Allocation Object [Zergs]Ch36 - Male Zerg Hua Yu 2

Nanda didn’t notice Qi Yu’s disturbance, responding angrily to Qi Yu’s question, “Of course, it’s General Mo Yan, who is known as the model of female zerg, but leaves a male zerg to live alone. Such behavior doesn’t seem like something a female zerg would do, despite him being touted as a model for female zerg.”

Although Nanda understood the logic, recalling the embarrassing past made him unavoidably angry, yet unable to defeat him, he could only disparage that zerg elsewhere. gCX6AN

Qi Yu, left alone in the room: …

His bad premonition came true.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Should he comment on the coincidence?

Here he was, and Mo Yan was here too. 3FVEBP

He didn’t even know what expression to use at the moment.

Who could have imagined things turning out so dramatically? During their marriage leave, one claimed to be busy with official duties, while the other claimed to be lying low at home, and the next thing, they ended up living on the same planet.

And for five days, neither had realized the other was there.

Just absurd.


Qi Yu touched his cloak and adjusted his mask, feeling a sense of relief upon hearing Mo Yan’s name.

Fortunately, he knew how to hide his identity, otherwise, it would have been troublesome. Now, he is not Qi Yu; he is the male zerg Hua Yu, and encountering Mo Yan doesn’t matter.

At most, he just needs to avoid him a bit. Although Mo Yan is formidable, he surely won’t be so skilled as to immediately reveal Qi Yu’s disguise.

Besides, he shouldn’t have any small actions in front of Mo Yan that would give him away, so the likelihood of being recognized through such means is very slim; hence, his disguise should be safe for the time being. 4BvmZV

Watching the male zerg straighten his mask and adjust his sleeves, Nanda’s expression turned somewhat strange. He knew male zergs were fickle, but hadn’t this male zerg just said he was out earning star coins for his female lord…

He sighed softly, lamenting the infamous female template that brought him shame, but his thoughts of shameful history faded due to the male zerg’s actions. He couldn’t help but remind the male zerg, “Mo Yan already has a male lord.”

Qi Yu, the male lord himself: …

“I know.” VUQhj4

Looking at Nanda’s expression of indescribable feelings, he found himself unable to articulate a defense.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Well, considered worthless.

“Ctfw.” Lf mifjgfv tlr atgbja, gfogjlclcu ogbw wjxlcu jcs wbgf qfmeiljg wbnfwfcar, tlr ojmf ecvfg atf wjrx rafgc, mjggslcu j yla bo atf jegj bo j reqfglbg, “Qtfgf kfgf kf pera cbk?”

“Mbgwlcu j afjw,” Rjcvj gfwlcvfv tlw, jcv klat jcbatfg rlut, tf ibbxfv ja Hl Te klat j tlca bo gfqgbjmt lc tlr fsfr. HxQ580

For the sake of one zerg, he actually forgot what they were discussing—typical of a male zerg who forgets his duties at the sight of beauty.

“Forming a team…” Qi Yu tried to ignore Nanda’s gaze and returned to the main topic. He looked at the four zergs, Tony and his group, who sat motionless, their weary faces expressionless, eyes downcast like fine wooden stakes.

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Thinking about Mo Yan’s rule, Qi Yu pondered for a moment. It seemed he truly couldn’t gather so many zergs in the next few days. Within Black Obsidian Star, the only zerg he was somewhat familiar with was Nanda. As for others, although he had had encounters with Xuan Xing and Xuelan, he couldn’t possibly join them; Xuan Xing’s group was not exactly virtuous, and Xuelan had just been tricked by him. Now, Nanda’s suggestion seemed sufficient to solve the current troubles.

As for establishing his own force, that was something he still needed to think about. Walking around as Hua Yu was convenient, and starting a force was feasible, but there were also some challenges to overcome. TNhImU

His plan was to save up twenty million star coins, and he already had half of that. This half, if he didn’t spend it on expensive items, like a three to four million star coin gaming pod, would be enough for him to live worry-free for fifty years.

Fifty years, long in some senses, short in others—according to the average lifespan in this world, fifty years is merely a tenth of a zerg’s life. What he needed to consider was whether it was worth it to establish a force for the remaining ten million star coins.

If he forms it, he would have more responsibilities in the future; he couldn’t just ignore his own force. If he doesn’t form it… that too is a problem.

After thinking for a while, Qi Yu gave Nanda his answer, “Nanda, I can’t give you a response right now.” 7 Eodz

Right now, he couldn’t even afford to support himself, let alone take care of more zergs in the future, even if it’s only ten.

However, earning ten million star coins is also a hassle if he has to do it himself, like mining the black obsidian here. To mine as much black obsidian as there is in this space by himself, it would take at least a month or two.

The best method would be like now, hiring some temporary workers, but this place doesn’t have that many temps available, and besides, if the others betray him while he’s resting and squander all his belongings, that would be problematic.

He can’t watch over those zergs day and night, and his abilities don’t include controlling zerg… Q56kyv

Nanda is reliable; having interacted for so long, he more or less knows Nanda’s character, but right now, he really can’t make a decision.

Forming a force would mean much less leisure time in the future. Not forming it would mean a higher workload during this period or throughout the year. It’s a dilemma.

To get returns, investment is necessary, and right now, he is still hesitant.

Nanda nodded, although he didn’t fully understand the concerns of the male zerg in front of him, he knew it wasn’t an easy matter. ze32vG

“Then let’s talk about it after this event is over.”

