After Marrying an Enemy General [Interstellar]Ch50 - The Force

Thank you soo much for your support everyone! My kofi decided it’d be a great idea not to send me any notifications and distract me, but I refuse to let it succeed! So huge shout out to VitaB, ArborealOctopus and Breeko for all your love and support! Last chapter some people said they aren’t really into public confessions, I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint all of you and make one right here! I love you all! :blobkissblush:

In the end, Zhou Mian was not abducted by Cecil and left halfway, saying that Xiaole couldn’t just not be accompanied by anyone. VTluc5

Cecil couldn’t say anything about this, so he had to let the person go.

And after sending Zhou Mian safely to the plant factory, Cecil turned around, his destination being the Federal Penitentiary.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Casper, who was waiting by the gate, saw Cecil and bowed slightly, “Inside.”

They were talking about Mo Qing, who had been arrested that day. HeUa K

In the battle that day, the federal army was extremely focused on the Dark Phoenix, except for the leading director who was protected and helped by Mo Qing to escape, the rest were all rounded up and caught. 

That day, when the pirates stirred up things, Mo Qing had also taken advantage of the chaos to escape. Fortunately, he did not manage to in the end.

Cecil went down to the underground depths of the Parliament, and came to a stop in front of the last cell of the prison, which was closed and concealed.

Mo Qing was originally one of his most effective secretaries, indifferent and elegant, capable and excellent.


But now this former elite person was transferred to the interrogation room, sitting in a corner chair, his hair a little disheveled, his face pale.

That day having failed to carry out his mission, Mo Qing still carried an air of failure.

Cecil stood in front of the glass, frowning slightly as he looked inside, not feeling good.

The secretaries around him have been cultivated by him for many years, and their feelings are naturally deep. NEOYey

When Mo Qing saw Cecil, he looked up and smiled slightly.

Cecil was stunned.

“You came.” Mo Qing lowered his eyes and said, “Do you want to ask me something?”

He deliberately kept silent during the previous interrogations, just to wait for Cecil to come and question him personally. wjtE7p

Cecil frowned, “You wanted to see me? Why?”

Mo Qing smiled and said, “I missed you, and I want to take one last look at you before I die.”

Cecil raised an eyebrow.

Mo Qing said, “After so many years of getting along… I wanted to personally say goodbye to you.” O9ht2u

“Since you’ve seen me, I hope you cooperate well during the interrogation.” Cecil turned around to leave.


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Mo Qing got up and stood at the glass panel of the interrogation  room and said, “I have another secret to tell you. I won’t say this during the interrogation.”

Cecil turned around, feeling that it was not a good thing. DCLdtE

“This is … The director’s little secret.” Mo Qing said in a low voice: “Admiral Zhou was transformed from a young age, his physique is special, and he is almost invincible, you know this.”

‘So it involved Zhou Mian’, Cecil’s heart sank, but there was nothing on his face, he just said lightly: “I know.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Vb cb wjaafg ktja qblrbc bg vgeu , cbatlcu mjc atgfjafc Cvwlgji Itbe, sfa atfgf lr bcf fzmfqalbc… Cvwlgji, vb sbe xcbk jybea qjgjrlafr?”

Jfmli mifcmtfv tlr tjcvr lcab olrar rilutais. EQiY0G

Zb Hlcu rjlv, “Ktf Gjgx Utbfclz tjr kbgxfv tjgv, jcv la kjr nfgs vloolmeia ab yglcu Cvwlgji Itbe yjmx, rb cjaegjiis atfs wera ajxf qgfmjealbcr. ‘Dief Qlcur’ lr j rwjii yeu klat ragbcu regnlnji jylilas, atf vlgfmabg lwqijcafv la lcab Cvwlgji Itbe’r ybvs, jcv la mjccba yf ajxfc bea bg xliifv. Rbk Cvwlgji Itbe lr olcf, yfmjerf atlr yeu tjr cba sfa ugbkc, yea ktfc atf kbgw ugbkr jcv rqgfjvr lar nfcbw, Cvwlgji Itbe klii yf qblrbcfv.”

“This poison will slowly weaken the human organs and nervous system, so General Zhou’s physique no matter how special it is, this bug will integrate into the body and treat itself as a part of the body…”


Mo Qing only felt that his eyes flickered, and then an intense pain in his neck. J2EXYS

Through the small opening on the glass panel, Cecil put his hand in and grabbed Mo Qing’s neck, directly lifting the person up.

“Antidote.” Cecil’s eyes were dark, and he said with a smile: “If you want to die, say it quickly.”

“I… cough…” Mo Qing’s face turned red, and his legs subconsciously kept pedaling in the air.

