AsteroidCh96 - You Are My Fireworks in the Human World (Part 1)

My name is Qiu Yin. I am nineteen years old with an IQ of 179.

I already have two master’s degrees, and I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. EgRxAw

Both of my parents have been university professors. They have a loving relationship, hence my family is harmonious.

I am satisfied with everything in my life.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Except for one thing—I am an omega.

Like many naturally born omegas, I was born with the ability to directly produce pheromones without going through a second differentiation during puberty. I just need to wait until I grow up and my glandular system in the back of my neck is fully developed to emit pheromones, and then I can become a truly sexually mature omega. T5XRgQ

This means, I can’t even dream of suddenly differentiating into a beta during puberty.

This is indeed very frustrating.

I skipped two years of elementary school and went straight to middle school, and by the time I was eleven, I was already in high school. At fourteen, I graduated from college, and within a few years, I completed two master’s degrees and went on to pursue a Ph.D. The most common reaction I got was: “Oh? You’re an omega?!”

The tone was always one of surprise mixed with pity, as if I would suddenly meet my destined alpha and enter heat, followed by marriage and children, and completely lose my sense of self. I just wanted to roll my eyes when I heard it.


But my intelligence told me that as a medical student, time was precious, and as long as I took my heat suppression injections on time, I was no different from a beta.

So, instead of arguing with these narrow-minded people about how excellent omegas are from a genetic perspective, I’d rather focus on my studies.

Due to my busy schedule, I rarely had the opportunity to make friends outside of academia.

Seeing each other every day in the lab, my alpha senior, who is also a medical student, and I find it quite tedious. As two single, sexually mature individuals of the opposite sex, it’s surprising that we have absolutely no interest in each other, which speaks volumes about the dullness of our lives. S9FmbR

For me, I just want to earn enough money to buy a house, then another house, and then even more houses.

When I develop a resistance to the suppressants in my thirties, I plan to undergo gland removal surgery and become a very wealthy beta, experiencing two different lives. Then, after my death, I’ll donate my shockingly large fortune to society, keeping my contributions and fame hidden.

My senior has different aspirations. He just wants to earn enough money to buy a house in the capital, settle down, and then marry a beautiful omega wife to have kids, more kids, and even more kids.

I’m skeptical about this: “Last time we did the sample, you took too long even for self-service sperm collection. What makes you think you can find a beautiful omega wife?” AUnWF9

My senior hasn’t spoken to me for three days.

I guess he was hit hard by reality and is considering working out.

Fortunately, I still have at least one friend.

A few years ago, I posted an ad for a roommate online, and he became my roommate. Now, he has debuted and become a minor celebrity. JNn2gZ

When I talked to Xu Tangzhou on the phone about my senior’s situation, he said, “Didn’t you realize you offended someone?”

Me: “?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


Xu Tangzhou explained in detail why men can’t be said to be incapable, and then he earnestly told me, “What you’re doing is not right. Relationships between friends also need to be maintained, just like caring for a plant. You still need to water it and let it get some sun from time to time, right?” HlEIa

I understood and thought it made a lot of sense.

The next day, before going to work, I bought my senior a sickeningly sweet little cake, and he quickly forgave me.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Cr P kjamtfv tlr yfiis yfmbwf lcmgfjrlcuis qgbwlcfca, P atbeuta ab wsrfio, atfgf gfjiis kjr j gfjrbc tf mbeivc’a olcv j yfjealoei bwfuj klof.

Pc jcs mjrf, ab fzqgfrr ws ugjalaevf ab We Kjcuhtbe jcv jirb ab wfajqtbglmjiis “kjafg” beg oglfcvrtlq, P jrxfv ws rfclbg ab rmgjwyif bcilcf ab yes j almxfa ab j mbcmfga ys j nfgs qbqeijg rajg lc gfmfca sfjgr jr j ylgatvjs uloa obg We Kjcuhtbe—We Kjcuhtbe lr j ylu ojc bo atja rajg. wt7hJN

Then… I casually put it in a drawer and forgot about it.

By the time I heard people in the hospital talking about going to see the star’s concert, my friend Xu Tangzhou had already fallen in love with that big star named Ling Che.

Why would the big star’s boyfriend need a ticket to watch the concert?

Xu Tangzhou: “Yinyin, I’ll have my assistant wait for you at the entrance of the venue, so we can sit together.” 1tyWMG

I wasn’t interested: “I don’t want to watch.”

Xu Tangzhou coaxed me: “You’re soaking in the hospital lab every day, don’t you find it boring? Come on! God Che’s live performance is super incredibly awesome! His songs are also super, super good!”

Me: “I can listen to them on the app.”

Xu Tangzhou: “Then, it’s a pity, such an expensive ticket going to waste.” BU72 C

Me: “…I’ll come.”

How can something that cost money be wasted?

The money I spent on this ticket could feed me for two months in the hospital cafeteria!

On the way, I kept urging the taxi driver to go faster, feeling like I was losing a minute for every minute I was late, but then we hit traffic, and I ended up being half an hour late. After arriving, I realized I hadn’t brought my neck ring, which is a necessity for an omega to enter such a complex public space. yrhldJ

I bought a neck ring on the spot, and finally, Xu Tangzhou’s assistant brought me in.

Amidst the screams and a sea of golden glow sticks, I found my seat.

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There was already a man sitting there, his facial features almost perfect under the flickering dim light.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t very polite. Rfz pK

In order not to disturb the people behind me, I crouched in front of the seat and called out several times before he deigned to lower his head and shouted back, “What?”

