The Abandoned Son Runs RampantCh238 - Fellow Disciples Killing Each Other

When he was on Moonlight Island, he was inexplicably attacked by a sea beast attracted by other cultivators. The next time Ye Fan chose a place for core formation, he was more cautious.

Ye Fan and Bai Yunxi wandered at sea for two months and found another deserted island. gbEkFV

Ye Fan looked at the topography of the island and said, “Let’s do it here. This island is relatively large, there are no people, and it is located relatively far away from other islands.”

Bai Yunxi nodded and said, “Okay.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ye Fan set up a cave residence on the island. As soon as the cave residence was set up, Ye Fan noticed something wrong.

Bai Yunxi looked at Ye Fan and said, “What’s wrong?” q4L7V6

“Two Foundation Establishment cultivators are here,” Ye Fan said.

“Foundation Establishment?” Bai Yunxi asked.

Ye Fan nodded and said, “Yes.”

Bai Yunxi said with some confusion, “This island is so remote. Why would two Foundation Establishment cultivators come here?”

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Ye Fan frowned and said, “These two Foundation Establishments are nothing. There are some people following these two Foundation Establishments.”

Bai Yunxi frowned and said, “Could it be that the news of our whereabouts has been exposed?”

Ye Fan shook his head and said, “It doesn’t look like it! If the news of our location was exposed, it shouldn’t be Foundation Establishments that come!” For him, killing Foundation Establishment cultivators was nothing. “They seem to be here to hunt for treasure.”

Bai Yunxi asked in surprise, “Is there any treasure on this island?” 6amgHd

Ye Fan shook his head and said, “I don’t know. Let’s go and take a look.”

A man and a woman appeared on the island. “Senior sister, is the property left by the old monster really on this island?”

Yuan Tianxiang snorted softly and said, “It can’t be wrong. This is the information I got with great difficulty after I got the old monster drunk. The old monster was suspicious by nature and liked to hide things in three burrows like a cunning rabbit. He actually hid things in such a remote place.” dPY3FQ

Guo Xing smiled and said, “Senior sister, you are really capable. If not for you, the treasure house key I copied would be useless. Li Rong, that trash, is just a three-spiritual roots waste, but he is the old man’s grandson. The old man expended effort to wash the scriptures and cut the marrow* for him. Even in death, he didn’t forget to leave all the good things to him. However, the old man died so suddenly that he didn’t even have time to arrange his posthumous affairs. Now that Master is dead, I’ll see if that guy can still be arrogant in the future.”

“What kind of hatred did Sheng Zhihao have with the old monster? He chased him so relentlessly!” Yuan Tianxiang said in confusion.

Guo Xing shook his head and said, “This is an old matter. Sheng Zhihao’s master died at the hands of Master. I heard that the Divine Talisman Sect had a treasure that could help one advance to the realm of God Transformation. Unfortunately, after the sect destroyed the Divine Talisman Sect, the entire Divine Talisman Sect was turned upside down, but nothing was found. Finally, I heard that the thing is in Sheng Zhihao’s hands.”

Yuan Tianxiang shook her head, “What a pity! The Sect Master set up such an inescapable net, but still let that guy Sheng Zhihao escape again.” obmvRh

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Elder Huang died at Ye Fan’s hands, and now Master has been killed by Sheng Zhihao. The elders of the sect probably have a headache now,” Guo Xing said.

“Pa lr eq ab atf qfbqif jybnf ab kbggs jybea atlr xlcv bo atlcu. Pa lr cba beg aegc ab ajxf mjgf bo la,” Tejc Kljczljcu rjlv.

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Xeb Wlcu cbvvfv jcv rjlv, “Ktja’r gluta. P tfjgv atja Tf Mjc’r cfa kbgat lr rb glmt atja fnfc Xbivfc Jbgf meialnjabgr mjc’a mbwqjgf! P vbc’a xcbk ktfc atf qfbqif ogbw atf rfma klii mjamt tlw. Vfnfgji biv wbcrafgr lc atf rfma rffw ab yf nfgs lcafgfrafv lc atlr ues Tf Mjc!” Vtfcu Itltjb kjr j agbeyifrbwf bqqbcfca. Ciatbeut atlr ues Tf Mjc kjr jirb j abeut bqqbcfca, tf kjr bcis j Mbecvjalbc Srajyilrtwfca joafg jii.

