Always Ending Up as an Animal CubChapter 22

From the emotions conveyed through the “Heart-to-Heart” prop, it was clear that Yun Mingchen harbored ill intentions for his parents. 

Yu Tong poked his head out and showed his claws, getting ready to use Cat Pounce, but Yun Mingchen suddenly raised a hand to press him to his chest with one finger. 5u2IhU

Yu Tong, amongst the feelings of confusion overload, considered two possibilities. 

One, with so many people around, Yun Mingchen might believe it’s not the right time yet and is waiting for a suitable opportunity to strike. 

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Two, Yun Mingchen, having been influenced by PUA for so long, lacked the courage to resist his parents and planned to continue enduring the situation. 

After all, not everyone is adept at handling family conflicts or capable of confronting their own parents. ANFGZt

Yu Tong was unsure of what the antagonist was thinking and started to panic. The system was even more anxious; it was jittery since Yun Mingchen grasped his sword handle.

【What do we do? Even though these two old folks are infuriating, they’re still his parents. If the antagonist really harms them, it would violate both legal laws and societal norms. He’d be breaking the law and defying public morality!】

Seeing the system so tense, Yu Tong curiously asked, ‘What would be the consequences if he violated the rules? Would the mission fail?’

【No, that won’t happen. He’d be judged by the main system as an extremely wicked and irredeemable supervillain. His Character Deviation Value would go into the negatives, and at that point, he’d become a blackened antagonist, causing the mission difficulty to skyrocket.】


The elite system, who didn’t have the best memory, explained while flipping through the mission files. 【Additionally, he’d face some penalties, like getting sick or disabled. Most importantly, if the Character Deviation Value dropped into the negative due to our mistakes, I’d lose out on my bonuses.】

‘But if Yun Mingchen intended to kill bad people, wouldn’t that still be considered a violation?’ asks Yu Tong.

【Of course, one can’t bypass the law in the name of justice, unless one has a special profession where killing is permissible in certain situations. Otherwise, chaos would ensue in this world.】

‘Would it?’ SzRdBr

【It would. You don’t know, but before this world was upgraded to a higher plane, such incidents occurred. There was a period when the government introduced something called “New Entertainment Penalties” and “Moral Penalties”, which caused quite a mess and resulted in the destruction of many people.】

Yu Tong didn’t entirely agree with the system’s point of view. 

Law enforcement wasn’t always timely, and the law wasn’t an all-knowing entity; it can’t hear the cries of a helpless puppy. If Yu Tong had waited for the law to rescue him, he’d have been dead long ago. Just like those puppies in the yard, gutted by his parents.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The sorrows and joys of humans and systems didn’t align; the system wasn’t overly concerned about whether the antagonist ends up disabled, and Yu Tong didn’t care much if the system loses bonuses. JrT1gf

Ccskjs, la’r cba ilxf tf’r ibrlcu tlr bkc wbcfs.

Lf’r pera kbgglfv atja vlrjylilas wluta wjxf atf jcajubclra fnfc wbgf gjvlmji, ktlmt kbeiv yf vfaglwfcaji. 

Ktfgf’r atf “Lfjga-ab-Lfjga” qgbq jmalcu yfakffc Te Kbcu jcv atf jcajubclra, rb atflg fwbalbcji oiemaejalbcr joofma fjmt batfg rilutais. Qtfc Tec Zlcumtfc kjr jczlber jcv ecfjrs, Te Kbcu jirb ofia ecmbwobgajyif. Ccv ktfc atf jcajubclra’r afcrf fwbalbcr fjrfv eq rilutais, Te Kbcu ofia j yla gfilfnfv.

Now, Yu Tong wasn’t solely focused on how to deal with the Yun family. As Yun Mingchen’s murderous intent gradually subsided, he became more calm and sank into contemplation. LHenC1

The two of them quieted down, but the other two across from them didn’t.

Seeing Yun Mingchen grab his sword handle, Master Yun suddenly sneered.

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He grabbed Yun Mingchen’s wrist and asked with a cold tone, “What are you drawing your sword for? Are you planning to kill us to avenge your good friend?”

Yun Mingchen reflexively withdrew his hand. His eyes reddened with fear and he tightly pressed his lips together, afraid to speak. yW8ieL

Everyone present saw him as a pushover.

Only Yu Tong knew he’s brewing trouble. 

He breathed a sigh of relief. 

It seems the antagonist truly intended to get rid of these two troublemakers; he’s just waiting for the right opportunity.  HDBMGL

The more Yun Mingchen displayed weakness and anxiety, the more ferocious Master Yun’s expression became. 

The way Old Master Yun looked at Yun Mingchen wasn’t like a father looking at his son; it was more like he’s looking at livestock, giving Yu Tong a strong sense of déjà vu. 

He stared at Old Master Yun for a while before a flash of insight suddenly hit him. 

