After the Tyrant Differentiated into an OmegaChapter 68

One week after the accident, the aftermath of the territorial war was mostly settled.

The atmosphere in the Solar Palace returned to one of peace and festivity. he Emperor continued to host court banquets one after another, as if the fall of a former member of the Imperial Council, a noble of some influence in the Empire, was merely a trivial matter to him. L9jvJo

The sounds of music filled the banquet hall, and magnificent skirts swirled on the dance floor from morning till night. Amidst the scent of perfume and the fluttering of hair, Nero accurately caught sight of Heidrich as he entered the hall.

The moment the man stepped into the banquet hall, he was immediately surrounded by unmarried nobles.

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However, whether he sensed the gaze of the young Emperor or not, the first second Heidrich entered the banquet hall, he silently raised his eyes to the main seat.

When Heidrich noticed Nero looking at him, he visibly paused. Dd1fqy

Nero raised his goblet, and their eyes met briefly over the rim of the cup. With imperceptible subtlety, Nero tilted his head slightly towards the direction of the royal chambers.

Then, he casually averted his gaze, continuing to enjoy the performances at the dance.

“Your Majesty.”

Perhaps because his gaze lingered too long on the same spot on the dance floor, at the end of a song, a noble youth dressed in splendid attire, under the covert instructions of his family elders, approached him.


The youth had black hair and fair skin, with a charming rosy hue on his cheeks.

Speaking softly, he said, “Allow me to present to you the most precious wine of the Damont family. This wine is made from the Empire’s rarest grape variety, ‘Tears of the Moon’, sweet on the palate with an endless aftertaste.”

Nero ran through the family name in his mind. The Damont family was a middle-tier noble family in the Capital, not among the high nobility.

So, he nodded slightly, allowing the youth to place the tray in front of him. FtDc6G

After all, in this banquet, as long as it wasn’t wine handed to him by the Wolf Knights, it would eventually be discreetly replaced with juice by the White Wolf Knight.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

As the noble youth approached, a strange sweet fragrance wafted from his collar, causing Nero to pause involuntarily.

But the next moment, the White Wolf Knight behind him moved swiftly. k6ocGI

“Please leave the banquet hall immediately, sir.”

Standing before Nero, the White Wolf Knight’s words were polite, but his tone and posture were uncompromising. His right hand even touched the holster on his leg in a clear warning.

“Your Majesty is approaching his differentiation phase. Perfume containing Omega pheromones has the potential to destabilize Your Majesty’s pheromones.”

The Wolf Knights were generally tall and clad in heavy armor, walking like mobile arsenals, imposing to any ordinary person who hadn’t seen the battlefield. SVp7zt

The noble youth paled with fright and quickly bowed before retreating.

The System, broadcasting live with the Hatred Points panel on, exclaimed, [Damn, the Hexagon just spiked! It went up a bit—ah, it’s back down again. Ah, forget it, let’s just roll with it. The show must go on.]

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Because he had given instructions to Heidrich, Nero had preemptively blocked the System that night, waiting for Heidrich to arrive in the study.

Behind the enormous mural in the bedchamber, the mechanism of a secret door opening could be heard. qA7m1Q

The black-haired commander arrived alone, wrapped in a dark, cold night-colored military cloak.

On the cloak with its raven black trim, there seemed to be a hint of chilly night dew. His expression as he looked at Nero remained indifferent.

In the comfortable temperature of the bedroom, his presence was like a bleak and icy wind.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Tbeg Zjpfras.” t8KSiU

Ktlr mijcvfralcf wffalcu kjr wjlcis obg Rfgb ab vlrmerr atf cfza qtjrf bo atflg qijcr klat Lflvglmt.

Ktf Lfxj Vajg Vsrafw, jibcu klat lar njra wlilajgs gfrfgnfr, tjv cbk yffc rflhfv.

Rfza, Rfgb cffvfv ab olcv j qgfafza ab vlrqjamt Lflvglmt ab atf Lfxj Vajg Vsrafw, ktfgf tf kbeiv frajyilrt tlr olgra vlgfma wlilajgs obgmf.

“If I were to decree Heka Star System as a fief for you, it would attract too much attention,” Nero voiced his concerns, “It would be better if Harrison Laud, or another member of a subordinate noble group, were to advocate for you on my behalf.” Vqd5lg

“Understood, Your Majesty.”

As always, Heidrich had already anticipated Nero’s plan and had everything arranged in advance, “The matter will be brought up by Duke Harrison during this week’s court session.”

Nero nodded in satisfaction.

Heidrich’s style of handling affairs, much like the battle plans he devised, was always precise and meticulous. z5cNwl

They discussed the military affairs of the Heka Star System for two hours. When it came to recruitment matters, Nero recalled something.

