After the Tyrant Differentiated into an OmegaChapter 110

Nero stepped onto the lofty steps of the Temple, wearing a silver power armor, and directly entered the sacred pool.

Although the primary purpose of hosting the Temple Festival this time was to secure the right to station troops in Delphi and to prevent the nobles from targeting the Holy Son, the secondary objective was to lure Scorpion Tail out of hiding. In addition to these goals, there was a third objective driven by his personal intentions. Ayvd70

However, since he had to perform the Temple prayer ritual anyway, Nero naturally didn’t intend to waste the Holy Son’s abilities.

Currently, all deployments in the Temple were decided by him. Apart from the Wolf Knights responsible for guarding, there were also many Heka Star System’s soldiers with depleted mental power placed in the sanctuary.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The silver-haired Emperor strode into the sacred pool, his royal robe floating on the water’s surface, his silver-white armor wet with water, shining brilliantly in the pool.

With a splash, the White Wolf Knight followed him into the pool, his eyes always fixed on Nero’s figure, keeping the young master within half a step of him at all times. sTDLzt

By the time Nero reached the middle of the sacred pool, the Holy Son had already stepped onto the sanctuary from the central cave of the altar.

He was still wearing a white robe, surrounded by red-robed attendants, standing quietly on the altar.

The electronic mechanical eyes responsible for recording were still circulating, but since he had stationed troops in the Temple, Nero decided to take control of the Temple’s publicity affairs as well.

At this moment, the real-time recording of the Temple ceremony was being transmitted from Delphi to the Capital through the highest level of confidential channels.


This channel was usually used to convey high-level military orders, and only the Information Security Department, a few senior generals, and legion commanders had the right to access it.

Since there was no ongoing warfare in Delphi and the Capital, the only ones remaining in the channel were the Wolf Knights on duty in the Information Security Department.

However, the Wolf Knights on duty suddenly discovered that two surveillance signals had surreptitiously mixed into the channel at some point.

One came from the Delphi Star System, using the authority of the leader of the Imperial Scepter; the other was from the Capital, using the authority of the Supreme Commander of the Capital’s defense. kdTUiB

The Wolf Knights silently exchanged glances.

…During the times of rebellion, why were these two individuals so idle?

In the real-time footage, the silver-haired Emperor was picking up his wet royal robe step by step, ascending the stone steps of the sanctuary.

As the distance closed, Nero gradually saw the expression on the Holy Son’s face when he looked at him. qf1TU

Based on his previous interactions and understanding of the Holy Son, Nero somehow discerned a sullen mood behind the Holy Son’s expressionless face.

Nero’s gaze shifted downward, catching a glimpse of the Holy Son’s fist lightly clenched under his robe sleeve. Between his fingers, a familiar candy wrapper peeked out.

…Sure enough, it was because he had lost the Holy Son’s candy wrapper last time.

Nero’s eye twitched. 3kPNWV

At this moment, while he was ascending the steps, countless elite troops were patrolling the Delphi Star System, guarding against an imminent attack of the Scorpion Tail. Meanwhile, beyond the star system lay the remnants of the noble rebel army that had already been defeated once, alongside many other restless and ambitious nobles.

But what the Holy Son, who stood at the same level as the Emperor, cared about most at the moment was still a piece of candy wrapper.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

…Truly as described in the original, ignorant and naive.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He felt a bit impatient inwardly, but inexplicably, a scene of the Holy Son pitifully rummaging through the trash can flashed through his mind. dxsZif

The young Emperor’s eyes flashed, and he looked away from the Holy Son’s face. As he ascended the steps, he said, [System.]

The System was a bit distracted this time: [Hmm? What’s up?]

Rarely seeing the System so unenthusiastic, Nero said, [Is your beauty radar malfunctioning? Don’t you love looking at the Holy Son the most?]

The System answered somewhat perfunctorily, [Huh? Oh, the Holy Son. He looks beautiful, this system loves seeing him.] IbqpDW

After a while, it whispered into Nero’s ear, [Is Vermilion parked outside the Temple? Won’t it be targeted by those bad guys?]

Nero: [Open the brainwave chart.]

