After the protagonist of the sadistic novel turns into a salted fish!Ch92 - Why is the canary like this?

Xie Yi “…”

An hour of cold wind was wasted. He pressed down on his tongue and maintained steady breathing with difficulty, remaining still. l7TxKw

He lowered his head to look at Su Zhi’s head. When he walked in just now, he probably touched the curtain, and now a sliver of moonlight was seeping through the thick dark drapery, providing a faint light source.

Not bright, very dim, but enough for someone accustomed to the night to make out some blurry details in the darkness.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xie Yi saw the swirl of hair on the back of Su Zhi’s head.

Su Zhi had two hair whorls. In the dim light, he could only see one, but he knew where the other one was, slightly smaller but still obvious, only hidden by his posture. 5JNhdo

Xie Yi’s pajamas weren’t buttoned up; after being outside for so long, they had come a bit loose.

Su Zhi’s short hair was a bit messy from sleep, the tips of his hair brushing against Xie Yi’s neck in rhythm with his breathing.

It wasn’t exactly painful or itchy, just a quiet and lively reminder of how close they were.

Not purely physically close, their bodies had many closer moments than this, moments of such closeness that they were deeply intertwined.


But most of the time, or rather all the time—saying “most” would be too generous—it was Xie Yi who forced this closeness.

Even in his sleep, due to some unconscious movement that Xie Yi couldn’t fathom, Su Zhi moved a couple of times.

This was indeed one of the rare moments when Su Zhi approached him on his own.


Xie Yi looked at that small swirl of hair, recalling some ambiguous things.

He had heard a saying that the more stubborn a hair swirl, the more stubborn the person. Xie Yi didn’t know if that was true, but Su Zhi’s two small hair whorls were indeed quite stubborn. If you looked closely from behind, you would see a small tuft of hair on one side of his head always sticking out.

Like a small hidden rebellious streak.

Su Zhi appeared gentle and soft on the surface, like a harmless, beautiful little animal. Everyone thought he had a good temper, almost no one had seen him angry or sharp. TEOkfe

Except for Xie Yi.

All of Su Zhi’s negative emotions were only shown in front of him.

Sometimes, Xie Yi even felt a twisted satisfaction, thinking wasn’t this a kind of special treatment?

A part that only he could possess. Did it also represent a certain kind of special connection? Jea7jU

Sometimes he firmly believed this logic made sense, and other times he felt it was just his twisted thinking, a self-convincing.

Convincing himself that he could continue to hold onto Su Zhi.

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When held tightly, this feather-soft little bird would struggle with its slender claws, fluttering in his palm.

Leaving scratch marks. zbxK4d

He didn’t mind the pain in his palm, sometimes even enjoying it.

But from the first day he caged this little bird, he had a vague concern in his heart, worried that one day, the slender leg sliding in his palm might break.

At some point, Xie Yi’s palm slid onto Su Zhi’s shoulder, and he squeezed. 1IzyvQ

Even though Su Zhi had recently gained a bit of weight, compared to him, Su Zhi was still so thin, his hand could feel the hardness of his bones.

The person under his palm was only wearing light, soft cotton pajamas, exposing a section of snow-white neck.

In the dark night, under the faint moonlight, it looked porcelain-white and delicate, silently attracting him to touch it.

Maybe it was because he had exercised too long in the gym, his dinner had been completely consumed, and a wave of hunger suddenly surged in his stomach. hOGkNS

It spread like a tide.

His palm couldn’t help but tighten, but he realized it within a second and quickly let go before disturbing Su Zhi.

His gaze moved inch by inch downwards.

Further down, it was blocked by the buttoned pajamas. I4cZek

However, even if his eyes couldn’t see, he could recall the appearance of that place.

Su Zhi’s chest and abdomen were relatively flat, with smooth and delicate skin, only showing muscle contours when exerting force, but very faintly.

