After the protagonist of the sadistic novel turns into a salted fish!Ch20 - After the scumbag’s destined omega turned into a salted fish

Yin Yeyou came back in less than three minutes.

Bai Muxing also came to his senses in just a few minutes and wanted to “understand.” O5J8la

Yin Yeyou was probably the kind of person who was very outgoing and helpful. Even if he was a guest at other people’s homes, he was still willing to give and help.

He though about the two of them casually chatting online before, and the embarrassing moment when Yin Yeyou sent him 50 million.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

This explanation immediately seemed very plausible.

Anyway. TqhVpZ

Bai Muxing felt an indescribable guilt when he thought about how he had slept all day, leaving Yin Yeyou, a guest, hanging there, still remembering to cook porridge for him and tidy up.

Bai Muxing said, “Sorry for the trouble. I should have properly entertained you, but it turns out you’re the one who’s doing all the work.”

Yin Yeyou immediately replied, “Your matters are my matters, it’s only right.”

Bai Muxing felt that this statement was a bit strange, as Yin Yeyou had been excessively excited since waking up. But before he could ponder further, Yin Yeyou spoke again:


“By the way, should we buy some more agricultural planets? I checked, and there are several vacant agricultural planets nearby with good environments, suitable for human habitation.”

He didn’t spend the whole day just busy with chores.

He also made up for some knowledge about human marriage.

In human culture, proposing is a very solemn event and is usually accompanied by a suitable proposal gift. HYAgZS

But he really didn’t have time yesterday.

He had no intention of proposing to Bai Muxing so soon.

According to what he understood about the process of human love and marriage, the first step was to meet, get familiar with each other, cultivate feelings, then fall in love, and finally propose.

The entire process takes several months on average. dBAmPI

As a beginner who knew nothing about this and an outsider, he originally planned to follow the humans and strictly follow these instructions step by step.

As a result, Bai Muxing actually wanted to go on a blind date with someone else!

He was stunned by this realization, and his brain, which was already not functioning well, shut down and almost revealed his non-human form in front of Bai Muxing.

Looking back now it was still very thrilling. JYFceh

The inherited memories left by his ancestors told him that all creatures in the universe were naturally wary of aliens.

Especially for creatures that are more powerful than themselves.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

This kind of vigilance will double and even advance fear and disgust. Once the courting objects have this impression, they basically have no chance.

If you reveal yourself as a alien before your courtship was successful, the consequences would be very disastrous. HNxdvF

Even after a successful courtship, they should try to hide it.

Yin Yeyou also hesitated whether this would be bad?

Among the rules of human love he hae read, one was not to hide things from each other.

But the bloody lessons left by our ancestors were like a scar deeply imprinted in the soul, telling the tragedies caused by this and warning future generations. wXA5CP

Every time the thought of confessing his identity to Bai Muxing came into his mind, those inherited memories that were almost spiritually imprinted came out like a tide in the darkness, taunting in his ears like a nightmare.

After spending all the stored energy in exchange for the opportunity to be with your partner, do you really want to destroy it yourself?

No one can love a monster too much.

‌Monsters like them. NRA46Q

A partnership was not eternal if they were abandoned by your partner.

They would lose their anchor point and return to a wandering state.


In short, because of the unexpected event of blind date. Ih2r e

He had no choice but to skip the process and directly propose to Bai Muxing in a hurry.

Fortunately, Bai Muxing agreed (?) to his hasty proposal.

But as a qualified male, he certainly couldn’t just think that this problem could be easily overcome.

So, finding a suitable proposal gift became his top priority. GwNDbe

While working, Yin Yeyou went to a well-known emotional forum on StarNet to look for answers.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Rb, atja rffwr ab yf j ojrtlbc agfcv atberjcvr bo sfjgr jub jcv tjr ibcu yffc bea bo vjaf.

