The Abandoned Son Runs RampantCh239 - Alchemist Refining Alchemy

After leaving the small island, Ye Fan had to find another island to form a golden core.

Three months later, the sky was covered with lightning and thunder! Rolling thunder and lightning roared down, and the protective formation set up by Ye Fan was smashed to pieces. O8UGKd

“This lightning tribulation* is really fierce! If it were an ordinary person, he would have been hacked to death long ago,” Ao Xiaobao said.

Bai Yunxi frowned and said, “Will he be okay?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“He will be fine. You forgot, he is thick-skinned!” Ao Xiaobao said nonchalantly.

Bai Yunxi took a deep breath and thought secretly: When Ye Fan was in the secret realm, he had already refined his body to the level of red lotus gold liquid. It should be more than enough to deal with this lightning tribulation. Bai Yunxi looked at the lightning tribulation in the sky, and couldn’t help but sigh at Ye Fan’s foresight! If Ye Fan hadn’t refined his body, he might really be hacked to death. 0QEqj3

Ao Xiaobao shrank back, looked at Bai Yunxi, and said, “Young Master Bai! Your husband is thick-skinned and is not afraid of being struck by lightning, but shouldn’t we find a place to hide?”

Bai Yunxi: “…”

Bai Yunxi looked at Ao Xiaobao and said, “I won’t leave. If you are afraid, just hide in the ghost banner.”

Ao Xiaobao said reluctantly, “There is  nothing to be afraid of.”


“Boom!” A thunderball exploded, and the small island trembled violently.

Ao Xiaobao blinked and said, “I’d better go into the ghost banner and hide.”

Bai Yunxi sensed that there were cultivators around who had been attracted by the lightning tribulation, but because the lightning tribulation was too fierce, those people did not dare to approach.

“Master, what’s happening on that island? Why has thunder and lightning struck for so long without dispersing?” 4fs8rU

“It looks like someone is forming a golden core!”

“Core formation! Is this a heavenly vision of core formation? It turns out that core formation looks like this.” The young cultivator said excitedly.

The old man had been stuck at the peak of Foundation Establishment for thirty years. Looking at the vision of core formation on the small island, a bit of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

“Master, is the lightning tribulation so fierce during core formation?” The young cultivator asked in confusion. WUoiuZ

“If all core formation lightning tribulations were this fierce, there would be very few Golden Core cultivators. I don’t know if the cultivator who is forming a golden core has committed too many sins or something. It seems like he is being punished by heaven.”

“Master, will the cultivator who is forming a golden core be hacked to death?”

“I don’t know. Judging from the momentum of this lightning tribulation, it’s very possible.”

“If the cultivator who is forming a golden core dies, then Master, we will be blessed.” The net worth of such a cultivator who was close to forming a golden core should not be too poor. 8C2YeM

Ye Fan was inside the cave residence. Lightning struck Ye Fan’s body, and was quickly absorbed by Ye Fan. Ye Fan’s whole body glowed with a faint blue-purple lightning light.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ye Fan was surrounded by spirit stones. Millions of spirit stones had been drained of spiritual energy.

Ordinary cultivators only needed to consume one million spirit stones to form a golden core, but Ye Fan had already absorbed seven to eight million spirit stones, and was still absorbing them. If it weren’t for Ye Fan’s wealth, he wouldn’t be able to withstand such consumption. t1Tdfl

Rolling spiritual energy continued to seep into Ye Fan’s body. Ye Fan’s strength increased rapidly, and the spiritual energy from the surrounding sea area was attracted.

“Boom!” A burst of flames shot up into the sky, accompanied by a crisp phoenix phantom. The vision in the sky gradually disappeared.

Majestic spiritual power circulated in his meridians, and Ye Fan suddenly felt like the sky was high and the sea was vast, and the world was under his control.

Bai Yunxi saw Ye Fan floating in the sky, and a bit of joy flashed in his eyes. Ye Fan had advanced to Golden Core, which allowed Bai Yunxi’s suspended heart to finally settle down. F3m2TZ

Although they were both Golden Cores, Bai Yunxi felt great pressure from Ye Fan.

Ye Fan restrained his aura and landed next to Bai Yunxi.

Bai Yunxi looked at Ye Fan and asked, “Have you advanced to Golden Core?”

Ye Fan nodded and said, “Yes!” 8OZHK

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“How many colors is your golden core?”