He closed his eyes, recalling those vague lines.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf kjr rb ojwliljg klat Ve Itl’r ybvs, tf gfwfwyfgfv fnfgs rwjii wbif bc la. fbSI9a

Lf atbeuta bo atf rwjii vjgx gfv wbif bc Ve Itl’r ibkfg yjmx, cfjg atf tlutfra megnf. Pa kjr nfgs rwjii, bcis atf rlhf bo j qlctfjv, erejiis eccbalmfjyif ecifrr mibrfis byrfgnfv. Ve Itl tlwrfio wluta cba fnfc yf jkjgf bo lar fzlrafcmf.

Normally it had little presence.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

But once licked, the small mole seemed to be wiped of its dark surface, turning from dull red to bright red, even slightly swollen as if soaked, becoming slightly larger. Still not very big, but noticeable at a glance.

Glistening, like a drop of blood about to seep out, twitching slightly with muscle tension. 4Bczjg

The hunger grew more apparent.

His teeth began to itch, his tongue licking his teeth roots, desperately wanting to hold something in his mouth.

He silently watched Su Zhi in the dark, unsure if his eyes or the current night was darker, like a beast blending into the night.

Maybe the air conditioning was set too low, Su Zhi moved his head, his shoulders curling slightly as if cold or scared, like a small animal fearing the outside wind and snow, trembling and snuggling into an embrace he used to be unwilling to approach. BgcIUC

This slight movement easily shattered the last bit of restraint and defense.

Xie Yi pulled him away, got up, and expressionlessly lifted the blanket. The summer quilt was light and didn’t make much noise when lifted, barely noticeable. However, when the waistband of Su Zhi’s loose pajamas was touched, he moved a little.

Xie Yi paused for a moment. Su Zhi was still in a deep sleep, only moving slightly, like a reflexive reaction to being disturbed in his sleep.

Now lying half-prone instead of on his side, it made it easier for the person disturbing him. P8iVKC

In the darkness, Xie Yi searched for the spot of that small mole.

It was too small to see in such darkness, but he didn’t need his sight to know where it was.

After pausing for a few seconds, he leaned down and found it precisely.

His teeth filled with soft flesh, a hint of gentle warmth. SReyfI


The attacked person let out a sleepy murmur, like a dissatisfied hum.

Xie Yi stopped before waking him up. Q3RcPr

Su Zhi’s eyebrows were furrowed deeply, his thin eyelids fluttering restlessly, as if he would wake up any second from the disturbance.

But he ultimately didn’t wake up. His recent sleep quality had been quite good, probably because he didn’t have so many worries anymore. When one’s mind is relaxed, it’s easier to sleep soundly, and lately, he could comfortably sleep until dawn.

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Demonstrating what is called “sleeping like a baby.”

It should be a good thing, but sometimes it’s not so good. wl1Wzj

Like now, being bullied like this and still not waking up.

Xie Yi watched him for a while, confirming that he wouldn’t wake up, then gently covered him with the blanket again, lay back down, and helped Su Zhi adjust his position. His palm exerted a bit of pressure, pressing that head with messy hair onto his chest.

Su Zhi’s eyebrows furrowed for a long time but ultimately didn’t break through the barrier between dream and reality. His eyelashes fluttered for dozens of seconds before calming down.

Pillowed on a broad, soft, slightly warm place, he instinctively burrowed in, his Adam’s apple moving. Within a few minutes, he had fallen back into a deep sleep. Qz9078

Su Zhi had a very bizarre dream.

In the dream, he fought with a large, soft, fluffy piece of bread.

In the dream, he was a round, chubby little bird, searching for food on an empty stomach. After a long search, he finally found a fragrant, soft, chewy piece of bread, and just as he happily buried his head into it, ready to take a bite, the bread unexpectedly knocked him over and started gnawing on his tail feathers.

It made his thin tail feathers wet and dirty, covered in saliva. shSVtE

Strange? Where did the bread get saliva?

It made the roots of his tail feathers sting painfully.

He chirped angrily, his fluffy feathers almost exploding. Just as he was about to jump up and fight this food that could bite, the bad bread suddenly stopped and turned to bury his little bird head with its body.

