The Abandoned Son Runs RampantCh243 - Alchemy Competition

The two parties agreed to refine the Scarlet Blood Pill at the same time, with each person receiving four sets of the ingredients. In the end, the person with the most pills and the best quality would be the winner.

Shen Qiuyue’s reputation was not small. When they heard that Shen Qiuyue was going to compete with someone, many alchemists came over to watch the excitement. Sj3QVe

“Alchemist Song, are you here too?”

“I heard that there is an alchemist who is number one among those under heaven-level alchemists. Of course I want to come and take a look.”

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“Young people these days are so full of confidence!”

“Young people! Who hasn’t been young? When people are young, they dare to say anything.” AwJdW

Bai Yunxi’s heart tightened slightly when he saw more and more alchemists coming to watch the excitement.


Shen Qiuyue took out a lotus heart fire and put the spiritual herbs into the alchemy furnace in order.

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Compared with Shen Qiuyue’s step-by-step approach, Ye Fan’s alchemy technique was much rougher. With a wave of Ye Fan’s hand, more than a dozen spiritual herbs went into the alchemy furnace together.

Lou Cheng was shocked by Ye Fan’s actions and almost screamed.

Lou Cheng’s eyes widened and he thought to himself: Did this Alchemist Bai really know how to refine pills? This guy was really not a fake? Wasn’t this guy afraid of exploding the furnace if he practiced alchemy like this?

Lou Cheng did not know how to refine pills, but he had been around Lou Yuehua and roughly knew some common sense about alchemy. Lou Cheng had heard Lou Yuehua say that alchemy was a serious matter and couldn’t be messed around with. Stewing all the medicinal materials in one pot was usually a mistake made by apprentice alchemists. 2m7Ydy

A dozen spiritual herbs quickly turned into spiritual liquid under the action of the pill fire*.

Ye Fan’s majestic soul power surged out, and the spiritual liquid quickly fused.

A ball of spiritual liquid spun rapidly in the alchemy furnace, and soon divided into more than ten balls. Over ten medicinal pills gradually formed at the bottom of the furnace.

After the medicinal pills formed, a strong pill fragrance immediately suffused the air. XUwNlp

Ye Fan waved his hand, and twelve medicinal pills landed in the pill bottle on the side.

Ye Fan finished refining the first batch of medicinal pills, while Shen Qiuyue on the other side had only just gotten started. Everyone watching the battle had strange expressions on their faces.

Lou Cheng looked at Ye Fan, his eyes wide, and thought to himself: He usually heard alchemists talk about how difficult alchemy was, but when he saw Alchemist Bai refining pills, in fact, alchemy didn’t seem to be difficult at all.

Lou Cheng walked to the medicinal pill bottle, took out a medicinal pill and checked it. The medicinal pill was of extremely high quality, no different from ordinary top-grade Scarlet Blood Pills. However, the pill refining process was also much different from that of other alchemists. tmNDSE

While Lou Cheng was checking the medicinal pill, Ye Fan had already started refining the second batch of medicinal pills.

The competition provided four sets of materials because there was a certain failure rate in alchemy. Therefore, both parties would use four sets of materials to refine the medicinal pill four times. The winner would be decided based on the total final score of the produced pills.

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“Senior Yun, how come Alchemist Bai refines medicinal pills like this?” Lou Cheng asked.

Yun Jin smiled and said, “He has always refined medicinal pills like this.” FtlKWp

Lou Cheng: “…”

“Virtuous Nephew Lou, can you show me the medicinal pill?” An elder from the Alchemists Association asked.

Lou Cheng glanced at Bai Yunxi with some embarrassment.

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Djl Teczl cbvvfv jcv rjlv, “Xlnf la ab tlw ab rff.” 4UOWkw

“Pa’r ragjcuf. Kbq-ugjvf wfvlmlcji qliir tjnf nfgs rajyif qgbqfgalfr.” Ktf fivfg ktb gfmflnfv atf wfvlmlcji qlii rjlv klat j ragjcuf ojmf, “Ktf wfvlmlcji qlii gfolcfv ilxf atlr lr jmaejiis cba j kjraf qlii.”

Djl Teczl: “…”

Ktf wfvlmlcji qlii kjr mlgmeijafv lc atf tjcvr bo rfnfgji jimtfwlrar ktb kfgf kjamtlcu. Vfnfgji jimtfwlrar ibbxfv ja atf wfvlmlcji qlii, jcv rffwfv jr lo atfs kjcafv ab olcv rbwfatlcu kgbcu, yea atfs mbeiv cba olcv jcsatlcu kgbcu.

Twelve more medicinal pills were soon released from Ye Fan’s furnace. qUK8IT

After Ye Fan finished refining four furnaces of medicinal pills, Shen Qiuyue was only able to refine one furnace.

There was total silence.

Everyone was shocked by Ye Fan.

Shen Qiuyue had been refining pills, but she was still able to catch a glimpse of Ye Fan’s actions from the corner of her eye. After Ye Fan refined his first batch of medicinal pills, Shen Qiuyue already knew that she had lost. However, Shen Qiuyue still persisted in refining her furnace of medicinal pills. xvsnjm

Shen Qiuyue might have been affected by Ye Fan. When refining pills, she made a small mistake. In the end, she reluctantly collected the medicinal pills and only had three medicinal pills, the quality of which was average.