Zbgfbnfg, atf njief bo atlcur ilxf ufwr lr cba tlut atfrf vjsr, rb ulnlcu atlr jkjs jikjsr rffwr ilxf sbe vbc’a ajxf la rfglberis. CwyAsM

‌Ktfgf jgf rfnfgji qbrar bc atf abq obgewr mbwqijlclcu jybea gfmflnlcu uloar ilxf ufwrabcf glcur, jcv atfs bqfcis rjs la’r j gfagb obgw bo gbwjcmf klat tlrabglmji rluclolmjcmf.

But it would look like he’s all talk and no action, just like those cunning and tricky men from the ancient Earth era.
Yin Yeyou decisively ruled this out.


This could be considered, but the performance of civilian mechas was limited, and military mechas have many restrictions. Moreover, transportation was also a problem, and it could not be achieved in a short time. kBH8oh

Yin Yeyou diligently searched through the forums, and finally came up with some widely praised options.

If the funds were abundant and you want to avoid missteps, just give a house, a car, or land directly. It’s always a safe bet.

Yin Yeyou instantly had an idea.

Bai Muxing doesn’t have strong material desires, the only thing he has shown interest in is farming. He has suggested buying some agricultural planets several times before, so he’s obviously interested in it. 0JZ8sA

So why not just give him some agricultural planets as a proposal gift?

It’s sincere and tailored to his interests.

The more Yin Yeyou thought about it, the more he felt it was a good idea.

Of course, buying land was a major family decision, and Yin Yeyou didn’t dare to decide on his own. He decided to ask Bai Muxing’s opinion to see where it would be suitable to buy. nYhw7B

Bai Muxing suspected he misheard a few words. What did “we” mean? But Yin Yeyou seemed to genuinely want his advice.

It might have been a slip of the tongue, Bai Muxing thought.

Following his own understanding, he figured Yin Yeyou had changed his mind and was planning to invest in agriculture and animal husbandry again.

So, he immediately and resolutely gave the most sincere advice. brMYng



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After a brief moment of thought, he answered, “Sure, the environment in this star system is very good. Whether you use it for investment and sell it at a higher price later or manage it yourself, the return rate is very high. You can also take a look at the MGTT star system next door…”

If it were someone else asking about this matter, Bai Muxing would not have said so much so confidently. 8FePzU

Because, having been reborn and knowing the opportunities in advance, buying planets in bulk at a low price and then selling them at a high point is quite opportunistic.

Although there’s nothing wrong with it legally, Bai Muxing instinctively never planned to do such a thing.

His credit is very good, and his military retirement certificate can also help him. He can completely leverage enough funds through loans, and then through means like installment payments, he can maximize the acquisition of many agricultural and ranching planets’ sovereignty.

At most, he would wait ten years, and with the post-war recovery and stabilization of various industries, the price of agricultural and ranching planets would rebound to the peak. LsM8wh

He wouldn’t even have to wait until the first installment is repaid before he can start selling them, making a profit with no capital.

It’s a completely foolproof deal.

If he really had the intention to get rich from this, he would already own at least a dozen planets by now.

But he chose the dumbest way: using almost all his money to fully purchase just one agricultural and ranching planet. apwGU3

He bought this planet purely to fulfill his dream of having a safe place to settle down.

Even if the price goes up later, unless something unexpected happens, he wouldn’t sell it. Instead, he would live there long-term.

In short, after meeting his survival needs, he won’t use this information gap to make more profit.

It’s not that he has particularly high morals. qkNH9m

Bai Muxing considered himself neither good nor bad, just an ordinary person.

He simply can’t be bothered to do extra work.

Now, he owns a small planet of his own and has over ten million in his account to ensure the rest of his life.

Perhaps this small fortune means nothing to those truly wealthy people. hginZY

But Bai Muxing was already very content with this.

However, now the person wanting to buy an agricultural and ranching planet was Yin Yeyou, who was different from others. How exactly he was different, Bai Muxing didn’t think deeply about for the moment.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The desire to help a friend gain some benefit overrode the principles he had always adhered to.