“Oh, I also brought back the gladiator from the Imperial Science Bureau. After evaluating his combat abilities, you can arrange for him to enter the new recruits’ camp. I want to see how far he can climb.”


Heidrich raised his blue eyes, and from his expression, he obviously hadn’t anticipated this instruction. jUc5q7

“Which gladiator, Your Majesty?” he asked slowly, “Is it the one whom you personally retrieved racing thousands of light-years away, amidst the heavy siege of the Star Pirates, and who attempted to put you in mortal danger?”

“…He was under the control of the Asimov Collar at the time.”

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Nero felt an overwhelming sense of resentment from the other’s summary. He paid it no mind and continued speaking:

“The collar has been removed now. His character is decent, and such a situation won’t happen again.” URMH3p

“Pardon my obtuseness, Your Majesty, but how do you judge this person to be trustworthy?” Heidrich stared straight at him, “I thought after the collar experiment was completed, this gladiator should have been handed over to the judiciary for trial.”

Nero tapped his finger lightly on the tabletop.

After pondering for a moment, Nero wondered whether it was the right time to tell Heidrich about the upcoming Zerg war and his Asaga’s bloodline. However, the uncertainty stemming from the System and the so-called ‘original novel’ made it difficult for him to decide. He couldn’t determine if revealing the details to his mission target would draw the attention of a higher-dimensional Main System.

After careful consideration, he opted to start with some facts. “I fought Asaga in the arena. His combat prowess was exceptional, rivaling even that of the Royal Family. Secondly, Asag—” idB7bd

The image of Asaga herding the young mice to safety in the middle of the arena flashed before his eyes. In hindsight, Nero realized that his perception of Asaga had shifted from that moment onward.

“He possesses a rare quality. Despite enduring inhuman suffering, he still retains a near-childlike purity of goodness,” Nero said, with a touch of self-deprecation. “Unfortunately, General, it seems neither of us has retained such a character trait.”

“If I am to establish a direct military force, I believe it’s crucial for soldiers to preserve their kindness in dire circumstances, alongside honing their combat skills. Because they are not Wolf Knights; their duty is not merely to defend the Emperor’s life but to become the staunch guardians of the Galactic Empire. Regardless of the situation, they must spare no effort in providing shelter for the defenseless civilians.”

Heidrich looked at him as he praised Asaga, a faint smile lingering in his eyes as he listened. There was no expression on the man’s face, but his jaw tightened slightly. NLy4Bd

However, he quickly lowered his head and said, “I obey Your Majesty’s will.”

As the clock ticked in the study, and the night deepened outside, Nero, amidst the conversation, inexplicably felt a slight tightness in his head, accompanied by black spots in his vision and mocking voices in his ears.

He was focused on the military affairs regarding Heka Star System for the moment, and he merely shook his head to dispel the discomfort, paying little attention.

But Heidrich noticed his complexion and glanced at the clock, then promptly excused himself. OojUvb

Before leaving, he remembered something and informed Nero at the door, “Your Majesty, there’s one inconsequential matter. Before departing for Heka Star System, I will propose a marriage alliance to the Harrison Family. Once your legion is fully assembled, I will apply to you again to hold the wedding ceremony in the Harrison family territory.”

He stated it was inconsequential, and indeed, he calmly stated the fact.

After finishing, he said, “Please take care of yourself, Your Majesty,” and bowed again before turning to leave.

“Stop,” Nero said. R73mnT

Heidrich halted in his steps.

He closed his eyes briefly, then turned back into the study.

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He didn’t meet Nero’s eyes.

He walked step by step towards the chair, and when he reached it, he silently knelt down on one knee, allowing the Emperor, the frail little sovereign, to look down on him. apbIt2

Nero’s tone was faint as he said, “Repeat it.”

Heidrich complied, “Once your legion—”

Nero interrupted, “The previous sentence.”

Heidrich hesitated, then said, “I respectfully inform Your Majesty that I will propose a marriage alliance to the Harrison Family.” Vki9qF

For a brief moment, the person in the chair said nothing.

White fingertips pressed against the chin, as if reevaluating his beloved General.

After a moment, the silver-haired Emperor said, “I fail to understand.”

Heidrich lowered his head, “I am willing to explain, Your Majesty.” wZKWvF

Nero’s voice grew incredulous, “Could it be that Harrison Laud told me the truth? Have you indeed developed an affection for the Grand Duke’s daughter and are rushing to marry her before achieving the things you wanted?”

Heidrich slowly raised his head, looking at the young Emperor. This scene was eerily reminiscent of when Heidrich secretly vented his emotions to the screen, with the young man’s snow-like lashes drooping innocently and naively.