“Kfc mbibgr,” Tf Mjc rjlv.

Cb Wljbyjb ibbxfv ja Tf Mjc jcv rjlv, “Kfc mbibgr? Gbc’a sbe xcbk tbk ab mbeca? Cgfc’a ubivfc mbgfr ja wbra clcf mbibgr?”

Tf Mjc gbiifv tlr fsfr ja Cb Wljbyjb jcv rjlv, “P jw uloafv, rb wlcf lr afc mbibgr.” HSJr78

“Dfmjerf sbe jgf j kjraf klat fluta rqlglaeji gbbar, sbegr lr afc mbibgr?” Cb Wljbyjb rjlv lc mbcoerlbc.

Ye Fan said disdainfully, “What do you know? I have a powerful soul and have achieved a high level of body refinement. In addition, I’ve contracted heavenly fire. Forming a ten-colored golden core is not surprising.”

Ao Xiaobao: “…”

Bai Yunxi looked at Ye Fan and said, “You have formed a golden core, so there are many places we can go now.” KkmwCq

Ye Fan nodded and said, “Yes. Yunxi, where do you think we should go now?”

Bai Yunxi shook his head and said, “I don’t know. You can decide.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Why don’t we go to the territory of Tianyi Sect and see if there are any benefits we can snatch?” Ye Fan said.

Bai Yunxi frowned and said, “No.” 0oKZXJ

“You asked me to decide. I made a decision, but you don’t agree with it,” Ye Fan said with displeasure.

Bai Yunxi rolled his eyes and said, “I let you decide where to go. I didn’t let you seek death.”

Ye Fan: “…”

Bai Yunxi looked at Ye Fan and said, “There’s nowhere specific to go, so let’s just wander around.” qd9RHd

Ye Fan nodded and said, “Okay!”

Ye Fan and Bai Yunxi were riding on a divine wind boat*, speeding on the sea. The two of them passed many islands along the way.

“Yunxi, it seems someone is refining alchemy,” Ye Fan said. 3zAVgD

Bai Yunxi glanced at Ye Fan and said, “What’s special about someone refining alchemy?”

“It seems to be a high-level medicinal pill. It should be a high-level alchemist refining pills. Let’s go and take a look,” Ye Fan said.

Bai Yunxi looked at Ye Fan’s excited expression, nodded and said, “Okay.”

Ye Fan and Bai Yunxi went ashore, and the two snuck over to the place on the island where alchemy was occurring. F8C9bw

Ye Fan sat in a tall tree, looking at the alchemist who was refining pills. He blinked and said, “There is actually a Cyan Wood Earth Fire Spiritual Vein on this island. No wonder this person chose this place to refine alchemy.”

Bai Yunxi looked at Ye Fan and said, “Comparing you and that person, whose alchemy skills are better?”

Ye Fan blinked and said, “It should be me.”

Bai Yunxi looked at Ye Fan and said in surprise, “Really?” dZ3kRE

Ye Fan nodded and said, “Of course, that guy is about to fail.”

Bai Yunxi: “…”

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“Boom.” A burst of black smoke shot up from the alchemy furnace, and a burning smell filled the air. 3IFznx

Ye Fan looked at the alchemy furnace, blinked, and said, “His alchemy furnace is pretty good.”

Ye Fan held his chin and thought to himself: He should change to another alchemy furnace. The medicine cauldron from Earth seemed to be insufficient.

Alchemy failed, but the alchemist’s expression did not change too drastically.

The alchemist looked toward the giant tree where Ye Fan and Bai Yunxi were hiding. The Golden Core guard beside the alchemist seemed to realize something and said sternly, “Who is there?! Come out.” SdUQwY

Ye Fan appeared, sitting on the tall tree. He stretched out his hand, shook his hand at the two of them, and greeted them warmly, “Hi.”

The Golden Core guard next to the alchemist looked at Ye Fan with an angry look on his face.

Lou Yuehua waved his hand toward Li Yan and said calmly, “Li Yan, calm down. It’s no big deal.”

Ye Fan sat on the tall tree, shaking his legs. He looked at Lou Yuehua carelessly, and said, “Your alchemy skills are not bad!” xisXMS

Lou Yuehua smiled and said, “Very few people say that.” As the president of the Alchemists Association, the two words “not bad” were really a bit low-level.