Shen Qiuyue looked at Ye Fan, her face turning blue and white. “It seems that Qiuyue overestimated her abilities. I didn’t expect that your alchemy skills would be so advanced.”

Ye Fan smiled and said, “It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m a genius. Ordinary people can’t compare. You don’t have to compare with me.”

Lou Cheng: “…” 3caDP0

Shen Qiuyue frowned and said, “Your Excellency’s alchemy technique seems to be different from ordinary alchemy techniques.”

Ye Fan nodded and said, “I use soul power alchemy techniques, so it is different.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Shen Qiuyue looked at Ye Fan in confusion and said, “Even if it’s soul power alchemy, you shouldn’t dump in all the medicinal materials at once.”

Ye Fan shrugged and said, “When you know the properties of medicinal materials well, you don’t have to stick to the rules! A skilled alchemist can produce excellent quality medicinal pills no matter how he refines them. Of course, reaching my level cannot be achieved overnight, so you should take your time.” tR8xNd

Shen Qiuyue: “…”

Bai Yunxi: “…” This guy Ye Fan was really… infuriating to death!

Shen Qiuyue looked at Ye Fan and said, “Alchemist Bai, is there really no problem with the medicinal pills you produced?”

Ye Fan nodded and said, “Of course there is no problem. Since the medicinal materials used in the competition were all provided by you, I will give you two medicinal pills.” SZ Nah

Lou Cheng asked excitedly, “Alchemist Bai, since you’re giving out pills, can you give me two pills as well?”

Lou Cheng felt that Ye Fan’s medicinal pills were randomly stewed in one pot. Although they looked no different from ordinary Scarlet Blood Pills, it was hard to say whether there was really no difference. Lou Cheng wanted to take some back and give them to Lou Yuehua to take a look.

Ye Fan nodded and said, “Okay.”

Lou Cheng said excitedly, “Thank you very much.” njEldV

Shen Qiuyue clenched the medicinal pills in her hand, her expression changing.

Alchemists Association.

Shen Qiuyue sat opposite Fan Tianqin and asked, “Vice President, is there really nothing wrong with this medicinal pill?” q2IlhG

Fan Tianqin nodded his head and said, “All the appraisal results show that there is no problem. Just now, I found a Foundation Establishment cultivator to try the medicinal pill. After taking the medicinal pill, the Foundation Establishment cultivator immediately broke through. There were no lingering side effects.”

Shen Qiuyue said in surprise, “A breakthrough?”

Fan Tianqin nodded, glanced at Shen Qiuyue’s face, and said with some embarrassment. “The medicinal pill is of the highest quality, so its medicinal properties are relatively good.”

“Top-grade medicinal pill.” Shen Qiuyue frowned. The appearance of top-grade medicinal pills was through chance, but when she took the medicinal pill, she took it casually. HNidJz

Before, when Lou Yuehua said that Bai Ye was a top genius, Fan Tianqin still didn’t believe it. Now that this happened, Fan Tianqin couldn’t help but be a little shocked.

Shen Qiuyue murmured, “Amazing! Where did such an expert come from?”

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“The president said that this Alchemist Bai’s knowledge of alchemy is quite good. I’m afraid there is a powerful Master behind him,” Fan Tianqin said.

Shen Qiuyue murmured, “Sure enough, in this world, there are people beyond people and heavens beyond heaven*. He refined four furnaces of medicinal pills in a row without any signs of fatigue. He is really amazing.” wKb1n5

Ye Fan made a lot of money from Shen Qiuyue and was in a good mood.

Lou Cheng asked curiously, “Alchemist Bai, your alchemy speed is so fast. How do you do it?”

“This is simple. You can just find a wife,” Ye Fan said with his hands behind his back. bWxlK7

Lou Cheng was full of confusion and asked, “Can you accomplish faster alchemy just by finding a wife?”

Ye Fan nodded and said solemnly, “Yes! When you are good at spending spirit stones and your wife is also good at spending spirit stones, you have to work hard to earn spirit stones. If you become a pauper, your wife might run away with someone else. With this, you will naturally make money faster.”

Lou Cheng looked at Ye Fan and said, “This method doesn’t seem to work.”

“It works for geniuses like me. If a genius is pushed, his potential will be forced out. If a fool is pushed, he will be forced to death,” Ye Fan said. Qaep7Z

Lou Cheng said, “…Alchemist Bai is so funny!”

Ye Fan smiled and said, “It’s okay.”

“I see that many alchemists have many wives and concubines, but I don’t see any improvement in these guys’ alchemy skills!” Lou Cheng shook his head.

Ye Fan: “…” Oc4Xn

“Alchemist Bai uses pill fire to refine pills! Have you not considered finding a fire seed?” Lou Cheng asked.

“I am looking for one. I originally wanted to buy one from Hundred Flames House, but it closed down,” Ye Fan said.

