After the protagonist of the sadistic novel turns into a salted fish!Ch49 - Incubus Quits

Albert kissed the corners of his eyes, then continued down, kissing his cheeks, gently removing the tear stains from his face.

When he reached his nose, Josh pushed him away with a swish. wynlT6

The words had naturally slipped out of his mouth when his emotions were high.

It was strange because he usually didn’t like discussing his private matters, but at that moment, he spoke without inhibition.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Now, feeling slightly calmer, he began to feel embarrassed.

Why did he tell Albert these things? znWEGk

What relationship did they have?

Just the relationship between an ordinary heartless boss and a hapless knight, and once his health issues were resolved, they would part ways… No, he would isolate Albert from his bed.

He still had to work for him!

His heart was just that dark.

s zoY5

In any case, they hadn’t reached that level of familiarity yet.

Josh thought randomly, and his heartbeat gradually calmed down.

He glanced down for a moment, then reached out to straighten the scattered letters on the soft cushion.

One by one, in their original order, he stacked them from top to bottom. dBU43G

However, this stack of letters, about two finger joints high, recorded many unspeakable pasts in such a light and fluttering manner.

Josh sorted out the letters, preparing to take them to the bedroom later and lock them under his bed in the miscellaneous box.

Albert’s hand still rested on his shoulder.

He picked up that hand, intending to throw it away and jump off the soft bed. BCYQpM

He wanted to go back to rest, his head was a little dizzy, and he didn’t want to sleep with Albert.

But in a blink of an eye, he saw a distinct tooth mark on the middle finger joint of that hand.

It was still bleeding, looking particularly glaring.

Although Albert was a knight, his skin was not rough. At this moment, the bloody tooth mark looked extremely conspicuous on his hand. DhnzdZ

To think he was bitten like this!

Upon careful consideration, there was indeed a faint taste of blood in his mouth.

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Josh suddenly felt guilty.

Without time to think, he reflexively brought the hand, which he had intended to discard, to his eyes, as if to cover up the evidence, and lowered his head to lick the bleeding wound. MPYvJE

The taste of blood spread in his mouth, and Josh paused, his mind clearing, only then did he realize how foolish his action was.

Not to mention, licking it like this wouldn’t stop the bleeding at all.

Moreover, he always detested the taste of blood. It was one thing to bite in the heat of the moment, but why did he do such a thing while sober?

But just as he was about to spit it out, Josh’s movement suddenly stopped. CaIJXd

Although the blood spreading in his mouth still had that fishy smell, there was also an indescribable, almost sweet aroma mixed within.

Josh involuntarily swallowed.

He suddenly felt very hungry, his stomach growling emptily, pitifully curling up even though he had eaten a full dinner, even after spending hours in the study, he shouldn’t feel like this.

Josh didn’t have a particularly hearty appetite. Even at his laziest, he wouldn’t feel uncomfortable with just one meal a day. bHyqIk

But at this moment, he was very hungry, increasingly so, hungry enough to feel like he could devour a magic bull right away.

But there was no magic bull here, only a knight he had bitten, and his blood.

Slowly, he felt Albert’s blood becoming more and more fragrant, enticing his taste buds.

He was like a lost traveler in a desert, walking for a long, long time, on the brink of dying of thirst, who stumbled upon a precious water source and instinctively lunged for it to survive. lZxHJw

Unconsciously, as if bewitched, his tongue, which had been just rubbing back and forth against Albert’s knuckles, suddenly pressed tightly against them, cheeks sucking with force.

The wound that had not healed was further squeezed by his actions, more blood flowing down his throat.

The person whose knuckles he held in his mouth frowned slightly, looking at his actions in astonishment, “Josh…”

He didn’t feel any pain from the wound being squeezed. Ahg5OP

To him, these minor injuries were insignificant. If he hadn’t had a fleeting thought at some point, thinking that leaving a wound on Josh might yield some benefits, deliberately weakening the skin’s barrier, Josh wouldn’t have been able to break through his skin.

He was just caught off guard by this sudden provocation.

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The soft and smooth tongue pressed against his knuckles, grinding affectionately, arrogantly attempting to squeeze out more blood as if it were fierce.

The owner of the squeezed knuckles immediately tensed his body, his Adam’s apple rolling. HT7KWd

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He could see that Josh’s condition was a bit off, and rationally wanted to pull his hand out and make Josh regain his senses.

