After the Tyrant Differentiated into an OmegaChapter 67


“…Y-Your Majesty! It seems he’s awake…! By the Holy Son, how is this possible… his regenerative ability is unbelievable…” ufCIX

Asaga slowly opened his eyes.

He first looked at the spotlight on the ceiling of the laboratory, trying to determine if he was dreaming.

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But this was no longer the lab, but a spacious infirmary with white walls. The room had a window, through which the golden sunset poured in.

He tried to recall the time. He remembered lying on the experiment table at around nine in the evening. bGBPez

He barely managed to lift his hand to examine his palm and the back of his hand, trying to determine if he was hallucinating.

After repeatedly confirming that this was reality, he slowly turned his golden eyes to look at the person by the bed.

The first thing he saw was the emergency personnel in white coats. They had some bloodstains on them, holding surgical sutures, and their eyes behind their protective goggles were wide open.

Then, as if remembering something, they hurriedly stepped aside.


For a moment, Asaga thought the scorching heat blinding his eyes was the golden sun outside the window.

But soon, he clearly saw the person sitting by the window—

Just one glance almost made him suffocate.

The silver-haired Emperor had just returned from the Temple ceremony, still in his luxurious ceremonial attire. The young man’s slender fingers were intertwined on his knee, sitting in a plush red velvet chair. The ruby hanging quietly on his forehead sparkled as brilliantly as his beauty. 0LpCW5

He observed Asaga with a calm expression, not even anger, but rather a contemplative look.

After several minutes of dead silence, Asaga suddenly rolled out of bed.

But he couldn’t control his severely injured body and fell heavily beside the bed.

“…Be careful!” UmDoR8

“His wound just got stitched!”

Due to his history of attacking Nero, the White Wolf Knight sprang into action.

The White Wolf Knight swiftly lifted Nero, ready to move him at any moment; other Wolf Knights stepped forward, their power armor humming, metal arms grabbing Asaga’s shoulders and pressing him heavily to the ground.

“…ugh, the wound…” 8CVpXU

The emergency personnel weakly reminded from the back.

But the reaction of this beast of slaughter surprised everyone.

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Kneeling with his head pressed down, he didn’t struggle, just raised his trembling golden eyes, trying to reach his master with his gaze.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“…X-u-ugffalcur, Tbeg Zjpfras.” kbF6Wc

Ktf wjc rajwwfgfv. Ktja ofgbmlber, lcvloofgfca ojmf aegcfv rts jcv gfv fnfc ab atf fjgr lc ogbca bo Rfgb.

“Kb atf Veqgfwf Eeifg bo atf Xjijzs, ws… ws ibgv jcv uejgvljc, P qjs atf tlutfra gfrqfma… P… joafg yflcu rjnfv ys Tbeg Zjpfras, jaajmxfv Tbeg Zjpfras… qifjrf, qifjrf qeclrt wf…”

After speaking, he glanced nervously at the Wolf Knights, wanting to know if his words were accurate.

His accent had been deeply influenced by the Star Pirates, and compared to the silver-haired Emperor’s graceful demeanor, Asaga felt his pronunciation was extremely crude, polluting the Emperor’s ears. weNjB5

But having spoken, the man could only silently press his lips together, lowering his head in shame.

Nero blinked slightly. He didn’t expect Asaga to become so obedient after the collar was removed.

However, he quickly reassessed Asaga’s hatred level and nodded, signaling the White Wolf Knight to place him back on the chair.

“Since you can converse clearly,” Nero said, “I want to confirm something with you.” KQvO1E

Then he gestured, “Come here.”

The Wolf Knight holding Asaga, seeing the young master’s nod of permission, cautiously released his grip. But he still drew his plasma gun, aiming at Asaga’s knees and arms.

Asaga was already kneeling on the ground. Hearing the command, he carefully crawled forward on his knees.

Compared to Nero, his body was much larger. Even kneeling in front of the young Emperor, he looked enormous, almost eye level with the seated youth. R1bJgd

Trying to look up at Nero as much as possible, Asaga struggled to make himself smaller, but it seemed futile.

Fortunately, Nero didn’t seem to mind. Under the intensely watchful gaze of the White Wolf Knight, the silver-haired youth, dressed in splendid attire, leaned forward, producing a soft, metallic clinking sound.

“Look into my eyes and answer me. During the high-energy particle burst, did you intentionally choose not to escape?”

Asaga instinctively raised his head: “I—” lBdK14

He met those dazzling red eyes at close range, and his mind buzzed, unable to hear anything else.

His body was still riddled with wounds, every injury throbbing with pain. But being so close to his master, he felt no pain at all, even the faint cold rose scent became intense.

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Nero continued asking: “The collar has been removed, your freedom is within reach. Why give up the will to live at such a moment?”

The young Emperor waited for a while, realizing this big guy was just staring blankly at him, unsure if he had heard the question. His patience was already limited, so he coldly snorted, using his gloved hand to grip Asaga’s chin, forcibly pulling the man’s face closer. IOxhit

“Did you hear my question? Hmm?” Nero said, looking down with red eyes, even his lip line was arrogant, “I don’t like being brushed off with silence. As your new master, I should know everything about you, shouldn’t I?”

Nero’s term ‘new master’ suddenly enlightened Asaga. His chin was gripped, forcing him to lean forward, his heaving chest muscles almost touching the young Emperor’s knees. His bright golden eyes widened, holding his breath, afraid his breath would touch that extremely delicate face, offending Nero.

He had no idea where to put his hands.

In the end, he could only, like a schoolboy, hide his large hands behind his back. V2C Lu

Asaga’s golden eyes trembled: “M-master… I wasn’t brushing you off.”

Nero narrowed his eyes: “In the Galactic Empire’s domain, you call me Your Majesty.”