Ye Fan secretly thought: He had fire seeds, but whether it was the wood-heart flame or the flame of life, they were too eye-catching. Maybe he should find another flame and use it during normal times to hide from people’s eyes and ears. He was already a Golden Core. Using pill fire to refine alchemy seemed a little embarrassing.

Lou Cheng nodded and said, “It’s a pity that Hundred Flames House closed down.” PMYRFz

“I heard that Mu Xue’s qualifications are very good! There should be a 90% chance of forming a golden core! Why did she suddenly fail?” Bai Yunxi said in confusion.

“Who knew that the ancestor of the Mu family would die in such a hurry. Mu Xue was injured in the secret realm and had not fully recovered. As soon as the ancestor of the Mu family died, in order to stabilize the situation, she could only forcibly try to form a golden core in advance,” Lou Cheng said.

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Bai Yunxi nodded and said, “So that’s what happened.”

He had wondered how Mu Xue could actually fail to form a golden core when her qualifications were so good. It turned out that she had no choice. Cultivators walked a perilous path. One wrong move and they would be finished. MdkTqP

“Actually, besides Hundred Flames House, there are many places selling fire seeds. Does Alchemist Bai want to go take a look?” Lou Cheng asked.

Ye Fan thought for a while, nodded, and said, “Alright!”

Ye Fan followed Lou Cheng to a business building.

Lou Cheng watched Ye Fan spend three million spirit stones and sweep away dozens of fire seeds in the store. p Ec06

Lou Cheng looked at Ye Fan and said, “Alchemist Bai, why did you buy so many fire seeds? An alchemist can usually only fuse one fire seed, and it’s useless to have more.”

Ye Fan glanced at Lou Cheng and thought to himself: You think he wanted to! As soon as he arrived at the store, Onion started to riot. If he didn’t buy all the fire seeds in the store, Onion would come out. If Onion really came out, it would be big trouble.

“I just haven’t decided which kind of fire seed I want, so I just bought them all,” Ye Fan said.

Upon hearing this, Lou Cheng said attentively, “If you need more choices, Alchemist Bai, I also know of an alchemy shop that sells fire seeds.” o1zl Z

Ye Fan: “…”

As soon as Lou Cheng said these words, Onion, who had just calmed down, started to make a fuss again. For a moment, Ye Fan wanted to go forward and tear Lou Cheng’s mouth out, but Ye Fan still endured it.

“Let’s go then,” Ye Fan said.

Under Onion’s threats, Ye Fan went to the second shop and bought a bunch of fire seeds. Kh0drj

Inside a cave residence.

Ye Fan looked at Onion angrily.

Onion grabbed a ball of flames and put it into its mouth.

Onion puffed up like an inflated balloon, then deflated again after a while. UdgzTN

Onion grabbed another ball of flames and stuffed it into its mouth.

Generally speaking, flames were incompatible, but for heavenly fire, there was no such restriction. Heavenly fire could absorb other fires. Of course, heavenly fires of the same grade couldn’t tolerate each other.

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Ye Fan scratched his hair and said with a headache, “Because this guy did this, all the spirit stones I earned during this period are gone.” In order to buy these fire seeds, Ye Fan spent nearly 6 million.

Bai Yunxi looked at Ye Fan and said, “It’s not without gain. At least you can get a more powerful fire spirit.” brn T2

Flames were usually divided into ten grades. Onion was originally supposed to be sixth grade. However, it was affected by Bai Yunxi’s outburst of cold energy and dropped to fifth grade. At this time, Ye Fan could feel Onion’s grade slowly increasing.

Ye Fan smiled and said, “That’s true, but because of this, I’m afraid we have to stay in Pill Capital for a while longer to earn more spirit stones.”

Before Bai Yunxi spoke, Onion smiled at Ye Fan and said, “Yes, the more, the better.”

Ye Fan looked at Onion with displeasure and said, “Go, go, go, what’s the matter with you?!” w0RHoY

Onion opened its mouth and sucked in, and dozens of flames were sucked into Onion’s mouth at once. Ye Fan felt a throbbing pain when he saw it. What it had eaten were all spirit stones, all spirit stones!

Bai Yunxi looked at Ye Fan’s ugly face and said, “Okay, don’t feel bad. Anyway, the fire spirit is yours, so there’s nothing to feel bad about.”

Ye Fan nodded and said, “It’s better to earn more.”

*** 9oGdiK

T/N: *I guess my rant in Chapter 199 was a bit unnecessary? It’s clear in this chapter that when Ye Fan doesn’t have another source of fire, he uses ordinary “pill fire” for alchemy. But the author never explains what pill fire is or where it comes from. Pill fire was also mentioned in an earlier chapter (when Ye Fan was teaching Bai Yunxi how to refine the ice crystal diamonds on Ice Sword Island), but the author never explained what it was then either. I guess we’re just gonna have to assume it’s fire used for alchemy and kind of gloss over where it comes from.

*人外有人,天外有天 – literally there are people beyond people and heavens/skies behind heaven/this sky.  A proverb that means no matter how good you think you are, there is always someone out there who is better. Shen Qiuyue accepted her defeat much more gracefully than I expected. It’s nice to see the author isn’t villainizing all females like you often see in some BL novels.

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