Cecil relaxed his hold slightly, and Mo Qing said with difficulty: “I really… I don’t know…… Only the director … cough…” dAqUIt

Cecil let go.

Mo Qing half-knelt by the glass, coughing and sneering: “If I had the heart to hide it, then I wouldn’t say it at the beginning.”

Cecil took a deep look at Mo Qing, and then left.

Mo Qing looked at the man’s departing back and sighed. H3O9Qt

He spoke about Blue Wings, only to pay off Cecil’s care for so many years.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

And after Cecil left the prison, he rushed to the Department of Biological Research.

“The admiral came to me in such a hurry, what happened?” hsPDWv

The head of the scientific research department and the research director is an octogenarian man with a gray beard and hair, sitting on a chair in the office at this moment, holding up the frame of his glasses and smiling at Cecil: “It’s really rare for the admiral to visit me when he’s always running off to the plant research factory.”

Cecil sat down at his desk, took a deep breath and said, “Director, do you know about ‘Blue Wings’?”


The director thought for a while and then excitedly slapped his desk saying: ” I remembered it, Admiral, do you know the Bihu Dynasty?” EWfrGQ

Cecil nodded.

Since entering the new era, there have been many dynasties, empires, and federations noted down in the records of the interstellar era. Some have successfully stood till the present time, while others have fallen or disappeared.

When the new era first began, the interstellar world was very, very chaotic, and there were wars everywhere, in all countries.

If Cecil was not mistaken, this Bihu Dynasty was located next to the Bihu on the present-day federal frontier when it hadn’t yet disappeared, but because it lost too many people in the war, and the rest of the people were also infected, they died out completely. b8RN7l

The director said, “The remaining people of this Bihu Dynasty were infected with the virus brought by Blue Wings.”

Cecil was stunned.

The director continued: “Blue wings are extremely strong insects, they will look for a strong host in order to absorb nutrients from them, and when the host is sucked dry and dies, the Blue Wings that has become stronger, will move on to find the next host. They originated in Bihu, so the first to bear the brunt of it was the Bihu people. However, after the death of the Bihu dynasty, the neighboring countries sensed the horror of this creature and led their men to annihilate the blue wings, and the Bihu Lake was also blown up. Admiral need not worry, this bug does not exist anymore.”

Cecil’s heart was desolate. pMuC B

He didn’t know how the Dark Phoenix got hold of this bug, but there was no doubt that this bug was now inhabiting the body of Zhou Mian.

Cecil’s palms broke out in cold sweat.

“Director, what I want to ask is.” Cecil took a deep breath again and suppressed the emotions in his heart: “If someone is inhabited by this bug, how to solve it? Is there any antidote or a way to force the bug out of the body?”

“This…” O9eHJg

The director said bitterly: “It is impossible to force it out, unless the host dies, this bug will not come out, it is very smart. And this bug is tenacious, even if you manage to kill it through drugs, it will probably harm the host to death too.”

Cecil’s voice couldn’t help but rise: “Isn’t that just waiting for death?” There is no way?

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The director looked at Cecil’s appearance, guessing that someone was inhabited by this bug, and he couldn’t help but marvel in his heart, he didn’t expect that there were blue wings that survived to this era.

“Maybe…” the director frowned, “The admiral can go to Bihu to look for clues, or look for the descendants of the Bihu people.” cRuC86

Cecil said, “Okay, then I will right now give orders to the Federal Ministry of Biological Research in the name of the Federal Admiral.”

“Yes!” The director immediately stood up.

Cecil said, “Go all out to find the antidote to Blue Wings!”

“Yes!” ltmKSI

After Cecil left the Department of Scientific Research, he asked Casper to lead the twelve armies to track down the whereabouts of the leader of the Dark Phoenix. Their last records showed that the old man named Colomby managed to escape that day, Cecil guessed that he might seek the protection of the pirates, but in any case, the most important thing now was to find him.

Cecil did not believe that this Blue wings had no antidote, after all, Zhou Mian was a useful and precious experiment for him, and Colomby would not be willing to let him die.

Cecil guessed that if he wanted to get Zhou Mian, Colomby would definitely use this as a blackmail and ask Cecil to return Zhou Mian.

He knew that he had to take the lead first, and could not get swayed by Colomby afterwards. eEWSAn

Cecil swore that he would never let Dark Phoenix hurt Zhou Mian again.

And at this moment, Cecil suddenly wanted to see Zhou Mian.

Very, very much wanted to see him.

…… nA1P9J


Zhou Mian was resting in his office, eating fresh fruits while reading his documents, when he received a call from Cecil.

