After the Tyrant Differentiated into an OmegaChapter 106

The moment the Southern Coalition joined the fray, the battle dynamics shifted dramatically.

Nero fixed his gaze on the real-time star map sent from the frontlines. On the map, the Southern Coalition had divided into several groups, with the main force attacking the rebel headquarters head-on, while the flanks executed a light encirclement, completely severing the mutual support routes between the high nobles. aWhVRS

Each noble family had its own crest and spaceship designs, making the Southern Coalition appear somewhat flamboyant compared to the uniformed rebel forces of the high nobles.

However, Nero immediately noticed that despite the coalition being formed by over a dozen families, the fleet’s maneuvers were coordinated and orderly. Each fleet, operating as a unit for its respective family, carried out their assigned tasks while seamlessly coordinating with other families’ fleets, advancing as a cohesive force toward their final objective.

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Heidrich spoke up at this moment: “Your Majesty, they must have—”

Nero whispered, “…a supreme commander.” 4WUHxq

If the coalition were fighting independently, they could never achieve such a tight formation and order.

But as Nero racked his brain, he couldn’t recall any middle-level noble lord capable of commanding such a large coalition. He had conducted a nationwide talent recruitment program, mainly selecting talents from lesser nobles and commoners. During this process, all military academy records were thoroughly reviewed by him or the recruitment committee. It made no sense to have missed such a significant talent.

As the Southern Coalition advanced like an unstoppable force, crushing the rebel strongholds, Nero made a quick decision and ordered the commanders in the room:

“This is a perfect opportunity. Order the Imperial Scepter to strike again!”


The rebel forces, already reeling from the loss of over twenty commanders to Asaga, were caught off guard by the sudden assault of the similarly sized Southern Coalition. They had no time to organize their formation before the black-and-gold mecha units of the Imperial Scepter appeared, like vengeful spirits, charging straight at the rebel base with lethal intent.

The rebel fleet descended into chaos, scattering like fish fleeing from a giant shark, crashing into each other in a desperate attempt to avoid the path of the Imperial Scepter.

The commanders, following Heidrich’s directives, hurriedly mobilized their fleets, turning the Emperor’s study into a command center, fully engrossed in their operations.

Nero’s fingers tapped on the table as his thoughts wandered—he couldn’t believe that after meticulously searching for talents, there was still such a hidden gem among the middle-level nobles, and apparently, a significant one. d1Hbfm

If talents of this level did not appear among the high nobles, they would most likely be suppressed during the Rupert period, and gradually gain power after being discovered by Nero. Heidrich is a typical example.

But this person had eluded Nero’s attention and held considerable influence among the middle-level nobles. Unless this individual had intentionally remained in seclusion, Nero couldn’t think of any other reason.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Alexei, do you remember the one who cracked the Asimov Collar?”

Rfgb revvfcis aegcfv tlr tfjv, rboais lcdelglcu bo atf Qtlaf Qbio Bcluta. EkuQi9

“Glv atf Qbio Bclutar fnfg olcv tlw?”

Ktf Qtlaf Qbio Bcluta kjr ajxfc jyjmx, ecregf kts Rfgb kbeiv yglcu eq rbwfatlcu rffwlcuis ecgfijafv ja atlr wbwfca.

Dea rbbc, tf gfqilfv delfais, “Tbeg Zjpfras, atf Qbio Bclutar jcv atf Vmlfcmf Degfje tjnf mbcalcefv atflg rfjgmt, yea tf fgjrfv tlr agjmxr nfgs atbgbeutis. Qf tjnfc’a obecv tlw sfa.”

Nero’s red eyes narrowed, and he fell silent. kYs NO

He certainly remembered… Only someone with the Kaises DNA key could erase such data.

Heidrich, who was close to Nero, wasn’t involved in the collar cracking affair and naturally didn’t understand their conversation. He only noticed the rare complex and hesitant expression on the silver-haired Emperor’s face.

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The man cleared his throat heavily, drawing the young Emperor’s attention back to himself, then reported softly:

“Your Majesty, the Heka Star System’s Military Science Bureau has established contact with the Southern Coalition’s command. After this battle concludes, Your Majesty can investigate who incited the middle-level nobles to rise.” QISpZf

Nero returned to the present. “Indeed. The most important thing now is to end this farce as soon as possible.”

As the Capital Star System transitioned from dawn to day, with the red sun rising outside the study window, the high noble rebels completely disbanded and officially surrendered.

All their fleets displayed white light banners on their shields, and the rights to their fortresses and military bases were fully surrendered.

All members of the rebel families were escorted to the Capital by the Heka Star System’s fleet, with their territories taken over by the Star Provincial Committees sent from the Capital. f9D4QJ

However, as the troops on these territories anxiously awaited the Emperor’s judgment, fearing the worst, they received no immediate orders for their disposition.

Only a few high-ranking officers related to the noble families were taken to the Capital by the Heka Star System’s fleet.