Yuan Tianxiang said sourly, “How can this guy not be rich? Elder Huang died, and Elder Huang’s storage ring also fell into this guy’s hands. The spirit stones mined from our sect’s No. 2 spirit stone mine in the past three years were all inside.” LrxH2k

Guo Xing shook his head and said, “That Elder Huang was also outrageous. It’s fine for him to go look for Ye Fan, but why didn’t he send the spirit stones back to the sect first? Giving Ye Fan benefits for nothing.”

Yuan Tianxiang nodded and said, “Who would say otherwise?”

Ye Fan held his chin and said, “They’re from Tianyi Sect.”

Bai Yunxi said with some surprise, “It seems that Sheng Zhihao has taken action.” q1Xns5

Bai Yunxi held his chin and looked at the two cultivators. The female cultivator was dressed in red, with a voluptuous figure and natural charm. She should have had an affair* with the old monster they mentioned. Bai Yunxi had been in the cultivation world for a while. He was no longer as ignorant as before and knew some of the rules of the cultivation world.

When male cultivators accepted female disciples, some of them of course were doing it for their qualifications, while others just wanted to keep them for themselves.

This woman was so charming that she obviously had an affair with the old monster and also with the old monster’s disciple.


The pair of man and woman came ashore and searched around the island.

“Why is there a cave residence* on this island?” Guo Xing said in confusion.

Yuan Tianxiang frowned and said, “Maybe it was left by the old monster. It’s not a big deal.”

“Alright. Just be careful.” Guo Xing and Yuan Tianxiang searched for a long time and found a cave blocked by rocks. EQ1bwZ

“It should be right here,” Guo Xing said excitedly.

Ye Fan said with some excitement, “There is really treasure on this island! I have such a good eye. I picked a treasure island right off the bat.”

Ao Xiaobao glanced at Ye Fan and said, “It’s not that you have good vision, but you just got lucky?”

“You said before that someone is following them?” Bai Yunxi asked. jd0YRG

Ye Fan nodded and said, “Yes, here they come!”

“Adulterous couple!” Li Rong looked at Yuan Tianxiang and Guo Xing angrily.

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Guo Xing frowned and looked at Yun Changan behind Li Rong, directly ignoring Li Rong, “Eldest Senior Brother, why are you here?” For Guo Xing, who was in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, Li Rong who was in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment was not his opponent. However, Yun Changan was a bit troublesome.

Yun Changan looked at Guo Xing and said, “I followed you guys here. Second Junior Brother, Master’s relics should belong to Junior Brother Li. Master also said that they should be left to Junior Brother Li. What you are doing is not kind!” nZhfNj

“Why should I give them to this waste?” Guo Xing looked at Li Rong coldly.

Li Rong looked at Guo Xing fiercely and said, “How brave! If the ancestor was still here, you wouldn’t dare to talk to me like this.”

“Of course I wouldn’t dare if the ancestor was still here, but isn’t the ancestor gone? Since the ancestor is dead, what do you count as?” Guo Xing said disdainfully.

Li Rong looked at Yuan Tianxiang next to Guo Xing and said, “Senior Sister, the ancestor was so kind to you, but you actually betrayed the ancestor.” zPhVNg

Yuan Tianxiang said indifferently, “He was good to me? If he didn’t have evil intentions toward me, why would he be good to me?”

The four people from both sides fought. Yun Changan and Li Rong joined forces, and Yuan Tianxiang and Guo Xing joined forces to fight fiercely. Ye Fan looked at the four people fighting and felt that something was wrong.

Ye Fan faced Bai Yunxi and said, “Don’t you think it’s a little strange?”

Bai Yunxi nodded and said, “A little.” Li Rong seemed to be angered by Guo Xing, and he fought extremely hard with Guo Xing. However, Yuan Tianxiang and Yun Changan seemed to be fighting fiercely on the surface, but in fact they weren’t trying their best at all. QaCGXs

In the middle of the fight, Yuan Tianxiang suddenly plotted against Guo Xing, and Yun Changan plotted against Li Rong.

Bai Yunxi hid in a tall tree nearby, looking dumbfounded.

In an instant, Yun Changan and Yuan Tianxiang, who were originally at odds, actually stood together.

