Alpha TraumaChapter 65

The penis slowly slipped out with a soft curse. The partially withdrawn pillar swiftly pierced deeper inside in the blink of an eye. Overwhelmed by the fullness of the sensation, Wooyeon grabbed the bedsheet and let out a gasp.

“Ah…!” D4St9s

Wooyeon gasped as pheromones flooded out. His gaping hole clenched tightly. Dohyun forcefully pushed his hips back, driving his member deep inside once more. The penetrating penis stretched his insides significantly.

“Seon, ah… Ahh!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wooyeon shivered, burying his head into the pillow with a muffled cry. The rhythmic, chopping movements echoed clearly in his belly.

“Yeon-Ah, ease up a bit. It’s going to break.” wph0dC

Dohyun grumbled as he wiped his sweat-drenched forehead. While his waist continued its movements, his touch was tender. Holding Wooyeon’s ankle, he lifted his hips and leaned forward.


The thigh that he’d held with the other hand bore a faint mark. Closing and opening his eyes, Wooyeon reached out towards Dohyun. Tears streamed down his cheeks.

“Hold me, please…sniff…


Dohyun kissed his rounded collarbone and lowered his legs. Wooyeon clung to him, his hair caressing Dohyun’s cheek. Wooyeon clung tightly to Dohyun’s neck, sobbing softly.


Feeling good also meant feeling scared. He couldn’t calm down unless he felt Dohyun’s warmth. The unfamiliar pleasure was so frightening that he wanted to act out recklessly.

“It’s so strange, but…huh, huh…” rtNpbC

“It’s okay, it’s not strange.”


Wooyeon desperately leaned towards Dohyun, who had firmly attached himself to him. Dohyun held him so tightly that he couldn’t move. Helplessly, he sat Wooyeon on top of himself, cushioning his head against his chest.

“Ah…!” 8OTfyo

The penis slipped in smoothly. It was the deepest insertion yet due to the added weight.

“Too, too deep… huh…!”

Wooyeon struggled to adjust his position. With his stomach so full, he was worried that it might come out through his throat. He raised his butt, using the shoulders in front of him as support, but Dohyun held onto his hips and brought his body down firmly.

“Huh…huh…!” UNFKt

The thrusting penis pressed against his inner walls. The unfamiliar sensation overwhelmed him. His vision turned white, and pheromones surged tumultuously.

“Wait…huh, it’s…too…!”

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The words escaping his lips couldn’t form into any coherent sentence. With every movement, pleasure surged and overflowed. Holding Wooyeon up only with the strength of his arms, Dohyun roughly pierced the inside.

“…Ah…!” 9AF 0J

At the same time, Wooyeon clung to Dohyun’s shoulders, reaching climax. The semen burst out and splattered on Dohyun’s firm torso. As his bottom tightened and his inner walls writhed, Wooyeon felt overwhelmed.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Gbtsec fwygjmfv Qbbsfbc alutais jr lo tf kbeiv ygfjx.


Ojybgfv ygfjat wlzfv klat qtfgbwbcfr. Llr oeggbkfv ygbk jirb lcvlmjafv atja tf tjv gfjmtfv milwjz. 631APY

Mffilcu tlr ragfcuat vgjlclcu jkjs, Qbbsfbc mbiijqrfv lcab Gbtsec’r fwygjmf. Ktf oielvr atja Qbbsfbc tjv gfifjrfv kfgf jigfjvs wfrrlis wlcuifv yfakffc atfw.


Once on Dohyun’s pants, then on his shirt, and now on his upper body, Wooyeon had reached climax. Despite feeling embarrassed, he was too dizzy to think straight. In fact, strictly speaking, Dohyun was the one to blame.

“Are you okay?” QU6ANS

Dohyun kissed his cheeks and ears, warming him. His body, still sensitive, flinched every time their lips touched. Slowly wiping away the tears from his cheeks, Dohyun comforted him.

“What are we going to do if you keep crying?”

There was a hint of laughter in his affectionate voice. The tears that kept flowing seemed closer to ecstasy than sorrow. Wooyeon rested his forehead on Dohyun’s shoulder, feeling unjustly treated.

“…You said you wouldn’t put it all in…” CIdowz

Tears dripped from his long eyelashes. Despite admitting he couldn’t take it all, his stomach still churned. It was more familiar than earlier, but the hefty volume remained a fact.


Dohyun nestled Wooyeon’s back with a tender touch as he laid him down on the bed. He then reached down to delicately explore the connection point. The slightly narrowed forehead suggested a hint of unease.

“I didn’t put it all in.” 3x5vtX


Wooyeon blinked with a surprised expression. Taking in that expression, Dohyun chuckled softly. “It doesn’t hurt, right?” He asked and slowly pulled his hips backward.

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“That wasn’t all… Uh…”

The penis slowly began to withdraw. While the inner region was still partially filled, it gradually emptied. Wooyeon, involuntarily clenching his legs, covered his lower abdomen with his palm. The tightened hole felt like it was holding onto Dohyun. QqcPCZ

“You said it was hard… but it seems like you’re disappointed now.”

The limp penis lifted its head near the navel. It looked so flaccid that it was hard to believe it had just ejaculated.

Wooyeon, seeing him take off the condom, asked a beat too late, “When did you put that on?”

“…” xOMC4B

Dohyun blinked with a lost expression. A bewildered light filled his eyes. With a slight smile, he squinted his left eye.