“Really? So there are very few people who know the goods.” Ye Fan tilted his head and couldn’t help but feel a little strange.

Lou Yuehua: “…”

“Your Excellency seems to have known for a long time that the medicinal pill I was trying to refine would fail. Did you notice something?” Lou Yuehua asked. BtY2SQ

Bai Yunxi’s heart sank. He understood that the alchemist had already discovered them when they arrived, but he just didn’t say anything.

“Were you refining the Heavenly Combined Spirit Pill? The Combined Cloud Grass in the Heavenly Combined Spirit Pill has disappeared, so you used Bright Heart Grass and Sky Lantern Grass to replace it!” Ye Fan said firmly.

Lou Yuehua nodded and said, “That’s right.”

“The fusion of the two herbs, Bright Heart Grass and Sky Lantern Grass, can indeed replace the medicinal properties of Combined Cloud Graas. However, Bright Heart Grass will react with the original Silver Heart Grass in the Heavenly Combined Spirit Pill. Bright Heart Grass will generate heat, while the Silver Heart Grass will release cold energy. When refining pills, if you make a slight mistake, it will be a thousand miles off, and it will naturally be impossible to succeed,” Ye Fan said. HpyPRK

Lou Yuehua squinted his eyes thoughtfully, and suddenly smiled with understanding, and said, “How could I forget to consider this? No wonder it has never been successful… According to Your Excellency, the Heavenly Combined Spirit Pill can’t be refined?”

Ye Fan nodded and said, “For cultivators with weak soul power, this is indeed the case. But if the soul power is strong enough, it doesn’t matter.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Lou Yuehua looked at Ye Fan and said, “It seems that your soul power is very strong!”

Ye Fan shrugged and said, “The ancient pill recipes were all developed after countless trials and experiments, so how can they be so easy to improve? However, if it were me, based on your improvements, I would replace Silver Heart Grass with Sky Winter Grass.” HphddE

Lou Yuehua thought for a moment, nodded, and said, “It seems this is worth a try. Your Excellency is also an alchemist?”

“That’s right,” Ye Fan said.

Lou Yuehua looked at Ye Fan and said with confusion, “I don’t seem to have seen you in the Alchemists Association.”

“I’m not from the Alchemists Association.” Ye Fan shook his legs and said. l0tmdA

Lou Yuehua looked at Ye Fan in confusion and said, “Why don’t you go to the Alchemists Association for certification?”

“It’s too troublesome,” Ye Fan said.

Lou Yuehua: “…”

Lou Yuehua threw a token to Ye Fan and said, “This is equivalent to certification from the Alchemists Association. With it, you don’t need to be certified by the Alchemists Association.” bMTrtd

Ye Fan fumbled for the token and said, “Oh, that’s really great!”

Li Yan was shocked when he saw Lou Yuehua handing out the token, but he didn’t say anything.

Lou Yuehua and Ye Fan discussed several more ancient pill recipes. Lou Yuehua had rich experience, and Ye Fan had a solid foundation and extensive knowledge. The two actually had a good chat, and they seemed to regret meeting each other so late.

Li Yan couldn’t help but ask, “Your Excellency, can you come down?” c9Fz5X

Li Yan frowned and thought to himself: This cultivator really had no manners. Sitting in such a high place, President Lou had to raise his head to look at him.

Ye Fan nodded and said, “Okay.” Ye Fan jumped down from the tree.

Lou Yuehua and Ye Fan found a place to sit and chat. u9nXml

Bai Yunxi and Li Yan sat on the side and watched the two chat.

“It is possible to use Mysterious Soul Grass as medicine, but it requires special alchemy techniques,” Ye Fan said.

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“What alchemy techniques are needed?” Lou Yuehua asked.

“Soul power alchemy! The requirements for soul power are relatively high,” Ye Fan said. XeWRy8

Lou Yuehua smiled and said, “Soul power alchemy techniques are indeed powerful. However, if you use soul power to refine pills and you are disturbed during the alchemy process, the danger will be greater.”

Ye Fan smiled modestly and said, “It’s fine, it’s fine.”

Li Yan glanced at Bai Yunxi and said, “How did the two Fellow Daoists find this small island? It’s a bit remote here!”

Bai Yunxi looked at Li Yan and said, “When we were nearby, he sensed that someone was refining alchemy and insisted on coming to watch.” q dAIW

Li Yan nodded and said, “Really? I think your companion has good alchemy skills. Don’t you know Alchemist Lou?”