In the following days, the new commanders from the Capital conducted a large-scale screening of the star systems’ troops, selecting a group of truly experienced and skilled soldiers. Some stayed in the military bases, while others were sent to nearby developing Anchor Points.

The disbanded soldiers received substantial pensions from the confiscated noble properties and then removed their uniforms to return to their homes, with employment arranged by the Emperor’s Star Provincial Committee. kIs OB

Initially, the common people of these star systems, accustomed to hearing tales of a tyrant from the high nobles, were terrified that Nero would be enraged and commit mass slaughter.

But they had no means to escape and could only huddle together in basements, praying desperately for divine protection.

Yet, they soon noticed that the Emperor’s troops had no intention of disturbing civilians. The Heka Star System’s fleet briefly stationed to maintain post-war order, prevent military riots, and ensure the smooth operation of the Star Provincial Committees. Occasionally, soldiers would even lend a hand when they saw civilians picking up spaceship debris to rebuild their war-torn slums.

Given the ongoing uncertainties in the Empire, the Heka Star System’s fleet didn’t stay long and quickly jumped back to the Capital via Anchor Points. eACxhs

“Your Majesty, Holy Emperor of the Galaxy, Father of the Empire, it is our utmost honor to fight alongside you. We firmly believe that the future of the Galactic Empire belongs not to the idle high nobles but to a wise and discerning ruler like yourself. We pledge all our strength to help you restore the glory of the Empire.”

On the screen, several young noble commanders from the Southern Coalition knelt on one knee, reverently saluting Nero.

Out of respect, even for a screen audience, Nero had donned his formal military uniform to met them on the throne.

“We have submitted the coalition’s composition and the list of commanders to the Wolf Knights. Your Majesty has countless heroic generals and the renowned Imperial Scepter under your command. We wish to transfer the supreme command of the coalition to Your Majesty, and let Your Majesty dispatch the army to deal the most severe blow to the rebellious nobles who are daring and reckless.” S0zqjY

Nero squinted slightly, exchanging a glance with Heidrich behind the screen. He first praised the coalition commanders for their bravery, then casually mentioned:

“Hand over? I noticed during this battle that the Southern Coalition operated with remarkable coordination, not like each family was independently led. You should have nominated the supreme commander of the coalition. Which one of you is it?”

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The coalition commanders looked troubled. They glanced at each other and finally pushed forward a family representative to report to Nero:

“Your Majesty, it is none of us. It is a traveler who loves to wander, but he said… he doesn’t want to reveal himself. I have no intention of deceiving Your Majesty or defying your wishes. During the rebel rule, this person saved my family and is deeply trusted by us… If Your Majesty truly wishes to see him, I will try to persuade him again…” aYTwkd

Nero interrupted, “If he does not wish to be seen, do not force him. I was just asking.”

He maintained his composure, though internally he felt a twinge of frustration.

It was similar to the collar cracking incident: someone came forward to help, but refused rewards and didn’t want to be found by Nero, leaving no clue about their motives.

Now, having just achieved a significant victory with the Southern Coalition, he couldn’t force them to bring this person forward and could only watch as the talent slipped away. qS4BpI

Nero: “You may rise.”

Given the urgency, Nero’s meeting with the coalition commanders doubled as a military conference with his senior officers. After the audience, he immediately opened the star map to hold a strategic meeting.

Securing support from the middle-level nobles was an unexpected boon for everyone involved.

Although Nero’s trust in the coalition was not as high as in the Heka Star System’s fleet, which led him to withhold certain sensitive information during the meeting, it did not prevent him from integrating the coalition into the overall strategy. ojIVMD

This was the first time the coalition commanders attended a meeting presided over by Nero.

They, being from the middle nobility, had some military experience but were far outshone by the Capital’s elite commanders, not to mention Heidrich’s presence.

They watched as the silver-haired Emperor, with his intimidating red-eyed gaze, commanded the meeting with lightning-fast strategic thinking and precise troop deployments, organizing the more senior and experienced imperial officers flawlessly.

The coalition commanders, unable to keep up, could only nod vigorously whenever the Emperor directed any part of the deployment toward them. 6bzQr9

Some of the younger coalition commanders found it hard to take their eyes off the Emperor’s dazzling and formidable presence.

It was not about desire; it was the awe people feel when confronted with something exceptionally powerful and beautiful, leading to a momentary brain freeze.

Nero’s gaze unintentionally swept over the screen and paused.

Heidrich looked up: “Your Majesty?” OyHk7d

Nero pulled his attention back. “…Nothing. Aside from strengthening the defenses in the aforementioned sectors, a critical point is to remain vigilant against the rebels seizing the Temple. After all, the Delphi Star System is not allowed to station troops…”

Just moments ago, Nero noticed a figure standing quietly just outside the screen’s view, watching him speak without stepping into the spotlight.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

From the reactions of the coalition commanders, they didn’t seem to view this person as an enemy, even tacitly accepting his presence.

But as soon as Nero became aware of him, the figure pulled up his hood and quietly left through the ship’s door. ouXiTG

Nero caught a glimpse of silver hair under the hood as he turned away.

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