“A moment ago.”

It was a brief answer. Wooyeon fell silent. It wasn’t for any particular reason; he simply hadn’t thought about it, which embarrassed him.

“But, why are there condoms at your place…” wZIyNU


Dohyun, still out of breath, reached out beside the bed. Wooyeon’s eyes widened, forgetting what he was about to say. In his hand were individually wrapped condoms.

“Just so you know, this time, we’ll take our time.”

Dohyun tore open another condom. His slowly blinking eyes still showed traces of heat. The lingering scent of pheromones also indicated his excitement. Vn LxE

“…we’re doing it again?”

“Is that okay?”

Dohyun spread Wooyeon’s legs and settled between them. His large hand slid down the smooth thighs, caressing the soft penis leisurely.

“Were you planning to stop after one time?” VyFQMT

“Not really, ugh…”

Wooyeon groaned hesitantly, tilting his head. He had already ejaculated three times, but the sensation of Dohyun’s touch was too tantalizing to protest. Though his erection had subsided, he still felt sensitive.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Ah, Seonsaeng-nim…please…stop…”

As his body started to heat up again, which had just cooled down, Dohyun leaned over Wooyeon and gently kissed him. Instead of using his tongue, he sucked on Wooyeon’s lower lip, then pulled back slightly and said, wigCbe

“Call me ‘Hyung’ instead of ‘Seonsaeng-nim’.”

The thick penis teasingly slid between his buttocks. The slippery pre-cum increased his sensitivity, causing the sensations to heighten. Aimlessly grazing around the entrance, Dohyun suddenly thrust the glans into the trembling hole.


With a swift motion, the penis penetrated deeply. Perhaps because they had already engaged in the act once, the insertion felt smoother than before. Instinctively, Wooyeon nuzzled Dohyun’s neck, murmuring. JBn9LX


“Calling me ‘Seaonsaeng-nim’ again?”

Dohyun chuckled softly as he gently pushed Wooyeon away. He then pinned both of Wooyeon’s wrists with one hand, holding them above his head. Wooyeon shook his head desperately, wrapping his legs around Dohyun’s waist.

“No… I don’t want this…” h53N90

“You don’t?”

“Let go, please…”

Despite wanting to snuggle up to him like before, Wooyeon couldn’t. Even as he pulled Dohyun closer, crossing his ankles, Dohyun only increased the pace, not offering any embrace.

“Ah, wait…!” rvcfLy

The intense sensation of thrusting inside was overwhelming. While one hand pressed down on Wooyeon’s wrists, the other firmly stroked his chest, flicking the rigid tip with his fingertips.

“Both here and below.”

“Ah, ah, there…!”

“Feeling this good…” NYp3A0

Wooyeon clenched and unclenched his fists in confusion. Despite being held only by his hands, he couldn’t do anything. Amidst this, Dohyun’s penis, now fully erect again, pierced inside with a single thrust.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

His prostate was vigorously stimulated. Wooyeon’s flexible waist bent, and the moans that had been bursting out suddenly choked in his throat. Overwhelmed by the intense pleasure, his head spun.

But Wooyeon couldn’t reach his fourth climax. Just before he ejaculated, Dohyun blocked his glans with his thumb. Unable to ejaculate, the penis twitched helplessly. 4RwLfl


His lower abdomen trembled uncontrollably. Saliva dripped from his lips, and his throat felt cold. The exhilaration that had risen up his spine failed to erupt and settled back down.

“Please…let go…Seonsaeng-nim, please…”

“Really…” XStDkh

He could barely hear the rest of what was said. It was something about not tormenting, but his eyes were filled with sadism. Dohyun spoke with a gentle voice, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

“Yeon-Ah… Not ‘Seonsaeng-nim,’ okay?”

The deeply inserted penis moved vigorously, stimulating the narrow inner walls and hitting all the sensitive spots. Since Dohyun didn’t release him, Wooyeon squirmed, curling his toes and rubbing his thighs.

“…Hu.” g4lkN0

A mixture of frustration and sorrow burst out in tears. Tears soaked his lashes and streamed down his cheeks. Wooyeon pleaded desperately with a trembling voice.


His dark pupils glistened with tears. Normally sharp and clear, his gaze was now clouded and dizzy. Wooyeon lifted his hips and brushed his cheek against the pillow.

“It hurts…. Hu, it feels like it’s tearing…” f0dPk


A short breath escaped. As Dohyun’s grip loosened, he leaned over Wooyeon. With a deep thrust, the inserted penis reached deeper than ever before.


Wooyeon clenched his teeth as he bore the sensation. Unlike before, the liquid now trickled down below his navel. In a moment of belated relief, a brief apology escaped from Dohyun’s lips. 6bF93r


The explosion of pheromones was like a signal flare. Dohyun gripped Wooyeon’s chin and sealed their lips tightly. Then, with the penis still inside, he began to move his hips.

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“Hu, hm, uhh…”

It was incomparable to anything before. Each thrust made his abdomen bulge. Even the overwhelming pheromones added to Wooyeon’s disorientation. I p2Oc

And so, throughout the night, Wooyeon was rocked by Dohyun. He cried out in pleasure, begged for release, and even scratched Dohyun’s broad back with his nails, but his lost sanity never returned.

Until the blue light of dawn finally brightened the room, Dohyun showed Wooyeon just how long “a long time” could truly be.

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