Ktlr kjr tlr atlgv qegqbrf obg mbwlcu ab atf Kfwqif.

Jbwqjgfv ab atf ijra Kfwqif Mfralnji, tlr ygjlckjnfr tjv yfmbwf fnfc wbgf mtjbalm, bmmjrlbcjiis rqlxlcu vjcufgberis jr lo tf kbeiv tjnf jc fqlrbvf ja jcs wbwfca. KcEqbF

Lf ibbxfv ja atf Lbis Vbc.

Ktf Lbis Vbc kjr ralii rajcvlcu bc atf jiajg, kjlalcu obg tlw. Yc tlr vlnlcfis yfjealoei ojmf, atf riluta vbkcaegc bo tlr ilqr jcv ojlca ogbkc mifjgis gfnfjifv tlr reixlcu wbbv.

When Nero reached the top of the stairs, just as he was about to begin reciting the prayers, the Holy Son turned around on his own and began to sing a hymn loudly.

…Fortunately, this time there were only his own people in the Temple. eJOMKT

And the publicity affairs of the ceremony had long been handed over to the Capital in advance.

The water in the sacred pool rippled, surging more violently than before.

After the two-hour healing ceremony, the Holy Son slowly put his hands down and then turned around to walk back to Nero.

He didn’t speak, just stood there with his moon-like beautiful face, silently staring at Nero. NTLUCd

…Occasionally, he would glance at the White Wolf Knight following closely behind Nero, with an even greater arc of disdain at the corner of his lips.

If the Holy Son could speak the Imperial language, Nero could imagine what he would say — ‘Are you satisfied now?’

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Nero didn’t turn around, nor did he deliver a concluding remark.

He looked up at the Holy Son, his face expressionless, and asked, “So, what now?” y FrXz

The Holy Son was taken aback.

He might not have understood the meaning, but he definitely caught the tone.

The white-haired Holy Son tilted his head slightly, causing a strand of his icy, silk-like hair to slip from his shoulder.

Nero gazed at him and at the brainwave chart, sighing silently. y3pIxd

Then, the silver-haired emperor slightly rose on his toes, reaching through the snow-white locks to hold the back of the Holy Son’s neck.

His grip was not strong, but his demeanor was unmistakably assertive.

Nero directly pulled the Holy Son’s head down, forcing him to kiss his own forehead.

The Holy Son was completely stunned, his golden eyes widening slightly: “…” EmzHBP

“…Your Highness?”

A hesitant voice came from behind, belonging to the White Wolf Knight.

Realizing he shouldn’t interrupt the ritual, the knight lowered his gaze.

Indeed. dv1fJl

Nero glanced at the now-stabilized brainwave chart.

During the last Temple ceremony, he hadn’t had the chance to confirm this.

As the only one with the ability to heal mental injuries in the Galactic Empire at present, the Holy Son’s kiss had more than just the effect of arousing awkward desire.

The Temple’s stone cave was far from the stone platform. rUWTdc

The warriors receiving treatment inside could see Nero’s outstretched hand, but the Holy Son’s long white hair cascading down towards the young Emperor obscured their view of his precise actions.

All they could confirm was that the Holy Son once again bestowed a kiss on His Majesty, and they all knelt down on one knee, pressing their hands against their hearts, praying softly:

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Graced by the Holy Son’s divine favor and the glory of Kaises Family, we swear eternal loyalty to our sovereign, guarding the frozen frontiers of the Galactic Empire. With our blood as the Empire’s shield, with our souls as the Empire’s light…”

The Wolf Knights responsible for handling the Temple’s broadcast, of course, saw Nero’s actions clearly. y2V6dl

Though they were momentarily puzzled, they trusted that any decision made by their master had its own rationale.

Perhaps the Holy Son had been dawdling too much during this critical pre-war period, pushing their young master to his limit.

However, if this act were to spread, it would surely spark rumors of disrespect towards the Empire’s Holy Son.

So the Wolf Knight swiftly edited out the footage of Nero reaching out, presenting to the entire Empire a broadcast of what appeared to be a solemn and sacred forehead kiss ceremony. hJXWbI

Nero released the Holy Son.

The next second, he heard an unprecedentedly dense stream of system notifications.