He looked at the male zerg opposite him and shared the information he knew, “This time, this grand event is somewhat dangerous, will you participate?”

“In a few days, the military will send more zergs here, and there will be a battle between the military and the star thieves who come here. Based on previous events, it will be a chaotic brawl.”

How this event will end is uncertain. Both star thief groups and adventure groups will be involved, and there will inevitably be deaths. The military will take this opportunity to capture wanted criminals, and the star thief groups will obtain what they want in various ways. 7cRXfu

Each grand event is a major brawl, and it’s uncertain who will get caught or be implicated and die this time. Those willing to participate in this event are the ones who risk their lives; the adventure groups are somewhat safer, but dealing with the military and the wanted criminals is the trickiest part.

Adventure groups also have many zergs lives in their hands, it’s just that the military doesn’t have evidence, something all zergs know very well. Thus, in this event, although the military won’t act against the adventure groups, they won’t offer help either.

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All zergs must pay a price for their greed; those unwilling to pay should not participate in such events. This is a principle all adventurers know.

Regarding this, Qi Yu didn’t even hesitate, “Of course, I will participate.” TGDwmi

Not only will he participate, but he also intends to go right to the very center.

He must get close to the volcano to see if he can continue his cultivation there. If he can’t continue his cultivation, he must find a way to do so; otherwise, the powers within him will weaken gradually due to the lack of sufficient elemental factors and might even disappear eventually.

Hearing Qi Yu’s declaration, Tony and his group of zergs exchanged a quiet look, remaining as still as wood, without any movement.

Nanda sighed in relief upon hearing this, “It’s good that you will participate. We just happen to have six zergs here.” uzMW7h

“Just enough for the required number for an adventure group.”

If the male zerg didn’t participate, it would be troublesome for him to join since the four traitors beside him wouldn’t listen to him; he would need to find a new force. Now, with so many zergs on Black Obsidian Star, among them are many ferocious ones. Smaller forces have already fled, and the larger ones are xenophobic…

However, even if he were to participate, he should still look after the zergs around him, Nanda thought. He didn’t know how much heat the male zerg’s constitution could withstand, but he assumed they couldn’t go very far.

“Are we continuing to mine black obsidian?” Nanda asked. ehdM5

Qi Yu thought about his rate of finding black obsidian; if he continued mining, he could definitely make another profit, but given the current situation…

He shook his head, “No.”

“Now there are many zergs, and it’s easy to conflict with others when mining a large amount of black obsidian, let’s rest for a few days.”

He observed that Tony and his group of zergs were not in great condition. These zergs weren’t really his subordinates. He looked at the four zergs and hesitated for a moment before asking, “Nanda, these zergs…” v1jDq9

He wasn’t trying to plead for them, but it was true that he had been exploiting these zergs heavily. If these zergs had continued to resist, he wouldn’t have thought of compensating them, but now, even though it was under Nanda’s name, the profit was his, and he felt somewhat guilty.

Being too compliant with tool zergs wasn’t good either, prompting Qi Yu to feel unexpectedly that he owed them something.

Over these days, the frustration in Nanda’s heart had mostly dissipated, and hearing this, he understood what Qi Yu meant.

The male zerg was feeling a bit of pity, Nanda thought, which seemed normal. cWXV7x

Tony and his group didn’t have a direct relationship with the male zerg; the relationship was with him. After all, Tony’s group had helped the male zerg mine black obsidian for five days without showing any resistance. The male zerg was a novice, clearly not yet accustomed to handling such situations, and still needing to make use of Tony’s group, it was natural for him to feel uncomfortable.

He looked at Tony and his group, his gaze flickering a few times. After a slight hesitation, he said gravely, “In light of the gentleman’s regard, once the grand event starts a few days from now and you enter the tunnels, you can come out. We’ll settle our own grudges ourselves.”

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He didn’t want to miss this once-in-a-millennium event; these zergs weren’t so important anymore. Now that he had already declared his allegiance to the gentleman, if these zergs were wise, they wouldn’t provoke him. When he had time later, he would settle scores; although he couldn’t defeat them if they banded together, he could always pick off those who were alone.

Picking them off one by one wasn’t difficult for him. yDcTIF

Qi Yu had not expected Nanda to say this; his original intention was just to provide some compensation to those female zergs. But since Nanda had already spoken, he naturally wouldn’t contradict him, “I will give you some compensation.”

Planning to give the compensation intended for those female zergs directly to Nanda wasn’t a bad idea either.

Over the following days, as Nanda had said, the number of zerg in the inner circle gradually increased, mostly mysterious figures like those on the trade star, cloaked and masked. There were also a few bold ones like Xuan Xing, swaggering around with their troops in the inner circle, leaving trails of wails wherever they went.

Qi Yu and Nanda’s group managed to fend off several waves of troublemakers. One day, seeing more and more zergs in the inner circle and with only three days left until the end of his own marriage leave, and the grand event still not started, he knew he couldn’t wait any longer. He spoke briefly to Nanda and his group, then turned and left Black Obsidian Star. SfpAmb

Traveling with stops and starts, Qi Yu used the map on his temporary terminal and teleported using his spatial powers to the central office locations on several border planets. After visiting about twenty or thirty such sites, he had acquired a list.

After selecting and reviewing the data, his eyes locked onto a name, then he teleported away again.

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