A World AssimilationChapter 3

“What happened?” she asked at once, closing the door shut and covering the window pane for that extra layer of privacy. The fire hearth was burning bright, like an imitation of the evening sun, spreading warmth and a soft glow inside. The room didn’t need navigating, Shen Yu had visited enough to remember every detail, like the set of teapot and cup at the corner table, the heavy drawer set under the window pane, the showcase panel adorned with medals and certificates, the box of makeup their mother gifted their sister sat at the powder table.

Shen Yu took a seat at the far end of the couch and gave her a grateful nod. “I want you to provide me with an MWI team, one that can go under the clan’s radar, I don’t want anyone to know about it, not even mother.”  sKIdSM

Shen Meng appeared to be thinking as she listened to her brother, unlike the other children, he received his Ticket at the age of 21, which was a bit late, but she always knew he would receive one. He was meant to fly higher; his mentality was suitable for mission worlds, so she wasn’t surprised when he suddenly mentioned MWI. “This MWI team… why do you want one?” she didn’t want to poke around where she shouldn’t but this was her own brother, how can she not care? 

Shen Yu had hoped to get off scot-free, although it didn’t look like it now, so he geared up for a perfect explanation, “I want to know a bit more about the recent mission worlds and their transmigrators, it will help me select the upcoming mission which most favors me.” 

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“But hasn’t mom given you all the information you need? I heard she even detailed out which mission was the most suitable for you. And I have seen you watching the live broadcast on a regular basis, you don’t need to go through so much trouble.” Shen Meng didn’t believe it was that simple judging by how subtle Shen Yu was about it. He wished to hide something, and it was becoming more apparent the more he talked. 

“I just want to compare myself with the other transmigrators and wish to know more in depth, even if most of the mission is covered by the broadcast studio, you also know that we don’t see everything, some of the transmigrators hide their secrets and some are too good at hiding their actual strength.”  zFUOs5

“I know… but MWI teams are full of underground clans, the grey clans we shouldn’t get in contact with. They are dangerous, only giving face to the ruling clans.” 

“I want to try it, sister Meng.” 

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“But they don’t operate on hard cash, they often require you to exchange props and rewards. You don’t have them yet.” 

“I know what to do, and won’t you be happy if the meeting is unsuccessful?” 


Shen Meng secretly sighed; it seemed it was no use talking anymore, her brother was set. “Alright then, I will help you out this time, but you have to promise me you won’t dive too deep with them. I have worked with one and I know things aren’t pretty. You are so young; I am afraid they will take advantage of you.” 

Shen Yu wasn’t worried about that, because he was confident in his ability. “Just link me to a team, I will handle it well, I promise.” 

“Have a good rest then, I will bring news by tomorrow.” 

~  HWn8dp

Shen Yu had 6 siblings, two sisters and four brothers. He was the second youngest in family, with the youngest being Shen Yue, the oldest being Shen Meng, and the other brothers being older than himself. Shen Bo was the 4th brother, following Shen Laoyang who was the 3rd. Above them were two older brothers who were Shen Xi and Shen Hao, they were twins but weren’t identical. By a mere few minutes, Shen Xi was older, but Shen Hao was smarter and more mature, everyone often followed Shen Hao’s advice more often, even Shen Meng, who was the oldest sibling in house. 

Shen Yu had Shen Meng’s support, but that wouldn’t mean he was safe from Shen Hao. Although the siblings had harmony among themselves, it wasn’t the most happy sentimental bond. Simply put, they were divided, and Shen Hao could be considered their father’s miniature version. Shen Bo followed Shen Hao’s footsteps and became their father’s favorite.

No one was bad in particular, didn’t mean Shen Yu would see Shen Hao and Shen Bo optimistically. 

If Shen Yu was in trouble, they wouldn’t rat him out to their father, but they also kept a safe distance from him, and there was always a cold indifference in their eyes which Shen Yu hated the most. It was the same look he saw in the mirror when he woke up in the mornings, a reminder of the same mold which took up the majority of their clan. He would have much preferred to be a radiant face than a frosty iceberg, well, it wasn’t easy enacting the cheer.   wKaqYN

It could have been worse, Shen Yu thought, as he glanced at Shen Laoyang, who was busy sorting out the documents needed for Shen Yu’s social ID to pass. Shen Laoyang, was the only one in family who was extremely unemotional, the most quiet sort who could only be polite about his existence. He didn’t speak to them until necessary and didn’t share his secrets with anyone. It wasn’t a surprise that even father didn’t favor him, but what could be said, their father also didn’t favor Shen Xi and Shen Yue, he himself was a lost cause, it wasn’t news. 