Asaga immediately corrected himself: “Your Majesty…”

Nero: “I need to know what drove you to make such a dangerous choice. This is important, it will determine how I assess your military capability and whether I can fully utilize you.” YszcV8

The term ‘military capability’ was a bit too complex for Asaga. He didn’t understand, so he silently lowered his golden eyes, sneaking a look at his hands resting on his knees.

Fortunately, they no longer looked bloodstained and terrifying, just quietly lying there, appearing completely subdued by the other’s aura.

He actually knew what Nero wanted to hear. But the man’s fingertips trembled, feeling deep retreat and fear.

He had been a vicious dog raised by Star Pirates. Despite having killed heinous criminals among them, more often than not, his fangs were stained with the blood of the innocent. This was an unchangeable fact, no matter how much he hated it. JzIb h

On the night he was pinned down by Nero in the arena, with the mechanical claw pressing his chest, he had already lowered his head and wanted to submit.

But having recognized the only master he was willing to follow in this life, he couldn’t expect the other to accept a vicious dog like him.

Nero Augustus Kaises, his noble, powerful, and untainted conqueror, wielded his blade only against the greatest evils of mankind, leaving the backs of the protected untouched. In stark contrast, creatures like him, acting as a villain’s henchmen, were worlds apart.

He didn’t know if Nero brought him back purely because of his unusual blood or his unique physique that could endure experiments. But even if he was just a mobile blood bank or experimental subject, he felt both sweetness and fear, afraid of seeing a trace of shock and disgust in those red eyes. PfazsW

If he had to face Nero’s hatred, he would rather be kicked back into that filthy, cramped cage.

But this time, he wouldn’t let anyone else replace Nero, never let anyone else make him bow down again…

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Asaga thought a lot but still answered in a low voice: “My previous ‘master’ conducted tests, wanting to know the limits of my regeneration… He… he tried many things, but I still survived. So I thought, even if the lab had an accident, I should be able to—”

“You’re not lying, but it’s not the whole truth.” ypoUWF

The Emperor said expressionlessly, finding his awkward demeanor somewhat amusing, “When you fought me in the arena, you weren’t this silly.”

“…I am guilty.”

Mentioning that involuntary battle made the man tremble with regret, “Please punish me…”

“Tell me why.” CfWLZP

Nero looked at him coldly, eyes piercing into his soul, “What is the root of your self-destructive choice? I will not entrust my soldiers to someone who intentionally conceals their inner troubles.”

“Your Majesty, I did not try to kill myself for any reason—”


The hand gripping his chin tightened. JswdXr


He tilted his head back, about to drown in those red eyes.

As long as Nero looked at him, he seemed unable to look away, wanting to give everything he had, emptying himself and offering it up.

“—Your Majesty, I,” his voice choked, body trembling with pain, “I don’t deserve to continue living. My body has committed countless atrocities, collaborating with Star Pirates to slaughter your people, harming your loyal warriors. My sins are unforgivable and irreparable. Yet I received your salvation… I… I don’t deserve this, because those I killed will never return…” klYH7d

For a moment, Nero didn’t respond, just quietly watched him. This made Asaga fearfully avert his gaze. For him, this was a moment of unbearable torment; he would rather the Wolf Knights shoot him in the head than see a trace of hatred in Nero’s eyes.

Even if this hatred was what he deserved.

“I will say this only once. So no matter what, no matter the circumstances, no matter what anyone says to you, you better remember what I say today.”

Nero finally spoke. kcCyVt

“From the moment I won you back in the arena, your so-called sinful soul and body belong entirely to me. Whether you have the right to live or not is for me to decide; only I can judge the extent of your wrongdoing.

“From now on, your glory and future can only be bestowed by the Emperor; your past and sins will be borne by the Emperor alone.

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“I crossed dozens of star systems to track down your fleet, battled for a day and night to snatch you back to the Capital. After expending such immense effort, if you dare to destroy the Emperor’s personal property again—I guarantee, I will use the most ruthless means to make you regret it.”

Asaga’s golden eyes gradually widened. i2GDt9

Despite the man’s towering stature, fierce muscles, wild curls, and tattoos, his gaze upon Nero made everyone in the room inexplicably envision a wild dog, scarred and dirty, accustomed to constant battles outdoors.

Once summoned by his master, he trembled uncontrollably. Yet, he only dared to stand outside the luxurious and warm threshold, cautiously lifting his front paws, refusing to set them on the clean doormat no matter what.

“You, you, I,” Asaga spoke with a dreamy yet apprehensive expression, overwhelmed by the impact to the point of not knowing which question to ask first. Finally, he chose one of utmost importance, “Did you appear in that arena that day just… for me?”

Nero snorted, released his hand, and leaned back. Although his initial intention was for Asaga to serve as a moving blood bank, his thoughts gradually changed, wanting to further explore this fellow’s potential. jyQMdx

However, it was true that he went there specifically for Asaga that day; there was no need to conceal that.

“And if not?” he arrogantly raised his chin.

“Isn’t it fitting for the supreme Emperor of the Galactic Empire to come and command you?”

Outside the window, the last remnants of twilight were disappearing, with the horizon ablaze with a canopy of fiery clouds. jNUcsf

The silver-haired Emperor sat beneath the fiery sky, his red eyes permeated by the brilliance, yet unable to hide the inherent pride and vigor.

At that moment, he felt as if he were once again standing beneath the fiery sky of the Sante Planet. A young child lay in the garbage alley, the first time he faced the harsh reality and extinguished all illusions.

He knew that as a monster, no one would ever come looking for him again. From now on, the meaning of life to him was only a gray endpoint and liberation.

And as the despairing child in his memory looked up to the sky once again. BW9qud

— A massive sun crossed the cold night, carrying fierce light and fire, crashing down towards him.


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