System: [Heidrich, Hatred Points fluctuations: 92/90, 88/90, 95/90, 84/90…]

Nero: [?] c3nXTe

System: [White Wolf Knight, Hatred Points fluctuations: 29/25, 21/25, 30/25, 19/25…]

Nero: [?]

System: [Wait, why is Asaga’s Hatred Points also… oh, they only went up to 52/80 before dropping again. Aww! Good ol’ Asaga. I was hoping he’d hit the mark all at once! Speaking of which, he came to Delphi for the first time with his bushy eyebrows and big eyes, and already knew to sneak a peek at the Holy Son, haha! Caught red-handed by me!]

The Hatred Points of several people continued to fluctuate rapidly. pu68EL

The System’s cyber lips were worn out from talking, but there was no sign of stopping. It couldn’t help but be alarmed:

[Damn it, what’s going on?! Do you remember when we discussed if we could make the mission target’s Hatred Points fluctuate, we might trigger a bug of repeatedly achieving the goal, earning a large number of reward points at once?

Nero: [Hmm.]

The System sighed: [I can’t believe there’s actually a host who can accurately trigger bugs! I thought it was just a legend! Let’s wait for this wave of Hatred Points fluctuations to end, and then I’ll calculate how many reward points we can actually get… Incredible, they’ve never stopped at all, what are they thinking… Is it just because the Teacher forced the Holy Son to kiss his forehead??? Can human possessiveness be this strong?] 4DdzbB

After confirming the effect of the forehead kiss ceremony, Nero, as usual, pointed to his forehead with his hand and quietly said the concluding words:

“May the Empire be blessed by the gods, enduring for generations to come.”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

With that, he left the still-dazed Holy Son and turned to descend the holy steps.

As they returned from the sacred pool to the corridor, the intense fluctuations in the Hatred Points of the three gradually stabilized. Nero frowned, pondering for a long time in front of the Hatred Points panel floating in front of him. ds Umq

Hatred Points represented the negative emotions triggered by him, and the simultaneous fluctuations of the three this time were probably related to him forcing the Holy Son to perform the forehead kiss ceremony.

Considering what the System had mentioned earlier, he fell silent.

The White Wolf Knight had been silent since they returned to the corridor. His eye lights were shining, sometimes looking at the ground, sometimes at Nero’s back.

Nero suddenly remembered that today, the White Wolf Knight hadn’t extinguished his eye lights in the Holy Son’s presence. CZRzh4

Yet, there were no signs of being ‘bewitched by the Holy Son’ as he had previously warned. The knight’s gaze had remained fixed on him, fulfilling his duty to protect his master.

Nero still didn’t feel the so-called ‘attraction’ from the Holy Son, which made him even more skeptical of the warning the White Wolf Knight had given him last time.

“Alexei,” Nero suddenly stopped in his tracks, turning around, “are you displeased about something? Are you jealous that I had the Holy Son perform the ceremony?”

“W-what?!!” Aw4sD7

The White Wolf Knight’s reaction was much bigger than Nero expected.

The knight almost jumped out of his skin, nearly hitting his wolf head on the ceiling of the passage.

“N-no!! Your Highness! I never—I wouldn’t dare—this is a huge misunderstanding!! I can, I can swear by all the gods—I have no, I have no blasphemous thoughts!!”

He claimed he would swear to the gods, but after kneeling down, the White Wolf Knight seemed tongue-tied. For some reason, he couldn’t even utter half a word of the oath. Pn6FVz

The System understood the situation: [Oh. That must be it.]

Nero saw through everything: “Hmph. I understand.”

The White Wolf Knight: “Your Majesty—?!”

[T/N] Thank you all for the support in the comments! It warms my heart to see how much you enjoy ATDO and want to follow Nero’s story. Your encouragement means a lot to me! I may not reply often, but I’m sending a big virtual hug to all the readers who have made it this far. Hope you have a wonderful day! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ CfOKie

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  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Wahahaha, I scrolled down to tap on “Next” but I ended up tapping on nothing LOL

  2. Holy Son is so cute!!! He’s my favourite so far but not even one of the gongs! This is fine if they don’t want him I want him my baby awooooookooooo