunsheng had no plans and took the time to relax and rest with Ye Qing.

On the day of the competition, Chu Yunsheng brought Ye Qing the mask and uniform prepared by the Federal Military Academy for anonymous participants. After Ye Qing was fully dressed, the two of them headed to the Federal Military Academy together.

The joint military exercises of the Federal academies were held once every three years, led by the Federal Military Academy, with over a hundred academies participating.

The joint military exercise competition wasn’t limited to the internal academies; it allowed all Federal citizens aged eighteen to twenty-five to participate. However, each competition was conducted in a team battle format, with each team consisting of three members, and the team leader must be a non-anonymous academy student, which imposed some restrictions on outsiders. HJYUi

Even so, many people regard this military exercise competition as the fairest talent selection event. Each competition was broadcast live across the entire Federation via the Federal Star Network, making it the best opportunity for instant fame.

In the original storyline, Su Wenshu gained his first bit of fame through this competition.

When Chu Yunsheng and Ye Qing arrived at the academy square, it was already packed with a sea of people, bustling with noise and excitement, with various uniforms and accents present.

The number plates had already started being distributed, and Wu Ke had collected theirs early. Their team was number 502. nA1btR

The mecha battles would begin in the afternoon.

This military exercise competition’s mecha battles were divided into two rounds.

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In the first round, all teams were deployed to Tuyang Star for a free-for-all battle. The fifty teams that capture one of the fifty small red flags on Tuyang Star would advance to the second round. The second round consisted of a draw for three-on-three battles.

“Hello there, Junior.” qZg03y

Wu Ke greeted Ye Qing, who was wearing a mask. There were many anonymous participants wearing masks at the event.

Although all anonymous participants would be revealed upon elimination or at the end of the competition, many still chose to remain anonymous for the time being.

Ye Qing nodded but did not speak.

“His name is Ye Zi,” Chu Yunsheng said. VbfFGa

Surrounded by students from the Federal Military Academy, there was a chance that Su Wenshu or someone who had seen Ye Qing before could be present, making it easy to recognize Ye Qing’s voice. Therefore, Chu Yunsheng instructed Ye Qing to avoid speaking as much as possible.

Wu Ke didn’t mind Ye Qing’s aloofness and nervously looked at Chu Yunsheng: “Junior Chu, there are too many teams registered this time. Look, I’ve made a list of strong opponents for you. These are the top talents from various academies. We should find out their numbers and avoid them during the free-for-all…”

“What’s Feng Huan’s number?”

Chu Yunsheng interrupted him. iOnMoP

Wu Ke was taken aback for a moment, then quickly answered, “I remember it’s number 112. Are you thinking of forming an alliance with him? The Feng family might give us some leeway…”

Chu Yunsheng replied calmly, “Make sure to bring a full set of mecha repair tools. Be cautious of number 112.”

At this point, Wu Ke still believed that Chu Yunsheng and Feng Huan had a good relationship, so he was puzzled by Chu Yunsheng’s warning.

But soon, all the students were assigned their mechas and transported by warship to Tuyang Star. After landing, Wu Ke, who was not very adept at controlling his mecha, looked up and saw team number 112 on the opposite hill. 7ZYOK

As Wu Ke glanced over, he was shocked to see that the blue mecha leading team number 112 had already raised its laser cannon aiming at Chu Yunsheng.

With a loud boom, the red laser fired instantly!

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  1. Ah, the og protagonist pair, ready to be delivered to the waste disposal like the trash they are…

    Although we haven’t seen the Feng guy yet, I guess he’s one of those typical alphas Ye Qing described, so I don’t understand why he would let Su something participate. And why would they not train the military alphas pheromone resistance but let omegas join? The ultimate plan for self destruction or what?

    Thank you for the update~!