When Ye Fan heard Li Yan’s words, he looked at Lou Yuehua in confusion and said, “Are you famous?”

Li Yan: “…”

Lou Yuehua: “…” SqQmMf

Lou Yuehua looked at Ye Fan and said, “I have some false reputation, but it’s okay if Your Excellency doesn’t know.”

Ye Fan held his chin and said calmly, “I have been cultivating in the deep mountains and old forests. I am a country bumpkin. The fact that I haven’t heard of you isn’t because you are not famous enough, but because I am ignorant. You don’t need to belittle yourself.”

Lou Yuehua: “…”

Ye Fan and Lou Yuehua talked for many days. Various ancient pill recipes, alchemy techniques, and applications of spiritual herbs were all discussed by the two… tia1Mp

“This is a pill I found in an ancient cave residence. It has expired. Your Excellency, take a look and see what kind of spiritual herbs were used in this pill.”

Ye Fan took the medicinal pill, looked at it, sniffed it, and said, “It’s a bit like the Pure Heart Shadow Pill used to resist inner demons.”

Lou Yuehua nodded and said, “I think so too. Throughout the ages, there have been many cultivators who have died due to inner demons. If the Pure Heart Shadow Pill can be reproduced, it will be easier for cultivators to overcome tribulations in the future.”

Ye Fan sniffed vigorously and said, “This medicinal pill seems to use nineteen kinds of spiritual herbs.” 1DKyER

“Do you think it is nineteen kinds? I always thought there were only eighteen herbs. Which nineteen herbs do you think they are?”

Ye Fan thought for a while and said, “I think it should be Heart Piercing Grass, Heavenly Illuminating Beads, Bright River Lotus Heart…”

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“Family Head*, it’s time for us to leave.” Bai Yunxi looked at Ye Fan and said.

Lou Yuehua looked at Bai Yunxi and said, “Do the two of you have an urgent matter?” xae8Yo

Ye Fan tilted his head and said, “There seems to be nothing?”

Lou Yuehua stared at Bai Yunxi and said, “The two Fellow Daoists have a good relationship, but there is no need for Fellow Daoist to watch your Daoist companion so closely.”

Bai Yunxi looked at Lou Yuehua and said, “Senior is worrying too much. I’m just afraid that he will talk nonsense and taint Senior’s ears.”

“How could that be? This is the first time I have met someone with such superb alchemy skills as your Daoist companion. In the past, I tried to find someone to talk to about alchemy techniques, but couldn’t find anyone,” Lou Yuehua said. JotZR

“He likes speaking nonsense,” Bai Yunxi said calmly.

Lou Yuehua shook his head and said, “Your Excellency, if you think this way, you really don’t appreciate your own Daoist companion.”

Bai Yunxi: “…”

*** L 7lNG

T/N: Lou Yuehua was previously briefly mentioned in Chapters 202 and 223 (mostly 223 – it was revealed that he is a heaven-level alchemist in Chapter 223 and has Nascent Soul cultivation base). Ye Fan is an idiot, so obviously doesn’t remember, but pretty sure Yunxi has realized, hence he calls Lou Yuehua “Senior” (but Lou Yuehua calls them Fellow Daoists because he thinks they haven’t realized his identity and is treating them as equals).

*雷劫 (lei jie) – lightning tribulation. Can also be called heavenly tribulation – a cultivation concept where heavenly lightning strikes down when a cultivator is advancing. Cultivators must survive the lightning tribulation to advance – it is considered a test by Heaven. I mistakenly previously translated this as thunder tribulation as 雷 (lei) usually means thunder, but then I realized it should be lightning. I changed it in the chapters I remembered, but might not have caught them all. I’ll still be translating 雷 (lei) as thunder for other things (like the Heavenly Thunder Beads).

*神风船 (shen feng chuan) – literally divine wind boat/ship. I can’t remember if I’ve explained this already, but it’s just a type of fast flying cultivation boat/ship.

*Yunxi calls Ye Fan 当家 (dang jia) here, which directly translates as “head of the household”. It’s a very polite way to refer to one’s husband (who traditionally is the head of the household) – Yunxi is addressing Ye Fan this way because there are outsiders present, and he’s trying to get him to leave because he’s afraid of exposing their identities. VMQgFE

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