“Mianmian, I want to see you.”

Cecil’s voice was hoarse and low, with a man’s magnetic charm. uL1F9c

Zhou Mian was stunned.

Cecil said, “Let me meet you.” Zhou Mian’s heartbeat suddenly became faster.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com


Cecil spoke softly with a smile in his voice: “I’ll come over right now, half an hour, I’ll take you out to eat something delicious.” Qyv7qt


Zhou Mian quickly finished eating the fruit, ready to go to the basement to take one last look, and then locked his office at the plant factory and prepared to go out.

Now that there is a row of Hong Luo Luo in the basement, Zhou Mian marveled in his heart, really does not need to be taken care of, this Hong Luo Luo can very well grow on its own.

Zhou Mian needed the root of Hong Luoluo to make Gu Xingzhi’s medicine, and there may be more people who needed it in the future, but Zhou Mian can’t pick it openly, so he can only quietly raise it in this place where the sun or the world couldn’t see. T1QM9O

After Zhou Mian finished the examination, he left.


Zhou Mian locked the outside gate of the plant factory, turned around and was stunned.

A black aircraft came towards the plant factory. dulv12

“Admiral Zhou.”

After the aircraft landed, the leading man took the two policemen forward and bowed to Zhou Mian.

Zhou Mian frowned slightly.

The visitor is the captain of the federal anti-drug police force. 0tmW2j

The captain said: “The plant factory suffered a black Phoenix invasion and explosion before, and suffered heavy losses. The police and the army brought people together to build it.”

Zhou Mian nodded and said, “I have also heard about this, thank you very much.”

The captain continued: “But during the construction process, the detector on our body was inadvertently triggered.After we confirmed that the equipment was not damaged, and no source of drugs was found in the factory after the investigation. Therefore, today we asked for a close search of the plant factory. Today we came to discuss a search warrant with Admiral Zhou.”

Zhou Mian frowned slightly. 1lZsJL

After a pause, Zhou Mian said with a smile: “The plant factory is placed under the name of Prince Ellen and is under the supervision of Admiral Cecil. It is also a confidential project, so I’m sorry, I can’t let you in.”

If these people are really allowed in, the instrument will be able to detect what is in the basement, and it will be difficult to explain at that time.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Admiral Zhou, we are also performing official duties.”The captain bowed again, and said in a good tone: “Can you be please be a bit more accommodating?””

It’s not a trivial matter to detect drugs, moreover the person in front of him is the marriage partner of the federal admiral, and he is in charge of scientific research here that has always been a sensitive matter, so he can’t mess around. 7EZlQ4

“I’m sorry.” Zhou Mian said with a smile: “Since it’s this way, you can make a call to your director.”

Zhou Mian lowered his eyes and said, “Don’t say that I bullied you.”

Zhou Mian smiled profusely, but his momentum did not give in, his attitude invulnerable.

The captain frowned slightly; didn’t they say that Admiral Zhou was injured? A42dp1


The captain only felt an invisible pressure pressing on him.

“Yo?What are you guys doing?”

Turning around, the captain saw Cecil standing aside and looking at them with his lips curled. Jd9i76

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  1. Why doesn’t he just announce he’s raising the Hong Luo Luo in an effort to find a cure for the addiction? After all, you can’t study how to combat a drug if you don’t have a supply of the drug.

  2. Oh no! The bad things coming in pair :<

    Thank You for the new chapter (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) ♡

  3. Honestly, I feel kinda weird saying this but for some reason I don’t want ZM and Cecil to end up together? I mean, I do, but I feel like it’d be weird or something if they got together so soon. Kinda hoping for ZM to say something about Cecil liking him bc he was his childhood sweetheart. I know that Cecil still had budding feelings for ZM even when he didn’t know about him being xiao 07 but y’know… It’s just a bit weird to me. Might just be a me thing but if I had that happen to me I’d just be worrying over whether or not the interactions prior to him knowing meant anything to them. It’s similar to liking someone just because they’re your childhood sweetheart and not for who they are as a person right now? Idk. Maybe I’m just being a hater (anyways- hope that the blue wing situation is resolved soon)
    • I understand what you’re trying to get at, I hope you give the rest of the chapters a chance maybe this misunderstanding would get cleared up and they open their real hearts to each other!

    • I get you. It feels childish and insincere especially since the male lead is such a big narcissist. ML behavior is unsettling. He’s in love with the idea and not the person. Red flag. Honestly he’s very close to the line of extreme disgusting, scum gong.

  4. Oh no! That parasite is an evil thing to do by Dark Phoenix 😠

    Thanks for the chapter 💞