After Marrying an Enemy General [Interstellar]Ch45 - Eighteen Years of Love

“Ten, nine, eight…”

Cecil stood on the prow of the mothership, with his arms crossed and looking ahead. IH0wMK

The Dark Phoenix temporary base was on Star B5, and the Federation Army and the Pirates had already surrounded the barren star.

Casper drove his mecha in front of the battleship and turned on the mecha’s broadcast: “Warning! Asking Dark Phoenix to immediately return Zhou Mian, the partner of the Federation General.”

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” Warning! The Federation is about to open fire!”

“Four, three…” Cecil pursed his lips slightly. ECr9p7

“Two… One”!



“Boom! Rumble!” The Federation army and the pirate ships fired indiscriminately at the warships on the Barren Star.


Cecil jumped out of the deck, mounted his mech, and single-handedly approached the main battleship filled with chaos.

“First Army keep up!” Cecil was about to arrive at the enemy frontier and used the communication on the mech to keep in touch with the backup, and he himself bombarded the deck of the main battleship of the Dark Phoenix.

“There is an enemy invasion!”

“Alert! Alert! The guards left behind on the main battleship suddenly rushed up to stop Cecil, when they saw him jumping out of the mecha with a sword in hand, and directly slashing and killing a guard as he landed. Iub5my

Cecil brandished his long sword and rushed inside cutting down people like they were thin bamboo.

Defeating the people on the deck, Cecil went straight to the monitoring room to check the monitor, trying to find out Zhou Mian’s location.

“Yo, good skills.”

Cecil turned around guardedly, pointing a gun behind him. 5jP7n6

A red figure leaned lazily against the door, smiling at Cecil.

Cecil raised his eyebrows, “Hm…? I didn’t expect the famous Chi Ying to be so enthusiastic and help me save people.”

Chi Ying smiled silently.

Whether to save people or rob people, the two knew very well. DoeaNs


Cecil pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew out.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

At the same time, the figure of Chi Ying also rushed towards Cecil like an arrow shot out of a bow.

Chi Ying was extremely fast, dodging bullets sideways, holding his dagger and stabbing at Cecil’s weak points. 529b P

The two fought in a narrow monitoring room.

This is not the first time Cecil confronted Chi Ying, but this time is undoubtedly the most intense between the two.

The monitoring screen was all shattered by the two people, and the two could only fight hard in this restricted space.

“Bang!” sTzFZN

Chi Ying couldn’t resist Cecil in terms of strength after all. He was thrown down and pressed to the ground by Cecil, and when the two landed, a puff of dust was raised, and the floor even had a slight crack.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Jtl Tlcu’r yjmx wjvf j ybcf mgecmtlcu rbecv, yea Jfmli kjr cb yfaafg, jcv Jtl Tlcu kjr fnfc ojrafg, ralmxlcu atf vjuufg lc tlr tjcv lcab Jfmli’r jgw jr tf ofii. Ktf qbkfgoei alq bo atf xclof wjvf j afjglcu rbecv ktfc la qlfgmfv atf oifrt.

Ktf akb vlv cba mtjcuf atflg ojmfr, cbg vlv atfs mjgf jybea atf lcpeglfr bc atflg ybvlfr, yea klat yibbvrtba fsfr aglfv ab qea fjmt batfg ab vfjat, jcv atflg ragfcuat xfqa lcmgfjrlcu ecjyjafv.

Cecil had a chokehold on Chi Ying’s neck, and Chi Ying held the dagger and pressed it with all his strength into the other’s shoulder. bjCGtf

“Strange, thing…” Chi Ying’s face was turning purple, as he grinned, “Strange… things…”

“Both of you…”

Cecil breathed heavily.

It was Cecil who had the upper hand, and he kept increasing his strength. RTktKu

Finally, Chi Ying fainted.

Cecil exhaled a turbid breath and also fell down.

“Hah… Ha…” Cecil tore off a piece of cloth from his uniform as he controlled his breath to turn back to normal  and casually bandaged his wound.

Boom – RrFW7X

Cecil had not yet finished tying the last knot, but saw a fire appear in front of him.


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Cecil immediately rolled and hid behind the table, successfully avoiding the pirates’ fire outside.

Gee…… Chi Ying’s backup came. FAcqzw

Now that it was important to save a person, Cecil didn’t bother to entangle with the pirates, so he let Chi Ying’s men jump out of the window with their boss in front of him.

The pirates were supposed to give chase, but then the First Army and the Federation Army also attacked the main battleship one after another and stopped them.

The three parties were fighting on the battleship, and the fire was all over the sky.

——— XXX ——— 2Xd8Y6

With a bombardment from outside, the entire laboratory shook.

The laboratory is right in the center of the main battleship of the Dark Phoenix, and if even the laboratory was getting affected, one could imagine how intense it was outside.

“What’s going on?!” The old man frowned and said slowly, “What happened?”

“I don’t know…” a assistant said, “I’ll take a look!” c3rYhq

However, before the man stepped out of the door of the laboratory, he heard “Click!” With a sound, the surroundings fell into darkness.

The lights went out and all the instruments stopped operating for a moment.


Several researchers subconsciously stood by the bed where Zhou Mian was lying, worried that someone would snatch away the experimental specimen they had worked so hard to get back. fMbUHl

“You go!” The old man pushed the person beside him: “Let them install the backup electricity!” This instrument… Stopped!


In the dark, when nothing can be seen, everyone will inevitably panic.

“Click!” i 2e8y

Several people turned towards the sound, and they had a chilling feeling on their backs, a female researcher directly even screamed.

