Abuse of Magic is ProhibitedCh3 - This bowl of instant noodles is too unpalatable

After drinking three bottles of calming potion in one breath, Xia Ke felt that he was okay again. His heart was so peaceful that even if he had to fight three hundred vampires, there would be no disturbance.

His eyes flashed slightly. The perspective magic allowed him to clearly see Zhao Nao still standing in the corridor, so he took a deep breath and reached out to open the iron door. fJ8sQH

“Sorry, I was a little nervous just now,” His voice had returned to stability, “You have no previous memories so your judgment of our relationship may be a little biased. In fact, we were already separated and preparing for a divorce. We were only delayed because of the amnesia.”

“Really?” Zhao Nao raised his eyebrows, “After just two days of marriage, we have gone through quarreling, separation and preparation for divorce. This many steps?”

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Xia Ke was speechless for a moment.

This damn ritual magic! wiusod

He bit the bullet and continued, “Yes, our marriage was an accident. At that time, uh, we accidentally drank too much so we got married in a hurry. In fact, there wasn’t much feelings involved at all.”

Although Zhao Nao was young, he had been in the business world for many years. He could tell at a glance that Xia Ke didn’t truly mean what he said, but he didn’t expose it. He just thoughtfully nodded and looked down at his watch.

“It’s just in time for breakfast, how about we have a meal and slowly chat about this?”

After hesitating for a moment, Xia Ke agreed.


He stayed up all night yesterday to make the slow-release potion that can eliminate the negative effects of mental magic on an ordinary person’s body. He was wondering how to get Zhao Nao to drink it. It was obviously a good idea to pour it into breakfast.

He took two steps back. “Then come on in.”

Zhao Nao was stunned for a moment and nodded, flattered. He originally wanted to go out to eat with Xia Ke, but he didn’t expect that Xia Ke was willing to let him in. Afraid that Xia Ke would change his mind, he quickly walked into the house and closed the door.

He was busy talking to Xia Ke yesterday and didn’t pay much attention to the furnishings in his home. Now that he’s finally freed up his mind, he observes and realizes how shabby this place is. ELkAbO

A young master like Zhao Nao, who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, was so shocked that he was at a loss for words. He looked around and couldn’t find a place to eat. He stood there a little awkwardly, not knowing where to look, so he simply looked up at the wall and the hanging paintings.

Xia Ke carried two cups of instant noodles in his hands. With his back to Zhao Nao, he secretly added water to the cups of instant noodles. When both cups of instant noodles were soaked in boiling water, he poured in the seasonings and a small bottle of slow-release potion. He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When he turned his head around, he heard Zhao Nao’s voice. “This painting is quite interesting. The messy blocks of color are distributed to form a strange woman. It has a very postmodern style.”

Zhao Nao was actually looking for something to say to ease the awkward atmosphere in the room. However when Xia Ke followed his gaze and saw the painting on the wall, there was only the word “horror” in his eyes. uSpDxR

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Ljtjtj, gfjiis,” tf ijeutfv jkxkjgvis, “Ktfrf wfrrs yibmxr bo mbibg jgf jmaejiis qfbqif. P tjv cfnfg cbalmfv la yfobgf.”

Ueaalcu vbkc atf meqr bo lcrajca cbbvifr lc tlr tjcv, Wlj Bf aglfv ab ufa Itjb Rjb oegatfg jkjs ogbw atf kjii. “Qtlmt bcf vb sbe kjca ab fja?”

Qtfc Itjb Rjb tfjgv atlr, tf kjixfv mibrfg jcv ibbxfv vbkc ja atf lcrajca cbbvifr. Lf rjk atja atf akb meqr bo lcrajca cbbvifr tjv atf rjwf wertgbbw jcv yffo oijnbg.

How to choose? lyLA2S

He suspected that because he had never eaten instant noodles before, he didn’t know the subtle differences between the two. So, he bent down and looked at the ingredient list on the side of the cups. After comparing it for a long time, he finally determined that there was no difference between the two cups of instant noodles.