Guo Xing and Li Rong were no match for Yun Changan and Yuan Tianxiang, who had long been prepared, and they soon died at their hands. bAlwEc

“Why did you bring Li Rong here? Although Master is dead, he still had a few friends before his death. If they learn that Li Rong is dead, they might investigate,” Yuan Tianxiang said. According to Yuan Tianxiang and Yun Changan’s original plan, Yun Changan would follow her and Guo Xing. After taking out the treasure, the two of them would kill Guo Xing and run to another country.

Yun Changan glanced at Yuan Tianxiang and said, “I didn’t want to cause trouble either, but I tricked Li Rong into telling me that only the original key is useful, and the one copied by Guo Xing is useless.”

Yuan Tianxiang frowned and said, “That dead man really thought carefully for this kid Li Rong. There won’t be any problems now that this kid is dead, will there?”

“Junior sister, don’t worry. Master’s close friends are all fair-weather* friends. Master is dead – the person is gone and the tea is cold*. The sect is busy dealing with Sheng Zhihao and Ye Fan at the moment and has no time to pay attention to this guy.” SM5tud

Yun Changan looked at Yuan Tianxiang and said, “Junior sister, let’s not talk about this anymore. Let’s take a look at what the old man left behind.”

“Okay!” Yuan Tianxiang said excitedly.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ye Fan looked at Yun Changan and Yuan Tianxiang and murmured, “It turns out that these two people are in the same group.”

Bai Yunxi squinted his eyes, and there was a bit of murmuring in his heart. pfja6R

Bai Yunxi vaguely felt that after the death of Guo Xing and Li Rong, the atmosphere between Yun Changan and Yuan Tianxiang became tense. The relationship between the two people changed from a relationship of lovers to a relationship of mutual wariness.

The treasure left by a Golden Core cultivator was enough to make two lovers in the Foundation Establishment stage kill each other.

Yun Changan took the key from Li Rong’s body and opened the door of the treasure house. Not long after the treasure house was opened, Bai Yunxi heard the sound of fighting coming from the treasure house.

Ao Xiaobao laughed happily and said, “They’re fighting, they’re fighting!” 7I9DjW

When Ye Fan walked into the treasure house, Yuan Tianxiang was already dead, and Yun Changan had also been stabbed. Seeing Ye Fan and Bai Yunxi coming in, Yun Changan’s eyes were full of disbelief.

Ye Fan killed Yun Changan easily.

“Neon beads. No wonder these two guys killed each other,” Ye Fan murmured.

Bai Yunxi looked at Ye Fan and said, “What is the use of this thing?” k4WAYy

“Neon beads can increase the chances of forming a golden core by 20%,” Ye Fan said.

Bai Yunxi nodded and said, “I see.” Ye Fan looked through the contents of the box and his expression changed drastically.

Bai Yunxi looked at Ye Fan and said, “What’s wrong?”

“Sheng Zhihao said that after the Divine Talisman Sect was destroyed, all the classics were burned to ashes. It seems that the classics were not burned and were all moved here. However, this Golden Core elder, for some unknown reason, did not turn in the classics.” seD4Ei

“Put everything away. Didn’t you say that there are still a few Qi Refining disciples waiting by the seaside? If those people don’t go back for a long time, those Qi Refining disciples might report and bring over people from Tianyi Sect. It’ll be troublesome then.”

Ye Fan nodded and said, “Okay.”

Ye Fan and Bai Yunxi put away the items in the treasure house, and left after disposing of the bodies.

*** xwY74o

T/N: Bonus chapter for Ko-fi Supporter and Ageha. Thanks for the ko-fis!

What an obvious filler chapter just so Ye Fan can obtain a treasure that assists in core formation (the sapphire glaze liquid was used by Bai Yunxi already) – his protagonist halo is shining brightly lol.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

*Washing scriptures and cutting marrow – cultivation term for a technique that can improve one’s qualifications.

*The word for affair in the raws is literally “a leg” – it’s how the Chinese refer to affairs and comes from the phrase for cheating (which is one leg on two boats), so having a leg with someone means you’re involved with them. iu5Vw

*Remember, the cave residence is a spiritual artifact, a mobile residence for cultivators. That’s why it’s out of place on this deserted island. The place where the treasure is located is a natural cave.

*酒肉朋友 (jiurou pengyou) – literally wine and meat friends, which basically means fair-weather friends, i.e. those who are friends when things are good and disappear when things are bad.

*The person is gone and the tea is cold (人走茶凉) – an idiom that means things concerning a person don’t matter once a person is dead.


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