Every time nearing the Chinese New Year, his parents would look at the pigs in the pigsty with the same expression.  HtjpKy

They would feed the pigs extremely well everyday to make them fat, and they would also spend a lot of money on their healthcare.

Just like how Yun Mingchen’s parents treated him. 

Yu Tong was stunned while his tail bristled instantly. 

Yun Mingchen’s parents had been using his health issues since birth to manipulate and PUA him. YNO59D

If it was just to reach the Wen family’s level, they didn’t need to torment little Mingchen from an early age just to do that.

His earlier speculation was correct; Yun Mingchen’s birth was part of the Yun family’s plan. In their eyes, he wasn’t their child but a meticulously groomed tool. 

Yu Tong even suspected that Yun Mingchen’s frail health is also their doing. 

No, even if it meant risking the antagonist becoming disabled, these two individuals cannot be allowed to stay. QAOrRc

As Yu Tong pondered, Yun Mingchen and Master Yun started arguing again. Master Yun took a ruler and beated Yun Mingchen dozens of times, while Lady Yun softly consoled her husband. 

Then, they forcefully dragged Yun Mingchen out of the room.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The busy servants and guards in the mansion seemed accustomed to this scene. They continued with their tasks, but when they glanced at Yun Mingchen, there was a hint of sympathy in their eyes.

The system watched for a while and also felt sorry for the antagonist.  dbYtIg

It requests a day off with Yu Tong, planning to go to the commercial street to find some practical props to help the antagonist. To avoid appearing too indifferent, Yu Tong pretended to shed a drop or two of sympathetic tears.

Master Yun led Yun Mingchen out through the back door and into the meticulously maintained garden, heading deeper inside.

Eventually, they arrived at a secluded, untended forest. Yun Mingchen seemed to harbor a shadow of this place, as his fear went deep beyond the surface. The intense anxiety and oppression overwhelmed Yu Tong through the prop. His body bristled, and he started to uncontrollably tremble.

For some reason, even though the system installed the “Human x Separation” prop, Yu Tong couldn’t help but raise his head and gently rub the antagonist’s palm. At this moment, he suddenly felt like Yun Mingchen’s hand was big and warm. No wonder cats liked being petted on the head; he liked it too. m7K6is


Upon reaching the destination in the woods, Yu Tong finally understood why the antagonist’s reaction was so intense. In the depths of the forest, there was a clearing with six tombstones. The closest tombstone to Yu Tong beared a small inscription:

[Mingchen’s secret little friend, 8 years old, crushed to death by a big truck]

Below it was a black and white photo of the deceased — a round-faced young boy with a bright smile directed at the camera. On the adjacent tombstone, the same inscription is written, but with the photo of another boy. e7PE3l

Yu Tong stared at the tombstones before him, unable to utter a word. 

[The disabled puppy Mingchen rescued, 6 months old, scalded to death after falling into boiling water]

[The Meditation Stage policeman Mingchen sought help from, 29 years old, died from going berserk]

[The psychiatrist Mingchen sought privately, 67 years old, died in a fire] sZ09mo

[The teacher who wanted to understand Mingchen’s family situation, 22 years old, committed suicide by jumping off a building]

The system, which had been silent until now, couldn’t help but exclaim, 【Damn, this is brutal. Looking at this, the Yun family’s influential power was really something.】

Since entering the forest, Yun Mingchen had been gasping for air. The system was worried that the antagonist might faint, so it wanted the host to knead at the situation to help relieve the antagonist’s stress. But just as it was about to speak, it saw Yu Tong trembling just as violently, shaking even more than Yun Mingchen.

The system was startled. 【Little Yu, are you okay? Why did you activate vibration mode? Don’t scare me, what’s wrong with you!?】  2EVwUC

Even 8102’s dark humor couldn’t lighten the mood.

With the assurance that there was no surveillance or additional Yun family henchmen in the forest, Yu Tong, seemingly triggered, meowed and jumped out of Yun Mingchen’s clothes. He pounced ontoMaster Yun’s face and fiercely bit into his eye.

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The skill Cat Pounce was a 100% hit-rate teleportation skill. Master Yun was caught off guard and had his eye directly bitten off.

He roared in anger, grabbing the cat’s tail and smashing it to the ground. But before hitting the ground, Yu Tong used his skill again. His body paused mysteriously in mid-air for a moment, then whooshed sideways towards Lady Yun. tPvio1

Although Lady Yun was prepared, she couldn’t evade the skill that was a guaranteed hit.

Yu Tong clung onto Lady Yun’s face, turned his head, and meowed at the frozen Yun Mingchen.

“You coward! Stop standing there like an idiot, quickly help me take them down! Take down these two bastards! Take them down, take them down!”

Yun Mingchen: ! fr8L4b

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  1. Thanks for the chapter 😀

    Yea Yun Mingchen is you can’t stand ’em beat ’em. It always works😤😤😤