After Transmigrating through Books, I Transmigrated BackCh36 - Gray Area

Xu Qiao scrolled through Weibo and saw that an entertainment blogger had already posted updates.

Initially, names were concealed, and the article revolved around criticizing fans for blindly idolizing. As it progressed, accusations became extreme, specifically targeting Xu Qiao’s fans. Allegations included fundraising for the fanbase’s admin and misusing the younger brother’s medical funds for gifts. AE49zI

Idol-chasing easily stirred emotions and conflicts, becoming a highly discussed topic.

「Idol-chasing seems irrational… giving up on family?」

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

「Can these unscrupulous marketing accounts stop distorting facts? Oiled Paper Umbrella’s fundraising campaign happened before her younger brother got sick. When did they misappropriate treatment funds?」

「Speechless. Brainwashed fangirls.」 gH4pXj


Like Li Feifei mentioned, it was not just Xu Qiao’s fanbase behaving this way, but unfortunately, when things go wrong, it was his fans who get exposed.

Combined with the unique situation in Oiled Paper Umbrella’s family, this incident easily became a target for public criticism.

When Xu Qiao arrived at the studio, Mo Chenghong was busy coordinating with the public relations team.


Spotting him, Mo Chenghong held a phone in one hand, gesturing towards the meeting room with the other.

Upon entering, Xu Qiao noticed Xu Siyi was also present.

Having rushed back after finishing a night shoot, his face carried a hint of weariness. “You don’t need to worry too much about this. The studio will handle it.”

Xu Qiao took a sip of water and asked, “I haven’t paid much attention to the fanbase. What’s the usual management system at the studio?” Zbni12

Xu Siyi pondered for a moment before answering, “Did Chenghong tell you about my fanbase?”

Xu Qiao shook his head.

“More serious incidents have happened than yours.” Xu Siyi’s gaze was sharp, his aura a blend of ginger and honey, more spirited than usual. “A major fan, using their influence among fans, organized fundraising, and ended up embezzling funds for overseas purposes.”

In fan communities, there was also a chain of interests. Some economic companies straightforwardly introduce a points management system in fanbases, recording fan activities like voting, buying merchandises, etc., to classify fans into different levels. wlGDdA

In comparison to these economic companies, under the studio’s management, Xu Qiao’s fanbase was already considered quite strict.

Prominent fans could interact with economic companies, take the lead in fundraising, and even sell merchandise. The complexities of these interests were challenging to untangle within the fan community.

Due to a lack of regulatory channels, fundraising support activities remained in a gray area.

Xu Qiao glanced at Xu Siyi. He was a veritable influencer, with a large number of fans and a huge sum of fundraising support. FAqfk1

Xu Siyi: “The impact wasn’t great. Fortunately, we managed to address it in the end. However, your situation reminded me that it’s time to prioritize strengthening fanbase management. I’ll discuss this further with Chenghong.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Just as he spoke, Mo Chenghong finished his call and returned to the meeting room.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Lbk vlv la ub?” We Vlsl lcdelgfv.

Zb Jtfcutbcu, mjralcu j uijcmf ja We Hljb, qijmfv tlr qtbcf bc atf ajyif jcv ugewyifv, “Tbe’nf wjcjufv ab eqrfa delaf j ofk qfbqif. Ktfgf jgf fnfc lcafgcfa agbiir lcnbinfv. P tjnf cb lvfj ktb’r yftlcv ajgufalcu sbe.” 1ZntMX

We Hljb jcv We Vlsl aegcfv atflg jaafcalbc ab atf rmgffc, ktfgf j cfk ubrrlq jmmbeca tjv qbrafv bc Qflyb, jmmbwqjclfv ys jc jevlb milq.

“An interview recording with Oiled Paper Umbrella,” Mo Chenghong explained, pressing play.

“When did you start liking Xu Qiao?”

“Even before Chatting About became popular.” Oiled Paper Umbrella’s voice carried a hint of pride. zdlIkT

“You’re still in university. Is your allowance sufficient for your daily expenses?”


“We’ve recently learned that your younger brother was diagnosed with leukemia, and the treatment costs a lot. Why would you spend thirty to forty thousand on a celebrity?” The question was highly suggestive, making it sound as if Oiled Paper Umbrella knowingly idol-chased despite her brother’s illness.

In the meeting room, everyone expected Oiled Paper Umbrella to offer an explanation, but instead, the words that came out completely twisted the truth. MGTVPY

She remained silent for nearly twenty seconds before speaking, “At that time, there was a selection for the fanbase management. A few friends who I usually chat with about idol-chasing encouraged me, saying I could give it a try, so I just…”

“Xu Qiao previously mentioned on Weibo that he would return all gifts sent to the studio. Did you receive them?”

“No, I didn’t receive anything.”

Hearing this, Mo Chenghong sneered and turned off the audio. Yny942

The fanbase’s female administrators, upon hearing this audio segment, were furious and constantly mentioned Oiled Paper Umbrella in the group.

「Are you a fake fan, just pretending to support while secretly criticizing?」

「I received the gifts Xu Qiao returned.」

「I got them too. How come you didn’t?」 pT4oL

Oiled Paper Umbrella remained silent and quietly left the group.

Mo Chenghong briefed the studio staff, instructing them to refrain from making any announcements at this time to prevent the situation from escalating further.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After all, not everyone in the fanbase were true fans. There might be undercover critics from other fanbases. At this moment, with intense discussions in the group, it was easy for screenshots to circulate, potentially harming Xu Qiao.

Fans were upset but dared not speak out after reading the announcement. dD2UOS

Meanwhile, comments under the weibo from the influential blogger had exploded.