“Sign here, spiritual sign, not your usual one.” Shen Laoyang always spoke in the most gentle of tones, but one could understand the alienation in his voice. 

It made Shen Yu very tired, whether it be talking to Shen Laoyang or using even the little bit of spiritual energy. He pressed the pen handle to gather some Qi from the air, sighing his name on the spiritual tablet that was just a green slip of jade piece.

It was a contract with the broadcasting agency called ‘ShenLong’. They were one of the oldest agencies out there, not part of Shen Clan, their Shen was different, a small green dragon god was their logo. Shen Yu wasn’t sure how his father had been able to contact them, what with their clan having fallen from the pedestal in recent decades after the war, but if Shen Laoyang was making him sign a contract, then this was a possible reality.  g27JQu

“They considered your golden ticket,” Shen Laoyang said absently, hurrying to pack away the papers and pen into a neat folder, “you should be careful in future, your reputation is linked with this contract.” 

Shen Yu waited for him to say more, when he just left without another word, Shen Yu didn’t bother anymore.  

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The brothers didn’t have as good a bond as the sisters, but Shen Yu in fact, didn’t have any ill will towards them, he even wanted to keep them safe if he could, it was his duty as a brother. Despite everything, they never actively harmed him, and sometimes, they were genuine with their advice, so Shen Yu never meant to take his anger out on them, that wouldn’t make any sense, the root of the problem was his father, and the rest of the clan. Except for a few cousins, the other relatives were no good, but now was not the time to think too deeply, because as soon as he signed the contract, his social account was activated.  

It was time to do the live session, he decided to opt for Indian Cultivation, Yoga. Not as tiring, not very interesting, just the right dosage to keep others entertained as he talked and interacted. He knew the drill, he had seen Shen Xi doing the same, and Shen Xi was quite popular.  AWITsN

Shen Yu picked out a new talisman from his drawer, which was covered in dots and dashes, a spell that could attach him to the main spiritual server, his new ID would be put to use. 

In their entire milky galaxy, there were two servers, one was the Mission World Broadcast Server, and the other was the Galactic Server. As the name suggested, the Mission World Broadcast Server, MWBS was used for broadcast of mission worlds, where viewers could see what was happening in whichever mission world the transmigrators went to. For example, if transmigrator A went to Mission world Z and Transmigrator B went to Mission world X, then those who wanted to see Transmigrator A, they would choose to watch the live session of Mission world Z. 10-meter distance around transmigrator A would be visible to everyone, all 360 degrees. It was like watching an interactive movie, where viewers can adjust the distance and angle of viewing.  

What’s more, these live sessions were undetected by the mission world residents, but it was always live, even when the transmigrator chose to sleep. Some felt it was too intruding, to watch a transmigrator who couldn’t even shit in peace, so a new rule had been implemented, which was, the transmigrators could choose to turn off their private live broadcast, but it can only be turned off for a set duration, which was 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours and 8 hours respectively. Each day, one could turn off the live for a total of 12 hours. Some also used it to hide their cultivation secrets, and some just used it to hide their private lifestyle.   

At the same time, the Galactic Server, GS, was a server that connected all the Milky Way Galaxy residents, it was used for local chit chats, news, feeds, data, etc. And Shen Yu had a private ID running in this server, namely, [babykitten777], which he used for receiving recent news and announcements. The new official ID that he just received was under the name, [ShenYu_ShenClan].   rx3oAB

People could make multiple IDs on GS, which was not possible in MWBS, there was only one ID on MWBS, that could be changed in name if necessary, yet the history of name change was visible to everyone. Reason why Shen Yu had thought a lot about it when he had selected a name for that server, his mother’s suggestion had been to use a name which was appropriate, she had been afraid that his father would scold Shen Yu, but surprisingly, his father hadn’t cared, maybe because he thought Shen Yu was already a lost cause. 

Shen Yu’s name in MWBS was, [GoldenTicketMaster], a hope that had now blossomed to reality. 


  • [A/N – Things will make more sense as the story progresses, please be patient. This entire novel is a mix of many concepts, but it is all inter connected.]

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  1. metro finally a novel of cultivation or slaps or similar that does not demonize every damn family member and only leaves one or two good and the rest as the worst of the worst, there is neutrality, I never believed see this, thank you really thank you, it has been a pleasant surprise.

    GRAMOThanks for write.

  2. I actually love the outlook he has on life and his relationship with his siblings is pretty much” as long as you don’t cause me any harm” but damn, anyone who can watch you suffer while just standing there is not worth it, especially if it’s family.