After Transmigrating through Books, I Transmigrated BackCh46 - About romance

Mo Chenghong had his own plans, so he didn’t just focus on the domestic market.

Wanting to break into the international market, sometimes using stars was a good strategy, like Hollywood movies often favoring Chinese actors with martial arts skills. Even if not cast for the lead role, playing supporting roles could still be considered a form of advancement. sUl5YR

Pausing for a moment, Mo Chenghong explained the reason for seeking out Xu Qiao, “You did the endorsement for Hecate.”

After completing post-production, Hecate sent the samples to the studio for a look.

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After confirming that there were no issues with the content, Hecate immediately released the commercial, officially announcing Xu Qiao as the spokesperson for their “Desire” fragrance and shower gel product line.

Previously, Hecate exclusively concentrated on beauty products. However, upon venturing into fragrances, the reception was underwhelming, with several perfumes receiving only lukewarm responses. DIfMSw

Nonetheless, being a prestigious brand, the relatively quiet reception of the fragrance line didn’t warrant Xu Qiao’s endorsement.

The endorsement for this shower gel product line was something Mo Chenghong managed to secure from several popular influencers.

Though it was just a commercial, Hecate displayed a lavish approach, getting a few prominent influencers to promote it. Fans engaged enthusiastically, and after accumulating data over time, it gradually climbed up the trending charts, carrying the keywords “Xu Qiao Hecate.”

Onlookers initially suspected the trend was artificially generated, but upon delving into the comments section, the passionate and genuine expressions didn’t seem like the work of automated bots. The warmth felt authentic.


Clicking on the video, the first thing that caught the eye was a pair of bare feet standing on rose petals. The feet were well-shaped, slender, with nails painted in a delicate shade of pink. The ankles were slender, tempting one to reach out and grasp them.

As the camera panned upward, gliding over the satin-like emerald fabric, every contour of the body was revealed, until it finally settled on his face.

Xu Qiao’s hair was slightly tousled, giving him a disheveled look. His eyebrows were barely visible, and his facial expression was subdued, devoid of any ostentation. He appeared serene and unworldly, like a woodland sprite.

Hecate’s target audience consisted of mature women with a certain level of disposable income. Their content always flirted with high-class eroticism. While nothing explicit was shown, there was an undeniable air of sensuality. LMhdGS

Xu Qiao walked through a forest filled with roses and thorns, surrounded by the ethereal chanting of imaginary witches.

As if lured by the enchanting voices, he reached out with a bewildered expression, grasping the thorn-strewn bushes beyond the vibrant roses. Like the Sleeping Beauty pricked by the spindle, his fingertips pierced, intertwining blood and rose petals.

In the next moment, Xu Qiao collapsed on the ground, his eyes reflecting the roses around him, transitioning from vibrant blooms to withered petals, before slowly closing.

Ghostly figures of priestesses flickered amidst the woods, while tendrils of thorns twisted around his body like distorted hands. Z5QnGP

This scene easily evoked associations with certain fetishistic imagery involving keywords like “binding” and “coercion.”

In the post-production effects, Xu Qiao was led by thorns to a decaying rose pool. As if under a spell, he closed his eyes, loosened his belt, and walked naked into the pool surrounded by wilted roses.

Ancient Florentine chants echoed slowly.

With a tone of sacred asceticism steeped in ancient times, coupled with almost decadent visuals, it perfectly interpreted the word “desire.” wOB5cT

The camera finally froze on Xu Qiao’s slightly furrowed brow.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Mo Chenghong had seen the sample earlier and had little reaction upon watching it again, but Kang Wei, after viewing it, was visibly shocked.

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“Qbk, We Hljb, sbe’gf rbwfatlcu firf. Gb sbe gfjilhf ktja sbe’gf vblcu? Pa’r qgjmalmjiis mglwlcji, frqfmljiis lc ilafgjgs mlgmifr.”

Zb Jtfcutbcu ogbkcfv, kjgclcu Bjcu Qfl, “Qjamt sbeg kbgvr, vbc’a mbggeqa atf xlvr.” RoDaqt

Lfjglcu Zb Jtfcutbcu’r mbwwfca jybea “xlvr,” We Hljb gjlrfv jc fsfygbk, gfogjlclcu ogbw rjslcu jcsatlcu atja wluta eqrfa tlw.