「Just a few days ago, he claimed on Weibo that he’d return all the fan gifts, but it turns out the poor girl never received anything. Was it all just a show?”

「Xu Qiao never forced her to send gifts in the first place. It’s her own actions, isn’t it?”

「Maybe this fan doesn’t have a clear conscience? Acting tough without money, then blaming my brother. My brother is truly pitiful.” FLTPNY

「Thanks to the person above for letting me know how toxic a fan circle is. If it weren’t for fans constantly comparing and administrators using their positions to encourage spending money, would this young girl act this way?」

The comment section was filled with negative remarks, including intentional provocations from undercover haters. Genuine fans’ rational explanations seemed to have disappeared somewhere.

“Excessive use of internet trolls,” Mo Chenghong scrolled through the comments, clicked his tongue twice, then looked at Xu Qiao. “The people you’ve upset not only hired trolls but also seemed to have bought off your little fan.”

Xu Siyi lowered his gaze and said calmly, “Isn’t it about lacking funds for treatment? At this time, spending some money to frame her wouldn’t be that difficult.” nxtUdR

Xu Qiao turned to Mo Chenghong. “Check the logistics tracking number.”

Mo Chenghong, meticulous and cautious, had all the returned gifts properly registered, preserving each tracking number diligently.

Upon investigation, it showed that they had been sent back long ago.

Xu Siyi’s gaze suddenly turned cold. The sharp lines of his lips curled into a smile. “Didn’t receive them? That’s not our concern. It’s a logistics issue.” pbAqMI

He leaned back in his chair. “No need to argue with her. Just post the tracking numbers on Weibo, then file a complaint against the logistics company, claiming the package was lost, and demand compensation.”

Mo Chenghong acknowledged and, following Xu Siyi’s instructions, filed a complaint with the logistics company.

Involving public figures and with the packages themselves being quite valuable, the logistics company took this complaint seriously.

However, after checking the order numbers and transfer information, all the way to the business outlet, it indicated that the packages were securely placed in the community delivery locker without any loss. 3FRMx0

Using parcel tracking, the logistics company retrieved surveillance footage from that time. The video showed a girl picking up the packages.

By recognizing the figure and clothing, it was confirmed that the person retrieving the packages was indeed Oiled Paper Umbrella herself.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The studio directly posted the logistics company’s findings on their official Weibo.

The onlookers began to feel puzzled. LUMnmP

「Look at this logistics information. Xu Qiao sent the things back the day after posting that Weibo.」

「This twist, I’m not sure whose side to take.」

「So, Oiled Paper Umbrella lied?」

「I’m skeptical. Isn’t this girl a fan? Could there be a misunderstanding?” WAQTco

An impatient girl in the fandom had long released chat records with Oiled Paper Umbrella.

In the chat records, contrary to what Oiled Paper Umbrella claimed, it wasn’t others urging her to vie for the administrator position. Instead, Oiled Paper Umbrella was enthusiastic, ignoring repeated advice to act within her means.

「This doesn’t align with Oiled Paper Umbrella’s claim that others hinted at her to spend. Clearly, she couldn’t restrain herself.」

「Xu Qiao is genuinely in a tough spot, being deceived by his own fans.」 UX2KkA

The fiery-tempered girls in the fandom let out a string of insults one after another.

The studio handled the matter promptly, preventing severe consequences. If clarification had come later, people might not have cared, and the impression on casual observers would have been hard to reverse.

Who would go through so much trouble to have a feud with him?

Xu Qiao couldn’t help but feel curious. HXEYqA

As if understanding what Xu Qiao was thinking, Mo Chenghong said, “Your popularity is growing rapidly, stirring up quite a few people. I managed to secure the endorsement for Hecate this time by snatching it from several other influencers. Moving forward, the male lead in ‘Hundred Ghosts’ is also a target for many. Add to that are those who have always had a bone to pick with you.”

Mo Chenghong pushed up his glasses.

After contemplating, Xu Qiao asked, “Can I employ some unconventional methods?”

Mo Chenghong was taken aback. What? What did he mean by unconventional methods? iYt6ov

So, Xu Siyi and Mo Chenghong watched as Xu Qiao, equipped with the studio’s high-performance computer, rapidly coded a segment with astonishing speed.

“We know Oiled Paper Umbrella’s social media accounts. By pushing advertisements and news to her account, we can implant this program into her computer and phone,” Xu Qiao explained while operating.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Then, we can remotely control her devices.”

On the computer screen, the program swiftly ran, quickly transitioning to a mobile interface, clearly depicting that of a young girl. 5szItQ

“Then, we can access the recent chat records and files.”

Mo Chenghong and Xu Siyi stared at the chat records appearing on the computer screen for a long, silent moment.

Displayed there was a record of someone spending a hundred thousand to make Oiled Paper Umbrella change her stance.

However, the other party was cautious, not revealing their name. ckWO1x

Surely, the person behind this wouldn’t directly intervene. They might have passed through several hands to contact Oiled Paper Umbrella. Xu Qiao retrieved Oiled Paper Umbrella’s transaction history, located personal information through the account, followed the leads, and gradually traced back to the source.

“Where did you learn this…?” Xu Siyi found it somewhat amusing.

“Just learned it casually.” Xu Qiao scrolled the mouse and closed the page.

Information obtained through such hacking methods couldn’t be considered evidence, merely an understanding of who was targeting him, keeping an eye out and having a sense of what’s going on. oC8xgG

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  1. Thanks for the chapter! My brain be like “what the heck is coding?”, me answering “a mysterious art of the machines era that makes things happen thanks to an alien language”.