Turning to look at Xia Ke, Xia Ke was standing in front of the hanging painting. His face flushed, seeing the woman’s face on it. It was an expression between anger and helplessness, as if he wanted to pull the painting down.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Could he be so excited because he praised his aesthetics? Zhao Nao uncertainly thought for a while before becoming shocked and realizing that he had been staring at Xia Ke’s face for too long. He quickly covered his eyes to hide his confusion and turned around.

When Zhao Nao turned around, the hanging painting suddenly moved. The messy blocks of color were reorganized so that the woman in the painting winked playfully at Xia Ke. O0rQLt

Xia Ke mouthed to her fiercely, “I just said to not move and pretend to be an ordinary painting. Change back quickly!”

“Uh, Xia Ke?” On the other end, Zhao Nao couldn’t help shouting his name. “Can we eat yet?”

“It should be almost ready to eat.”

Xia Ke walked over and, in a natural motion, picked up the cup of instant noodles without the magic potion. He opened the drawer in the corner and took out a pair of tableware but paused. He turned sideways to block Zhao Nao’s view and quickly casted a copying spell on the tableware and handed the copied one to Zhao Nao. 7san I

Zhao Nao looked at the wooden chopsticks that were taken out directly from the drawer and hesitated to ask where the faucet was to wash them. After thinking for a while, he still didn’t say anything. He just took the chopsticks and stood on the ground while holding the bowl of instant noodles before starting to eat silently.

Glancing at Zhao Nao from the corner of his eye, Xia Ke couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Zhao Nao had eaten two mouthfuls of instant noodles and was the same as usual.

After all, the taste of the slow-release potion is hard to describe. Even Xia Ke himself was unwilling to eat it. Although he had added several packets of precious seasoning packets and chili powder to mask the smell of the potion, it is inevitable that the taste is still different.

It seemed that Zhao Nao’s sense of taste was relatively dull and decided on his own that as an apology for Zhao Nao’s innocent involvement in the magic ritual, he would brew another luck potion and give it to him after the divorce was done. 2nZ1FG

Although the luck potion tasted even worse.

While Xia Ke was lost in his thoughts, Zhao Nao had to concentrate on controlling himself in order to not spit out the instant noodles. Why are there such unpalatable things in this world?

When I get home, the first thing I’ll do is to buy this crappy company!

He had already seen the many instant noodles with the same packaging in the box in the corner. Looking at Xia Ke, he couldn’t help but feel a little more distressed. He held his nose and swallowed the whole bowl of instant noodles in one gulp. When he put down the instant noodle box, his fingertips were slightly trembling from the impact of the indescribable taste. o0D3kj

Xia Ke lowered his head to slurp the noodles and carefully observed Zhao Nao’s expression out of the corner of his eye. Seeing that he looked the same and apparently not affected by the side effects of the potion, he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Can we just get a divorce?” He repeated his old words, “I know it was my fault. If you want compensation–”

“Wait a minute,” Zhao Nao interrupted him and seriously asked, “What did you do wrong?”

Xia Ke paused to think for a moment and tentatively replied, “Uh, I shouldn’t have married you?” MomjE6

Zhao Nao shook his head, “But I also agreed to get married. At most, it can be regarded as the fault of both parties. Was there anything else?”

Xia Ke: “…..”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

It was embarrassing that Zhao Nao really disagreed with his reasons. Speaking of which, he didn’t agree with it himself. It was entirely that magic ritual’s fault.

But Xia Ke’s a reclusive, single magician who spends his days in a solitary life. Even his entertainment activities are reading potion books. Who knows why couples in love will get divorced! z6Ka3P

Seeing that Xia Ke was clearly thinking about the mistakes he had made, Zhao Nao nodded clearly and made his own conclusion, “So, both of us are at fault. But I have lost my memory, so my mistake must be bigger.”

“That’s not it,” Holding his head with his hands, Xia Ke was caught up in his thoughts for a moment before quickly coming to his senses. “But no matter what, the result has already happened. Let’s discuss the issue of divorce first.”

“Don’t be like this. Xia Ke, I know that I broke your heart before losing my memory.”