The sound from the stage was deafening.

This environment was too noisy.

I had no choice but to take out my ticket, point to the seat number on it, and yell with all my might: “My! Seat!” Qt4J3A

My throat hurt, and my heart was tired.

The handsome but impolite man finally heard me clearly, and had the audacity to say: “It’s useless, it’s expired and void.”

I was so angry: “I’m already in here, so it’s not void! Even if it were, this seat wouldn’t belong to you! Please move aside! The person next to you is my friend!”

Another round of screaming started. HWM68G

My voice was completely drowned out, and I didn’t know if he heard me.

Fortunately, Xu Tangzhou noticed me and immediately said something to that man, driving him away. Before leaving, the man even looked at me and smiled, as if to say “I won’t step to your level”. What an annoying alpha!

Later, I found out that his name was Ying Chen, and he was a friend of Ling Che.

Xu Tangzhou told me that he had acted in many movies and won many Best Actor awards, with his most famous one being called 《Human World》. XRHWBJ

I hadn’t seen any of them.

Hearing that I had bought a neck ring to get in, Ying Chen teased me: “Little friend, are you still underage?”

I had asked my senior to cover for me for three hours, and once the time was up, he would leave, and I my pay would be docked, so I didn’t have time to talk more with him.

I told Xu Tangzhou that I was leaving. 3gxkAr

But Ying Chen next to me asked again, “How old are you, really?”

I usually don’t bother with people who are rude and lack manners.

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Not long after, I saw Ying Chen at our hospital.

Ying Chen was surrounded outside the laboratory department. As a Best Actor, he must be quite famous. Even though he wore a mask and a hat, he was still recognized by a group of people, and the fourth floor was blocked off. vwzuO

Damn it, we ended up meeting on the stairs.

Ying Chen recognized me and immediately grabbed my arm: “Little doctor, help me out!”

To help or not to help?

A friend’s boyfriend’s friend. xdCvLl

With such a complicated relationship, I felt a bit of regret in my heart: If I had known, I wouldn’t have taken this route today.

I led him on a quick trot, swiped my card to get through the isolation door on the fourth floor, blocking all the fans outside, so he could leave from the other end.

Helping to this extent was already more than enough, and he took the initiative to thank me.

“Thank you,” Ying Chen glanced at my name badge, “Dr. Qiu.” P7YhaV

“Strictly speaking, I’m not really a doctor.” My glasses had slipped down my nose from running, and I put them back on while correcting him, “You can leave this way. They won’t be able to block you for a while.”

Ying Chen smiled: “Are you still mad at me for taking your seat?”

I caught my breath and nodded: “Yes.”

Ying Chen said, “Then, I apologize to you. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were Xu Tangzhou’s friend. I thought you were a fan sneaking in.” 9xDM4O

He sounded very sincere.

I considered his perspective for a moment, and it seemed reasonable.

So, I let out a sigh of relief: “Forget it, it’s all trivial. What are you doing at the hospital?”

Actually, I wasn’t very interested in knowing why he was at the hospital. mc9MB

But it’s polite to ask, as a way of reciprocating courtesy.

It’s good to leave some room for future interactions; who knows, maybe we’ll end up attending Xu Tangzhou’s wedding together.

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Unexpectedly, he paused, and then in a low tone, he said, “I’ve been diagnosed with a terminal illness.”

I was so shocked I almost dropped my glasses; he looked radiant and healthy, and I had no idea he was ill. cDeKXR

Seeing him so downcast, I couldn’t help wanting to comfort him: “Which kind is it? Many terminal illnesses can be cured nowadays.”

Ying Chen held his forehead and sighed, seemingly reluctant to discuss it.

Only after a few seconds did he manage to say with difficulty: “My condition… it’s incurable.”

I’ve seen many patients with terminal illnesses who have lost their will, and at this moment, I didn’t want to give him false hope. 04ZhSK

So, I sincerely said to him: “Keep a positive attitude, it might not be so absolute. Are you tired? Do you want to rest for a bit?”

Ying Chen looked a bit dizzy and leaned on my shoulder: “Can I?”

Me: “Sure, just sit here for a while.”

There was a long bench in the corridor where Ying Chen sat for a moment, and I went to get him a cup of water. 4gbN1c

When I came back, I noticed how tall Ying Chen was, his long legs casually crossed, his head leaning against the wall, and his black hair making his profile look very handsome.

What a pity.

If he has to undergo chemotherapy, that hair might not last much longer.

“Thank you.” He took the water and smiled slightly, revealing two dimples, “How old are you this year?” 6wnR2k

I guessed he was reflecting on life and answered, “I’m nineteen.”

As expected, he sighed, “I’m only twenty-eight.”

We were silent for a while.

Ying Chen’s phone kept ringing; it was probably his assistant trying to reach him because they couldn’t find him. YD f9Q

He said to me, “Kid, can you keep this a secret for now? I don’t want others to know.”

I nodded.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

I still have that much professional integrity.

Ying Chen then said to me, “I… will be coming to the hospital again. If I need help, can I call you?” yuv3cC

I gave him my phone number.

Knowing such a big secret, I couldn’t calm down for a long time after returning.

I watched a few films starring Ying Chen online, especially that one called 《Human World》. The plot was very touching, and Ying Chen’s performance was exceptionally good. Unknowingly, my tears soaked half of my pillow, and the next day, my senior thought I was about to be fired.

Truly, the heavens envy the talented. wTaANe

I felt a sense of melancholy in my heart.

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