Dea tlr ybvs tjv jigfjvs lcralcmalnfis vglnfc tlr olcufgr ab ralg lc Abrt’r wbeat.

Po tf vjgfv ab qijs klat Abrt vlrgfrqfmaoeiis ilxf atlr ecvfg cbgwji mlgmewrajcmfr, atf qgbev ibgv kbeiv tjnf regfis yffc fcgjufv jcv kbeiv tjnf lwwfvljafis ylaafc boo tlr olcufg jcv rmgjamtfv tlw wjvis.

Dea Abrt’r wlcv kjr mibevfv ys tecufg ja atf wbwfca, jcv tf vlvc’a tjnf atf fcfgus ab atlcx jybea atfrf atlcur. 46Env3

He just instinctively chased after the wandering finger, more aggressively — actually, it was more clingy.

Albert lowered his head and sniffed around his neck.

Sure enough, the sweet scent that hadn’t appeared on Josh for a long time began to emanate through the flowing blood from his neck.

After the steward came over, he inquired about some information about Incubi. DkxfW3

Knowing about this special fragrance that only emerges at the critical moment of Incubui’s awakening, essentially a lure used to entice “prey”.

Each time their physiology advanced, Incubi required a large amount of energy, and if the energy demands were not met, there was even a risk of starving to death. That’s why they evolved this mechanism to lure and capture prey.

The food of Incubi is the bodily fluids of other creatures, blood being one of them.

Just that its utilization rate is not as high as another type. ylxOUt


Albert’s other idle hand couldn’t help but stroke Josh’s neck, which had lifted up to chase after his finger, feeling the small, protruding Adam’s apple, and gently pressed it.

…Feeling the discomfort in his throat, Josh swallowed several times in a row and held his knuckles deeper.

The Demon King’s eyes gradually deepened and darkened. C20L6F

If Josh were awake at this moment, he would see a faint red glow in Albert’s eyes because of his actions.

However, he was nearly fainting from hunger and naturally didn’t notice these small details.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

At this moment.

Both felt each other’s fragrant scent. CIucqn

Albert exerted great willpower to pull his knuckles out of Josh’s mouth.

Then, he picked up the still dazed lord and pushed open the door of the study, quickly walking out.

Josh acted entirely on instinct. After losing the sweet blood, he unconsciously began to tug at the collar of the person holding him.

After all, he was still an adult male, and he had quite a bit of strength. In just a few seconds, Albert’s collar was pulled and torn, buttons bouncing on the corridor floor and eventually falling into an unknown corner, waiting for the servants to clean them up tomorrow morning. e3hDCw

Fortunately, both the study and the lord’s bedroom were on the second floor, so the distance was very short.

At this hour, the servants had already rested, and no one saw their disheveled appearance halfway through.

With a “bang,” as soon as they entered the room, the knight was anxiously pressed against the door panel by the Incubus.

Even at this point, with his mind not clear, Josh still managed to fumble for a ribbon and hastily blindfolded the other. mIfhNg

It can be said that he was very persistent, almost as if it were ingrained in his instincts.

Albert: “…”

The next day, when Josh woke up, he almost thought he had dreamed it all. bjdW3Y

But when he looked around and saw another body sleeping next to him, he realized it wasn’t a dream.

He actually acted like a pervert, drooling over Albert’s blood and tearing his clothes like he hadn’t eaten in eight hundred years.

In the meantime, Albert felt him sweating all over and wanted to fetch him a glass of water.

He was like a child who couldn’t get any candy, his eyes reddened, and he asked very displeased, “Are you unable to handle it… Are you trying to starve me?” Nt28jA

Then, after a quiet moment, the air was as silent as death.

The events that followed, even someone as thick-skinned as Josh, felt too embarrassed to recall.

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In short, maybe, perhaps…

The only thing that relieved him was that the blindfold on the other’s eyes remained intact from start to finish. TFNLl6

His identity probably hadn’t been exposed yet.

Despite this, Josh still felt a lingering fear and quickly drove the person out of the bedroom.

Then, without bothering to take a shower, he fetched the prophecy scroll and anxiously said, “Yesterday, it seems like my body was out of control.”

The prophecy scroll lamented, “Did you not listen to anything I told you before? Didn’t I already tell you that your physiological awakening was only in the initial stage, and by ‘initial stage,’ I mean, there will definitely be more severe stages to come!” gAsmLO

Josh: “I know, but…”

Yes, Josh actually knew.