He was smothered by the soft, slightly elastic bread, and for a moment, he could only remember his stomach growling, captured by the fragrant smell and texture. His small head felt dizzy and drunk, and he forgot he still needed to jump up and give this big guy a good beating. vdBzks

“Plop,” he fell softly onto it.

When Su Zhi got up in the morning, he didn’t react for a long time, his mind filled with fragments of bizarre dreams.

What was that, so strange? bZgTVr

Dazed and not fully awake, he went to brush his teeth with his messy bed hair. Halfway through brushing, he sluggishly felt a spot below his waist that was warm and swollen, with a slight but noticeable pain, as if something had stung him. It wasn’t very painful, but it felt strange.

Biting his toothbrush, he pulled his pajama pants down a bit and looked back.

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The spot was near the highest curve, quite obvious. He immediately saw a slightly red and swollen bite mark, bright and clear, looking freshly made, not more than a few hours old.

Su Zhi! vjQmEs

His hands trembled as he loosened his waistband, his mind buzzing.

In his shock, he forgot he still had the toothbrush in his mouth and almost choked on the toothpaste.

Xie Yi, that pervert!

Biting the toothbrush, he rushed out of the bathroom and ran to the bedroom balcony to look down. v2Tdem

Most of the time, Xie Yi went to work earlier than him, who left just on time. Today was no different.

Under Su Zhi’s watch, the sleek black business car drove out of the villa gate and headed outside.

Su Zhi pulled the toothbrush out of his mouth, wanting to throw it down, but considering it wouldn’t be ethical and might create litter, he silently put it back in his mouth with his arm still raised.

He returned to the bathroom. lcbsEo


He spat the excess toothpaste foam into the sink, forcefully. It quickly washed away with the water.

It’s hard to say there wasn’t some anger about someone’s strange behavior mixed in.



Today’s work was also boring, simple and monotonous.

Now, Su Zhi’s approach to work was like leisurely slacking off, yet he looked so gentle and kind that no one noticed his little tricks.

No one knew he could be promoted to a higher-paying position, utilizing the work experience and skills accumulated in his past life, yet he remained a plain, unremarkable employee here every day. mq bpZ

Though, to be fair, his salary wasn’t low—the threshold at Xie Corp was high. Even ordinary employees here held high-paying jobs.

But in the general work culture, everyone was trying to be as competitive as possible.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Especially the young people, who wanted to push themselves while they were still full of energy.

To be honest, Su Zhi didn’t have such aspirations in his past life when he was young. It was only after Xie Yi left that he spent a lot of time on work. Onwutg

In this life, he had even less intention.

He was just lying flat, doing nothing.

The team leader had talked to him several times after the exhibition, wanting him to move up if he had the ability.

But Su Zhi played dumb and dodged it each time. qkfBKY

These conversations were unknown to his other colleagues.

Everyone thought he was working hard like the others, doing an ordinary job as an office worker.

Actually, he was the one who slacked off the most in the whole group.

Quickly finishing most of his work, leaving just a bit for the end, Su Zhi skillfully put it aside, planning to wrap it up just before getting off work. ZzQjaP

The long TV series he had been watching recently just ended yesterday, and he felt a kind of emptiness one feels after finishing a lengthy show, a strange kind of aftereffect that made it hard for him to start watching other movies or TV shows.

Bored and idle, he somehow opened the forum of A University again.

On the homepage, besides the two posts about him, several strange new posts had appeared.

[Have you seen the new article on the school’s official website? Even with a straight guy’s photography skills, the school beau is still dazzlingly handsome, damn it!] V6epka

[Wow, now I know why the school beau came back to school the day before yesterday. Was it a business trip and a nostalgic visit with his partner? Is this public expense dating?]

[The senior actually joined Xie Corp. That company is so hard to get into, even A University’s undergraduates need excellent grades to have a chance! Amazing~]

[This photo is worth keeping forever!]

[Don’t just look at the school beau! Who’s that executive from Xie Corp? Damn, the one in the middle is so handsome, he looks like a celebrity!] ZgSdqL

[It should be the chairman of Xie Corp, right? The report says the chairman and some director came for the exchange. The one next to him should be the director, who came last year, so the remaining one can only be the chairman. I checked his age, and it matches.]