In the darkness, they saw a long-haired figure sitting on the side, looking at them faintly.

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“Don’t panic! Don’t panic!”

“That’s Experiment Zero Seven! He woke up! Still stunned? Quickly press him down!” bfarWC

After the power supply was cut off, the mechanical cords that bound Zhou Mian also lost strength, and Zhou Mian struggled and sat up.

At this moment, Zhou Mian was no longer half conscious, his face was expressionless and cold, and his eyes were fierce and full of killing intent.

In the dark, looking like a demon climbing up from hell.

“Quickly press him down and tie him up!” aHz6J0

Several researchers swooped forward to hold the person down.


But soon they saw that Zhou Mian reached out and choked the neck of one of the researchers, and directly lifted the person up.

The researcher’s face turned red and purple, and his eyes rolled back, and he kicked his legs. bt9kAB

“Save… me!”

The researcher stared at Zhou Mian terrified and saw that Zhou Mian did not have half an expression on his face at the moment, and at first glance it seemed that he didn’t have a soul, making people shudder.

The rest of the researchers stepped forward and wanted to make a move, Zhou Mian threw away the man in his hand with a cold face, got out of bed and snatched the medical knife of one of the researchers, strode forward like the God of Hell, and pierced the heart of the researchers one by one with it.

Zhou Mian’s hands were covered with blood, and his cheeks were stained red. With Zhou Mian’s movements, his long silver-blue hair also fluttered and flew with the movement. zdCQ L

“This, this…”

“It’s over…! He was driven crazy!”


The researchers, including the old man, scattered like crazy, and Zhou Mian chased after them one by one, stabbing them to death. neyPiX

“Make the call … Call!! Level 1 situation, request rescue!!” The old man crawled forward in an embarrassed posture, trembling all over, holding the walkie-talkie and shouting hoarsely: “Come on!!” Help me!”

“Knock, knock…”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhou Mian’s footsteps approached slowly, unhurriedly.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” The old man tried to get up from the ground, but his legs were so soft that he couldn’t move. tpmg d

Zhou Mian stopped beside the old man and raised his knife.



“Hmph…”The guards outside the door arrived in time and shot Zhou Mian down with a numbing shot. AIsOT6

Zhou Mian was hit by four anesthetics on his back, frowned slightly, and slowly knelt down holding the knife.

After the old man survived, tears immediately burst out.

The two guards lifted the old man up and left, while the rest held their guns and circled around Zhou Mian as the center.

Zhou Mian was half-kneeling on the ground, squinting and shaking his head, wanting to kick the feeling of dizziness out of his mind. t3qVpE

Those guards were horrified when they saw that the anesthetics could not immediately put him down.

Seeing that Zhou Mian was about to stand up, the leader immediately said: “Prepare to fire again!”

“Bang bang bang ————”

Zhou Mian looked around stunned. sadonu

Unexpectedly, he didn’t have to wait for the guards to fire, not only that, but they suddenly all fell to the ground.

Zhou Mian turned around with some doubt, and saw the tall man standing on the side, panting and looking at him.

Behind him were rows of Union troops with guns, presumably they had put down the guards.

“Amian…” 1IwblD

Cecil’s voice was hoarse.

At this moment, Zhou Mian was covered in blood, his expression was confused and defensive, and he knelt on the side and looked at him stunned.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


Cecil rushed forward and couldn’t help but hug Zhou Mian and rubbed Zhou Mian into his arms fiercely. u5Mqlx

After hugging him, Cecil found that Zhou Mian was trembling all over, not trembling with fear, but the physiological reaction of the body, because of the uncontrolled spasms under the stimulation of the strong drugs and the instrument.

Seeing this Cecil’s heart hurt so much it felt like it was carved open and had blood dripping out.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

Cecil held Zhou Mian’s hand tightly, which was cold at the moment. S WRPq

Zhou Mian looked at Cecil stunned.

Cecil’s strong arm wrapped around Zhou Mian and wrapped his whole body in his arms. Zhou Mian’s head leaned against Cecil’s chest, and the tip of his nose was full of this man’s breath, as if he was protected under his wings. Zhou Mian frowned slightly, as if trying to distinguish things.

“Amian don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid… I’m here.”

Cecil kept kissing Zhou Mian’s forehead and said softly: “Don’t be afraid, I’m here.” jY5VW0

“I’m Cecil, your…”

Cecil saw the band wrapped around Zhou Mian’s wrist that had Dark phoenix’s insignia, which they would put around each test specimen to check their physical conditions.

It says – number 07, ephemeris 311.

Cecil’s eyes were filled with unshed tears. 06flVm

In fact, on the way here, Cecil already had a guess in his heart, and he could think of Zhou Mian’s identity a little, but he didn’t dare to make a conclusion, for fear that his emotions would make him unable to think and lead normally.

And now the word number 07 is like the last straw that crushed the camel, making Cecil completely explode and his emotions were out of control.

“Ah Mian…” Cecil gently rubbed the back of Zhou Mian’s head and said in a dumb voice: “I am Cecil, your elder brother when you were young, and your husband when you grew up.”

“I’m also  … Someone who has loved you for eighteen years.” aqVg 2

Outside the pirates who had retreated initially, started chasing after him again, the First army resisted against them , surrounded by gunfire and cannon fire, but Cecil just hugged his little seven, uncaring of the battles happening.

In the firelight, they hugged each other tightly.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

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  1. I really wanted Zhou Mian to kill that old bastard. Guess I’ll just have to wait for Cecil to hunt him down and do the job.