The awakening of a Incubus was probably divided into two stages, an initial stage and a later stage, with the later stage being the most critical.

But perhaps out of a sense of luck, he was reluctant to think too much about it. DhOcj

A fully awakened Incubus would grow horns and a tail. He wasn’t sure if a half-incubus would retain this characteristic.

Just having the Incubus marks wouldn’t have a significant impact as long as he wore clothes and others couldn’t see them.

This way, it seemed like he could deceive himself. Except for slightly increased needs at night, overall, he didn’t differ much from other normal humans.

But if those two things grew out, he wouldn’t be able to deceive himself anymore. ukfJYE

Moreover, after they grew out, how to completely hide them would also be a problem. Anything that existed would inevitably leave traces.

The prophecy scroll: “You should get a few more ‘meals,’ I don’t think one is enough. Be careful, don’t eat that knight clean.”

Josh pursed his lips and muttered vaguely, “I know…”

He still didn’t want to get close to anyone else… Where else could he find a knight like Albert, who was strong enough, not annoying, and easy to fool? X7 Oyd

Besides, he felt there was still some distance between Albert and being eaten clean by him, right?

Yesterday, he just blurted out that sentence, but he didn’t know how many tears were shed for that tiny sentence.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

His reserve food knight… looks like he can still nibble for a while?

Josh’s mind was in chaos, and his subconscious thought was just to get by. E8mag

Anyway, just muddle through for now.

This awakening of his physique came on fiercely.

Clearly, after almost fooling around all night last night, but just after eating lunch, Josh looked at the knight beside the dining table and felt his stomach growling again.

With the awakening of his physique, human food had become less and less meaningful to him. aVCku3

It was no longer an effective source of energy.

But Albert, in his eyes, seemed even more fragrant.

Sometimes he felt like the way he looked at Albert’s eyes was just like looking at a fragrant big chicken leg, full of criminal desire.

Anyway, since that day, they started fooling around during the day as well. p14 ZW

Josh had no energy left to deal with the affairs of the estate, and even Albert, who had to feed him, couldn’t spare much time.

At this point, the arrival of the new steward was particularly timely.

He took over almost all of Albert’s previous chores.

He was an experienced and diligent old hand, although he took over hastily, but in many matters, he did even better than Albert! qLo6UP

The servants all admired him.

The nun said, “When I was with Lady Alyssa in the central city, even the steward of the palace was not as thoughtful and capable. I don’t know where this steward came from, he is truly admirable.”

Josh was also very grateful to him. If it weren’t for this steward to timely apply for the job, Albert would have to spend more than ten hours a day feeding him, and the rest of the hours would have to include work and rest. That would be too busy!

This steward didn’t ask for a salary, he just cared about his little cat. VoPARG

Josh had people buy a lot of cat climbing frames and toys and sent them to their separate little courtyard.

The steward accepted with a smile, saying, “It’s just what I should do, no need to be polite.”

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Anyway, it wasn’t the first day he had to clean up after the whimsical demon king.

He was just somewhat worried that without someone in charge in the demon palace, he didn’t know what kind of mess it would turn into, which made him slightly concerned. He knew he would probably have to be busy again when he went back to deal with it. wUdbT5

He probably just had a naturally industrious fate!

In the midst of his busyness, the steward sighed deeply while holding his little cat, “In the past, working for the demon king in the demon realm, and now working for the demon queen… Well, let’s just consider it a good thing. I hope that after getting married, His Majesty the demon king can mature a bit, so that when I’m no longer here, he won’t be in a panic.”

Yes, although Albert didn’t explicitly say it, how could a seasoned old demon like him not see the way the demon king fluttered around, his heart controlled by someone else?

It really was embarrassing for them demons. lFBciV

According to the typical behavior of demons, if they fancied someone, they would just snatch them away, using strength to determine the outcome.

Demons were such a domineering race.

Hundreds of years ago, the notorious reputation of the demon race among other races was not without reason.

This phenomenon was partly due to the nature of demons themselves, but also due to the indulgence and even instigation of the ruling powers at the time. 51gI2z

The old demon king of the past even once slaughtered an entire weak race just for fun.

Under his leadership, the demon race at that time was simply notorious for their evil deeds.