Kang Wei shrugged, his gaze shifting to Xu Qiao’s back, rubbing his chin, thinking he could use some more practice on his buttocks.

A bit more lifted, perfect.

Mo Chenghong clicked on the comments section for the two to appreciate. u3NK87

「Oh my god, I want to bleep this man!」

「Oh my god, my blood sugar just plummeted!!」

「Damn, that fragile expression, I just want to hold him tight and ravage him. Oh my god, it’s like all my hidden violent desires have been stirred up. It’s just shower gel, why can’t I buy it?!」

「That recitation gave me goosebumps, a feeling of intertwined sacredness and decadent desire. Waaahhh.」 GHoKms

「That waist, those legs!! Ahh, why didn’t you strip completely for the shoot? The tantalizing glimpses are too much!」

「Ahh, brother, your flawless pale skin is truly envy-inducing.」

「I really want to run my hands up those legs, the elasticity must be amazing!」

As it progressed, the comments section erupted in unison. mSZyvd

「Brother’s face isn’t just a face, it’s a rare pure spring in this world.」

「Brother’s waist isn’t just a waist, it’s a song of bliss in the Western Paradise.」

「Brother’s hands aren’t just hands, they’re the willows by the An River.」

「Brother’s legs aren’t just legs, they’re the tastiest pork intestines.」 kKd2c7


Something strange had crept in.

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Mo Chenghong read with a click of his tongue. These fangirls, why were they suddenly turning poetic?

Xu Siyi saw this commercial while backstage at a movie promotional event. Snp3yF

His previous film was about to be released, and he had been traveling nationwide for promotional events with the crew. In the movie, he played a playboy who later transformed into a patriotic warrior.

Seeing Xu Qiao lying in the rose pool, looking weak and lost, he couldn’t help but recall the day on the island when he had nestled into his arms, looking helpless and panicked.

But it was someone else. Someone named He Xingzhang.

Xu Siyi closed the video and rubbed his temples. CYt dr

The name “He Xingzhang” mumbled by Xu Qiao kept swirling in his mind.

He hadn’t been sleeping well these days, plagued by vivid dreams.

The dreams were chaotic and bizarre, filled with strange sights. Vaguely, there seemed to be flashes of swords and a red figure moving like a ghost.

Whenever he tried to focus on the figure, new complex and twisted dreams would engulf him. LXm1z9

Xu Siyi thought, perhaps it was the influence of the movie he was starring in.

Otherwise, why would he be having such strange dreams?

This trending topic fluctuated within the top ten positions throughout the day, lingering there for the entire day. Hecate quickly responded, and the sales of their product line soared that day.

Merely having popularity wasn’t enough. What the brand most preferred in a spokesperson was someone who could drive sales. wN7fEQ

They were very pleased with the results brought in by Xu Qiao, so they quickly sent over half a truckload of shower gel to the studio.

Mo Chenghong looked at the half truckload of shower gel with a hint of worry. He tapped his forehead, contemplating when to send some giveaways to Xu Qiao’s fans as souvenirs.

Xu Qiao’s first endorsement after signing with the studio was a success. Mo Chenghong thought he might as well take advantage of his current popularity to search for good scripts and roles.

However, good scripts were hard to come by, and Mo Chenghong’s vision for Xu Qiao wasn’t solely reliant on popularity. But so far, he hadn’t found anything suitable. D7dQdP

Despite Xu Qiao’s modest achievements in film and television, the awkward part was that the roles he was offered weren’t appealing to Mo Chenghong, and the good roles didn’t seem to come his way.

After much deliberation, Mo Chenghong decided to postpone this matter and focus on waiting for Xu Qiao to finish filming Water Ghost before making any decisions.

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“Riding the wave of popularity might bring quick success, but it’s also short-lived. Chatting About is ultimately just a minor web drama. You’ve managed to turn things around with your Jin’er portrayal, but you’ll need good projects to sustain your current popularity.”

He was worried that Xu Qiao might lack patience, as impatience was a common trait among young people. Mu S3d

But Xu Qiao was much more composed than he had imagined, and he didn’t voice any objections.