Perhaps it was because Yin Yeyou was one of his few friends. X1iNAY

So Bai Muxing earnestly explained the situation of the nearby star systems with agricultural and ranching planets to him.

The extensive research he had done before buying his own planet finally found its use again.

“These two places should be avoided. For four months of the year, their orbits bring them too close to a mineral-rich planet, and the radiation from the abundant energy stones affects crop yields. And here…”

Yin Yeyou, who had also researched extensively to help him find a suitable planet back then, was now practically a semi-expert. VhCliO

“This place has a cold season that is too long and harsh, making it unsuitable for human activity. This one won’t do.”

The two of them had a lively conversation.

When they finally paused, Bai Muxing realized he had just spoken for quite a long time!

His mouth even felt a bit dry from all the talking. WLnmbR

It was truly a pleasant conversation.

In his memory, such an event had never happened before.

In the past, the most he ever communicated with others was on the battlefield, exchanging information with his comrades.

Once off the battlefield, he would revert to being alone again, rarely saying more than ten words to anyone. FhUyRJ

Bai Muxing didn’t do this on purpose; he was naturally indifferent to his surroundings, lacking curiosity about others. He never felt that social interaction was a necessity for him.

But now, in this simple wooden hut, he had chatted with someone for so long.

In the conversation just now, he had even led the entire discussion, with Yin Yeyou only occasionally interjecting with some questions, more like a listener.

Bai Muxing himself didn’t realize he had so much to say. He was practically talkative. NS1LHZ

He was stunned and didn’t speak for a moment. A strange feeling flashed through him.

It was like a tiny, wet sprout poking its first tender leaf out of the soil, fragile and sensitive.

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Because it was so weak, it wasn’t easily noticed.

The two had been talking for nearly half an hour, and the sunlight had completely faded. xRNkgP

The sky was a tranquil blue, neither fully dark nor still illuminated by the fiery glow of the sunset.

Without the brilliant afterglow of the setting sun, the atmosphere grew cold and quiet. Bai Muxing lowered his eyes slightly, returning to his usual cool and detached demeanor.

His inherent demeanor seemed to be one of perpetual coolness, where the feeling of “warmth” couldn’t linger for long.

But… JB fCm

Yin Yeyou found this version of Bai Muxing just as beautiful.

Just as beautiful as the Bai Muxing bathed in the warm hues of light.

He couldn’t quite articulate it. His brain had only so much capacity, most of which was currently devoted to learning how to woo his beloved. Thus, the elegant descriptors humans use for appearances were still beyond his grasp.

He simply felt that. D7ANt8

Every moment with Bai Muxing made him want to hide him away.

Carefully cherish him in the deepest part of his being, shielding him from any suffering.

He didn’t really understand human standards of beauty; what attracted him wasn’t Bai Muxing’s outward appearance.

“Muxing.” tUa0F8

Yin Yeyou smiled.

The engagement gift was secured effortlessly.

Thanks to the collective wisdom of the forum community!

Yin Yeyou felt delighted. He put away the star map projected by his optical computer and said, “Then let’s buy the agricultural planets in these two locations. They’re close to home, so it’ll be convenient to travel back and forth.” nEWPQ6

Bai Muxing: ?

A hint of confusion appeared in his eyes.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Strange, why was he starting to say things he didn’t understand again?

Wasn’t Yin Yeyou’s home quite far away? Bai Muxing remembered him mentioning it once and had some impression of it. iR4wzd

The two locations he just mentioned were indeed very close to the planet where Bai Muxing lived.

Even though Bai Muxing was rather slow to catch on, he sensed something off at this moment.

…Had he and Yin Yeyou’s lines of thinking diverged at some point without his knowledge?

Yin Yeyou was still immersed in the joy of perfecting his proposal and even started imagining their married life: “Right, right, what kind of starship do you like? We can buy a new one, a bigger one, that can be used for travel and cargo.” xXJ9nq

Bai Muxing: ???

Wait, wait. What exactly is Yin Yeyou talking about?