In any case, for a demon to grovel and bend the knee to another creature far weaker than themselves in the name of “love” was almost like a fairy tale.

But for this to happen to this new demon king, it seemed quite plausible. jxG5pw

After the old demon king was killed, the reason he stubbornly left behind Albert, who was cold and indifferent at the time, to become the new demon king was because he saw in him qualities closer to “humanity.”

Albert was a demon with very low aggression.

Perhaps this was due to him having once remodeled his body in pursuit of power, leaving only his appetite behind.

However, the steward believed more that this was his true nature. kyxlOs

In that war where they killed the old demon king, he merely severed the old demon king’s head and did not engage in larger-scale slaughter.

He didn’t even care about power; once he achieved his goal, he wanted to leave.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

This gave hope to the old steward who wanted to make some changes in the demon realm.

A brutal and disorderly race cannot survive for long. Call him an idealist or call him an anomaly, but this was his wish. EmoWtv

He decided to take a gamble.

And he won the bet.

The demon king he persuaded to stay with honeyed words seemed cold and impatient, and was skilled at neglecting his duties.

But for a demon, he was already a very kind and tolerant ruler. Wsf4HX

At least he wasn’t keen on war and never stirred up trouble to satisfy his own desires.

Although he always felt that the policies implemented by the steward in the demon palace were cumbersome and boring, he never really scolded him for not allowing to do these unnecessary things.

Since Albert took office, the hostility in the demon realm has unknowingly decreased significantly.

Ignoring everyone’s blood-red eyes and horns, the demon realm now has towns that are so orderly, they could be mistaken for human towns. Z90BjR

The steward kissed his little cat in his arms, “Actually, he’s already doing very well. There’s no better demon king than him. It’s just that, being an old demon, I can’t shake off the habit of nagging. Every time I think I don’t have much time left, I wants to do a little more…”

This time, the little cat didn’t stretch out its claws to scratch him, it just wagged its tail and glanced at him with its round eyes.

The steward continued, “Speaking of which, the race of the demon queen is quite surprising.”

It turns out he is an incubus, a race that hasn’t appeared in the demon realm for a long time. hOrKIW

Because they’ve been missing for too long, he doesn’t know much about this race, let alone that Josh’s scent is impure, like a half-incubus, which is even rarer. Incubi are a very special race with their bloodlines, rarely leaving offspring with other races.

So when the demon king came to inquire about them, he only vaguely mentioned some basic knowledge and didn’t dare to talk about the uncertain parts.

He remembered that pure-blooded incubi would grow horns and a tail, as for half-incubus, he really didn’t know.

He decided to go back to the demon realm and look through his own collection of books to see if he could find more detailed information. ExjigK

Another full moon.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Josh was leaning against Albert, with a few drops of tears in the corner of his eyes, like dewdrops on leaves, making his pitch-black eyes appear even more moist.

Moonlight streamed through the window lattice onto him, and Josh suddenly felt a bit itchy in his hair. xmrzyd

At first, it was just a slight itch on the upper left side of his forehead, but when he reached out to scratch it, there was no relief. In fact, it started to sting after a few seconds.

It felt like there was a tiny heartbeat hidden under his scalp, pulsating rhythmically from light to heavy, almost making him dizzy in the end.

Very uncomfortable.

“Ugh…” OiUprn

Josh couldn’t help but let out a muffled groan.

Albert was massaging his back, as Josh sometimes got a bit tense and had cramp-like reactions, so he learned to relieve him in time.

When he heard Josh’s groan, Albert’s hands paused, asking, “What’s wrong?”

Josh was also puzzled, “Nothing, maybe I just bumped my head earlier, it’ll be fine after resting for a while.” 0 XYIy

However, after resting for a while, the headache not only didn’t ease but became more severe.

Josh couldn’t help but shake his head vigorously, his face looking extremely unpleasant.

Seeing that Josh wasn’t feeling well, Albert held his head and was about to suggest seeing a doctor.

But then, in that instant, through the covering of the fabric, he saw something protruding from Josh’s head. CFeJGt

A small, pointed, pure black horn.

It timidly emerged from his hair.

Only the size of a fingertip, like the kind of horn that a poorly developed infant demon would grow.

And, it was only growing on one side. dEOYG1

Making it look even more pitiful and adorable.

His movement froze.

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He could hear the sound of his own throat rolling.


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