Zhao Nao looked at him firmly with his eyes burning. xzOQqp

“But we are already married now. Rather than separating hastily, we might be able to try and start over. I don’t know why I treated you like that before I lost my memory. But for me, the most important thing is my family. If there is a chance to make up for it, please allow me to pursue you again. Is that okay?”

The recipe for an amnesia potion was going in circles around Xia Ke’s mind. He took a deep breath to force himself from the thought of directly controlling Zhao Nao with his magic to sign the divorce agreement.

He ruthlessly refused, “You can’t.”

This time it was finally Zhao Nao who was embarrassed. He had tried to convince him several times, but seeing that Xia Ke was determined, he stopped trying to persuade him. After all, Xia Ke is the one who has memories of their time together. If he really wants a divorce, maybe the conflict between the two is really irreconcilable. JagKRV

“Then how about this,” Zhao Nao smiled bitterly. He had never been in love before, yet he had to face divorce first. Life is really unpredictable. “This afternoon, I will ask the lawyer to bring the divorce agreement over.”

Xia Ke nodded with relief and put down the instant noodles in his hand. He thought of the little mice in the other room who hadn’t had breakfast yet, prepared to chase the guest away.

“Then I’ll trouble you.”

Zhao Nao politely agreed. After confirming that they really would divorce, his attitude became more distant. He straightened his back and turned around. He left the rental house and walked along the steps to the street. dYnehm

Xia Ke closed the door and turned around to prepare food for the little mice. The door of the back room opened automatically and all kinds of bottles, cans, and magic equipment bounced back to their original places. The little mice squeaked as they ran out, their leader raising a golden dagger in front of Xia Ke.

“The Dagger from the Abyss of Tartarus?” Xia Ke took it in surprise and observed it for a moment, “Are you asking if it can be used to offset the effects of magic rituals?” ”

The little mice nodded in unison.

“Although this dagger can expand the range of magic accordingly, and even transmit the magic wave only through the soul, it belongs in the category of soul magic. This is different from ritual magic.” kaqyKN

Xia Ke shook his head helplessly. Seeing the little mouse drooping its ears and tail in disappointment, he slightly raised his eyebrows.

“But what you brought is just right. This dagger along with the power of blessed magic is able to transmit slow-release potions to ordinary people through the fluctuations of magic rituals. This way I don’t have to worry about the sequelae associated with ritual magic will bring to those people.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Curving his eyebrows, he placed the cut up instant noodles in front of the little mice. He casually waved his right hand in the air and the slow-release potion flew towards the palm of his hand. The cork automatically opened with a bang poured onto the dagger.

Pulled out of the golden sheath, the dagger shone with a gloomy black luster. It absorbed the entire bottle without spilling even a drop. His fingertips dexterously rotated the dagger and with a slight stroke from his wrist, blood dripped on the blade of the dagger. As if touching water, it spills from the inside out. One after another magnificent lines form in the air. iYod6X

Xia Ke slightly closed his eyes and quickly recited a series of long and complicated spells. Most of the blood had been absorbed by the dagger. Suddenly a knock on the door sounded, interrupting the magic that was about to be completed.

Angrily, he turned his head to look at the iron door. Purple light flashed in his eyes. The perspective magic allowed Xia Ke to clearly see Zhao Nao’s figure outside the door.

He gritted his teeth. This time, he didn’t even hide his things. He simply used illusion magic to distort the room into what Zhao Nao had seen before and walked over to open the door menacingly.

“Sorry, I forgot to pick up my phone-” jan6vS

Zhao Nao scratched his hair, feeling a little embarrassed. Just halfway through his explanation, his eyes fell on the dagger in Xia Ke’s hand and the bleeding white wrist. His eyes widened in shock.

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  1. 😂😂 🤣🤣

    From what I can see it’s not that they don’t communicate but that they don’t share the same thought process.


    Arigathanks gozaimuch for the translation 💞 💞

  3. Hahahaha just as I thought… He will misunderstand that he wants to unalive himself due to heartbreak..🤣🤣