But at this moment, the only thing that could touch the Emperor’s brows and eyes was the dim yellow light in the study, shrouded in mist like thoughts.

…Damn it. 8NjLGm

Even the light falling on Nero seemed to spark jealousy in him.

“Your Majesty,” the black-haired General’s voice was slightly hoarse, “I thought… I thought this was what you wished to happen.”

He wouldn’t forget the day when Duke Harrison mentioned the marriage, and Nero shot him a cold glance.

After working together for so long, he knew Nero had a nearly obsessive protective instinct towards the Galactic Empire. AiecyO

Anything that could sustain or advance the Empire, Nero would spare no effort to achieve, even if it meant sacrificing himself.

If this required his own sacrifice—

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The man’s gloved fingertips tightened.

As long as it was Nero’s will… exYc5q

He would do it.

“——What I wished to happen?”

Nero incredulously chuckled, his voice carrying a hint of anger. “Heidrich, don’t use me as a shield for your blind love! I won’t meddle in the affairs of my subjects, but you better consider if now is the right time.”

Only then did Nero realize. 1Uqr9x

Heidrich admired the Holy Son, didn’t he?

“Your Majesty, please calm down.”

Suppressing his slight panic, the man began to analyze the situation calmly.

“If a major war is about to break out, our immediate priority should be to crush the aristocratic factions and reclaim the entire Empire to allow for formal preparations. The Harrison Family commands the largest contingent of troops in the Empire and countless noble alliances. I believe… you would make a decision to accept Duke Harrison’s marriage proposal, as it could be the quickest way for me to gain control over their military power and territories…” oEA4x

Nero interrupted him. “Is that how you view me, Heidrich?”

The sudden questioning left Heidrich completely stunned.

He raised his head, the young Emperor still supporting his jaw with his knuckles, looking at him with a faint anger still lingering between his brows.

“You…” RYvPTf

Heidrich pondered the meaning of the anger while his voice hoarsely replied, “Your Majesty embodies all the ideals of a noble sovereign that the Empire’s subjects could imagine…”

Nero’s tone grew increasingly sharp. “So what they imagine is a weak monarch who sells out the honor and dignity of his subordinates in exchange for territorial gains from his enemies?”

Only now did Heidrich understand why Nero was upset.

“Your Majesty, please forgive me. I never meant to disrespect you in any way. As a commander of the Heidrich Family, it is our duty to use every opportunity to secure victory for the monarch.” 2TyxJj

He quickly lifted his head to explain to the displeased Emperor.

“Following the family tradition, the only honor I can achieve is to lead my Emperor to victory. Besides that, I have no other dignity and honor.”

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Nero’s displeasure slightly eased.

“I have indeed heard of the Heidrich Family’s methods of educating their descendants. It is this educational approach that has produced many distinguished generals who have served generations of Kaises emperors.” 5W9daJ

“As the Emperor of the Galactic Empire, I hold your family in great respect.”

As he spoke, Nero leaned forward from his seat, his intense red eyes locking onto the man’s gaze.

His exquisitely daunting face was so close to Heidrich’s that their noses almost touched, their breaths almost mingling.

Heidrich struggled with all his might to tear his gaze away from the moist and red lips of the other. 5ijw6L

“But I don’t need anyone to secure victory for me. Because ensuring the Empire’s undefeated status is the inherent duty of the Kaises Emperor.”

“And you, Heidrich, as a star among my personally recruited commanders, must understand that even before joining the Heidrich Family, you were already a part of the Galactic Empire.”

“At first, in order to bring you back to the Capital under the watchful eyes of the Imperial Council, I had to let you and Eva endure the criticisms of the nobles. And allowing you to flirt with Harrison’s daughter has been my limit.”

“For the decaying families that I am about to eradicate, I cannot allow you to form deep relationships with them through marriage. Otherwise, the people will never see you as a hero of the war who saved the Empire, but forever as a flatterer who pleased the Emperor with the deaths of his wife and father-in-law.” FptjVM

At this point, Nero inexplicably remembered the elderly Wolf Knight wearing the Asimov Collar, and a deep pain crossed his cold, stormy eyes.

“I won’t allow anyone, under any circumstances, to tarnish the honor of the Imperial warriors who fight alongside me, unless the day comes when your Emperor falls in battle. Understand?”

Heidrich quietly looked up at him.

His always calm and waveless light blue eyes seemed like the sea in the storm, unexpectedly stirred up a huge wave. OXv2yt

Heidrich gazed deeply at his sovereign, his voice hoarse. “In the name of our commitment to the Empire, Your Majesty, I don’t care how the people criticize me.”

“I do care,” Nero said, in his usual unyielding manner. “The discussion ends here.”

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