The more Bai Muxing listened, the more he felt that there was a serious misunderstanding.

This couldn’t go on. HGjxnN

So he interrupted Yin Yeyou and asked, “Wait a minute, why are you telling me all this?”

“It’s your own assets, you can arrange them yourself.”

Using the part of his brain filled with thoughts of love, Yin Yeyou pondered briefly and came to a conclusion.

Yin Yeyou was momentarily stunned. He looked at Bai Muxing with a hint of bewilderment in his eyes. vhlI2e

Was Bai Muxing testing his sincerity?

He quickly expressed his attitude: “After we get married, these assets will be marital property, so of course I want to consult you. Besides, these are the betrothal gifts I’m giving you.”

Bai Muxing: ???

Why did he understand each word individually but become even more confused when they were put together? o6xFUd

Nonsense. Oh, right… Yin Yeyou did mention something about proposing yesterday.

It was a lapse in judgment.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He had somehow forgotten about it.

Perhaps it was because he slept through the night and had a long, profound dream that distorted his perception of reality. UkjoLb

For a moment, he accidentally forgot that Yin Yeyou mentioned wanting to marry him last night.

But this still didn’t explain why Yin Yeyou was so convinced that they were getting married.

He only said they would discuss it today; it didn’t seem like an agreement, did it?

To be on the safe side, Bai Muxing carefully recalled what happened that night. After saying “Let’s discuss it tomorrow,” he went to sleep, then woke up feeling unwell with a fever, and slept the entire day until now. J6fpL

There was indeed nothing that could cause misunderstanding throughout the whole process.

Did Yin Yeyou’s thinking really go off the rails to such an extent?

Bai Muxing thought to himself that this mental problem seemed too serious, and he should suggest that Yin Yeyou see a doctor when he had the chance.

Bai Muxing didn’t understand why he would have such a perception. He wasn’t good at understanding these emotional matters in the first place. Rc4QwX

And trying to speculate about someone with abnormal thinking, a task that doubled in difficulty, was too much for him.

After thinking it over, he couldn’t figure it out, so he decided to explain directly: “I’m not sure if you’ve misunderstood something, but I didn’t agree to marry you.”

As he spoke, his tone was calm and indifferent, coupled with his extremely cold appearance, he seemed like a handful of ice and snow that had accumulated for thousands of years, distant from the mortal world.

There was no sarcasm or insulting attitude, but his indifferent demeanor was somehow more difficult to accept than any reaction, often making people feel ashamed and uncomfortable. It was as if in his eyes, others were just the most insignificant existence, no different from a roadside flower or speck of dust, not worth investing any emotion in. QziGvW

It would be better to hear a few harsh words instead.

At least it would prove that there had once been even a trace of a second’s worth of significance in his eyes.

If it were an ordinary person, they would probably feel embarrassed and ashamed and run away.

Yin Yeyou wasn’t hurt by his cold demeanor. No matter how cold Bai Muxing was, he just wanted to run up and give him a lick. Yyhp4t

At most, he would wag his tail and wonder if there would be a different taste when licking Bai Muxing’s cold face.

But when he heard Bai Muxing’s words, he was stunned.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He stood up from the chair with a “thud”, and his tall figure made the small wooden house Bai Muxing had built himself seem cramped and small.

The massive shadow engulfed Bai Muxing from top to bottom. oMvWu

Bai Muxing inexplicably felt completely enveloped by something.

He looked up and saw this fierce-looking tall guy with a pair of narrow, beautiful silver eyes staring at him with a hint of resentment, gleaming with silver light.

He looked startled and wronged, as if he had encountered the grievance of being cheated by a scumbag: “B-but, you kissed me this morning.”

Bai Muxing: ?! 0Iyadp


When did that happen?

Author’s note:

Yin Yeyou: The wife I finally got is trying to run away! ∑(ΟΠΟ@)!! O92kMr

No melodramatic misunderstandings! Just pure sweetness, gently teasing the puppy’s heart (?).

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