[What? The big boss of Xie Corp is so young and handsome. Because of the case our teacher talked about in class, I always imagined him as a sinister middle-aged man…]

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[Did you not look at the encyclopedia? At 25, he can’t be that type of person.]

[I checked this boss of Xie Corp, and you can’t find a single clear photo of him online. No interviews or anything. This should be the first high-resolution public photo, right? Why hide such handsomeness for so long?] oF7dVk

[So, the question is, what benefits did our school offer to get him to show his face this time?]

[I still think the school beau is more handsome. This guy looks too intimidating. I’ll always prefer the elegant and delicate beauties!]

[You can’t compare them like that. Their looks are clearly not in the same category. Both are handsome!]

[The boss and the school beau are standing so close, damn it. For some reason, their vibes match! I’m subtly shipping them…] CorLep

[Calm down, calm down. Don’t ship every two handsome guys you see. The senior’s hand-holding photo with his boyfriend is still on the homepage. Although I don’t want to accept it, let’s at least respect his official boyfriend, okay?]

[Speaking of which, this boss looks like the senior’s boyfriend, right? Both are pretty tall. Our vice-principal, who is 1.85 meters tall, was half a head shorter than him. I used to think the vice-principal was quite handsome, but standing next to the young, handsome boss, it’s like public execution.]

[Talking bad about the vice-principal? Reported.]

[Stop comparing. The difference is too big, okay? Besides, would a CEO with such wealth accompany his partner to play innocent campus romance?] Z4kLh6

Su Zhi: “…”

Actually, it’s not that innocent… okay, it’s quite the opposite of innocent.

If it weren’t for his arm blocking it, he couldn’t imagine the consequences.

Having a rough idea of what happened, Su Zhi followed the information to the official website of A University. eg5atu

As soon as he entered, the most prominent scrolling section on the homepage was the large photo report of Xie Corp’s executives visiting A University for a friendly exchange.

It was placed first, immediately visible.

Su Zhi: “…”

It was obvious that A University’s publicity department really wanted to boost their performance. Fkd1bs

He clicked into the report but didn’t bother reading the content, as it was the usual official rhetoric, with mutual compliments.

His gaze fell on the group photo.

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One had to admit, the people in the photo were all quite good-looking.

The leadership of A University was relatively young among universities, with more outstanding temperaments. As a century-old prestigious school, it had its heritage. Even the middle-aged leaders didn’t look greasy. Compared to their peers, they could even be considered somewhat handsome. VoStPE

But none could compare to Xie Yi standing in the center.

The natural advantage of youth, the authority built from his high position, and that face, which no one could find fault with, made him look like he was in a different world from the others.

Su Zhi was used to his own face, looking at it in the mirror every day, and had become accustomed to his appearance, seeing nothing special anymore.

He could only tell that, aside from himself, Xie Yi indeed stood out in the eyes of these people. fxdX3y

Su Zhi’s gaze fell on the half figure overlapping with Xie Yi’s.

Because he was standing slightly in front of Xie Yi at the time, he naturally blocked a small part of his figure.

It was a common standing position, and the photo looked normal, with them standing behind each other, maintaining a perfectly polite social distance.

But no one knew that at the moment the photo was taken, the arm Su Zhi covered was pressing against his lower back. K8jQGi

The fingers were warm and forceful.


Somehow, the bite mark that had already lost its sensation started to itch again.

That spot inevitably brushed against the chair surface, unless he kept his back straight, making his body lean forward slightly to avoid pressing on it. rjYxdg

But that was too tiring. Su Zhi had been lazy recently and refused to stay so tense.

Su Zhi shifted in his chair, trying several times but still feeling uncomfortable. He found a cushion and placed it on the chair.

Only then did he feel a bit better.

He saved the photo, thinking angrily. s5bjrJ

Someday, he would sew up Xie Yi’s mouth, which always liked to bite him.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

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  1. Xie yi’s beastly streak has finally toned down a bit XD if it was the him before, he’d probably ravish su zhi until there’s nothing left 🗿