Mo Chenghong patted his shoulder. “Prepare well for the role Hu Zhenghua gave you and build a good relationship with him. We might even continue collaborating on future movies.”

Every circle has its own hierarchy, known as the hierarchy of disdain. In the entertainment industry, those who make movies look down on those who make TV dramas, those who make TV dramas look down on those who host variety shows, and those who host variety shows look down on influencers.

Xu Qiao had decent popularity now, but when it came to his works, he only had a supporting role in Chatting About. vqu7Si

Truth be told, it wasn’t exactly something to brag about.

If he could build a good relationship with Hu Zhenghua while filming on the Hundred Ghosts set, it could open up another path for him to enter the big screen in the future.

Hu Zhenghua had won numerous awards and was a director with multiple billion-dollar box office hits under his belt. If he took a liking to Xu Qiao and offered him a role in a good script, then that would be something to boast about.

With good works to his name, he would have more confidence in his future endeavors. gTMOfx

Mo Chenghong admitted to himself that he might lack some ability to judge, especially when it came to assessing people’s talents.

Xu Siyi was a perfect example. As for Xu Qiao, the main reason Mo Chenghong signed him initially was because he watched a clip of Chatting About and felt he had a natural flair for acting.

Coupled with his distinctively recognizable face, there was no reason not to sign him.

Now, the reality proved that signing Xu Qiao was the right decision. Besides acting, Xu Qiao also brought him more surprises. DTScz7

Before leaving, Mo Chenghong reminded him, “Spring is coming soon. In a while, there will be an awards ceremony for internet dramas and web movies. A friend told me that Chatting About is nominated. Keep an eye out to see if you’re nominated.”

Xu Qiao nodded in acknowledgment. After finishing up, Mo Chenghong called Li Feifei to drive him home.

With the shoot approaching, Xu Qiao spent his free time at home studying scripts and memorizing lines.

On this particular day, as he was going through the script of Water Ghost, he received a call from the police, providing the investigation results of the car accident. DT3ocF

The brake failure was due to a lack of maintenance in the braking system, which had not been cleaned for a long time, resulting in too many impurities in the master cylinder causing air blockage.

The conclusion was that there were no signs of tampering.

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After receiving the notification from the police, Xu Qiao glanced at his phone, leaned back on the sofa, and pondered for a moment. He then shared the results with Xu Siyi and asked about the progress of his investigation.

“We haven’t found anything yet. I’ve had people look into the staff from the production team, Li Chengxuan, who had conflicts with you before, and also the competitors fighting over resources. There doesn’t seem to be anything suspicious,” Xu Siyi said, his brow furrowing. OdoThi

The staff didn’t have any unusual connections, and Li Chengxuan and the others seemed normal.

But the fact that everything seemed normal made Xu Siyi even more uneasy.

Xu Qiao sank into the sofa, lowering his eyelids. “That’s a bit strange.”

Xu Siyi continued, “We still need to be careful. I’ll have someone keep an eye on the staff, and you should also be cautious. When you go out, have Chenghong or Feifei accompany you. Don’t be alone.” a v39C

Xu Qiao nodded, and the two fell into silence.

Xu Siyi seemed to want to say something, and Xu Qiao listened to his breathing, patiently waiting for what he had to say next.

After a while, Xu Siyi spoke slowly, “That’s it then. Take care of yourself.”

With that, he hung up the phone. 5YG3RV

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  1. Looks like it’s someone who has some power…. 🤔 if not Li Chengxuan then most likely it’s Guan Han…

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Dare to do car accident, of course the villain is prepared.

    Thank you for the update.

  3. Xu Siyi, in silence: to bring up the erotic shower gel commercial… or not to bring up the erotic shower gel commercial

  4. Xu Qiao doesn’t need to worry for his acting career cause he already has his artist one to pay the bill if this one doesn’t work out. I hope they catch the evil guys soon otherwise I’ll have to throw hands.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. Hmmm… Maybe another unknown bigshots? Hahahahaha some LN are leveling up when it comes to family backgrounds, so maybe his mother or father are missing child but he is the threat to that unknown big shot hahahahaha I hope not and just minor characters to face slap.